Supreme God King

Chapter 1890: Useful

right here!

Facing this deep underground palace, Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant looked at each other, and both nodded. If the Big Dipper's martial arts were prevented from here, then there is no doubt that they will be in this palace. .

Because there is no place in the entire underground palace that is safer than this one, although Meng Fan has already hypnotized an entrance sacred formation with the power of Hessian Ruohua in the outside world.

But this palace is actually connected to the other seven places, and every sacred formation is operating normally. As long as Meng Fan touches this sacred temple, he will encounter an extremely powerful backlash.

The entire underground palace will also be awakened, and all the efforts before that time will have been exhausted.

But it can also make Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant feel that there must be a treasure in this ancient temple, and it is worthwhile for the old man to do it.

The wealth they encountered before can be a human enemy, but they can't compare with the things in this ancient temple, otherwise it would not be so grand and rigorous.

Undoubtedly, if you can't break this palace, it's a dead end, you can't get the things in it.

"What to do, you have spent so much energy, are you going to give up all your efforts now?"

The Zhan Tian giant teased, looking gloat.

After all, for him, he only wants to be strong and unparalleled. The safety of the ten thousand domains is actually not relevant to him, and if he does not want to be an enemy of the thirteen hall masters, the thirteen hall masters generally do not. Will go to provoke such an existence as Zhantian Giant.

"will not!"

Sitting down cross-legged, looking at it, Meng Fan's voice is also self-belief

"Since I'm here, how can I back down? I have to say that the rules set by this old man is too difficult, but for me, it is not unbreakable. He is the Great Emperor, and I am Meng Fan. .... Nor will it be weaker than others. This hall is indeed invulnerable, but I have already come here, this last level, no matter what, I will pass!"

A few words fell, sonorous and powerful.

After a while, Meng Fan's five fingers stretched out, and with a shot in the void, an ancient mark revolved, and an extremely vicissitudes of life rose in his palm.

After that, Zhantian Giant was even more shocked, because this kind of breath was...the old man's method of splitting the mountain.

Meng Fan is still Meng Fan, but now in Meng Fan's hands, it is as if the old man Pishan is here, the martial arts show, and a seal strikes, the aura surging above is very similar to the old man Pishan.

"You guy doesn't know where you copied the old man's martial arts, and now you want to borrow this martial arts and turn it into the key to unlock this ancient temple!"

The Giant Zhan Tian suddenly realized that the method that Meng Fan had shown to the Princess of Grace before was the martial art of the old man.

Although Meng Fan only understood a little bit, but with his current methods, he could use this trace of power like fire and innocence. Obviously, this ancient temple was invulnerable at all, and only the old man of the mountain can come and go freely.

For anyone in the world, this is a big problem.

I am afraid that the ancient emperor, who is one person here, can't know it, and the ghost will open it without knowing it, but the method that Meng Fan now thinks of is to use martial arts to turn the old man into the mountain. It was for the old man who smashed the mountain, so this sacred formation... naturally would not have any reaction.

Suddenly, Meng Fan’s palm fell on it. As he expected, after this **** array touched Meng Fan’s breath, instead of having any response, the Dao Dao rune above opened up. When the breath blended in, it turned out that all the restrictions on this ancient temple were lifted. In front of the two Meng Fans, a golden gate appeared, and with Meng Fan's power, the opening of the gate continued to expand.

Visible to the naked eye, it seems that there is a futon in it vaguely, with a thing placed on it, full of a kind of earth-shaking, overwhelming atmosphere.

However, after just feeling the breath of this thing, before Meng Fan could react, in the next moment, the Zhantian Giant roared, stepped down, stood behind Meng Fan, and blasted his punch at the same time.

With just one punch, the world was overwhelming and filled with infinite power.

Now Meng Fan is only the realm of Breaking Yuan Realm, even if he has the flesh of the **** king, but if he bears the punch of the battle sky giant, it is absolutely difficult to resist and will be severely injured.

However, among the lightning and flint, it was discovered that the fist of the Zhantian Giant was not... it hit Meng Fan, but fell down like a Changhong, and went straight to the void behind Meng Fan.


Under the impact of the fist, the void that was originally empty was suddenly shaken. In this world, a huge handprint appeared, and it struck with the fist of the Zhantian giant with a muffled sound. Suddenly, it shattered the space, and it turned out that the Zhantian Giant had retreated a few steps.


A moment later, Meng Fan reacted. The Heavenly Battle Giant didn't aim at himself, but discovered something, and repelled the people hiding in the void who wanted to attack him.

After gritting his teeth, Meng Fan put away the breath surging toward the ancient temple, his eyes were extremely cold, and he did not expect that in this world, there are still people who can hide by his side. Not aware of it!


The three words were spit out, and his whole body tightened. At this moment, Meng Fan was caught in a high level of alert. Only the other party could hide himself under his eyelids, and he could feel it.

He is absolutely terrifying, for lethal murder.

As he stepped back in the distance, Zhantian Giant spewed out a mouthful of blood, and it was obvious that under the instant hand-to-hand collision, that person actually hurt him.

With just one blow, he almost didn't kill the Zhantian Giant. With his Divine King's body, he couldn't withstand the burst of heavy damage, causing the bones in his body to shatter and his internal organs to bleed, and he barely stood firm.

The giants of the sky are so fierce. The terrifying and ruthless people who have been in the world since the ages, even if the realm is suppressed, it is enough to prove the terrible people who shoot.

"Jie Jie!"

In the bursting space, a piece of debris, a gloomy laughter also slowly fell from the chaos, revealing an unpredictable taste.

At the same time, falling into the eyes of Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant, a thin figure slowly walked out, wearing a jet black robe, looking extremely dry, like a skeleton, unexpectedly appeared This piece of heaven and earth.

The third person!

How could Meng Fan never think that besides him and the Battle Sky Giant, a third person will appear, and after a while, Meng Fan’s pupils will shrink sharply, because he feels a familiarity in this person. the taste of.

This kind of familiarity is not that Meng Fan has seen before, but that the breath on the other party seems to be the same as Meng Fan...from an era, that is, in disguise, the latter is also a person of the future, if he meets People in this era, even if the old man from Mountain Splitting came over now, wouldn't be too shocked by Meng Fan, but now they discovered that it seemed that someone had also come from the future and stood in front of them.

"who are you?"

Meng Fan asked calmly, as if sensing something.

"Didn't you already guessed it?"

The man draped in the black robe gave a sneer, stretched out his palm, and slowly took off the cover on his face, revealing an old and pale face with snow white hair and the surrounding area above his face. One by one, it seems that I don't know how many years have passed, but from this vague appearance, Meng Fan can completely tell, because he is very much like a person.

"Unexpectedly that my brother trusted you so much. Not only did he leave a dark game that I hadn't thought of, but the strongest inheritance of our brothers did not give him his children, but gave you this outsider... Meng Fan, you are really surprised!"

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