Supreme God King

Chapter 1718: Life and death


Two words came out of Meng Fan's mouth, and a dignified look appeared on his face.

If it weren't for Meng Fan to read ancient books well and read too many Taoist books in the past, he might not have recognized the remnant in front of him.

The battle armor represents an ancient symbol. In Meng Fan's impression, it should have come from a person, who was famous in the ancient times...

Especially seeing the aura above this skeleton made Meng Fan more and more sure that the skeleton alone contained the feeling of an extremely powerful person.

Even though it has been dead for a long time, anyone who sees it gives a feeling of awe, as if this person has experienced countless battles and stood on the top of the world in the past.

During the whole life of Emperor Burial, he came out from the bottom of Wanyu and created a set of exercises called Burial Heaven God Jue.

Because of this, the emperor buried in the past hit the world without any scruples, even as an enemy of the Ji family of the emperor. The most famous battle was when one person entered the base camp of the Ji family, killing more than three million people. Shake Wanyu, the power is overpowered for a while.

It can be said that the fall of the Ji family and others is directly related to the buried emperor, and the latter has reached the half-step divine king state in the past. It is rumored that in the age when the buried emperor was active, it was rampant in the world and was known as invincible under the **** , The combat power can be equal to the world!

Such a peerless figure, he died tragically here, even half of his body did not come out!

Seeing such a scene, even Meng Fan was shocked and fell into silence.

The danger of this life and death pass has already been said before, but in front of his eyes is a supreme powerhouse who is dead, and this buried emperor is very similar to Meng Fan, both in the half-step divine king state, and the combat power surpasses everything. But there is already a criminal record, so Meng Fan has to consider it carefully.

"Meng Fan!"

Master Que spoke up, spitting out two words, but the following words did not say much, but the meaning expressed was self-evident, obviously advising Meng Fan that it is best not to step into this gate of life and death.

There was a little silence, but a faint smile appeared on Meng Fan’s face, slowly saying,

"In front of this gate of life and death, there is an ancient emperor who is equivalent to my strength. Is it going to mess up my mind? Haha...The gate of life and death, the gate of life and death, I don't know how many times Meng Fan has experienced life and death in his life. Do you care this time?"

The tone was calm, but it was full of pride.

It's not because of Meng Fan's arrogance, but the pride that comes from Meng Fan's many years of fighting in his bones. Only then can he develop this kind of confidence. Even if an ancient emperor falls before him, it still has no way to affect Meng Fan After only a moment of contemplation, Meng Fan's body was like a sword, one step... stepped into the gate of life and death.

One knows nothing about life and death!

At the moment when the sole of Meng Fan’s feet fell, the void behind him began to become unpredictable. At this moment, all retreats were cut off by a mysterious power, and there was even no retreat, but Meng Fan’s His complexion was still extremely calm, just stepping forward.

The space is vast and darkness!

At the moment of coming here, Meng Fan's whole body could not help but burst out, and the alert reached the highest point.

After entering this gate of life and death, the pressure on it was ten times stronger than before. In an instant, Meng Fan felt the difference between the world and the earth, frowned, and said at the same time,

"This is... a place of nowhere?"

The place of noness is no time, no space, even ignoring all the laws between heaven and earth, sometimes it will be cold, sometimes it will be hot, here is completely different from the outside space.

Looking at the world, only the strong who touched the gods and kings can walk here, but it is still quite dangerous.

In just a moment, Meng Fan got a layer of goose bumps all over his body, and the whole body was cold. This is indeed the eighth floor of the imperial palace, which is really terrifying.

In this emptiness, Meng Fan used his full strength and kept walking forward while scanning his eyes. Along the road, a few skeletons could be vaguely seen, and all of them had the aura of the former strong. , But he died here.

Since the opening of the sky, the imperial palace has been placed here, and there have been too many buried, even the burial emperor is just one of them. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many strong people want to come here with strong strength, but they are all buried here. Suppressed!

Along the way, Meng Fan had seen countless bones, but he still couldn't let his footsteps stay for half a minute.

With his own powerful strength, life and life under the pressure of this life and death pass, Meng Fan’s journey is extremely slow, and every step falling is bound by infinite gravity. It is just less than a day in the past, but it is Let Meng Fan go for a full year!

"It's no wonder that once those ten thousand ancient monsters go out, it will take ten thousand years. It is indeed too difficult to explore this world's dangerous place!"

Meng Fan sighed quietly.

There was no one on this road to crush him, but it was too difficult to move forward alone, and it was a big test to survive in this kind of solitary place. Even Meng Fan was full of exhaustion during this year's journey.

However, Meng Fan faintly felt that there must be something in front of him. Only by tearing everything apart can he break free and see.

After another half a year, it was Meng Fan who finally saw the first sight in this lonely place, and stopped him outside. It was a... huge river. The river is rolling, long and majestic, and the sound of the water falling is the eardrums, which makes people tremble.

And as far as Meng Fan could see, there was a huge stone stele in front of the river with three words written on it... Huangquan!

Huangquan, in the legend of Ten Thousand Regions, it means growing in the deadly place!

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth were raised, and it was unexpected that this river was called Huangquan.

"It seems that if you want to reach the other shore, you have to live through this yellow spring!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, his eyes flickering, looking at the rushing river in front of him, his body stepped out after a while.

But just as Meng Fan stepped onto this yellow spring, the rushing river suddenly became rushing, and at the same time the water flow merged, and the sudden change turned into a rush of angry dragons towards the direction of Meng Fan. Impacted away.


The body suddenly shook, Meng Fan looked around indifferently, prepared for this.

Before that, so many masters died along the way, including the Emperor Burial, and others did not go out, naturally let Meng Fan understand that there is definitely a murderous in this life and death pass, and will outrageously attack the intruders. Although the difficulty of the Land of Annihilation is terrible, it is not enough to kill so many masters, so there must be a big danger here.

Sweeping his gaze around, Meng Fan could feel the entire yellow spring as if he was alive the moment he stepped into it, that kind of billowing water hit, overwhelming the sky, sweeping the mountains and rivers!

It seems that this is the punishment of destroying the world, no matter who is under the power of this river, it will be broken and unbearable.


Meng Fan let out a loud roar, his face expressionless, it was already a fist of rebellious **** blasted out, and the blood in his body was surging out in a moment, turning into endless power to the sky.

Bang, bang!

The void exploded, and it was visible to the naked eye. At this moment, Meng Fan’s body did not retreat but moved forward. Standing on the yellow spring river, even if facing the murderous shooting of the endless water waves around, the whole person is like a **** whose sharp edge must be revealed. Bing, brazenly march forward!

The fist front collided with the angry dragon above the sky, even though the current was extremely fierce, but Meng Fan’s fist front was even better. That fierce force came out to destroy all the angry dragons that attacked. All are smashed in this mid-air.

Striding meteor, Meng Fan went forward like this, crossing the Yellow Spring River!

Between several breaths, Meng Fan walked a few thousand meters forward without hindrance at all. However, after a while, this suddenly shook nothing at the bottom of this yellow spring.

A vaguely unpredictable aura can be felt in it. After a while, the water of the Huangquan River seemed to be activated by something. The originally billowing river became more fierce again, and it was a hundred times more than before!

With a change of expression, Meng Fan's gaze penetrated. It was obvious that there was something in the bottom of the yellow spring, which could control the surroundings, making the attack on the yellow spring river even more fierce!

Suddenly, Meng Fan let out a long roar, and the power penetrated, but the sudden growth of the river water was extremely vigorous. In an instant, one of the angry dragon water actually penetrated Meng Fan’s defenses and fell on it. Body.


Blood spattered everywhere, his shoulders exploded, making Meng Fan grin, and immediately circulated the martial arts in his body, suppressing the power of the yellow spring that had been incorporated into his body.

"No wonder, even that group of people can't survive if they leave the Huangquan River. The water in this river is highly poisonous!"

Meng Fan’s heart was shaken, and he could feel that the moment the river covered his body, it was like venom infiltrating into his bone marrow. If it weren’t for Meng Fan’s current martial arts public ginseng fortune, he would have reached Xiaocheng. Can't bear it!

And it is impossible to use it all the time. The poisonous power in a drop of the river water is to make Meng Fan's heart tremble. If you want to get through the Yellow Spring River, you must not stick to the body!

After gritting his teeth, Meng Fan’s body was as fast as electricity, and he passed his life forward, swinging his emperor fist. At the same time, the whole person was like a perpetual machine in an instant. That kind of fist swing turned into a powerful force and resisted. go with.

Even though there are countless Huangquan angry dragons surrounding Meng Fan, they are also broken by Meng Fansheng, and they are smashed.

And just after a moment, Meng Fan's palm moved, turning his fist into a palm, and a monstrous handprint was shot in an instant, containing the endless changes in Meng Fan's body. This palm is comparable to a mountain, traversing the space and directly facing the yellow spring. The bottom of the river smashed past,

A print goes across the air, and the sound also falls,

"Come and not be indecent, there is something... come out!"

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