Supreme God King

Chapter 1719: Naihe Bridge

One seal is free, and the method is easy to speak!

At the moment Meng Fan's voice fell, that palm also fell from the sky and slammed into the current.

Huangquanhe trembled, Meng Fan's attack was not an ordinary blow, but a burst of his peak combat power and a palm of his own martial arts.

The Seal of Rebellious God!

At a glance, I could see that a huge handprint fell from the sky, even the angry dragon surrounded by countless yellow springs and rivers was beaten to pieces by Meng Fan and turned into invisible after this moment.

And under this unstoppable force, the water surface over ten thousand meters was overturned, and the strong pressure hit the water surface directly and continuously.

At the next moment, Meng Fan's expression moved, and his eyes noticed the deep direction in the water, where it turned out to ancient bridge!

Before Meng Fan hadn't noticed that there was an unfathomable yellow spring, but now it has dispersed on the surface of the water, and there is a hint of it. Obviously, the power to control the yellow spring water came from this ancient bridge, which was hidden deep in the bottom of the yellow spring.


Meng Fan let out a loud roar, and the streamer flew out after a while, and the power of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding had already confined the entire world, preventing the surrounding water from approaching that ancient bridge.

And Meng Fan walked in, and saw that there was a stone stele above the bridge head, with the same three words written on it, it was for...Naihe Bridge!

Naihe sigh on the bridge!

Meng Fan's expression picked up. He didn't think it was Huangquanhe before, but now he has encountered Naihe Bridge again, and the voice of Lord Bird also rang.

"Be careful, Meng Fan, if I'm not mistaken, this should be...the former King Ming's tool for enlightenment, what a bridge!"

A few words conveyed an extraordinary shock.

Fudo Mingwang!

Hearing this, Meng Fan's expression moved, and he said solemnly.

"The one who opposed the thirteen hall masters in the past?"

"Not bad!"

Lord Que nodded, even at this moment, he put away that cynical look, and felt extremely pressure.

The previous burial emperor was shocked enough, but Meng Fan did not expect to see a more terrifying existence here, that is, in the ancient times, the **** king realm was a strong man who dominated the hegemony, Fudo Mingwang.

It is rumored that the latter is a figure of the Kaitian era, who rose up in the past and swept the world, even if it is a hero, destroying this kind of existence is a junior in front of him. And Meng Fan knew that in the ancient times, there were a few people who could compete with the thirteen hall masters, and this King Fudo Ming was one of them.

If the world can make the thirteen hall masters jealous, then there is no doubt that Fudo Mingwang must be able to rank.

According to some vague records, in its active era, even in the heyday of the thirteen hall masters, they could shoot at the same time, and they never killed Fudo Mingwang. The latter's instrument of enlightenment, however, once the bridge appears, it will make the world heroes. Helpless!

And this kind of top powerhouse also exists in the imperial palace, beyond Meng Fan's imagination.

"It is understandable that the imperial palace is something before the Kaitian era. It is extremely old. It includes the most terrifying things on the avenue of the world. Just like Ruotian and others chose to put the retreat here, because it is possible to follow the emperor. There are more laws of heaven and earth in the palace, which are always stronger than Wanyu, but I didn't expect that the former Fudo Mingwang's instrument of enlightenment was here, so is he here too?"

Master Gui slowly said, the things after the eighth floor of the imperial palace are already beyond their imagination, and behind the Huangquan River is another Naihe Bridge!

"Look at it first!"

Meng Fan sneered, stepped out and stood on the bridge.

And at this moment, the entire bridge became illusory at this moment, the breath was blurred, the world was pale, and it seemed that there were countless souls roaring.

This is Fudo Mingwang’s tool for enlightenment. It is as famous as the forbidden area pillar and so on. Its power can be imagined. It is only the moment when Meng Fan wants to move, and countless reactions are found on this Naihe bridge. Meng Fan clearly felt that this bridge was probably even more terrifying than the Huangquan River, but it was the eye in the Huangquan River.

But if you want to move forward again, you have to cross this Naihe Bridge!

"Meng Fan, be careful, if you don't have to force it through, the depths of this imperial palace are too terrible, even King Fudo Ming is silent here, leaving this Naihe Bridge is a checkpoint, and I don't want people to disturb. If it is forced..."

Ye Ye persuaded that he did not want Meng Fan to take risks.

Even if Meng Fan's combat power is now shocking, there is still a big gap between the old monsters that appeared in the Kaitian era!

"I said, I won't let anyone move the people around me, including the law of heaven and earth. In any case, I will go to the depths of the imperial palace to find out. Whoever blocks me will die!"

Meng Fan calmly said, taking a step down, and in a moment, the whole person was almost like a long knife, rushing towards the opposite bank of the Naihe Bridge.

Whoop, whoop!

Suddenly, the bridge changed, the golden light flickered, and the whole world seemed to be distorted, and that kind of ghost howling sound continued to fall. Suddenly flashed in front of Meng Fan, a ghost blocked Meng Fan, his face was pale, his hair scattered, and his eyes suddenly moved Meng Fan's expression.

"You are... Yan Yang!"

There was a hint of surprise in the tone. Meng Fan stared at this phantom, because although it was a ghost, it looked extremely miserable, but it was Meng Fan’s familiarity. It was in Wuzhen that day, Meng Fan let Ruo Shui The first person Yi killed was the former city lord of Yancheng.

Unexpectedly, this figure appeared here and stared at himself!

"I want your life... I want your life..."

Yan Yang's face was hideous, and the corners of his mouth muttered to himself. At the same time, a ghost claw violently grabbed Meng Fan, only for a moment it turned into an extremely terrifying energy. Although he was only a small person in the past, now the power is running, making Meng Fan's expression suddenly change, instinctively alert, knowing that if he is touched by this ghost, he is afraid that his own martial arts will be broken. This ghost The shadow looks ordinary, but it contains the ultimate resentment power!


Meng Fan yelled and blasted out with a punch, and the Fist of Inverse God broke out to the extreme, running through the sky.


After a short while, Meng Fan used his fist to break into the body, fierce and extremely fierce, and directly shattered the ghost image transformed by the sun before him, so that he did not even touch the corners of his clothes.

However, at the next moment, what surprised Meng Fan was that the breath on the Naihe Bridge between Zhou and Tian did not stop, and the space was distorted, and shadows appeared. Every shadow of Meng Fan was acquaintance, including Mo Yuan. Son, Meng Tiansheng, Little Pluto, Blood King. . . . . Waiting for too many of Meng Fan's former enemies, at this moment, they turned into ghosts and slashed, each with a strong energy.

This how the bridge can detect the memory of the intruder!

After a short while, Meng Fan understood why these people appeared, and he knew him well. Because this Naihe bridge itself is the enlightenment tool of King Fudo Ming, possessing power against the sky, and every enemy that appears on it is transformed from the memory of the intruder, who he killed in the past. , It turns into a ghost and emerges.

Each ghost is incomparably terrifying, with a large number of people, just like a hundred ghosts walking at night.

And the most important point is the psychological shock. Faced with the enemies that I personally killed in the past turned into ghosts, I stood in front of myself and asked for my life. Looking at the world, it was enough to scare too many people to death. In the past, it was going to be defeated, let alone a duel.

However, the power of the bridge is to make the intruder die in his own nightmare, and the ghosts between the ghosts seem to be the souls of the past, extremely real!

But after a while, Meng Fan laughed loudly, glanced around and said calmly,

"It's worthy of being the King Fudo, and it's worthy of being a person who fought against the thirteen hall masters of the past. Even the memories of people of my level can be detected, but this is okay for some people who love to be cockroaches and dog thief. My life is Meng Fan I have never regretted the way I walked. Let alone these people are just phantoms. Even if they really stand in front of me, it doesn't matter if I kill them again. Such a method is difficult to defeat my aspirations!"

The tone is sonorous, every word is like a thunder, spreading around at this moment.

In this voice is already contained Meng Fan's powerful spirit attack, even if there are countless ghosts around, but under the aura of Meng Fan itself, it is shocked to stop, the most direct Burst!

Fighting all the way, killing countless people, but Meng Fan has never violated his heart. He thinks that he is damned and has a way to die, so he has never felt guilty in his heart!

In the face of these figures, the only thing Meng Fan sees is Qingming and indifferent, **** out, even if a person is among these hundred ghosts, but they are striding forward, the tricks are fatal, and they are open and close. Down, like a tiger crushing a pack of wolves, even if it is a ghost transformed by the supreme power in this Naihe Bridge, there is nothing to do!

Such a scene is extremely amazing!

Even the supremely strong among the universe and the universe may have a lack in the heart, but Meng Fan's ability to achieve this step can only explain one thing, because his innocent heart has never changed!

After a stick of incense, Meng Fan had already stepped on this Naihe Bridge for a lifetime, and even countless ghosts could not stop him.

At the same time, Meng Fan's gaze revealed that there was a huge shadow in the direction of the other shore. It was previously blocked by layers of mist and could not be seen clearly. Now it was in sight, only to find that it was a huge palace , The whole body is bronze, with rows of runes carved around it, with three large characters written on the top. . . . . Mingwang Palace!

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