Supreme God King

Chapter 2926: Universe center

Xuanyuan Aohan was the first to enter Jingyu Divine Mansion.

Behind him, walked into several priests of Jingyu Divine Mansion. Among these priests, there were three **** kings wearing dark green robes.

The three **** kings in dark green robes are covered in their entire body, including their faces. They also wear masks. The masks are like mysterious statues of ancient times without any expressions, but they are different from ancient statues. The color and workmanship of Zhang's mask are very good and extremely delicate.

It is also worth noting that although the bodies of these three dark green robes are shrouded in dark green robes, it can be seen that their bodies are still in human form, but they are very tall, more than ten feet tall.

"One Five Tribulations Divine King, and the next two are Four Tribulations Divine King."

It was Wang Haicheng who sent out the thought of divine soul. This thought was conveyed to the many priests who were in charge of recording nearby, but he had no reservations about the people in the heavenly court in the future.

Sending a Five Tribulations God King as a messenger, the craftsman's first appearance of civilization, the momentum is not small.

However, in the future, the formation on the Heavenly Court will be enough, and there will be a Six Tribulations God King, Qilin Patriarch Ruihuang.

The leading Five Tribulations King’s steps were very precise, and the distance of each step was exactly the same. He walked in front of Master Zhuge, stretched out his hand, and handed Zhuge a semi-transparent post that I don’t know what spar to use. division.

This is a greeting card.

Master Zhuge put away the greeting card, nodded lightly, turned around, took a gray and very ordinary stone from the hand of the empress, and gave it to the craftsman and civilized King of Five Tribulations.

This is in return.

This ash-bursting, very ordinary stone is a legacy left by the true meaning of the Dao Dao, an immortal monument, compressed into this shape by Meng Fan's strength. The toughness of this stone far exceeds the natural spar.

"Below, the craftsman is civilized, whisper softly." The Five Tribulations God King said sternly.

"Please." Master Zhuge stepped away and pointed in a direction.

Immediately, many **** kings began to walk in that direction. Along the way, Master Zhuge accompanied him with a simple greeting and gave a brief introduction to Jingyu Palace.

Soon, they came to the meeting room of Jingyu Shenfu.

Interestingly speaking, this living room is specially used by Jingyu Divine Mansion to receive outside God Kings, but since its establishment, it has not really been used because every diplomacy has not been done too formal, in the realm of God Kings. For those superficial articles, I am not very interested.

But this time, when I was in contact with the craftsman's civilization, I chose the living room, which also shows the importance of heaven in the future.

In the living room, Emperor Splitting Sky, with his hands behind him, his eyes slightly narrowed, waiting.

After stepping into the meeting room, he whispered and glanced left and right, looked around, slowly stretched out his hand, and took off his dark green robe.

Ruihuang's pupils shrank imperceptibly.

All the **** kings present changed their expressions.

The three master craftsmen and civilized **** kings, after taking off their robes, what they revealed was not the brocade robe or armor inside, they were naked.

However, their flesh is not a normal flesh.

It is made up of pieces of natural spar and various rare and peculiar metals!

At first glance, it looks very much like a golden stone puppet in an infinite field, but it has the simplicity and weight that a golden stone puppet does not have.

"It's Dao Qi."

Wang Haicheng's mind and soul sent a message again.

"The envoys of craftsman civilization, their bodies are smelted with various Taoist tools. Perhaps they have experienced the destruction of their bodies, so they made the bodies. The body of the craftsmen civilization envoys whispered is about eight to twelve pieces. The Dao Qi, in which the existence of the Qi Ling can be vaguely felt, shows that he did not obliterate the Qi Ling, but let them coexist with him."

"Sorry." He whispered, his voice was very weak, but there was a kind of faint female, very pleasant. "Our craftsman civilization **** king is not accustomed to wearing clothes and robes, but only after stepping into the monk civilization, in order not to be unusual and glaring, he wore it."

Master Zhuge nodded. After the kings took their seats, Master Zhuge blinked and said to himself: "My lord, do you see it."

In the Palace of Heavenly Kings.

Xuanyuan Jingzhe stared at a sand table. On the sand table, there was a scene of the meeting room of Jingyu Divine Mansion.


At the same time, Zhuge Ziluan and Mingyi in Zaifu Divine Mansion, and Xie Jingyi in Hongwu Divine Mansion were all staring at the living room by various means.

Master Zhuge, only because of his identity as Jingyu Divine Mansion, it is a rule to receive craftsman civilization envoys. Although the emergence of craftsman civilization is a major event for the central monk civilization of the entire universe, the heaven does not want to destroy it for them in the future. Rules seem to be too important, this is a means of communication, but the supreme existence of the heavens in the future cannot ignore the emergence of craftsman civilization.

At this moment, Master Zhuge is only a representative. In his mind, there are also future heavenly king Xuanyuan Jingzhe, Zaifu Shenfu Zhuge Ziluan, and Hongwu Shenfu Xie Jingyi talking.

Master Zhuge and Qingyu started a simple greeting. This kind of greeting seemed useless, but it was a temptation for the heavens in the future. In the realm of the **** king, you can hear various meanings from a person’s words. Including Wang Haicheng, who is also analyzing the tone and emotion of the light language.

After a simple greeting, I finally entered the topic.

Qingyu began to introduce himself.

"Craftsman civilization, like the other great civilizations in the universe, is derived from monk civilization."

Master Zhuge nodded slightly: "After all, the monk civilization is the center of the universe."

"I don't agree with Zhuge's opinion." Qingyu responded.

In the Heavenly King's Mansion, Xuanyuan Jingzhe kneaded his fingers lightly, and said lightly: "It's started."

Xie Jingyi from the Hongwu Divine Mansion also said: "Words fight for the front, orthodox theory."

In Zaifu's Divine Mansion, Zhuge Zijian looked back at Mingyi.

These three veteran Six Tribulations God Kings are all characters whose minds are like a sea, far more than the Heavenly Splitting Emperor who has been sleeping for tens of millions of years, and the Qilin Ruihuang who has been hiding in the auspicious ridge without asking the world. Be experienced.

The whisper continued: "The Great Primordial Primordial Primordial Chaos has lifted the veil of heaven and earth a little bit, Lord Meng stepped into the God Realm, and made all of the Hongmeng Primordial Era era public. The Hongmeng Primordial Era has been completed.

We all know that in that ancient era, there was chaos between the heavens and the earth, and the laws were out of order, so all living beings and civilizations all lived and died. In the midst of disasters, they could not last forever.

The universe is primordial and boundless. Since there is no boundary, there is no center. So in the era of Hongmeng Primordial Beginning, everywhere can be regarded as the center of the universe, and nowhere.

In that era, the powerful sages among all living beings were thinking about one thing, that is, how to understand the laws of heaven and earth, so that their descendants, tribes, and civilizations created by themselves can survive. The universe at that time was all in Various efforts are being made.

It's just that at a certain point, a group of monks succeeded. They created the way of heaven, used the way of heaven, and controlled the laws of heaven and earth, so that point became the most stable place in the universe, the most prosperous place, and in other fields, All beings still come and die.

Later, the way of heaven began to obliterate sentient beings, and only the oldest sages, that is, the group of beings who claimed to be gods, knew the secrets of the way of heaven, and left the **** of creation to guard the vitality, which created the age of creation, the age of ancestors , Until the Era of the Era, after which sentient beings began to spread to all directions of the primordial universe, because they were getting away from the monk civilization, sentient beings began to evolve various civilizations.

Then, imagine if in the Hongmeng Taichu era, the way of heaven was born in other places in the primordial universe, would it be the so-called center of the primordial universe?

Or, it is not a group of martial arts monks who first created the way of heaven, but a craftsman who pays attention to skills, or a group of people practicing arcane arts, is it not the core civilization of the prehistoric universe, it is about to become a craftsman civilization, or Arcane civilization?

Therefore, the universe has no so-called core. In the eyes of several major civilizations, the monk civilization is not considered the core of the universe. "

After a few words.

Master Zhuge nodded: "The whispering messenger is right, but everything is without if, even if it is a coincidence, everything has already happened. As early as the era of Hongmeng Taichu, everything was established."

"There is no if, but everything can be repeated." Lightly said: "The Emperor of Heaven is sealed, the Way of Heaven is weakened, and the laws are in chaos. At this moment, just like the beginning of Hongmeng, the order is gradually collapsing, and the low-level gods can cross the realm. By killing the enemy, the true meaning of the Dao can be easily refined, and all Dao worlds are also rewriting history. The universe has no core, everything starts again."

These whispered words caused silence in the meeting room.

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