Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 955: Realm breakthrough

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Soul evil can cultivate to the supreme level, and has already produced wisdom no less than human beings.

One blow didn't work, and the Supreme Soul immediately flew away.

How can Ning Xiaochuan let it escape?


With his fingers, Ning Xiaochuan immediately attracted a thundercloud, and a thick purple electric pole at the mouth of the bowl fell down from the sky and hit the body of the Supreme Soul.

The Supreme Soul snarled, "Human, you are looking for death!"

The body of the Supreme Soul Sha is 13 feet tall, the body is purple and black, and the soul is very solid, just like the real body. It has a half-scale half-solid scale, similar to the human body, the head of a cow demon.


In the mouth of the Supreme Soul Sha, a black iron seal was spit out, exuding the breath of the Supreme King.

That iron seal became the size of a city, with a yin-qi, and slammed into Ning Xiaochuan.

Cultivate to the level of the Supreme Soul, you can use the Supreme King, and can also fully erupt the origin of the Supreme King.

"Wheel grinding discs every day!"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow flew a huge grinding disc, also a soldier of the Supreme King class, and bombarded the Supreme Soul in the past.




The two Supreme Kings continued to collide, bursting with energy ripples.

In the end, Ning Xiaochuan, who wore the blood coat of the last god, was stronger than the Supreme Soul.

Every time Zhou Tian Mopan hits, he can beat the Supreme Soul back by dozens of feet.

Under the crazy attack of Ning Xiaochuan, the soul of Supreme Soul Sha was broken seven times, and each time the soul was reunited, the soul became more transparent.

"Good terrific juniors, why have so many powerful young creatures recently entered the second world of sealed gods?"

Supreme Soul Sha and Ning Xiaochuan battled for half an hour, feeling more and more strenuous. If they continue to fight, they may be beaten by the opponent.


The Supreme Soul took back the Iron Seal of the Supreme King class, and a pair of black wings like bats grew on its back, and immediately fled away.

"Can't escape!"

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the speed of the Shenlong Dragon, and a pair of translucent dragon wings grew on his back, which was twice as fast as the Supreme Soul, and quickly caught up.


Suddenly, a dark cloud flew in front of it, as if there were countless silhouettes flying in the dark cloud, with a piercing chill, pressing over Ning Xiaochuan.

It was a real ghost, with thousands of them.

With Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation, it is natural to easily kill the real ghosts.

But thousands of true ghosts are another matter. You must know that the combat power of each true ghost is comparable to a real person.

A real person is just an ant in front of a Supreme, but if a Supreme is facing thousands of real people, he can only turn around and run away.

Soon, Ning Xiaochuan was surrounded by thousands of real ghosts, and his entire body was engulfed.


Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow raised a mark of heaven, and the whole body exuded a white sacred brilliance.

As soon as those real ghosts stuck to the white light, they immediately screamed and fled back, daring to get close to Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Celestial Seal, specifically restrains evil, demon, demon, evil, these evil things and ghosts.

If it is the Supreme Soul Sha, it can also rely on a powerful soul body to resist the divine power of the Mark of Heaven.

However, the true ghost is not so powerful. Once it is adhered to the white light on Ning Xiaochuan, the soul is purified, as if it was directly vaporized, and becomes a plume of black smoke.

Ning Xiaochuan turned into a white beam of light, rushed out of the real ghost's treasure, flew to the sky high in the sky, and hung in the air, calling out the nourishment of the body.

Under the control of Ning Xiaochuan, Yangxin Zhending immediately became ninety-nine meters high, completely wrapped in the fire of extinction, almost like a huge stove.


More than a hundred true ghosts were collected and used to raise the heart, and under the refining of the extinction fire, they soon became more than a hundred true ghosts.

There are some differences between Ning Xiaochuan's "True Ghost Medicine Pill" made from Yangxin Zhending and Yue Mingsong's "True Ghost Spirit Pill".

The Soul Refining Aura simply removes the evil spirit of the true ghost and condenses it into a panacea.

And Ning Xiaochuan not only removed the evil spirit of evil spirits, but also added mystic fluid. Therefore, the real ghost medicine Dan refined by him is more beneficial to monks than the real ghost Lingdan refined by Yue Mingsong, and it is easier to be absorbed without any side effects.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan's Yangxin Zhending is only the grade of the top-grade supreme device. It can only charge more than one hundred true ghosts at a time, which cannot be compared with the soul refinement treasure jar.

If Yangxin Zhending can be promoted to the level of the Supreme King, then Ning Xiaochuan can completely collect more than one thousand true ghosts into the dingzhong ritual.


Yue Mingsong stood on the top of a black hill and punched out the soul-refining aquarium, and directly collected the remaining one thousand true ghosts into the soul-refining aquarium.

The dense ghosts on the sky disappeared instantly.

Qingfeizi was startled by those real ghosts just now, and said, "It's terrible! Actually, there are more than a thousand real ghosts at once. Fortunately, there is the King of Destroyer and Elder Yue, you can restrain the spirits. If you change to another one One monk in the ancient world encountered more than a thousand real ghosts, and it is estimated that the chance of escape is very small. "

Taking Qiufeizi's seventh-level cultivation in the real world as his current situation, he was surrounded by more than a thousand real ghosts without wearing the Supreme Armor of the Oracle, which is a dead end.

Secondly, the danger degree of re-sealing the **** world, even the monks in eternal realm, is in danger of falling.

Princess Xi Xi was also a little shocked and said, "This is the second world of God, and I don't know how dangerous the third world of God will be."

Originally, everyone was very much looking forward to entering the third world of sealed gods to find the pool of divine treasures, and to temper the body with water. But after seeing the dangerous scene just now, everyone's hearts sank to the bottom and began to worry.

After Ning Xiaochuan refined the more than one hundred true ghosts, he immediately pursued and killed that one.

After a long while, Ning Xiaochuan held the heart to raise his true spirit, and flew back from the sky to join the crowd.

"Godfather, did you kill that Supreme Soul?" Xiao Linger saw Ning Xiaochuan's return, and immediately showed a look of joy, welcoming him.

However, when she saw Ning Xiaochuan's solemn and calm face that was thousands of miles away, she stopped slightly and did not walk over.

"It has been refined into the Supreme Soul Essence!"

Ning Xiaochuan opened up the Yangding Zhending, and a dark purple soul elixir immediately flew out of the tripod.

This is a supreme soul medicine Dan, which has reached the peak level of the courageous human Dan, and only one step can reach the grade of Wang Pinren Dan.

Ning Xiaochuan directly swallowed that supreme soul medicine Dan, a powerful elixir was melted in the body, integrated into every cell in the body, and the medicine power was continuously transformed into the true Yuan, swarming towards the heaven and earth and the annihilation of the world.

The seventh stage of real life, the seventh stage of real life, the seventh stage of real life ...

His cultivation climbed rapidly, and soon broke through the eighth stage of the real world. After solidifying in the early stage of the eighth stage of the real world, he continued to improve, and finally stopped in the middle of the eighth stage of the real world.

"A supreme soul salamander actually elevated me to a realm, which is great. If you can refine more supreme soul salamander, you should be able to break through to the ancient realm soon." Ning Xiaochuan secretly thought .

Ning Xiaochuan gave Xiaohong all the 137 real ghost elixir he had made.

After taking these real ghost potions, Xiao Hong's cultivation has been improved a lot, reaching the ninth stage of real life.

Yue Mingsong also handed over 1,000 refined ghost spirits to the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor have no way of refining all these real ghost spirits for the time being.

These real ghost spirits have been enough to support them in a short period of time to cultivate to the ninth level of real life.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The second time to seal the world of God is too dangerous, and there have already been the supreme soul evil and a large number of true ghosts. The third time to seal the world of God will definitely be more dangerous. I suggest that there is no breakthrough in the world by everyone Before, it ’s best not to go to the third world of God. "

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor said: "However, after we put on God's Supreme Armor, it is also the most powerful combat force in the ancient world. It should not be a drag on everyone."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "The defense of the Supreme Sovereign Armor is really powerful, but it cannot resist the soul attack, and the Supreme Soul Master is proficient in the soul attack. Even if you wear the Supreme Soul Master, you cannot be the Supreme Soul Opponents, because your soul is still at the level of real life. "

Ning Xiaochuan had previously hunted down the Supreme Soul Sha, but he was attacked by the opponent's soul.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's spirit is firm, far beyond the monks in the same realm. Otherwise, he will probably die in the hands of the supreme soul.

"Supreme Soul Sha's combat power is already terrifying, but he is also proficient in Soul Attack? It is simply not very defenseable. Encountering a Supreme Soul Sha is absolutely dead." The Silver Horn Demon Emperor was out of cold sweat With a new understanding of the dangers of the second world of God.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Although the Supreme Soul Sha is very powerful, if you can hunt a Supreme Soul Sha, you can get considerable benefits."

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's palm, he immediately had a complete Supreme King, three slightly damaged Supreme Kings, and dozens of fragments of Supreme Kings flying out of the palm and floating in front of him.

These treasures are all the treasure of Ning Xiaochuan's refining soul, and the treasure obtained from the body of that soul.

"These ... all of these were retrieved from the body of the Supreme Soul Sha?" The monk Tan Gan opened his eyes and was very excited.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It should be the soldiers found in the burial ground by the souls of the first heavy **** world, and then dedicated to the supreme soul evil of the second heavy **** world. So, we are in the first Each time the Supreme Seal of the World is hunted to kill one Supreme Soul Sha, not only can it make a Supreme Soul Elixir, it can also get a lot of treasures. "

"As long as we all reach the Eternal Realm, the overall strength is to improve a great deal. At that time, we can go to the third world of God, even the fourth world of God."

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor squeezed his fists tightly and said, "As long as my practice is to break through to the first place of Wangu Realm and put on the supreme armor of the gods, I will be able to exert the nine strong combat power of Wan Gu Realm.

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