Supreme God King

Chapter 2218: Descendants of Mozun

God looked for you in the Lingxiao Palace, and went down to the sea to chase you in the Amethyst Palace. On the same day, he took away half of the stone tablet, but he never expected that he would meet the Taoist Taoist on the way to find the humanity and the true meaning of the world!

Long time no see, of course I really miss————

At the beginning of the fight between Wuji Sect Master and Taichu Taoist, all major sect gods and kings supreme cast their eyes. They deeply felt the astonishing momentum carried by the Taichu Taoist at the moment of his presence, and they were also worried, but the person who shot was the Wuji Sect Master. , They tried their best to put all their attention on the ark of their sect.

Because the Wuji Sect Master, a person chosen by the land, was born under the power of the Universe World, he became a true disciple in the Wuji Sect within only a few years of the present life, and then directly passed many elders, and became the Primordial Elder. After that, the Universe The big world knows that there is a person in the Wujimen, who is a figure who seizes the good fortune of the world, but he rarely shows up, obviously he is regarded as a secret weapon by Wujimen.

Twenty years ago, when the ghost came to the world, the Wuji Sect Master was the supreme leader and killed the Quartet. If it weren't for him, Wuji Sect would not have so much power to speak, and could promote an unprecedented ultimate armistice.

But just now, many supreme **** kings were surprised and speechless.

Because a snake spear spear used by the Wuji Sect Master to condense the vitality of the heavens is huge, and the power that entangles the world is huge, but it is destroyed by the palm of the divine hidden giant, and the terrifying ending aura on the five fingers makes them all tremble, Wuji Sect Master , It seems inevitable.

Even the Promise Sect Master himself felt an unprecedented crisis, and all his thoughts were only in an instant. He almost blew his arm to force the Taoist priest back.

At the critical moment, someone sent out greetings.

In the early days, the Taoist also withdrew the lore from the land at the last joint.

He looked at people coming.

Suddenly a strong murderous intent appeared in his eyes.


"Meng Fan!"

Both of them wrapped around Mingyi's palms and collided, and immediately the sky fell into a dead silence. Many creatures around the area felt the unprecedented despair, the despair of unstoppable death, although this despair is only For an instant, it made them feel uncomfortable, some even vomited.

Separate the palms.

Meng Fan and the Taoist priests in the early days each took a hundred steps back. Although they did not cause any trouble, they were still shocking.

Because all the **** kings can see that when the two fight against each other, they will do their best!

What a hatred.

Compared with the Taoist in the early days, Meng Fan didn't hate it so much. He set up the situation and joined forces with Tai Chu and Tai A. But now that he knew the methods and strengths of the Taoists in the early days, he started off. Also used a powerful ultimate move.

After the separation, Meng Fan sneered, squinting at the beginning, without any nonsense, just like two meteors that pierced the sky, collided again!

It is the collision of pure strength and vitality. The fight between the two is completely immortal. With each collision, the power emitted will shatter the laws of the heavens and tear the vitality.

The Promise Sect Master looked dumb, not only him, but many of the gods and supreme kings were shocked. They recognized themselves as the pinnacles, and there was only a small gap between them. But at this moment, seeing Meng Fan’s fight against Taichu After a little estimation, I understand that in this kind of power confrontation, I will definitely not be able to resist a few times.

An old **** king of hundreds of thousands of years said in a deep voice: "It is the true meaning of the Dao Dao, and both of them are characters who turned martial arts into true meaning!"

"What's their position? Should we help one of them?" shouted another **** king who was trying to control the ark.

"Let's watch the changes!" There is another **** king, communicating with his god.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and Meng Fan fought against Taichu hundreds of times!

"Why the last time I saw you, you were still a young **** king with unstable foundations, but in a short time, you were able to face me **** for tat? Is it just because you got half a stone tablet?" During the fight, he shouted at the beginning.

"How can you recover your physical body and reach full prosperity in such a short period of time?" Meng Fan sneered, his subordinates did not relax at all, every syllable spit out at least three punches, mixed with a strong wave of vitality.

"Heh, all kinds of secrets are hidden, it seems that you and I can't talk?" His eyes became sharper at first.

Meng Fan laughed: "If you and Tai Ah agreed to trade with me at the beginning, and you had a good start, you and I could really talk about it, but now, you are unshakable enemies, even if I am willing to talk, you can Stop it?"

Confrontation of words is also a contest of mind.


The strength of the two people in a space was completely torn apart, forming a space vortex, and they immediately escaped into it at the beginning, and reappeared in a distant direction.

"Meng Fan, it seems that you really have a great chance, but today, I can tell you that the so-called great chance is not luck, but cause and effect! I wonder if you can understand this sentence?"

At the beginning, when he moved his palm, an ark in the distance exploded, and a small piece of sawdust quickly flew into his palm.

"Just like countless years ago, I, Tai A, Tai One, and the three of them got the Meditation Stele. Until today, I don't know that it was not a chance, but a cause and effect! Not long ago, you and Tai Yi joined forces to severely inflict me on Broken flesh, I and Tai Awei are living together, but at that time, with pure spirit and desperate will, I realized the stone stele of the underworld, and fully grasped the power in it. I also know that it turned out that the stone monument of the underworld was a member of the ancient times. The immortal monument left by the power of the whole body, and the real understanding of the stone monument of the mind is equivalent to becoming the heir of that power!

The stone stele of Mingyi wandered on the path of the gods and hidden. In fact, they had already passed the hands of several gods, but they failed. They failed to comprehend the stone stele of the Mingyi. They died and fell completely. This shows that the Mingyi The stele is looking for the owner, and I, too, is the real master of the Mingyi stele. "

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth raised: "So, if you say so, you and Tai A can understand the meaning of the mind and feel that they are okay. If you want to spend Wuhai, go to the end of Shenyin to take a look?"

"We don't have such a self-reliance. Although we will cross the sea sooner or later, but not now!" At the beginning, when an ark exploded, a small piece of sawdust fell into his hand: Go to the ancient tomb that mastered the mind! But I didn’t expect that the tomb where Tai Ah and I had been searching for thousands of years was actually known by the people of the Universe World. We don’t want any other factors involved. Among our ten thousand years plan, but it is you. I really hope you can go to the tomb where we are in, the real victory and defeat, let us see what you are carrying!"

Meng Fan's eyes throbbed, so it turns out that the **** king who has gone out of the universe in the past twenty years, the place where he can live in the entire universe, turned out to be the tomb of the Jiuquan Demon Lord in the ancient times!

At the same time, Meng Fan also clearly saw that in Taichu's palm, there was a mark, and that mark gave Meng Fan a very vicissitudes of life, and it seemed to be familiar.

At the beginning, not only did he really understand the Mingyi Stone, his strength was greatly improved, and he did not know what method he found from the Mingyi Stone-to condense the only fragment of the ancient ship that can cross the sea into a body !

That’s right, I didn’t cultivate a physical body in the early days. Even Meng Fan, who has mastered the true meaning of good fortune, could not do it in such a short time. The fragments of the ancient ship made a flesh for himself, and that is why he was able to control the ark of the thirty-six major sects at will, and even shred the ark between his fingers and withdraw the fragments from it.

This is no longer a means of seizing the heavens and the earth.

"Taoist in the early days, what you are destroying is not just an Ark, but also the humanitarian luck of the entire Universe. Every time you take an Ark, this Universe will die to hundreds of millions of people." Meng Fan said During that time, the momentum continued to rise, and at the same time, his eyes became increasingly cold. "On this point, you will not hesitate to die."

Lang Lang's voice reveals a majestic atmosphere originating from the prehistoric!

At the beginning, he sneered: "Meng Fan said that there are three great men in the world, the best in the world, the best in the world, the best in the world, the best in the sky, the best in the sky, and the best in the world. Jie, I hope that everyone is a dragon. The one who is admired by thousands is a great man. I thought you were a great man, but I didn’t expect you to be a great man? I admit that you are not the best I have seen in countless years. The talented and brilliant person is the most outstanding person, but it is a hundred thousand years too early to stop me by your means-wait for the Ark to be my flesh!"

Several arks on the other shore, with the call of the Taoist from the beginning, were immediately shattered. The infinite space built in them was all torn apart. I don’t know how many children of the major sects who have entered the ark are involved in the space vortex. Immediately turned into dust.

The **** king who had lost his own sect ark was already mad at this moment, and he couldn't say anything about it. He rushed to release his body's vitality, the strongest means of killing, and attacked the Taoist priest.

In the early days, the ten fingers flicked and crackled, and immediately all around the body filled with the debut talisman, forming a powerful barrier, resisting the joint attack of several gods.

He is a **** hidden giant, facing multiple **** kings at the same time, and his whole body barrier is broken one after another!

A torrent of vitality hit him.

After a loud noise, unexpectedly, the whole body of the Taoist in the early days did not leave the slightest scar, but a few gods, who were bounced out by a huge force, smashed into the mountains, rivers and seas, and set off stormy waves.


The Promise Sect Master yelled to Meng Fan from afar: "What you say has a big heart. I believe you are a friend but not an enemy-why, the joint killing of several gods can not leave any scars on him!" The words were full of tragic and majestic. Just between the beginning of his fingers, his Promise Gate's Ark also exploded, and the tens of thousands of elders and disciples who boarded the ship first died. Those were all elites!

"In the ark forged by your thirty-six major sects, there are only some fragments of the Ark on the other side. Those fragments are the hardest existence I have ever seen. Almost all of his body is condensed from the fragments of the Ark on the other side. "Success." Meng Fan narrowed his eyes. He had the true meaning of good fortune in the previous fights, so after the force collided with the body torn, he could recover immediately, but the body was also damaged. In contrast, the body of the early Taoist Very hard.

It's because his physical body is probably the toughest force in the prehistoric universe, condensed from the wooden planks of an ancient ship without sea!

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