Supreme Lord

Chapter 126 Hate to the point of grinding teeth (3 more chapters, please subscribe)

When Xue Lingxue regained consciousness, she found herself lying on the top floor of a high-rise building.

She was still wearing the exoskeleton armor, but the power supply to the power backpack was cut off, and many functions were no longer available.

"Lin Rui!"

Xue Lingxue grinded her teeth with hatred when she thought of this name.

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This is the first time she has suffered such a setback since she graduated from college and joined the Federal Security Service. It is simply a shame!

She was suddenly startled. How long had she been unconscious? What did Lin Rui do while he was in coma?

At this time, Xue Lingxue was still a little confused. She forced herself to stand up and looked around. Xue Lingxue then saw an old-looking hotel opposite, and her pupils shrank slightly.

She saw the neon sign on the hotel - Longze Youth Hotel.

Isn't this where the battle group of the Extremely Evil Pirates is hiding? She has been monitoring the hotel recently.

The key is that there are a large number of police cars and decoration vehicles below the hotel, and many police officers are coming in and out below.

Xue Lingxue checked the time again, 10:25, which meant that she had been unconscious for two hours and twenty minutes.

After that guy knocked her out, did he come here again to attack and kill the members of the extremely evil pirate group? Did he succeed? Are there any injuries?

Xue Lingxue felt chills all over her body.

The Lin Rui in her memory was obviously so simple and kind.

I remember that as long as I said a few words to tease him, he would be so shy and blush that he could not speak. He was so cute. How could he become so cruel and fierce when he grew up?

It feels like a lone evil tiger, brutally treating every one of his enemies.

At this moment, someone called her smart terminal.

When Xue Lingxue saw the name displayed in the phone book, her heart suddenly froze, and she quickly answered the phone: "General, she also discovered that this phone number had a record of 7 unanswered calls within 10 minutes.

"What's going on over there?" The voice coming from the microphone of the terminal bracelet was obviously dissatisfied: "I haven't contacted the operation center for nearly two and a half hours!"

Xue Lingxue was speechless.

Do you want her to tell the general that she was assassinated by a surveillance object and has been unconscious for more than an hour?

At this time, the man's hoarse voice became deeper: "Did you take action against the members of the extremely evil pirate group and want to avenge your father?"

"How is that possible?" Xue Lingxue was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, her voice amplified a bit: "General! I will not ignore mission discipline! And even if I want revenge, I will not use this method."

It is too dangerous to attack these people inside the base city, and innocent people may be hurt.

She was ready to take action as soon as they evacuated from the base, annihilating the pirates in outer space, and at the same time figuring out their method of smuggling.

"Really?" the hoarse voice said noncommittally: "But I just investigated your terminal positioning track. When the incident occurred, you were inside the Longze Youth Hotel; and, according to the results detected by the police, the corpses were The knife wound was obviously from the fifth-level sword 'Tearer'. You have a pair in your hand, right? The sword technique used by the murderer was also the purple-obsidian thunder knife commonly used by your father, as well as the sword-controlling technique derived from the thunder pole! "

When Xue Lingxue heard this, her scalp went numb at first, and then she almost ground the back of her teeth.

Her eyes were burning, and her fists were tightly clenched.


"But it shouldn't be you." The hoarse voice snorted softly: "You are not that stupid, so what is going on?"

Xue Lingxue had no choice but to confess honestly: "It's Lin Rui. He should have learned the poison preparation technology from my father. He was better than his master. He mastered a special anesthetic formula that my respirator could not eliminate. I was anesthetized by him." Yes, a full two hours and 20 minutes.

This guy is also very powerful in combat. Not only has he mastered my father's Breath Condensation Technique and Thunder Divine Glory Stake to the highest level, he has extremely powerful optical invisibility and stealth skills, and he has also learned my father's Purple Glory. The thunder sword and the red sky thunder control method were both inherited from my father and reached their peak. "

Her toes curled up as she spoke, almost scratching the alloy boots under her feet, and she felt so ashamed.

"Oh?" The hoarse voice was startled: "So the previous cases at Fabrik Nightclub and the Night Wolf Bar just now were also committed by him, right? He probably hasn't implanted the artificial serum yet, but he can actually kill you Such an S-class lieutenant colonel?"

He didn't feel angry, but was very interested: "Interesting, it seems that Lin Cong's child is not simple either. I understand the situation. Now you go to our pharmacy expert to analyze your blood to see what kind of anesthetic he used. , and also! Write a detailed review report to me as soon as possible. It would be better if you can have a video of his battle.โ€

Xue Lingxue's smart terminal bracelet then made a beeping sound, and the general had cut off the communication.

Xue Lingxue then rubbed her forehead with a headache, feeling annoyed and helpless.

She immediately opened Lin Rui's chat box.

White Summer (Xue Lingxue): Lin Rui, you are fine! I remember what happened this time.

Now that the two of them have come into contact with each other, there is no need to be secretive anymore. They might as well open the skylight and speak frankly.

This bastard offended her.

Guying Heavenly Sword (Lin Rui):? ? ? Sister Xue, what are you talking about? What do you remember? Why can't I understand?

Guying Tiandao (Lin Rui): By the way, Sister Xue, have you heard of the skeleton killer Yun Yu? Are you interested in him?

Xue Lingxue understood Lin Rui's hint and was asking herself if she wanted to cooperate with him?

Her heart was pounding. With her own fighting power and Lin Rui's unpredictable anesthetic, it might be possible to kill the skeleton killer.

Xue Lingxue immediately shook her head in response.

White Summer (Xue Lingxue): Get out!

White Summer (Xue Lingxue): I advise you not to act without authorization! Skeleton killer Yun Yu's equipment evaluation is also S, and he has extremely rich combat experience. He has mastered several master-level intermediate martial arts. He is different from those you have killed recently.

Just two hours later, in the ninth base city, the Tianji ninth branch building of the Federal Security Agency was located in an office on the top floor.

A middle-aged man with a posture as tall as a pine, eyebrows like a machete, and a resolute and stern temperament was looking at Lin Rui's file information.

This file is very detailed, recording Lin Rui's experience from the age of five to adulthood. Even the details such as Lin Rui secretly kissing his deskmate's face in kindergarten are not missing.

There was confusion in the middle-aged man's eyes.

This is inconsistent with Lin Rui's current aggressive style.

However, Xue Lingxue not only sent a report, but also sent several videos.

The sword skills and body skills used by Lin Rui are indeed in the same vein as Xue Bogao.

The middle-aged man thought of the video of Lin Rui being shot and asked, is the current Lin Rui really Lin Rui?

There is also a possibility that after being resurrected by biotechnology, the child was greatly stimulated, which changed his personality and even caused him to have mental problems.

Thinking about it, this kid's head was blown to pieces. It's strange that he didn't have any mental problems afterwards.

Now the expert group within the Security Bureau generally believes that Lin Rui may have a "soul backup."

Lin Rui's father, Lin Cong, mastered exactly this technology, uploading a person's soul and part of key memories to a large quantum computer for backup.

According to current understanding, people who are "resurrected" through this form usually experience symptoms such as extreme emotions, tendency to violence, paranoia and other symptoms.

The middle-aged man rubbed his eyebrows and gave up thinking.

He has many things to do now and has no time to take care of this matter.

There is a big problem with the Tianji Branch 9 of the Security Bureau. About three months ago, the Republic of East Asia discovered that the Branch 9 of the Security Bureau had been infiltrated and corroded by several forces within the federation and was almost out of control. This led to him This colonial general was transferred to his current position with high hopes.

However, in the few months since he took office, there has been little improvement in the internal governance of the Security Bureau.

Not long ago, there was even a vicious incident that went unnoticed for several days after Xue Bogao's death. This shows how bad the situation in the Ninth Division is.

"The Immortal Society!'"

The middle-aged man looked at the three words he wrote on his desk, his eyes as sharp as an eagle.

He replied to Xue Lingxue: This matter will be recorded as a big mistake! You continue to monitor, I will assign a few more people to you later, pay attention to improve the monitoring of Lin Rui, and strengthen the protection of their brothers and sisters.

At this moment, the middle-aged man received a message.

Han Ke said: Lao Zhou, is there really nothing you can do? This is a project we are cooperating with the Security Bureau, and you are just watching?

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly when he saw this, saying that this was another bad thing.

Zhou Yunfei: How is the situation over there now?

Han Ke said: "It's very bad. Although I tried my best to stop the people from the Prosecution and Envoy Department this time, they immediately retreated to Si Wangchengdu's station in the imperial city and locked people in Wangchengdu's prison. They are arranging manpower.

It is expected that another attempt will be made to escort Zhu Meng to Zhoucheng soon. At that time, not only will my students be killed, but all our efforts will be wasted.

Han Ke said: We need time now. As long as there is more than a month, Fei Yunlai will come over.

Zhou Yunfei: Old classmate, if I can help with this matter, there is no way I can just stand by and watch. Itโ€™s not like you donโ€™t know that in the previous undercover incident, not only were the dozen or so people we lurked in the periphery of the Imperial City Division were arrested, More than 80 alien agents were killed by the Imperial City Division, and more than 100 people were on the Imperial City Division's wanted list.

This incident led to the resignation of many senior executives of the Ninth Division, and Zhou Yunfei himself was also implicated.

This incident was certainly caused by their attempt to further infiltrate the Imperial City Division through the Imperial City Division's demon test, but it was also caused by a power struggle within the Ninth Security Bureau.

Some people took the opportunity to betray the alien agents at the grassroots level, causing Zhou Yunfei's three months of hard work to go to waste.

So he advised Han Kedao to wait a little longer and wait for the ninth branch to re-deploy the intelligence network, but Han Kedao could no longer hold himself back.

Zhou Yunfei: Our power is very empty now. The federal military is also in conflict with the governor of Shazhou, so we canโ€™t spare any power at all, old classmate.

Han Kedao: Really? Got it, I'll find someone else.

Zhou Yunfei looked at Han Kedao's reply and couldn't help but smile bitterly. He could tell that this old classmate had a lot of resentment towards him. The problem was that he was now too clever to make a living without rice.

However, he opened his address book next, wondering who else in his network could help.

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