Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 723: I thought I would be punished

"But, if you really heard it right, why didn't they hear it? I'm the only one who heard it!"

"I don't believe it. This is my privilege alone. Could it be that I really misheard?"

Time continued to pass, and just as the sailor let go of his mind and patrolled for a short time, he heard the familiar rumbling sound again.

"Hey, didn't you all hear that?"

He excitedly asked the people around him, hoping to get the answers he wanted from them.

But he might be disappointed. When he said this, the people around him looked at him with disgust, like a fool.

"Did you really not hear it?"

He still didn't give up and asked again.

"What did you hear? We didn't hear anything, but it became the sound of the sea wind whistling, and occasionally the sound of seagulls, and there was no other sound!"

"I just want to know what you heard that made you so excited!" A sea soldier asked in confusion.

The man replied: "The sound of rumbling through the sky, what sound can there be? It's like a person is rushing towards me!"

The man shook his head, "No, none of us heard the rumbling sound you mentioned!"

"Maybe it's my illusion, maybe I'm really too tired!"

The sailor gave up completely, shook his head, and turned around with a lonely face.

"what happened!"

At this moment, a majestic voice full of spirit resounded above the deck.

Immediately afterwards, a not tall man with long red hair and a cigarette appeared on the deck.


The surrounding marines immediately stood up straight and saluted the man together.

"What were you guys discussing just now? It sounds like it's very lively. Tell me, let me have fun too!"

The red-haired Colonel/Colonel looked at one of them and asked.


The navy who was named suddenly faltered and struggled, how dare he say it out loud, is he going to tell the colonel/colonel that they were discussing an unwarranted matter just now.

"What's there to hesitate and say, I won't punish you, hit you or something!"

Seeing this, the red-haired Colonel/Colonel not only frowned, but his tone became a little serious.

"He said that he seemed to hear the sound of someone rushing through the air, and he had heard it three times!"

With the words of the red-haired colonel/colonel as a guarantee, the navy immediately felt relieved and said what they had just discussed.

"The sound of someone coming through the air? Did he hear it alone? Didn't you all hear it?"

Hearing this, the red-haired colonel/colonel did not immediately reprimand the sailor, but asked first.

"Yes, Colonel/Sir, he was the only one who heard it, and none of us heard it!"

The surrounding sailors maintained a saluting posture and replied in unison.

"Well, I see, you guys continue to patrol, and tell me immediately if there is anything!"

The red-haired Colonel/Colonel nodded, but did not reprimand, but walked into the cabin after giving some instructions.

"Huh, I was shocked, I thought I would be reprimanded by the colonel!"

The red-haired colonel/colonel returned to the cabin, and the surrounding sailors couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's all go back to our respective posts, patrolling is important!"

A person who looked like the team leader made a voice, interrupting the tendency of the group to continue the discussion.

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