Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 724: How Could It Be Him?

"Maybe it's really too tired, it's an illusion, and even the colonel/admiral didn't hear it, so how could it be true!"

The sea soldier had hallucinated three times in a row, and shook his head helplessly.

The next few minutes also confirmed his conjecture. Apart from the sound of seagulls and sea wind, there were very few other sounds on the sea, let alone the sound of rumbling through the sky, which did not exist at all.

But just when the sailor thought he would no longer have hallucinations, he heard the sound of piercing the sky again.

"This should be my fault too...!"

He once again regarded it as his own illusion, but before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted.

"This time it's not your illusion. Someone is indeed approaching at a very fast speed. Your feeling is right!"

The sailor turned around in astonishment, and saw the red-haired colonel/colonel standing beside him with a serious face.


This time, everyone heard the rumbling sound that the sailor said.

"Who the hell? Can make such a terrifying momentum!"

The red-haired colonel/principal also has no idea.

It's not that he has never seen the sound of a strong man piercing through the air, but like this, no one can see it yet, but there is already such a powerful sound of piercing the air, even the admiral may not be able to do it!


Finally, when the momentum suddenly doubled, they could finally see a black dot appear above the sea level.

"Who the hell!"

The naval colonel/colonel widened his eyes for a moment, as if his eyes were about to pop out, trying to see who the person was.

"This figure, this aura, why do I have a feeling of deja vu, but I just can't remember where I saw it!"

The admiral/colonel frowned more and more, and began to recall quickly in his head, thinking about where he had felt this momentum.

But no matter what he thought, he just couldn't remember where he had felt this familiar aura.

"Where is it? I have definitely felt this momentum before!"

The Admiral/Colonel can guarantee that he has definitely felt this momentum!



While the navy was still thinking, the sound of breaking and falling to the ground suddenly came from around.

The captain/colonel of the navy looked over, and saw that all the sailors around him fell down in unison, and even a few cracks appeared on the warship.

"How is it possible, just because of his aura, he is so powerful that I can't even breathe! How strong is this person? This is definitely not an enemy I can deal with!"

The Admiral/Colonel immediately took out the phone bug and dialed the Navy Headquarters.

He explained his situation in concise language, and then called the nearby Vice Admiral Smoker, requesting his support.

But just as he hung up the call with Smoker, he suddenly saw the face of the person coming.

"How can it be…!"

He couldn't help but scream out in horror, his pupils shrank into needles in an instant, and he felt a chill rushing from his feet to the top of his head.

"White... Eagle!"

"He...hasn't heard...why did he all of a sudden!"

He finally remembered where he had felt this familiar aura before.

A year ago, when Whitewater and the new Whitebeard Pirates were fighting fiercely with the world government in Mariejoia, the admiral/colonel was only a lieutenant colonel, responsible for guarding the Tianlongren area, a small captain.

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