Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1919: Captain Nine

Lu Shengming smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, as the elder brother said, the tiger demon in Tongtianling is too powerful to be subdued!"

"But on this trip, there was an accident. There was an old and one young, old five-element **** master realm, fighting with the tiger demon, but in the end, the tiger demon disappeared for no reason!"

"Du Cheng and the other five sect families are looking for the old and the young, and they suspect that the sky-filling stone was acquired by them!"


Upon hearing this, the figure in black turned around.

The tall body of a full 1.9 meters, under the black long gown, is quite majestic, and his face is as sharp as a knife, with sharp edges and corners, giving people a kind of murderous air.

"Now, the people of the five major sects are crazy, plus Du Cheng from the Liangyi Pavilion, taking people to catch up, it can be regarded as lively!"

Lu Shengming smiled again: "Even Zi Chongxiao, his son was killed, and a city owner betrayed him, and he didn't have time to hunt down!"

"Oh? Zi Chongxiao's son was killed?"

The black man frowned.

"Brother, you have always wanted to unify the six sects. Now, it is time. With your one soul, the sect master of the five sects, it's just a joke!"

"The time has not come!"

The black-clothed man said again: "I'm here incognito. You should know that you can't expose the flaws, otherwise, the killing will be small, and the entire floating and sinking temple will be completely finished!"


Lu Shengming nodded.

Back then, he was an orphan, the elder brother in front of him, who saved him and beheaded his enemy, an elder of the Situ family, to help him get revenge.

From then on, he followed the eldest brother in front of him.

"You just said that Zi Chongxiao's son was killed, who was it?"

"Oh, it's a young man named Mu Yun!"


Hearing Mu Yun's son, the black-clothed man trembled suddenly.

"Big brother, what's the matter?"

"No... it's okay, you keep talking!"

"That Mu Yun, with a few people around him in the Sixth Element Divine Sovereign Realm, actually let Hei Yuan follow him, and his heart was broken, and there were two people beside him, very loyal, one named Ren Shaolong and the other named Zhuo Yuanhang!"

"What? Say it again!"

Hearing this, the man in black couldn't help trembling.

"One is Ren Shaolong and the other is Zhuo Yuanhang..." Lu Shengming was startled by his elder brother's expression, and slowly said, "Big brother, do you...know them?"

"Where are they now?"

The black man said indifferently.

"In the Windfall City!"

"Shengming, you can arrange things in the floating temple first. If you have any accidents, please inform me at any time. I want to go out!"


Hearing this, Lu Shengming was taken aback.

"Brother Buddha, you..."

Lu Shengming knew that since the establishment of the Fushen Temple, as the temple owner, the Buddha has never stepped out of the Fushen Temple.

Even this trip to Tongtianling is so important that I just send myself there.

Now, after hearing the names of these two people, I decided to go out!

This is really hard to understand.

But the next moment, the figure of the Buddha had disappeared in the room.

In Fengyucheng, the night was deep, and Mu Yun walked out of the courtyard at this moment.

Looking at the starry sky, Mu Yun calmed down at this moment.

Sitting in the pavilion, Mu Yun's emotions floated.

Today, he is no longer one of the ten most arrogant immortal kings in the fairy world.

Today's identity is the prince of the shepherd, bearing the hope of the entire shepherd.

But as his vision improved, he became more and more aware that he couldn't see through the end of this world more and more.

However, even if he doesn't know where the top is, he still has to get to the top step by step.

For the father, for the shepherd, for the mother who has never met, and for the unity...

These burdens made him have to continue to move forward, not backwards.

Going up to the poor and falling down to the Huangquan, how big the world is, how long is his journey!

"Sitting alone under the moon, seems to have something on my mind?"

At this moment, a slightly thick and sonorous voice suddenly sounded.

Looking at the person in front of him, Mu Yun was startled.

This silent, close to him, the strength is definitely far beyond him!

"who are you?"

Looking at the visitor, Mu Yun said.

"A person who wants to find someone to chat with!"

The man in black didn't say much at the moment, sat down and looked at Mu Yun.

"Let me tell you a story!"


Mu Yun smiled lightly at this moment.

"A long time ago, there was a boy who had no father and no mother, and was lonely and helpless. But one day, an expert met this boy and took him out of the poor world to an incredible place!"

"There, the whole day was training, practicing, and killing people. Under countless **** winds, the young man survived. Then, this young man gradually grew up and became a strong man!"

"In the end, this boy was sent to a boy who was younger than him and became a dead man!"

"However, after becoming a dead man, this young man...oh, no, it should be a young man." The black-clothed man shook his head and said, "This young man, watching his master grow and improve step by step, is willing to surrender!"

"He regards this master as his relatives, and this master is cold-tempered, treats others, indifferent and speechless, but treating his own dead man is a plus!"

"However, one day, the young man's master encountered a catastrophe and died, and died, but the young man and other dead men survived with the help of the master!"

"This work is ten thousand years. In ten thousand years, the youth has become middle-aged and wants to avenge his master."

"But one day, he heard a news that his subordinates in the past were also dead men who were loyal to the master, but they betrayed the master, took refuge in other people, and recognized other people as the master!"

The black-clothed man looked at Mu Yun with a torch, and said indifferently: "You said, do they deserve to die?"

Seeing the hatred in the eyes of the man in black, Mu Yun nodded.

"it is good!"

The black-clothed man's words fell, and suddenly he flicked his palm.

Bang bang...

Two bangs sounded at this moment.

Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong, who were hiding in the dark, had no resistance at all and were directly taken out.

The two figures fell to the ground, and at this moment they fell down, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun immediately shouted.

"Don't you just think I was right?"

The black-clothed man said: "The two of them, betrayed their master, and took refuge in you, **** it!"

"Who are you?" Zhuo Yuanhang's face flushed at this moment, and he hummed: "Who have I ever known you?"

"Zhuo Yuanhang, have you ever known me? I think you have forgotten your identity!"

The black man said indifferently: "Xuantian Wanshi, the ninth team, the eighth team leader, Zhuo Yuanhang, do you remember your identity?"

Hearing this, all three people present were taken aback.

"Who are you?" Ren Shaolong shouted.

"Ren Shaolong, the captain of the ninth team, betrayed His Royal Highness, and deserved to die for crimes. Today, I will use Xuantian Wanshi iron law to betray you two to death!"


Hearing this, Mu Yun suddenly shouted: "There must be some misunderstanding in this, who are you?"

He didn't know the black-clothed man in front of him, but if he was a person of Xuantian Wanshi, Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong would have to know each other?

Now, the two did not recognize it, but this guy was very familiar with Xuantian Wanshi.

"who are you?"

Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong were also puzzled at the moment.

"Okay, I will let you two understand!"

The black-clothed man stood up at the moment, his voice sneered, and a mask fell on his face.

At this moment, the face that originally looked tough and clear has become vicissitudes of life, but on this person's left eye, a sword mark is pierced diagonally down, making this face of vicissitudes look quite hideous.

"Zhuo Yuanhang, Ren Shaolong, you are the squad leader of my ninth brigade. In the first battle, your Highness tried to protect our brothers, allowing many people from Xuantian Wanshi to escape. But now, the two of you are betraying the master and I will kill you. You guys, do you have complaints?"

The man with scars on his eyes shouted sharply at this moment.

But Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong, who were crawling on the ground, were completely stupid at the moment.

Tears filled the eye sockets of the two middle-aged men, and the tears fell, and the two were crying bitterly at the moment.

"Captain Nine!"

"Captain Nine!"

Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong couldn't restrain themselves completely at this moment, tears burst into their eyes.

Men have tears and do not flick them lightly. Xuantian Wanshi, all of them are **** dead men, bleeding and sweating, even if they are dead, how can they cry?

But now, the two are crying like people in tears.

The black-clothed man shouted at this moment: "Cry? Why cry? It's useless to cry. In ten thousand years, have you forgotten your Highness's death?"

"Now, I'm afraid of death, crying like a girl!"

"Don't you forget, if your Highness didn't let Xuantian Wanshi escape for me, why would he be beheaded by the people of the nine gods?"

"We did not forget!"

Zhuo Yuanhang suddenly threw his nose and roared: "Captain Nine, we haven't forgotten it!"

Ren Shaolong also stood up at this moment and roared: "Xuantian Wanshi, never give up!"

At this moment, the two of them looked decisively at the man in black in front of them.

"Captain Nine, you misunderstood us!"

Zhuo Yuanhang wiped away his tears, cried and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness is not dead, the one behind you is our former Highness!"


The black-clothed man roared: "His Royal Highness was killed that day, you and I were both present, have you forgotten?"

"His Royal Highness has a high level of cultivation, and a ray of soul can be reborn, how can he die?"

Ren Shaolong also retorted: "If you don't believe me, let your Highness call out the sacred monument and invite our herder ancestors out!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun was completely stunned.

Captain Nine?

In this way, this man in black is the former captain of the Ninth Brigade of Xuantian Wanshi and the immediate boss of Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong!

The black-clothed man turned around at this moment, staring at Mu Yun.

Mu Yun was rather helpless at the moment, so he had to summon his grandfather, Mu Fengchen.

"Old Patriarch!"

Seeing Mu Fengchen, the man in black was completely stunned.

"Huh? Xiaotu!"

Seeing the man in front of him, Mu Fengchen was also taken aback, and laughed: "You bastard, you are not dead, the old man thought you were dead!"

"Old Patriarch!"

The black-clothed man knelt on the ground with a bang.

"Old patriarch, you...didn't you sit down a long time ago?"

"Why? You can't show up after you die?" Mu Fengchen curled his lips and said: "Look, this is my grandson Mu Yun, who was your former master. Why do you worship me? Although I introduced you to the herdsman back then Yes, but it was not me you followed!"

"The old patriarch... he, he, he... really the young patriarch!"

The man in black was completely stunned at this moment.

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