Supreme God King

Chapter 1308: Play with you

As soon as he stepped into the imperial palace, someone came and regarded himself as a goal!

This situation can be described as quite strange, no matter who is dumb, after all, this is the land of the imperial palace, and everything is imprisoned. Everyone here is unable to control themselves, but it turns out that someone has found it so easily. Meng Fan.

The latter must be extraordinary.

However, for many years, Meng Fan's concentration was equally extraordinary, just stunned for a moment, then his mind moved quickly and thought quickly.

There is no doubt that this is a group of formidable enemies, and it is either the Western Heaven God Race or the other emperors. There are only eight people, moving at the same time, targeting themselves, absolutely swift and violent.

Under this situation, Meng Fan didn't dare to move arbitrarily when he didn't know what his opponent was.

Meng Fan sneered and said indifferently.

"Hunt and kill, I haven't had this feeling for a long time, hum, then I will play with you..."

The tone was calm, and at the same time Meng Fan stepped on the soles of his feet, directly turning into a thunder, and heading towards the depths of the jungle, at such a speed that he disappeared into the vast jungle in the blink of an eye.

And in the distance, Zhou Tian's direction, as Meng Fan said, is that there are eight human figures swiftly coming towards him. One of them is a young man who is commanding him. Son, Zhao Wudi!

And at this moment, there is a jade pendant in his hand with a gleaming light on it. It is this jade pendant that can sense the aura of Meng Fan's body. As long as it is within these 10,000 meters, Meng Fan's whereabouts will be displayed, and it is for Zhao Wudi to track it. Come.

And there is a string of bracelets on each of their wrists. This is the trump card prepared by the Zhao family. The so-called ancient emperors are naturally extraordinary.

Any member of the Zhao family can transmit information to each other as long as they wear this string of bracelets, even in this confined space, they cannot stop Zhao Wudi's words from falling.

"Besiege first, don't disturb him, besiege him in a blind spot, this guy is good at strength, and I don't want him... just to die!"

In the midair, Zhao Wudi said indifferently, staring at it, murderous Ling Ran.

There is no doubt that the news of the previous fight against Meng Fan has fallen into the ears of Zhao Wudi, Luanmi and others through different channels. It has to be said that the old monsters behind him are not all thunderous. This is the five quasi-god-level powerhouses, so they lost.

The existence of this grade is not cabbage, even the ancient emperors are very distressed, naturally, they have given Zhao Wudi and others a death order to make Meng Fan never leave this imperial palace.

Enemies meet, especially jealous!

Therefore, as soon as Zhao Wudi and others stepped into this imperial palace, before looking for the great opportunity in it, they had already headed straight for Meng Fan, aiming at the latter, preparing to kill silently.

There are a total of eight people, all from the young generation of Tianjiao from the Zhao family. They are led by Zhao Wudi. All of them have reached the level of the Profound Origin Realm, and they have reached the peak or so, and they have the qualifications to enter here. , And now also targeting Meng Fan.

This group of people are not ordinary people. Once they are nailed by them, even a quasi-god will be killed by them immediately. Any one of them is proficient in the Zhao family's secrets and is decisive.

With the jade pendant in their hands, Zhao Wudi and others can be said to accurately track Meng Fan's information and command the crowd to besiege it. But what surprised them was that while they were tracking Meng Fan, the latter also moved quickly and at a high speed, stepping directly toward the emperor’s road, which caused this group of people to want to besie Meng Fan. So easy.

For a full half an hour, the two sides were caught in this state of persistence. One after the other, even with the eight great arrogances, it was difficult to completely trap Meng Fan in a blind spot.

"What's the matter, why is this guy suddenly so fast!"

Zhao Wudi muttered, according to the truth, Meng Fan couldn't find them in the confinement space, but the latter was obviously not so easy to grasp, which was completely beyond their expectations.

"Maybe this guy wants to explore opportunities in Emperor Road... Hey, he stayed in one place!"

With a change of expression, Zhao Wudi and the others swiftly commanded the crowd to leave, and arrived immediately after a full amount of incense, only to find a huge mountain stream not far away. The surrounding streams are rushing, and right in the bottom of the water is where Meng Fan's breath is. A mysterious breath spreads out in the water, as if there is something in it.

"Huh, this little boy Meng Fan should have come here to look for opportunities, huh, the opportunities here above Dilu are average. It seems that there should be something in the bottom of this deep pool, otherwise he would not step into it. , But it is destined to pay for the wife and break down. We want this **** of heaven and earth, and we want his life!"

Above the sky, one of the eight people said with a dark smile.

Zhou Tian was imprisoned, vitality spread, and the moment he came here was to completely seal up this world, causing absolute pressure. Obviously, since this group of people didn't plan to let Meng Fan go here, they were naturally extremely cautious, laying down layers of vitality.

And Zhao Wudi nodded and waved his hand. The three of them were above the river, while the other five turned into a stream of light and stepped into it.

The ancient emperors, here are the existence around the peak of the eight Xuanyuan realm, that one is the generation of Tianjiao, naturally fearless Meng Fan.

When the latter had been locked, the killing was immediately launched. The five figures stepped into the river, and in an instant, they burst out the most fierce attack and rushed under the river.


The water pool burst and overflowed all around, making the entire week tremble. The five people in the water suddenly launched their hands, attacking fiercely, and their vitality exploded. But what made the five of them dumbfounded was that with the collapse of the bottom of the pool, there was no scene they had expected under the pit, but a stone appeared.

"Boss... No, Meng Fan is not here, there is only one stone with his breath on it!"


The puzzled voice of the Zhao family fell in the pool, and Zhao Wudi and the others above the river suddenly trembled and hesitated.

The aura shown by the jade pendant in their hands is Meng Fan around this pool of water, and after they came here before, they discovered that there is a great atmosphere floating in this pool of water. It should be Meng Fan who stepped into it to look for opportunities, but None of this was done according to the so-called plan, unless the jade pendant given to him was fake, or it was. . . . .

At the next moment, the void tore apart, and Zhao Wudi's eyelids picked up, and he felt a sound of sonic boom coming directly behind him.


Shaking the mountains and rivers, piercing everything, after Zhao Wudi, there was an extra figure with white hair dancing, slender figure, and fierceness. It was not who Meng Fan could be.

Indeed, as he expected, Meng Fan was here, but he was not in the pond. Before, he just arranged it gently, so that something mysterious appeared in the pond, which looked like a place of opportunity.

So this group of people instinctively thought that Meng Fan was at the bottom of this pool, but Meng Fan’s voice hit the west, but it was beside this pool of water, concealing his breath and hiding himself, waiting for the latter five to step into it, the group of Zhao family separate.

Now there are only three people on this river bank. For Meng Fan, this is the best time to shoot. For many years, he has never been used to being a hunted object, but a real hunter, no matter the face. Who is it?

Expressionless and striding out, Meng Fan never shows mercy once he does it.

The emperor fist shot, thirty-eight golden lights flickered, and with Meng Fan’s current power, how terrible it was. The blood in the body was united. In this fist alone, there was a kind of domineering that shakes the mountains and rivers, making people unable to look directly .

"court death!"

Zhao Wudi yelled, punched backhand, and collided with Meng Fan, but between the collision of the two fists, Zhou Tian burst into pieces, and countless space fragments overflowed, and Zhao Wudi's figure was straightforward. Flew out.

In the count!

The expressions of all the members of the Zhao family changed drastically. They looked at the river water in shock, not to mention they also reacted. All of them fell into Meng Fan's previous plan. The latter's cunning, like a fox, really deserved its reputation.

Without waiting for all Zhao Family Tianjiao to take action, standing on top of the sky, Meng Fan uttered a word with a move of his throat.


The word is like a thunder, but after this word falls, it is like a sky that is constantly trembling at this moment, and terrifying mental power swept the surroundings, including the powerful methods accumulated by Meng Fan over the years. Voice is the first. , Hidden in it with spiritual power, like a hundred thousand heavenly dragons, millions of sergeants roared at the same time, and Zhou Tian swept through, causing all Zhao Jia Tianjiao to shake their bodies, resisting mental power, and colliding with Meng Fan's sound waves.

At the same time, several Zhao Jia Tianjiao uttered a muffled grunt, spurted out blood, and retreated. Meng Fan's sudden shot was no different from the arrival of a Primordial Beast. !

It was just a moment of action that suppressed eight people at the same time. Although Meng Fannai set up a plan to fight against the unprepared group of Zhao Family, it was too terrifying, and it was like a great emperor.

And in the next moment, Meng Fan stared at Zhao Wudi who was retreating in midair. He stepped out, flew over with one foot, and pushed horizontally in the air. The endless vitality fluctuations sealed the sky.

"I heard your name is Zhao Wudi, invincible?"

When the sound fell, Zhao Wudi was shocked by Meng Fan's punch before, and his whole body was shaking. His arms almost broke. Under the overwhelming air wave, there was not much time to react. Only the vitality resisted and formed defense.

But how overbearing Meng Fan's kick was. It was visible to the naked eye that it passed directly through Zhao Wudi's vitality defense, kicked Zhao Wudi's face with his big soles, and kicked it into the air, making it the most intimate. . . . contact!

A kick in the face, blood stains the sky!


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