Supreme God King

Chapter 2219: People of choice

Even Meng Fan is not sure that he can leave deep scars on his flesh after smashing the defenses of the vital energy law of the Taoist body in the early days!

At this moment, it can be said that the power of the Taoist in the early days was one or two points stronger than that of the previous duel, but the physical body he condensed with the wooden planks of the ancient ship turned him into a strong fortress that stays still. This is why In the early days, Taoists, who dared to lead hundreds of thousands of warriors in the world, came to the universe and faced the cause of dozens of gods.

He has this confidence!

"The whole body is condensed from the planks of the Ark on the other side?" The Promise Sect Master's expression was extremely solemn: "How could it be..."

The corner of Meng Fan's mouth raised up: "I'm really curious, how strong is the ancient ship that can cross the sea?"

This slight smile made the Wuji Sect master next to him show a different color and opened his mouth to talk, but Meng Fan didn't put his energy on him, his figure shook, and he already came to the void above the head of the Taoist priest, raised his arm and punched him. Under the blast, the vitality of the heavens is moved to roll, and the thunder is extremely powerful!

At the beginning, the Taoist raised his head, his eyes flashed with an imperceptible vigilance, and then he was replaced by a sneer, raised one hand, and resisted Emperor Meng Fan's fist.

The vitality was violent, and the mountains and rivers within a radius of a hundred miles were razed to the ground in the blink of an eye. Many of the gods who were about to attack the Beginning of the Beginning were all backed down by the shock and it was difficult to resist. At this moment, the Taoists of the Beginning were also oppressed by huge force. The direction fell three feet away.

However, he still failed to leave any scars on him!

At the beginning, the Taoist sneered: "I said, you are still a hundred thousand early..." Before the words fell, Meng Fan's punch fell again!

Third punch.

Fourth punch.

Tenth punch!

The fist struck out with all his strength, without stopping, the face of the Taoist in the early days has also changed several times, and the breath is uneven, but he can only resist hard, and cannot mobilize his strength to fight back.

With every punch, the mountains and rivers evaporate, causing the ground with a radius of hundreds of miles around Taichu and Meng Fan to be bare, and then it sinks.

"Sect Master!" The two **** kings of the Wuji Sect came to the side of the Wuji Sect Master, and said solemnly: "We can help that person!"

"No!" The Wuji Sect master waved his hand fiercely: "You immediately summon all the disciples of the Wuji Sect, protect them, and leave this area quickly, here, give it to me!"


One hundred punches!

Meng Fan’s breath was so long that he couldn’t imagine. The vitality in his body was turbulent, and there was no sign of exhaustion. He punched and punched, like the power of the gods, pouring crazily. When the hundredth punch was hit, Meng Fan’s complexion began to change. The change is no longer a vibrant rosy, but a little whitish.

The consumption of vitality is too serious, not only this, but the law of his body, in the collision of one punch, also received a violent rebound.

In the beginning, the Taoist was still struggling to support his body. His body was unimaginable. One hundred emperor fists, even if the thirteen hall masters resisted, would have to vomit blood, but the Taoist in the early days didn't even have any scars on his body. He raised his head and looked. Meng Fan's complexion changed, and the sneer on his face became stronger and stronger, just waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow!

In his mind, the number one on the kill list is always Taiyi, but after the last match, Meng Fan's ranking is already tied with Taiyi.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang..."


A gray voice seemed to originate from the prehistoric era, and a voice that seemed to belong to this era sounded from everywhere in the universe.

At the beginning, the Taoist's eyes changed and he looked not far away.

The Promise Sect Master, standing in the void, his whole long gown stirred, fluttering for hundreds of feet, he opened his mouth, and the sound came from all over the universe, as if the universe, the sky here, the earth here, is making a sound. Talk.

"Heaven and earth are black and yellow, and the universe is prehistoric. I was born by adhering to the luck of the universe and the great world. I am the person chosen by the earth, the hero of my generation..."

One syllable, at the moment of spitting out, the face of the Promise Sect Master gradually grew older, and every breath became much older. When the last syllable was spoken, his appearance, no matter how strong he looked, was completely gray-haired. Old man.

At the beginning, the Taoist was shocked: "Burn your life, and ask for the blessing of the power of the world!"

The face of the Promise Sect master suddenly turned cold, with a smile that looked at death at home: "Burning three hundred thousand years of life, I only want one blow. In the beginning, I was prepared to deal with another ghost. , It’s not a pity that I used it today to kill you, the **** king who wants to kill the humanity of the universe!"

Although Meng Fan was a little pale, and his vitality was beginning to fail to help, he laughed at this scene, and his strength was stronger!

In the early days, the Taoist, in order to resist Meng Fan, was absolutely impossible to be distracted, and it was impossible to even escape, because every moment, Meng Fan punched dozens of punches. As long as the early Taoist loosened a little, he would hit him directly with a punch No matter how strong the physical body is, Meng Fan doesn't believe that there is really anything in this universe, and he can't even leave a scar with a full blow!

The Promise Gate master waved his palm.

The vitality of the entire universe is like a tide, and his palm is a vortex, attracting the surging vitality tide, and condensing it crazily!

I don't know how many creatures and monks who depend on vitality, feel a little suffocated at this moment.

In a few blinks, the billowing vitality was condensed into a long gun with a length of more than ten feet, gold-white in its entire body, and a trace of the power of the lavender world. Anyone who sees this long gun will have a strong awe and strong The sense of oppression, because at this moment, what the Promise Master holds in his hands is the power of the entire universe!

Use a world to kill a person.

When the spear was condensed, the universe collapsed everywhere because of the loss of vitality support, many mountains and rivers collapsed, many spiritual springs dried up, and many natural vitality spirits died.

The universe of the universe fell into silence for an instant.

Twenty years ago, because of this Promise Sect Master, the thirty-six sects were able to sign an agreement, and they stopped fighting each other. Although they were still working independently and building their own ships, for 20 years, the kings and hegemons of each sect were irregular Convene meetings, communicate with each other, and cooperate as much as possible. Especially many years ago, when a **** king of a sect found a blessed place on the road to gods and hides, the sect immediately informed the news. All other sects.


It's because of the Promise Gate Master.

Not only because the Promise Sect Master is one of the best in the universe.

It is also because the Promise Sect Master once said that if a ghost comes back to the world, he will burn his ninety-nine percent of his lifespan, seek the full blessing of the universe, and kill the alien ghost!

At that moment, nearly half of the vitality of the Universe World will be completely exhausted and will surely perish.

At that moment, it will also be the moment when all the arks set off and leave the universe.

The Promise Sect Master, as the chosen person of the Universe Great World, was born upholding the aura of the entire Universe Great World. After burning 90% of his life, he will stay in the Great Universe and live with the Great Universe. Die together.

This kind of big mind has let all the sects put down their barriers!

At this moment, the spear is condensed.

Many **** kings who were still suppressing their own Ark turned around and looked at the Promise Sect Master with sadness.

God king may have endless life.

But it is not really endless, no one can live forever.

Three hundred thousand years of life is almost everything to the Promise Sect Master, who has only entered the realm of God King for tens of thousands of years and whose foundation is not stable.

The Promise Sect Master had gray hair and shot it out.

At the beginning, fear flashed in the Taoist's eyes, and he was about to leave with a flicker, but immediately it was an emperor fist that suppressed him.

"Want to go?" The voice of Meng Fan who kept bombing from a high ground rumbling: "Leave your life and leave!"

"Meng Fan!" At the beginning, the Taoist's eyes were cracked.

"You have the body of an ancient ship, what are you afraid of!" Meng Fan's imperial fist bombardment was twice as magnificent and twice as fast as before! The violent agitation has torn the earth apart.

"I will be buried for you." The Promise Master's cold voice came into my ears.

The spear hit the chest of the Taoist priest.

Stabbed with a shot.

Blood splattered!

"Who said that the ancient ship's body is unbreakable!" Meng Fan yelled, and bombarded with both fists, releasing the last trace of power, dominating the heavens, and crushing the head of the Taoist priest.

"Meng Fan! The Promise Gate!" The Taoist cried out in agony, the body would not break apart, and the strands of original power would diffuse and disperse. "You can't kill me, you don't have the ability to obliterate me, I am the true heir of the mind, the heir of the ancient Jiuquan Demon Venerable, and I carry what I have. With you, it is impossible to cut off my luck!"

In the sound of ghost crying and howling, the body of the Taoist could not stop hardening in the beginning. It is no longer a flesh color, but has become a wooden board with a breath of vicissitudes. A light bead the size of a firefly rushed out of the board, passed through the void passage at a very fast speed, and disappeared.

The void channel is closed.

The remaining twenty-odd Ark Ark on the other shore, no longer restless, fell slowly.

The entire universe is not full of vitality. Many forests and grasslands have dried up and turned golden. Rivers, lakes, and oceans are all like the Dead Sea.

There is a dead silence everywhere.

The Promise Sect Master was exhausted and fell into the air. Suddenly, one hand grabbed the Promise Sect Master, Meng Fan.

Grasping the doorkeeper with one hand, the other hand is connected to the void, and he grabs the forearm-long ancient ship plank and a dozen pieces of ancient ship sawdust in his hand. One of the ancient ship planks has a hole in it. Small, like a pinhole.

Meng Fan squinted his eyes slightly, and the Master of the Promise Gate spent the entire universe's vitality, world power, and luck with one blow, only to leave a pinhole-sized hole in the wooden board of the ancient ship.

Loud rumbling.

Meng Fan cast his gaze and saw that in a very far away place, that was where Yan Luo Dao was, those natural soul-locking formations, the power to imprison the souls, completely collapsed, and countless souls rushed out.

In the other direction, at the other end of the universe, the mountains and seas gradually tore and fall apart.

"The universe of the universe, lost its vitality, lost the power of the world, it is no longer a world..." The Promise Master said with a weak breath: "She will decompose, merge into infinite chaos, infinite nothingness, and change Into a shattered space everywhere, the universe is dead."

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