Supreme God King

Chapter 2222: Penalty area shot

Meng Fan's departure from the dark alliance was just a matter of dozens of days. There was no change here, but there was depression everywhere.

The source of the heavens in the ten thousand domains will be opened for the third time, the heavens are moving, and the momentum is changing, even those small forces can feel it, so this kind of depression is an atmosphere that wraps around the heads of sentient beings.

In the dark alliance, there is no such oppressive feeling. Many dark alliance members continue to do the things in the past, or practice, or build buildings, or discuss martial arts together, because there is Meng Fan in the world, this pillar will not fall. , In the hearts of dark alliance members, there will be no problems.

Standing in the sky above the dark alliance, he exhaled a long breath.

Wanyu is still calm.

The universe of the universe was invaded by foreign ghosts, and on the way back, on the road of divine hiding, he saw innumerable creatures in a mobile palace, swallowed by foreign ghosts, a **** king, directly eaten by him, his heart , Is also very urgent. Although there are many methods left in the Ten Thousand Realms, and there are also a few divine thoughts of his own, once the dark alliance has an accident, these divine thoughts will change and notify Meng Fan in a distant place, but he still very nervous.

The opening of the source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains, according to speculation, is already very close, the white cloud and the dog, the world is impermanent, calculated in the way of the gods, a few years, almost the blink of an eye, it is really urgent.

With the palms open, in a miniature world of thousands of people, a strange ghost struggled madly. Even if Meng Fan suppressed him with his majestic vitality and divine will, he would only subdue him, but he could not erase his consciousness and tyrannical aura.

The source of the heavens, the ultimate catastrophe, the Great Chaos, the true meaning of the world, the inheritance of humanity, the tomb of the devil, and so on, are all traced in Meng Fan's mind. These are the secrets of the heavens. He only spied some bits and pieces. No matter, even if there is a deduction by God, it is not true.

However, the veil of anything, no matter how mysterious, will be unveiled.

Meng Fan moved to the center of the dark alliance.

This is where he and the girls usually live. Nine turns and eighteen turns, surrounded by layers of space, and various restrictions. It is not the palace of ordinary emperors and generals. It is like an independent world. Living here, but at the moment Meng Fan fell, he was a little surprised to find that the girls were not there.

He couldn't help being surprised, and once again took a step and came to the meeting hall of the Dark Alliance.

The Conference Hall is a meeting place for the various high-level members of the dark alliance to discuss important issues. It used to be very empty and almost no one came. However, after the last time the restricted area was shot, it was armed with layers of defense and established many vitality formations. , Has become the real headquarters of the dark alliance, the most severe area, and every meeting, regardless of size, will be held here.

As soon as I set foot in the conference hall, I saw many dark alliance high-levels were there. Among them, Ling Daiyou and Gu Xinao were the leaders, and they were nervously facing a huge map of Ten Thousand Regions, their eyes were solemn, and they didn't notice Meng Fan.

"Niu Niu has taken Xiao Hei to defend Shanshui Pass, as well as Lord Que and Lord Gui, and personally went to a branch of our dark alliance in the Eastern Plain. There is a fortress. People from the Xuanyuan family expressed their unconditional support for the dark alliance and almost sent The elite of the whole clan!"

Lonely and solemnly said, his appearance is still a young man, but his hair has been pale. After all, for too many years, his realm has not been improved, he has reached the extreme that can be achieved, so he is also gradually aging.

Ling Daiyou's face was cold, her hands formed into fists.

"What are they going to do..."

"Has the thirteen hall masters shot?"

Meng Fan spoke.

The people in the discussion hall turned their heads violently, where defenses were everywhere, and a breath entered quietly, making them extremely nervous at this moment, but after seeing Meng Fan, everyone was overjoyed.


"grown ups!"

"Meng Fan! You are finally back!"

Lonely proud immediately stepped forward and beat Meng Fan fiercely: "It's easy to handle when you come back. Now the situation is complicated, but with lessons learned, we have taken all precautions and sent people everywhere. ."

Ling Daiyou bit her lip, her face was filled with joy, but she knew that this was the main hall of discussion. They were all high-ranking officials of the dark alliance. Many of them had never met Meng Fan. They had to stay solemn. Otherwise, Ling Daiyou would have rushed forward. Hugging Meng Fan.

"Yes, the thirteen hall masters have taken action." There was no coldness on her face, only ruddy. "But it's not against our dark alliance."

Meng Fan raised his brows, walked to the side of the map, and even more casually hugged Ling Daiyou's slender waist. This movement was a bit too blatant, making Ling Daiyou's complexion even brighter, and there were more than 80 dark alliances in the discussion hall. At the top, those old people are not surprised, but many of them are newly recruited because of their talents or talents, and they are a little dumbfounded.

The dark alliance has a complicated structure, but those who can enter the conference hall can be said to be the highest level of the dark alliance. Here, Ling Daiyou has always been in charge. Her momentum, talent, and skill are all admirable. It means one and the same.

But they were hugged so casually by Meng Fan, but those newcomers didn't get too entangled in this trivial matter, but a pair of eyes, staring at Meng Fan, frantic, excited, excited, and so on.

He is the **** of the dark alliance. Many people have just glanced at it from a distance, and now they are close, why are they not excited?

"A few days ago, the restricted area moved. Since the last confrontation, I secretly organized a desperate army to collect information about the restricted area, so I knew it very early. At that time, it was just some people who ran out of the restricted area. Stirring the situation everywhere, there was no big wave, but yesterday..." At this moment, she couldn't be shy anymore, her expression became more focused: "The battle giant was defeated by several hall masters and was brought into the restricted area!"

Meng Fan's mood fluctuated extremely weakly for a moment.

However, this slight fluctuation made many high-level officials in the discussion hall feel a suffocation, and some even had their legs weakened. Looking at Meng Fan, his eyes became more awed.

Only some old people, who were high-level people a long time ago and met with Meng Fan, can adapt to this horrible atmosphere and remain calm.

The Zhantian Giant was arrested unexpectedly.

Many thirteen hall masters took action, not to mention the Zhantian giant, even Meng Fan, would have numb scalp.

Immediately, he figured out the reason.

This is the viciousness of the thirteen hall masters. They didn't attack the dark alliance, but attacked the war giant who had long been friends with Meng Fan. Unexpectedly, it was not difficult to guess the purpose.

The source of the heavens is about to be opened. Under this circumstance, the three giants of Wanyu, Meng Fan, the ancient emperor, and the forbidden area, can be said to be three-legged, confronting each other. Meng Fan became stronger and stronger, and the dark alliance’s position in the Ten Thousand Territories became more and more stable. Not long ago, Meng Fan and the ancient emperor made a secret agreement to maintain peace. Although this matter is secret, it has been so long since the ancient gods and The dark alliance's various compromises to avoid war, don't the thirteen hall masters understand?

They will definitely make a move, and because the source of the heavens is about to open soon, their move this time must be a decisive mentality, and it must be a stormy means!

Because it is very likely, it is the last battle.

However, if the sword goes slant and grabs the Zhantian giant, it will only be the first step of the countless storms of the thirteen hall masters.

"Needless to say other things, I understand that the thirteen hall masters have begun to take their place on this market!" Meng Fan waved his palm, and immediately before the Ten Thousand Regions map, many vitality condensed graphics appeared. "Daiyou, leave the formation of troops to you. The places I have marked seem to be neutral on the surface, and even close to the dark alliance forces. In fact, according to my calculations, 90% of them may have taken refuge. In the restricted area, send people to keep an eye on them, and prepare for some back-ups. As long as things change, they will be raided immediately to clear out these hidden mines in the shortest time."

"I understand!" Ling Dai nodded deeply.

"I want to retreat for one day." Meng Fan squeezed his hands: "After one day, I will rescue the Zhantian giant."

As soon as these words came out, all the dark alliance high-level leaders in the entire discussion hall were taken aback. Some of them responded immediately, and quickly exclaimed: "Leader, no!"

Meng Fan said that he would go to save Zhantian Giant.

The Zhantian Giant was in the restricted area.

How many tens of thousands of years have passed since Wanyu, where did anyone break through the restricted area? Even if he is overbearing like the ancient emperor, he has never broken in! If the most secret area is considered to be one at the end of the imperial palace, but it is far from the majestic and terrifying of the restricted area, otherwise, how could it be called a restricted area!

Even when Meng Fan once dominated Ten Thousand Territories, he couldn't forcefully break into the restricted area.

When Wang Tiandi and Han Zhongsheng challenged Meng Fan's majesty, they vomited blood with three punches and two feet, and fled into the restricted area. Meng Fan was standing outside the empty passage of the restricted area and looking at each other coldly.

It can be said that there are three areas in Ten Thousand Realms that must not be entered without permission: the ancient imperial capital of the gods, the headquarters of the dark alliance, and the restricted area of ​​the thirteen halls!

"Meng Fan!" Ling Daiyou grabbed Meng Fan's arm, for fear that Meng Fan would walk away and go straight into the restricted area: "No! The thirteenth hall master caught the giant of the sky and didn't kill it. If you want to come to Zhan Tian, ​​the giant will not be in danger for a short time. Although you don’t know what the thirteen hall masters are making, what plans are there, can’t break into the restricted area!"

That kind of worry and fear are all written on the face.

Meng Fan smiled and rubbed Ling Dai's pink face: "What is the plan of the thirteen hall master? It's actually easy to guess, just to lead me into the restricted area."

"No!" A dark alliance high-level decisively said: "Leader, no one has stepped into the restricted area since ancient times. The thirteen hall masters were once invincible. The ancient emperor was seriously injured by them, and the restricted area was their territory and was operated. For many years, it is impossible for anyone to dare to step in. They will not do this kind of conspiracy trap among no one."

"Where is a conspiracy, it is clearly an arrogant one." Meng Fan smiled kindly, without the panic and panic on the faces of many high-level officials. In the hearts of all dark alliance members, Meng Fan is the absolute pillar of heaven. He can't have ten thousand people. Lost, but they also know Meng Fan's aura. If he really wants to step into the restricted area, no one can stop him!

In contrast, Meng Fan was calm and calm, fighting for many years, for many years in blood and blood, and for many years of prosperity and decline. He watched too much.

"I don’t know what the plan and purpose of the thirteen hall masters are for taking away the Zhantian Giants, but there must be one purpose, which is to lead me into the restricted area. This is obvious, so it’s a conspiracy. The same Strategies, used on the ancient emperor, are useless. He will not put himself in crisis for the lives of others. Even if the entire ancient **** dynasty and the entire ancient gods will be destroyed, he will not blink, but I will definitely Enter the restricted area!"

Meng Fan's tone was very firm.

"Furthermore, the source of the heavens is about to be opened. The thirteen hall masters have rushed through the headquarters of the dark alliance and know us very well, but I have never entered the restricted area and know nothing about it. How can I? Dai You, I know the Empress In the retreat, let her prepare everything to guard the headquarters of the dark alliance."

After saying this, Meng Fan turned and walked outside the conference hall. He had to retreat for one day to see if he could get a secret from the strange ghost. After a day, he stepped into the restricted area!

Become the first person to break into the restricted area throughout history.

"The lord of the thirteen halls hates me for not dying." Meng Fan laughed as he walked out, "It depends on who lives long!"

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