Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1918: Did you save me?

Gradually, Zhan Xinyi's chest skin looked smooth.

Mu Yun's palm lightly fell on it at this moment.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, Xiao Yuner looked like a little tiger protecting her food, staring at Mu Yun cautiously: "The trauma has been healed, why are you still touching her!"

Mu Yun gave a wry smile, and slowly raised his palm.


At this moment, in the palm of Mu Yun's palm, a black light rose, and as the sky fire dissipated, the black light turned into droplets and passed away with the wind.

"This is the tiger demon's devilish energy. If it is not cleaned out, her internal organs will be rendered by the devilish energy, and there will be a dead end!"

Hearing this, Wu Jiantian hurriedly said: "Then you hurry up!"

From the time when Mo Yu and Arbitrary Heaven fought each other before, Mu Yun knew that this Arbitrary Heaven, the realm of the Five Elements Divine Lord, was indeed powerful.

However, Zhan Xinyi, who was willing to obey the orders of this Three Soul God King, was mainly because this Zhan Xinyi belonged to the Zhan clan.

Zhan, one of the ten ancient tribes!

At this moment, looking at Zhan Xinyi in front of him, Mu Yun had a murderous heart, but he knew better that if he killed this woman, all of them would die.

"I see!"

Mu Yun did not hurry, and explored Zhan Xinyi's chest slowly.

That claw was on Zhan Xinyi's chest, hurting the internal organs. He now needs to absorb the devil energy in the internal organs one by one, and then refine it with the flames of extinguishing the demon.

This coming and going seems simple, but if there is no Skyfire, everything is in vain.

After a full hour, Mu Yun exhaled and stood up.

"All right!"

Mu Yun opened the mouth and said: "I forced out the demonic energy in her body!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun stood on the spot, and a rustling voice sounded. At this moment, Xiao Yuner put Zhan Xinyi in a new dress.

"All right?"

"Of course!"

Mu Yun said again: "She will wake up in a while!"

Mu Yun's words fell, looking at Arbitrary Sky, and said solemnly: "Shall we go now?"


Arbitrarily Tian hummed: "Boy, you look at my lady's body, you can't go!"

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Mu Yun's eyes.

"Are you trying to kill people?"

"This matter needs my lady to decide, and the old lady is not an unreasonable person, but my lady, as a distinguished lady, cannot tolerate a trace of rumors!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun's heart rose with anger.

"Don't be angry!"

Arbitrarily Tian hummed: "It is your honor to be able to treat my lady, and you are proud to die!"

"Proud? I am proud of your sister!"

Mu Yun cursed: "Old stuff, you have the ability, just kill me now, try to see if this little girl can live until tomorrow!"


Arbitrary Tian's eyes were cold at the moment.

"What did you do to my lady?"

"I didn't do anything!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "I have treated her trauma, and the devilish energy of the internal organs has been eliminated, but the poison of the tiger devil has spread into her body!"

"This poison, you can try and see if it can be solved."


"What am I?"

Mu Yun said again: "If you just let us go, I might have solved it for her, but unexpectedly, you still want to kill us!"

"Boy, you better know what you are doing now!"

Arbitrary Tian shouted: "Detoxify, otherwise, I will kill them all!"

"You kill it!"

Mu Yun said indifferently: "Anyway, if I detoxify, you will kill us too!"


"Old Wu..."

At this moment, Zhan Xinyi's voice slowly sounded in the cave.


Arbitrary Tian hurriedly stepped forward at this moment and supported Zhan Xinyi.

Zhan Xinyi looked pale at the moment, put on Xiao Yuner's dress, which was slightly looser, but her graceful posture was still very moving.

"You saved me?"

Zhan Xinyi said: "You go!"


Hearing this, Wu Jiantian hurriedly said: "Miss, you still contain toxins in your body. If you don't get rid of it, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles. This kid, can't go!"

"It's okay!"

Zhan Xinyi said: "Back to the family, it doesn't matter if you remove the toxins again!"


"Old Wu!"

Zhan Xinyi raised her voice at the moment.

"Miss, the old man knows!"

Arbitrary Tian arched his hands at this moment.

"Let's go!"

Looking at the people of Mu Yun, the sky snorted.

Mu Yun directly pulled up Xiao Yuner, took Zhuo Yuanhang, Ren Shaolong and the others, left the cave and walked out of Tongtianling.

"My son, are you okay?"

Zhuo Yuanhang was full of resentment at this moment, and said: "It's all to blame for the incompetence of his subordinates!"

The Lord humiliates his ministers, the Lord humiliates his ministers to death!

Mu Yun saved his life, but was threatened. Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong blame themselves very much.

"What's the blame for you..."

Mu Yun waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it won't be long before they will come back to find me, and then it will be the beginning of the good show!"

come back?

That Arbitrary Heaven is the realm of the Five Elements God Lord, Zhan Xinyi must come from an extraordinary origin, how could she come back to find Mu Yun to detoxify?

Although several people are puzzled, what Mu Yun said must be true.

The group of people waited. At this moment, they left Tongtianling, out of Tongtianling, and arrived at the Tongtian Desert.

At this moment, the entire desert was empty.

The six major sects, Du Cheng and others dispersed, chasing Wu Jiantian and Zhan Xinyi. At this moment, it is certain that they will not give up.

"Let's go back!"

Mu Yun exhaled at this moment, and said: "This time, Zi Chong Xiao will definitely deal with the Hei Family, let's return to Feng Meteor City first!"

"Go back?"

Hei Yuan arched his hands at this moment: "My son, my Hei family is destroyed, but if the son goes back, it can't be changed. Let's just leave here, improve our strength in the future, and come back for revenge!"

"Who said that your black family is going to perish?"

Mu Yun knocked Heiyuan's head and smiled: "Don't worry, Zi Chongxiao dare to come, let him come back and forth!"

The party and others set off again at this moment.

After seven days, everyone returned to Fengyucheng.

This time, a few people went straight in and entered through the front gate.


Seeing Hei Yuan return, an old man greeted him immediately.

"what's happenin?"

"In the past few days, Zixiaozong has been mobilizing masters to go out, seeming to be looking for something."

"What to look for..."

Heiyuan looked at Muyun behind him.

"Try to keep quiet about the news of my return!" Hei Yuan commanded: "Pay close attention to the movements of the Purple Cloud Sect. If there is any movement, report it immediately!"


Hei Yuan immediately invited Mu Yun to the hospital.

"Hei Yuan, you can do as usual, if it is from Zixiao Sect, just let me know!"

Mu Yun exhorted: "I will retreat in the mansion for some time recently."


Hei Yuan's heart was up and down at this moment, and it was really bottomless.

Although Zhuo Yuanhang and Ren Shaolong are both in the realm of the Nine Yuan Divine Sovereign, and can kill the one-soul divine king at a higher level, Zi Chongxiao is in the realm of the three-soul divine king.

In the final analysis, the strength of the Hei Family is not enough to resist Zixiaozong.

What if Zi Chongxiao brings people here?

After Heiyuan thought carefully, he immediately went busy.

The top priority is to summon all the black guards back to prepare for a fight to the death.

On the other side, Mu Yun took Xiao Yuner and returned to the room.

After exhaling, Mu Yun lay directly on the bed, closing his eyes and thinking.

Xiao Yooner sat on the side intimately.

"How can you know with certainty that Zhan Xinyi and Wu Duantian will come back to you?" Xiao Yuner said puzzledly: "I think they are quite strong and come from extraordinary sources. It's not that there are seven-star alchemists and eight-star alchemists who are Zhan Xinyi. treatment!"

"The poison in Zhan Xinyi's body cannot be cured by Gao Qiang, a master pill!"

Mu Yun leaned on the bed and said with a smile: "The poison in her body is Mo Qilin's poison, and the blood of Mo Qilin is needed to induce the poison. Even if she is from the Zhan clan, I think the Zhan clan wants to get the Mo Qilin blood. may!"

"Mo Qilin?"

Seeing Xiao Yun'er puzzled, at the moment, Mu Yun was telling Xiao Yun'er what had happened before.

"Zhan Xinyi is from the Zhan clan, one of the ten ancient tribes? No is no wonder that the old man cares so much about Zhan Xinyi. Only the important figures of the ten ancient tribes can make a Five Elements God Lord care so much!"

Xiao Yuner understood instantly.


Mu Yun nodded, and said: "Ten ancient tribes..."

In his mind, this time he merged the memories of his first life, and he knew a lot of things.

The ten great protoss were led by the herdsmen in the past, and the herdsmen under the leadership of Mu Qingyu are indeed extremely strong.

Coupled with his own name, no one in the entire God Realm would dare to disobey.

But the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

The combination of the nine tribes led to the destruction of the Muyun Secret Realm, serious casualties and displacement of the tribe.

The Zhan is one of the nine ancient coalition forces!

Thinking of this in his heart, Mu Yun was irritable.

Xiao Yuner leaned forward at this moment and gently stroked Mu Yun's cheek.

"Let's take a break, for some things, the more you think about it, the more easily you get upset!"


Holding Xiao Yuner's jade hand tightly, Mu Yun slowly closed his eyes.

He is now in Tongtianling, encountering the power of his former soul, completely integrated, and the improvement is so huge, the awakening memory is also extraordinary.

If you find the remaining two souls and seven souls and absorb them all, you will surely be able to return to their former peak!

In the first battle that year, his body was destroyed and his soul was dissipated. In these ten thousand years, if one soul can gather, there must be other two souls and seven souls.

In Mu Yun's heart, he became more obsessed with the memory of himself in the past.

At this moment, all sect disciples in the entire six major sect realms were sent out to find two people, one old and one young.

No one wants to give up on the massive sky-filling stones.

However, within the six major sects, only the floating and sinking temples, at this moment, seemed a little calm.

Lu Shengming returned to the Floating Temple and immediately came to a tall tower in the Floating Temple.

Knocking on the door, Lu Shengming entered the tower directly.

"Big Brother!"

Looking at a figure made in the temple, Lu Shengming bowed his hands in salute.

"Shengming, is there something to be gained from this trip to Tongtianling?"

In that room, a figure dressed in black slowly stood up.

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