Supreme God King

Chapter 1889: Invade

Hessian basket flower!

Between the strange mist, it was the powerful method created by the Bai family strange people in the past.

This kind of method once caused countless **** storms between the world and the earth, and also created a powerful myth, but in the end it was classified as calm.

Later, by chance, it was obtained by Meng Fan, and he relied on him to ramp up the world, but after reaching the Divine King Realm, Meng Fan rarely used this method.

Because the enemy is mainly too strong, Hessian Ruohua's power is not enough to make the opponent lost. The most important thing about this thing is that it has a powerful evil nature. It comes from the sky outside the sky, the mysterious space, which can make the opponent's sanity lost in an instant, even if it is sacred, it is difficult to exception.

It's just that it's invalid for the strong and fierce, the strongest **** king!

But now it was used again in Meng Fan's hands, and the moment the mist appeared, he was in an extremely evil state.

If a woman sees the current Meng Fan at this moment, I am afraid that she will immediately worship and obey him. Anything will do, because the current Meng Fan is too hypnotic. This kind of Hessian method is itself mind control.

"go with!"

Spit out a word softly, and Meng Fan flicked his fingers, and the powerful mist flowing out between his fingers turned into a stream of water and moved forward.

It can be seen to the naked eye that this ghostly mist is entwined around the palace.

What the **** does this guy have!

Zhan Tian giant muttered in his heart and looked at Meng Fan in surprise.

But I have to say that I really admire Meng Fan’s courage. Throughout the ages, there is no such person as Meng Fan. The latter knows that there are tigers in the mountains and tends to go to the tiger mountains. Never fear, no matter who it is.

For a moment, this temple was surrounded by the ghostly mist of Meng Fan, which made Zhan Tian giant also show a curious look, wanting to see how Meng Fan can crack this great formation.

After all, the existence of the old man Pishan himself. In disguised terms, Meng Fan is equivalent to fighting the old man in the air at this moment, one as a shield and one as a spear, but I don't know who is better!

Hmph, this guy, I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. I will wait until you wake up Old Man Pishan, I turned around and ran. I really thought I was still in your time!

The Zhan Tian giant curled his lips and couldn't believe it. After all, this central formation was very famous in this ancient era. There are as many murderers who want to break into this place, like a scale across the river, but it is a pity that one No success.

However, at the next moment, what the Zhan Tian giant shook was that the previous conclusions were made clear, and the ghostly mist in Meng Fan's hands continued to surge, blending into every pattern around the **** array.

This temple can be used as a heavy array to guard here. Almost every place is carved with the image of the formation drawn by the hand of the old man, but the fog of the Hessian 笸箩花 has replaced it, replacing the original in the sacred array. The power was covered with a faint black aura. Under this, the entire sacred formation was accompanied by Meng Fan's mist... and lost its effect!

I rely on!

The Zhantian giant almost didn't stare out his eyes. It is hard to imagine that Meng Fan used the means of Hessian 笸箩花 to... hypnotize this **** array!

"You did you do it!"

The battle giant said dumbly, under the control of this Hessian 笸箩花, the entire large formation is still the same as before, without any movement, but in fact the power of the divine formation inside has been quietly cut by Meng Fan. After the effect is broken, they can now walk into this central underground palace in a big way, without worrying about the attention of any divine formation.

Facing Meng Fan's methods, it is really unimaginable.


Meng Fan smiled slightly, and said with some pride, he almost didn't let the Zhan Tian giant vomit blood for three liters. This guy really kept his face in his trouser pocket!

The gatekeeper formation was broken by Meng Fan, and after a while, the two of them stopped hesitating, turned into two shadows, and went straight into it.

Without further ado, since Meng Fan planned to do it, he never hesitated.

Suddenly, the two of them merged into this hall, and the moment they stepped into it, a dusty breath came.

The entire underground palace is extremely huge, even if it is Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant, after seeing it, they are quite shaken.

Buried here are the many treasures of Pishan Gate. After all, the old man Pishan cannot carry all the treasures with him. Just like the dark alliance, there are many Ling Daiyou, Yunfeiyang, who have waited for years to fight and collect them. The gods, treasures and other things, including the inheritance of the powerful sects, will be placed in a fixed place and strictly guarded.

And between this underground palace is the place where the treasures of Pishanmen have been collected the most.

After a glance, the outermost pile of gold and silver treasures in the world, even Meng Fan and the Giants of Zhan Tian didn't feel a bit about it.

But after witnessing it with my own eyes, I can still feel the powerful background of this split mountain gate. This is more than a pile of mountains, it is simply a world, and a world connected to it is a lot of wealth.

And the more you go down, the more rare things are, the treasures that have been collected during the past few years in the Pishanmen, and left behind by the strong people of the door.

Including a large number of ancient books, heaven and earth gods.

The huge background makes the two great gods and kings stunned.

"Don't stop me, get out of the way!"

"Yes, the old man must have a bloodbath here today, otherwise I feel sorry for my life and have lived for nothing!"

Within the space, there was a heartbreaking sound from a bird and a tortoise. Facing such a huge treasure house, it made the two crazy, their eyes blood red, if it hadn't been for Meng Fan's suppression, they would have already taken action.

"Don’t act rashly. After all, this is the most important treasure house of Pishan Gate. Although I have suppressed the **** feelings of the old man Pishan with the Hessian Ruohua, if I take away the things here at will, there will be no small risks. The important point is the power of time and space. In this era, nothing belongs to us. If it moves, it is equivalent to forcibly interfering in the way of heaven, which will cause cause and effect!"

Meng Fan sighed, for such a powerful treasure house, if in his own time, it is estimated that there will be no more scum left in today. For many years, Meng Fan has been killing people and surpassing goods, robbing treasures for opportunities, and doing things absolutely. He can be called a professional, but unfortunately in this past time, he was at most a spectator.

In the past, a trace of the martial arts of the old man smashing the mountain was used, and the great **** was almost killed. If the things here are taken away, it is estimated that it will trigger a powerful time and space effect. This is different from the previous tea stealing. It’s just a trivial matter. He was able to come here through Heaven’s Dao. Small influences didn’t change much in the past, but if Meng Fan did anything excessive, then the power of time and space would immediately kill him here. A time and space.

So in this huge treasure house, they can only watch and can't move!

"God, let me drop a thunderstorm to kill me. There is such a treasure house that I cannot move. What is the difference from death? No... it is ten thousand times worse than death!"

In the space, there was an extremely sad voice from Lord Bird, full of sadness.

In this regard, Meng Fan only shrugged his shoulders. Even his heart was dripping blood, but he also understood what was the most important thing. Compared with the martial arts methods left by the Big Dipper, in this era, Nothing can compare to him!

Stepping forward, Meng Fan and the Battle Sky Giant continued to penetrate into this underground palace, and finally stood in front of an independent underground palace. At the same time, both Meng Fan and the Battle Sky Giant had their bodies tightened, and instinctively felt a burst of pressure. Because they could see at a glance that this palace was completely different from before.

Although it seems that this palace is smaller and more ordinary, it can be seen from the faintly remaining aura that this palace... was sealed by the old man Pishan himself, and is the foundation of the entire... temple. What remains in the vagueness should be the core thing of this palace!

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