Supreme God King

Chapter 2925: Knowing and not knowing

Fu Xue Shenfu.

Many priests are in a hurry, coming and going.

Wang Haicheng and Rui Baichuan swiftly passed among these priests and kept talking.

After Ruihuang became the main **** of the law division, he put forward some conditions. The two most important conditions are that Rui Baichuan should be the second **** of the Fuxue Shenfu. It can be said that this is selfish, but this selfishness is not counted. What, the heavens have a broad mind in the future and don't care.

It’s just that Rui Baichuan served as the second **** in the Fuxue Shenfu, and instead spent most of his time studying. After all, he had been living in the auspicious ridge before that, and he still learned about the few things that mattered in the world from Ruihuang. Yes, and Ruihuang went out of the gate and stepped into the prehistoric cosmos, again before the establishment of Longxiang Valley.

But Rui Baichuan is after all a powerful God King of the Four Tribulations. From serving as the second **** to the present, he has mastered everything he has learned, and even taught himself the language and characters of the demon race, and has made achievements in the history of wild beasts. ,Not bad.

"This matter is no small matter."

Wang Haicheng and Rui Baichuan said as they shuttled quickly.

"The six prehistoric civilizations of the universe have always been hidden by the other five civilizations. Although they are called'marginal civilizations', they are not at the core of the prehistoric universe. They have not participated in or even affected the history of all ages. The entire universe is prehistoric, but the strength of the six civilizations cannot be underestimated. Their martial arts, culture, history, etc., are different from the monk civilization and are independent.

This time the craftsman civilization visits, several major gods will send representatives to meet. Our husband’s school has privileges in this respect. We have more places for interviews. The priests can also communicate with the craftsman civilization’s messengers in order to be able to pass the ancient times. The general reference is more complete, and another task is to understand and edit the literature of the craftsman civilization as much as possible in the process of communicating with the craftsman civilization messenger. "

After passing through several palaces and arranging some work in a row, Wang Haicheng suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at Rui Baichuan, and said strangely: "Baichuan, why are you so silent? From beginning to end, you didn't say a word."

"I'm thinking about it." Rui Baichuan hesitated: "The messenger of craftsman civilization came as a meeting ceremony and told us a lot about the five civilizations, arcane civilization, technological civilization, craftsman civilization, returnee civilization, poet civilization, In these civilizations, apart from the infinite fields of scientific and technological civilization, how much do we know about the other civilizations?"

When Wang Haicheng heard Rui Baichuan’s question, his expression was also a bit heavy: "Arcane civilization, we have heard of craftsman civilization, and we have heard of it, but they are just a few words, which can be equivalent to ignorance. As for other returnees’ civilization and Poet civilization, never heard of it."

"We don't know, but artisan civilization knows." Rui Baichuan frowned.

Wang Haicheng stood there, thinking for a moment.

That's right, there are too many secrets hidden in this vast, boundless universe, and secrets are also a weapon. Knowing more is an advantage. At this point, craftsman civilization has taken the lead.

Moreover, this opportunity may have been occupied for a long time. Perhaps many years ago, in a very remote and ancient era, the craftsman civilization had already known all the secrets of the world.

"This may just be a means." Wang Haicheng said. "Perhaps the so-called poet civilization and returner civilization do not exist. They are just fabricated by artisan civilization to increase their weight and bargaining chips. Or, artisan civilization has only heard of the name, and there is no other understanding. ."

"Master God." Rui Baichuan had an inexplicable smile on his face. This is the characteristic of their Qilin Rui family, including Rui Huang's face that often shows such a smile, which is between a smile and a joking smile. . "We are a little bit self-deceiving when we think this way. Maybe, there is another possibility. The craftsman civilization really knows all the secrets of the universe, and the monk civilization, as the center of the universe, must have all kinds of secrets. News of the great civilization spread in, but as the center of the cosmos, we have always been divided. There are many factions. All races, the highest celestial dynasty, and the great world are either enemies or non-interference with each other. There is no good intentions, so these news spread in. After that, they are often blocked and will not tell other people. This is the reason why our monk civilization knows very little."

Wang Haishang exhaled: "If it's like what you said, we will even go to dig out all the secrets of craftsman civilization."


Jingyu Palace, main hall.

Master Zhuge, Nangong Jingyu, Promise Sect Master, Dong Miaoxin, Empress, Meng Niuniu, and several priests all stood here and waited.

The priests of Jingyu Shenfu are clearly divided into two categories. One is like Master Zhuge and Nangong Jingyu. They spend most of their energy and time on handling various affairs. They belong to Jingyu Shenfu. The pillar and core are responsible for everything.

The other category is Ramadan, Princess Inviting Moon, Ancient Emperor, Lonely Haughty, and Linglong Xinzun. They are not responsible for specific affairs. They are basically the cabinet elders and concentrate on practicing, and they are all preparing for the heavenly army. , But once there is something in Jingyu Divine Palace that needs them, they will participate.

At this moment, those who are standing here headed by Master Zhuge are all of the first category, that is, those with priesthood. The Promise Sect Master, Dong Miaoxin, Empress, and Meng Niuniu all served as Changqing.

Their expressions are a bit serious.

Jingyu Shenfu is responsible for all foreign affairs, and diplomacy is one of them. Jingyu Shenfu was solely responsible for contacting several supreme celestial dynasties and establishing trade routes, and Zaifu Shenfu assisted.

This time, Xuanyuan Aohan of Jingyu Divine Mansion also went to the Abyss Dynasty to discuss matters concerning the establishment of trade routes. The two parties kept negotiating, and both wanted to obtain sufficient benefits. To be precise, the Abyss Dynasty wanted more benefits. , In the future, the Heavenly Court is so powerful that he just wants to sign an equal treaty with the Abyss Dynasty.

In the end, Xuanyuan Aohan told the Abyss Dynasty with a smile that he would either agree to an equality treaty or not talk about it. In the future, Heavenly Court would not lack allies.

The Demon King Ling Tian of the Abyss Dynasty is also a powerful character. He finally took out his assassin, gave a huge bargaining chip, tilted the balance, and introduced the artisan civilization to the future heaven.

The envoy of craftsman civilization came this time, led by Xuanyuan Aohan, and according to the rules, he must be received in Jingyu Divine Mansion.

Not long after, several figures fell into Jingyu Shrine, and they were priests of Hongwu Shrine.

After a while, Zhuge Ziyi of the Zaifu God's Mansion also came to Jingyu God's Mansion. Master Zhuge handed over his hand to salute and called his uncle, without much discussion.

Afterwards, the Lord of the Divine Palace of Fasi, the Emperor Rui Huang, actually came in person.

This veteran Six Tribulations God King obviously wanted to see the "Five Great Civilizations" that suddenly appeared, and he was very curious.

After a stick of incense, several priests of the Xuanyuan family from the Heavenly Mansion also arrived.

In the end, the Fuxue Shenfu, the main **** Wang Haicheng, the second **** Rui Baichuan, and more than 60 priests all rushed into Jingyu Shenfu. This time I met with the envoy of the craftsman civilization, the responsibilities of the Fuxue Shenfu were very heavy. They had to make various records and portraits. Not only must every word said to the envoy of the craftsman civilization be preserved, there should be no omissions. Also study the intonation of the artisan civilization messenger, as well as all other things, everything is fine.

After the representatives of the major gods arrived, a figure fell on Jingyu Shrine. This was a priest from Jingyu Shrine, and also the priest who went to the Abyss Dynasty with Xuanyuan Aohan before. After he arrived, he immediately gave his hand to Master Zhuge. Said: "Master Book, this is an agreement signed with the Abyss Dynasty."

Master Zhuge accepted the agreement, did not speak, and continued to look at the priest.

The priest simply said neatly: "I have already come, and I am heading to Dragon City."

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