Supreme Lord

Chapter 127 Four Realms Super Emperor? (Subscribe)

At the same time, Lin Rui was lying in the Shenmian sleeping cabin, looking through the budget sheet sent by Sima Lin.

Lin Rui's face turned a little dark.

Gu Ying Tian Dao (Lin Rui): Professor, why does it add up to more than 30 million? Why does Lin Xi's alien body cost so much?

Miracle doctor Sima (Sima Lin): Don’t forget that your allogeneic body cost more than 5 million, not including the government reimbursement.

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Miracle Doctor Sima (Sima Lin): Her situation is a little bit troublesome. You will understand the specific situation when you read my master's course. Don't worry, for Xiaoxi's sake I won't cheat you. Of course, if you really If you can't afford the money, forget it, but if you decide to do it for her, it's best to do it as soon as possible, and don't regret it later.

Sima Lin in the laboratory looked disdainful. How much money could be spent on making a mutant body for the ‘Goddess of Despair’?

Those dragon essences alone are difficult to deal with.

The quotation of more than 30 million yuan was already the result of his repeated reductions. Sima Lin planned to put all the electricity bills and nutrient solutions into several of his other scientific research projects. As for the usage fees of various top-level instruments, they were not included. .

Lin Rui said "" after seeing the message, and became increasingly suspicious that Sima Lin and Lin Xi were hiding something from him.

He thought about it carefully and then sent a message to Lin Xi.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): You should start preparing now and learn some knowledge about Tianjixing. It may take up to a month before I will make a variant for you.

Lin Rui felt a little pressure to earn 30 million yuan in one month.

However, he always regarded Lin Xi as his responsibility. The existence of his sister was like an anchor, allowing his ship to stay on the sea surface and not be blown off the channel by the wild waves between heaven and earth.

Lin Rui hopes that the demons in 'Wangcheng County' can be as powerful as those in 'Yinyue County'.

But when he thought that the more monsters there were in a place, the more difficult the situation for the people at the bottom would be, Lin Rui felt that this idea was vicious.

After thinking for a long time, he could only think of a slightly feasible method, which was to look at the gentry in the city and county.

Qian Nian at the end of summer (Lin Xi): One month? Brother, can we get that much money? I asked Professor Sima before, and he said that it might cost a lot of money for me to configure the allogeneic system. He couldn't disclose the specific number, only that it might cost tens of millions.

Xia Mo Qian Nian (Lin Xi): I asked Brother Sen, you made a lot of money last time, but that was a special case.

Brother Sen said that you have put in a lot of effort. You have only been here for a month, and now you have finally established a firm foothold. Don't ruin the good situation because of me.

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): No matter what, you must learn some geography and history of Tianjixing this month. In terms of language, just learn the dialects near Wangcheng County. It’s best if you can recognize a few words. It’s okay if you can’t.

Lin Rui thought that it would be nice for his sister to be illiterate like him.

After he replied to the message, he turned to Wang Xiaofang next to him and said: "Sister Wang, help me descend into the alien body now!

Wang Xiaofang nodded: "The alien quantum chip has been connected and has begun to arrive!"

Lin Rui was in a daze for a moment, and found that his perspective had changed. He had arrived at the alien body of Tianji Star.

He was riding an iron-scaled horse, walking leisurely on an official road.

In front of her was Ji Xueying. She felt something in her heart and turned around to look back: "Your Majesty!"

Lin Rui looked around with a confused expression: "Did something happen on the road?"

As soon as he arrived, he received a red alarm from the intelligent biological chip, reminding him that there had been a fight with alien bodies not long ago.

Lin Rui checked the videos of his journey and found that they were killed by a group of demons and demon cultivators while walking at night yesterday.

Among them, seven of them are in the second realm and two are in the third realm. They are probably the fish that slipped through the net under Zhu Lingshi's control, or they may be the magical changes caused by the irradiation of Ziyao Yuanjing.

The intelligent biological chip did not sense the danger to his life and chose to handle it on his own without notifying his body.

"It's just a group of monsters with low combat power, nothing more."

Ji Xueying said calmly: "I saw that the master seemed to have a special hatred for the demon cultivators, so I cut off their hands and feet and asked the master to kill them personally.

Lin Rui had already watched the end of the video, and his face turned dark.

Indeed, just as Ji Xueying said, Blood Knife Ji cut off all the hands and feet of these monsters and lined them up next to the official road for "Lin Rui" to kill them with his own hands.

Lin Ruidao's persistence in harvesting the lives of demons was clearly felt by Ji Xueying?

It's a pity that the killing performed by the intelligent biological chip cannot bring any soul power points.

Lin Rui shook his head: "There is no need to do this in the future. When encountering this kind of situation, put our safety as the first priority and just clear out the enemy as soon as possible."

But with Blood Knife Lady following and protecting me, I feel so safe.

Lin Rui's intelligent biological chip can also have a certain degree of combat effectiveness, and can also learn Lin Rui's fighting habits independently. However, no matter how well he debugs the combat AI of the biological chip in the future, his combat effectiveness will not be as good as that of the main body, which can reach 2/ If the level is 3, you have to burn high incense.

It's not that the Earth Federation can't produce better biochips, but if the biochips are too smart, it will lead to unpredictable changes.

Before coming to Tianji Star, the Federation had experienced an omnic rebellion, which affected several colonial planets.

Although this rebellion was quickly suppressed, it had a far-reaching impact. From then on, the Federation had strict restrictions and requirements on various AIs.

"Thankfully I have had your protection along the way." Lin Rui said with great emotion: "Otherwise our spiritual thoughts would not have dared to leave for so long."

The corners of Ji Xueying's lips couldn't help but rise slightly.

She was slightly disappointed, thinking that she could help Lin Rui and be appreciated by her master.

At this time, after listening to Lin Rui's words, his mood improved again.

At this time, Wang Sen's consciousness also came to the alien body. He couldn't wait to ask: "Have we arrived?"

"Almost there!" Lin Ruifang looked forward and saw the outline of a city under the early morning sunlight.

Wangcheng County is located at a strategic location, guarding the north of Shazhou City, so the walls of this city were built at the beginning of the Song Dynasty.

It was built with iron and solid stone according to the fortress standards of the Song Dynasty. The city is 12 feet high and has a circumference of more than 40 miles. It has remained as solid as a rock after more than 6,000 years.

Lin Rui also saw that there was a large residential area on the north side of the city wall, which also stretched for several miles, all the way to the bank of the Tianxiang River.

You can vaguely see a large pier over there, with thousands of sails on it.

That should be "Jinggang", which is not only the largest wharf on the Tianxiang River, but also the largest rice market in Shazhou.

The largest salt market, the largest ceramic market, and a large number of merchants of medicinal materials and tea leaves, it can be said that there are many merchants gathered here.

It is the most prosperous market town in the territory.

This also shows that Wangcheng County holds a lot of wealth in Shazhou. Zhuang Mingyue and her senior brother actually asked him to take over Wangchengdu. This is simply pie in the sky.

Lin Rui looked at the prosperous scene ahead, and the happiness in his heart was like a mouse falling into a rice vat.

The two demons both sped up and arrived at the north gate of Wangcheng.

It can be seen that the side entrances on both sides are blocked by people and various vehicles, but the middle door is closed.

After the two arrived here, they were not in a hurry to enter the city. Instead, they went to the notice in front of the city gate to see various announcements from the city and county.

Lin Rui only glanced briefly, then his eyes lit up.

He turned his head and looked at Wang Sen, and both of them saw a hint of surprise on the other's face.

There are actually more than 500 wanted notices for demons hanging here!

And the reward is higher than that in Silver Moon County!

Wangcheng County has a lot to do!

"Let's go!"

Lin Rui rode towards the middle gate: "Let's go to Wangchengdu Yamen first to check the situation. It seems that the location is behind the North City Gate, and then we can find a way to find that store and get our goods."'

The store he was talking about was, of course, the outlet of the Alien Body Management Bureau. The few strengthening potions and goods they bought were now sent to Watch City.

As the two gradually approached the city gate, many county soldiers stationed here smiled and looked surprised.

"Isn't this Lin Dutou? What business does Dutou come to the county for?"

"Fart! What a headhunter! Your Excellency is now the Commander-in-Chief of Wude in the Imperial City.'"

"Lord Captain, you are constantly getting promoted and making money, so you don't show any signs of it? We used to help you patrol the streets, but it was always troublesome."

"Hurry up and open the middle gate. Captain Lin is here to treat us to drinks and meat."

Most of these county soldiers went to Yinyue County not long ago to help the county magistrate suppress the situation in Yinyue County, so they all recognized Lin Rui.

Lin Rui couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

He was greeting these county soldiers and promised to invite the brothers to drink at the flowing water banquet, when he saw a man in his forties.

A tall middle-aged man wearing an eighth-grade official robe walked out of the city gate.

"Why did you open the gate in the city without permission?"

The man first glanced at the surrounding county soldiers with a stern expression, and then looked up and down at Lin Rui and Wang Sen: "Who are you, and you actually carry demons with you?"

The county soldiers all frowned and bowed to this man with a casual expression.

One of the team members, who was half-deaf, raised his eyes and said in a clear voice: "Inspector Zhang! This Lord Lin is the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial City Si Wude. We will open the central gate to welcome him. There is nothing out of line with the rules."

When he mentioned the ‘Imperial City Division’, he deliberately strengthened his tone.

In front of the people from the Imperial City Division, this mere eighth-grade inspection was nothing.

Although there is only one word difference between inspections and inspection envoys from the Imperial City Department, they have great authority. They are usually set up in key places such as towns, cities and passes. They are dedicated to arresting and interrogating, inspecting illegal salt merchants and taxes, etc. They can be compared with those from the Imperial City Department. Comparing them is like a chicken and a phoenix.

"Imperial City Secretary?"

The inspection man's eyes narrowed, and then he raised his hand towards Lin Rui: "Please check your identity!"

Lin Rui didn't think much and threw away the badge hanging on his waist.

Inspector Zhang took Lin Rui's waistband to identify it, with a flash of disapproval and jealousy in his eyes.

The guy in front of me seems to be just over 18 years old, and he is actually a seventh-grade martial virtue captain of the Imperial City Division.

Judging from this person's cultivation, it seems that he has not yet entered the Fourth Realm?

It's really interesting. I don't know what happened to the Song Dynasty. A young boy could become the captain of the Imperial City.

"You guys wait here!"

Inspector Zhang had no expression on his face and put his badge into his sleeve: "Recently, many monsters and monsters have been mixed into our county, which has made the city uneasy and thieves have sprung up. I have been ordered by the county governor to guard this gate. I don't dare to be careless. You are like this." I have to go to the government office to check the waist badge."

When Lin Rui saw this, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

This old thief clearly deceived him into believing that he was weak and young! If he allowed this old thief to take away his belt, he, the defender of Wangcheng City, would no longer have to be a thief.

In less than a day, the entire Wangcheng will know that the new Wangcheng defense envoy is a softie.

"Presumptuous!" Lin Rui said expressionlessly, "Get it for me!"

When Inspector Zhang heard the word "take", he couldn't help but feel nervous.

What does this guy want to do?

He immediately saw a red shadow flash in front of him and punched him in the chest and abdomen.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't react, and the ferocious punch hit him in the chest and abdomen, and even scattered all his true energy. Then his vision went dark and he fainted.

When the team next to him saw this, he was slightly startled: "Captain Lin, what are you doing?"

"It has nothing to do with you," Lin Rui turned to look at him with a smile: "This person prevented me from entering the city and taking over Wangchengdu.

It's quite suspicious. He may be involved in the Wangchengdu murder case not long ago. I want to take him back to Wangchengdu Yamen for detailed questioning.

But before he finished speaking, a roar came from the city: "Who is the demon making trouble at the city gate? Be brave!

Following the shout, a figure came across the sky from a distance.

This person was wearing a blue official robe. He was relatively thin, only about 2.2 meters tall, but his aura was amazing.

He fell from the sky like a meteor falling to the ground.

Ji Xueying, who had captured Inspector Zhang at this time, narrowed her eyes, and then a huge and majestic sword intent erupted at its limit, hitting the cyan meteor above like a rainbow piercing the sun.

At this moment, the entire area near the North City Gate was surging with force and waves of air. Many people who were lining up to enter the city could not hold on and were blown back to their knees.

The green-clothed civil servant was originally preparing to fall directly to capture the demon below, but at this moment he was struck by Ji Xueying's sword intent and was unable to fall, and could only hang in the air on the city gate tower.

He looked down at the girl in red below, his pupils contracted violently, his face turned pale, and he almost said four words one by one: "Super Emperor of the Four Realms!"

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