Supreme God King

Chapter 1307: Enter the imperial palace

The world has bloomed for a thousand years, and the eternal emperor has become the emperor!

This sentence fell into the ears of everyone, vicissitudes and ancient, in this void, six great sacred shots at the same time, sealing the void, causing great power, Zhou Tian trembled, and the universe turned around.

Obviously, at this moment, the six great sacreds seal the void at the same time, and with the actions of these six people, the imperial palace is also completely sealed. As it said, after this action, it takes ten years to pass.

Including the mountains and countless ancient temples, the disciples raised their heads at the same time, looking in this direction, and felt this terrible breath, folded their hands together, and slowly uttered a few words.

"Respect to the imperial palace!"

The sound trembled, I don't know how many palaces and strong people came from, and the combined power was enough to shake the lives of several quasi-god-level strong people, causing a big sonic boom.

The mountains shook, and the temple didn’t know how many ancient existences were awakened. They looked deep. Looking at it, in this eternal time, too many powerful men abandoned their prosperity in the outside world in order to come here and protect the emperor. Palace, sense the principle of its vitality operation.

But now, there are a group of Tianjiao powerhouses stepping into it, and everyone's looks are different, filled with countless complex emotions...

Within the golden space, the power of the majestic space surged, stepping into it, Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er, and Cao Qiushui three figures shuttled, controlled by this kind of power, they could not control themselves at all.

There is no doubt that once you step into this imperial palace, it is sent randomly, and it will not act according to a certain person's will. In this kind of place, no one can control it, and the gods must follow the rules here.

"Meng Fan, the imperial palace is huge. The starting point alone is that I don’t know how many places are torn apart by the force of space. The three of me and I shouldn’t appear together. You have to be careful. It’s gold that enters here. The great arrogances of the Twelve Leagues, among them, they don’t know how many ancestors came here in the past, and they have already summed up too many rules. Although they cannot be controlled here, some traces can always be found!"

Bai Shui'er said condensedly, and at the same time raised his jade hand, the two scrolls were thrown at Meng Fan and Cao Qiushui.

"This is the information summarized by my Bai family, and it is also one of the trump cards given to me. As for other than the Bai family bloodline, you can't control it. Only this scroll is useful for you. It records about the Bai family in the imperial palace. Although everything you know cannot be a complete picture, it is also very useful!"

Starting with the two scrolls separately, the intelligence value of this one can be imagined, enough to make anyone crazy, and only the emperor of the Bai family can take it out. Of course, the same is true for the other Golden Twelve Leagues. .

Cao Qiushui smiled slightly, and also raised his hand, took out a piece of wood, cut it off in three sections, and divided it into Meng Fan.

"This thing was given to me by my master before he left. Although I don’t quite understand its usefulness, that old guy will never fool me. But my master also said that this imperial palace can It is absolutely impossible to advance rashly. For a total of ten years, a steady and steady fight is the correct solution. Otherwise, it is very likely that you will encounter other strong people. The imperial palace is only sealed and you don't know how many exist. Be careful!"

Hearing what the two said, Meng Fan's eyes flashed and he gave a wry smile.

"Sorry... I don't have anything for you..."

Undoubtedly, the imperial palace Meng Fanke still had his eyes smeared, except for the imperial Dao that had merged with his soul, but there was no more trump card to prepare.

But the others are not at all. It is not only Bai Shui'er who has sufficient preparations for the Bai family, including the Xitian Protoss, the Zhao family, the Liu family, Yike, etc., all have their own cards.

That one belonged to the eternal family, even if it was in this imperial palace, Meng Fan didn't care. Although it was not fair, there was nothing fair in this world.

All chances and good fortune are dependent on oneself, to kill, to grab!


The golden world was split apart, and the figures of the three Meng Fans were under his control and could not be controlled at all. They could only watch the legend of the power of this space. Finally, they passed through the space tunnel at the end and stepped in. In this world.

"Be careful... Meng Fan..."

Looking at Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er was full of reluctance, but the Jiao body was not under her control at all, only his eyes were staring at the latter.

"Don't worry, you too, don't go too deep, wait for me, in three years, I will find you!"

Meng Fan said calmly, and at the next moment, the whole person popped out into the void and merged into this space.

Not only in this space, but in other places, there are crowds of people who have entered quickly. There are a total of two hundred Tianjiao-level powerhouses. Among them, the Yang family heirs who have a line are known to be confused. Wait for the strong.

There are many more unknown existences, all hidden in it, and there are many enchanting existences such as Cao Qiushui, which seem ordinary, but they have the ability and origin to reach the sky.

But now they are all stepping into it, each with a different mind, blending into this sky.

"Dilu opened again... How many people can pay back!"

Above the void, the door of space slowly closed, and the six ancient ancestors sighed softly, their eyes were deep, as if to look through this space and see everyone's movements.

"This is already something that we can't intervene. We can only let it develop. Only those who stand on top of this peak are qualified to get chance, achieve supreme achievement, and cultivate vitality, which is cruel!"

Another old man said, extremely calm. There is no doubt that these six people existed before the ages. They have not known how many years they have lived, and they have long seen life and death and other things incomparably plain.

After a while, the six people clasped their hands together, sitting still in this world, turning into six statues, motionless, as if they had never moved, leaving only a vicissitudes of life.

"Okay, it's another familiar scene... I can't think of many Tianjiao, but I don't know how many people can get the chance, just... wait and see..."

The sun was shining, and a faint smell of pine oil fell into his nose, and Meng Fan's eyes opened. With his combat power, he could not help but have a short loss. The memory stayed in the previous space transmission, and now it is completely different.

The surroundings are not the same. They are already in an ancient forest, and the surrounding trees are lush and lush, it is a unique world.

Imperial Palace, Little Thousand World!

With a move of his heart, Meng Fan sat cross-legged and absorbed Zhou Tian, ​​and suddenly felt that the infinite aura of the heaven and earth was integrated into his body and turned into a billowing vitality.

Prehistoric air!

While absorbing it, Meng Fan's heart was also in shock. I have to say that this kind of billowing wild aura turned his body's vitality faster, and it was more than ten times faster than the outside cultivation speed.

There is no doubt that this is an ancient world, as if Wanyu was just born. The power in it is too old. All the surrounding scenery is like ancient times without any change. It makes Meng Fan seem to have come to a past era. Go, under this sufficient energy of heaven and earth, a large number of strange creatures breed, even the trees are as thick as five people.

"No wonder so many powerful people are willing to seal in this imperial palace. It is worthy of being the source of heaven and earth, the land of the ancestors!"

Meng Fan said to himself that this edge alone has great benefits, not to mention that it is the core place of this imperial palace. This imperial road war has just begun.

It's no wonder that countless powerful people have settled here in ancient times. Even he was shaken in his heart. He wants to stay in this place forever. The speed of cultivation will increase rapidly, not to mention the countless resources in his imperial palace. .

At a glance, the future is endless, that is... . Emperor Road!

In ancient times, I don't know how many Tianjiao have come here to fight against it. Looking at the world not far away, Meng Fan is also agitated and exhales heavily. Now it is his turn to fight.

But at the next moment, when the body moved, a token appeared, which was the imperial Dao that had just been merged by Meng Fan, and the light flickered on it, and at the same time, a message was integrated into Meng Fan's divine mind.

Under acceptance, Meng Fan’s brows were raised slightly, and he finally understood why the old madman would leave this imperial way in the imperial palace ahead of time, because it was a good fortune left to Meng Fan, and this imperial way was for the emperor. The palace is of great help, because this imperial way itself was born in... In this imperial palace.

The moment he stepped into this place again, the emperor's Taoism inspiration should be able to help Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts spread throughout the void and blend into the space.

This is the ancient space. There are countless prohibitions. Even Meng Fan’s spiritual power may spread thousands of meters away, but after having this emperor’s way, it is different. His divine thoughts are enough to help him sense all changes within 10,000 meters , Including any treasures, vitality, etc.

This kind of help is too great, it is enough to make anyone ecstatic.


Meng Fan murmured, his tone filled with sadness.

However, without waiting for his voice to fall in the next moment, his body shook suddenly. All the pores on his body seemed to be opened at this moment, his body was tight, his eyes flickered, and he looked forward.

If Meng Fan’s mental power alone can’t sense that far, but with this emperor’s way, it’s different. All changes within 10,000 meters fall into his heart, and any wind and grass can’t be hidden from his eyes, and this makes Meng Fan Naturally felt a burst of murderous intent and attacked brazenly,

"Someone came, it should be... eight people, and it seems that they know that I am here, and the target should be me!"


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