Supreme God King

Chapter 2223: Before the storm

The dark alliance high-level, set off a huge wave.

No one agreed with the fact that Meng Fan wanted to set foot in the restricted area. This was the first time since the establishment of the dark alliance. There were so many people opposing Meng Fan. Except for Guxinao and Ling Daiyou, almost all the high-level officials were going crazy and wanted to use it. Everything can be done to prevent this.

Needless to think, Gu Xinao and Ling Daiyou are also opposed, but they know the character of the lord, the overlord of the ten thousand domains too much.

The only thing they could do was to block this matter, and even the dark alliance cores stationed everywhere did not tell.

Meng Fan didn't have time to pay attention to these things. He put all his energy on the strange ghosts in Xiaoqianworld every moment.

The strange ghost in his palm, after repeated vigor bombing and divine suppression, finally fell silent, but was still alive, a pair of cold eyes without any emotion, staring at Meng Fan.

Meng Fan continued to use various methods to test the true meaning of the Great Dao, and to check with ever-changing methods, but he could not get any information from this strange ghost.

What can be seen is only some external things.

First of all, the flesh and blood of strange ghosts is very tyrannical. It is different from the flesh and blood structure of any creature. It has an astonishing density and is comparable to the **** king. What is even more terrifying is that the flesh and blood of the **** king Meng Fan can be cut, but whenever he makes a move Cut through the outer skin of the ghost, and the ghost will recover in just one breath.

This method is very similar to the power of the true meaning of good fortune, but it is fundamentally different. Meng Fan masters the true meaning of good fortune and can reshape the flesh and bones. This strange ghost is not the flesh and bones that use some kind of power to reshape, but ...Growth!

That's right, just like a gecko can regenerate after a tail is broken, it grows by itself.

After continuously splitting the arms, calves, and heads of the alien ghosts and re-growing them, Meng Fan pondered for a moment, thinking that such a powerful self-recovery ability and a solid body comparable to a king of gods are indeed difficult to kill. However, the power of the Dao’s meaning can do it. In fact, now Meng Fan displays any kind of Dao’s true meaning, whether it is the meditation or the meaning of the void, which can cause permanent damage to this strange ghost, and even directly damage it. Kill, but what Meng Fan wants to know is the secret of the ghost, not the ghost.

Suddenly, he had an idea and remembered one thing!

Immediately waved his palm, and suddenly hundreds of secret stone pillars found in the universe of the universe stood around.

In these stone pillars, there is also a certain secret of Taoism, but Meng Fan cannot comprehend it.

But at this moment, after Meng Fan, who was holding an alien ghost, summoned the stone pillar, the surrounding space suddenly changed dramatically.

With more than a hundred stone pillars as the boundary, an absolute realm is formed, but this absolute realm is completely different from the absolute realm that Meng Fan has seen before. It is not a barrier of space or a division of the power of the world, unlike any force. , But a... detached power!

Yes, the power of detachment.

As if in this area, all creatures don't have to fear death. Death is only the beginning of the journey at the other end.

Such a mysterious power, if it were not for Meng Fan, who had mastered the true meanings of the various worlds, but for other gods, I was afraid it would not be felt at all.

When these stone pillars stood up to form an absolute realm, in the palm of Meng Fan, the strange ghost, who had no eyes and no expressions, suddenly revealed a trace of fear. Then, it screamed and neighed that made people chill, as if unable to The broken flesh and blood also began to squirm, as if every inch of flesh and blood was alive, and then broke.

Break every inch!

Every mass of flesh and blood is transformed into a form, some resemble flying dragons, some resemble birds, some resemble fishes, and others resemble humans, all strange and strange. Meng Fan’s eyes are like electricity and he immediately sees these flesh and blood. , It was the creatures that were swallowed by this strange ghost!

Swallow the flesh and blood of creatures and turn them into their own flesh and blood! It turns out that this is the secret of alien ghosts, so every alien ghost must constantly devour other creatures, the more it swallows, the stronger its flesh and blood!

Meng Fan turned his head and looked at the stone pillars. Although he didn't know the source of these stone pillars and what kind of real meaning of the great avenues contained in them, compared with other real meanings of the great avenues, such as divine will, mind, and heaven, the power in these pillars For strange ghosts, it seems that they have a natural ability to obliterate them. Because of the true meaning of other avenues, it is also difficult to suppress a strange ghost, but these stone pillars can easily break it down!

The decomposed blood and flesh of the strange ghost immediately dissipated, and then, a wisp of mysterious, subtle, incomprehensible power, if there was nothing, emerged and danced in the air.

Meng Fan reached out to grab it.


This trace of power was not grasped by him, but was absorbed by a stone pillar as soon as Sumima, and this stone pillar flashed a dazzling white light, and then dimmed again.

And this absolute domain immediately dissipated, and more than a hundred stone pillars became ordinary stone pillars again.

Meng Fan's eyes are bright, and there is a huge secret among the stone pillars!

Life and death, detachment, another road... Meng Fan recalled the various tastes that the absolute realm created by the stone pillars just now brought him. In short, the true meaning of the road contained in these stone pillars seemed to possess a kind of life and death power. Even in the midst of it, it gave Meng Fan a feeling that this kind of power can...resurrect the dead!

A certain thought in his soul flashed, and he immediately pointed out a finger, and immediately released the light gray meditation. After his fingertips circled a few times, he directly slammed into a stone pillar.

The power revealed by the mind is the end, the destination of everything, the end, and it can also be understood as the death of sentient beings. This seems very similar to these stone pillars, so Meng Fan had this idea and used the one in his body. Ling Mingyi, to attack these stone pillars fiercely.


When Mingyi collided with that stone pillar, the space immediately rippled and buzzed, and immediately there was a moment of dead silence in the entire Dark Alliance headquarters. That ray of Mingyi immediately retreated, and Meng Fan quickly retracted his body.

He guessed right, the stone pillar and Mingyi seemed to have some connection.

But this kind of connection is not a mutually complementary connection, but a connection that does not share the common sense and is absolutely exclusive.

Being completely on the opposite side, you will not be able to see the kind of rejection that is handsome, the night cannot coexist with the day!

This powerful rejection made Meng Fan a little suffocated for an instant. Even when he used the means of Providence to bring himself and the Heavenly Battle Giant back in the past, he was treated as a loophole by the Heavenly Dao and wanted to obliterate it like the plague. Never felt so strong!

The past, the present, and the future seem to be impossible to coexist. It is absolutely contradictory. However, it can be done using the means of providence. However, night and day cannot coexist at all. Either night or day, the two cannot be merged. , Mingyi and stone pillars are like this, as if this world, either the power of the stone pillars exists, or the power of the Mingyi exists.

Between the two, there is bound to be an extinction.

This made Meng Fandu extremely surprised. The true meaning of the Dao comes from the source of the heavens and is part of the Supreme Law. The meditative meaning is the true meaning of the Dao, and the power in the stone pillars is also the true meaning of the Dao. It was taken from the source of heaven, but why did these two such repulsive forces be born? How can they coexist in the source of the heavens?

Meng Fan closed his eyes and fell into complete contemplation.

In a flash, another few hours passed.

He opened his eyes again, and a ray of enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

With his mind that analyzes his thousands of information instantly, he has been unable to come up with the answer to this question a few hours ago, but in the end, he changed his mind and changed his angle, and he immediately came up with a very possible answer.

He did not think about why the power in the stone pillar was born, but why the mind was born.

Meditation is one of the highest laws of the heavens. It means that all things and everything have an end and must come to an end. There is absolutely no immortal power. This is also in full compliance with the principle of operation of the source of the heavens, regardless of any creature, All have a lifespan. When the lifespan is reached, they will die. The only exception is the **** king, because although the **** king realm also has a lifespan, but the **** king’s methods are too powerful, and the life span is very long, and various methods can be used to gradually extend it. One's own life, so from a certain perspective, the **** king lives with the heaven and the earth.

As a result, the divine punishment will be lowered to obliterate the creatures who have set foot in the realm of the Supreme God King.

And when many **** kings broke through the punishment, the final catastrophe occurred.

These concepts are all close to meditation.

From this perspective, the meditation is the most powerful means of killing and killing among the real meanings of the great Dao masters that Meng Fan has mastered. Now Meng Fan only has a trace of the meditation, but he only needs to display it. It can also make the world quiet. Compared with the divine will suppressing all things, the heavenly will regulates all things, the meaning of emptiness divides and tears all things, the true meaning of good fortune evolves all things, and the meditation is the real means of ending, not just tearing the flesh like the meaning of emptiness. , Can also exterminate the soul.

So, what kind of power is it that is incompatible with the mind and is so opposed to each other?

Meng Fan looked at these stone pillars, waved his palm, and the phantom of the universe appeared again.

In the Phantom, because of the shattering of the soul-locking formation, Yan Luodao's spirits all escaped. Many of them have been obliterated, but some have been successfully taken.

Meng Fan took a long breath, stood up, walked among the stone pillars, gently stroking, feeling the coldness and vicissitudes of the stone pillars.

"Life and death, detachment, another way." Meng Fan flicked a stone pillar with his palm.

"The meaning of reincarnation!"

That's right! The power in these stone pillars that cannot be understood by Meng Fan is the meaning of reincarnation.

Reincarnation is completely incompatible with the source of the heavens, and does not conform to the supreme law. This is a force that completely runs counter to the evolution of the source of the heavens in several epochs. But why does the source of the heavens evolve this power?

Meng Fan can't figure it out.

At this time, twelve hours had passed, and it was time for him to step into the restricted area.

"Meng Fan."

A voice of intimacy came with a little bit of reluctance.

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