Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 954: Supreme Soul Sha

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The Nine-Tailed Demon stared at the two strong men fighting in the distance and said, "The creatures from the gods really are strong, pure and powerful, and powerful. Under the same realm, it is difficult to defeat the creatures of the world. they."

The monk Tangan was obviously more powerful than Adasilo, reaching the ninth middle stage of the ancient world, but when he confronted Adasilo, he gradually fell into the downwind.

Adasilo is the ninth stage of Wangujing's initial cultivation. The magical powers exhibited each have tremendous power. In addition, his physical constitution is also stronger than that of Dangan Monk. When he hit hard, Dangan Monk suffered a lot.

You know, the monk Tangan is a Buddhist monk, and the body is already not bad, but he still can't compete with Adassilo.

If it had been replaced by another ninth-level monk in Wangu Realm, it would have been defeated in the hands of Adassilo.

Yue Mingsong said: "The creatures of the divine realm can absorb the spirit of divine essence from a young age. The spirits of heaven and earth that are swallowed up are much more than the deities of the lower realm. They have great innate advantages. In the realm, they must be stronger than us. "

"There is still a big difference between the divine realm and the lower realm. This is not a gap in personal talents, but a gap in civilization levels. The monk is already very amazing, and he can fight with Adassilo for so long without losing."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, agreeing with Yue Mingsong's words, "Amoro and Adasilo are here, indicating that the souls of the Nine Heaven Divine Realm have entered the feudal land. Adasilo must be resolved as soon as possible, and immediately go to the second Seal the world. After the Nine-Tailed Demon, Xiao Linger, you can also shoot! "

Xiao Linger was originally the third most important practice for Wangu Realm. After putting on the Supreme Deity Armor, her combat power immediately reached the ninth important level of Wan Gu Realm.

The Nine-Tailed Demon said, "Xiao Linger, you don't need to take a shot. You only need to stay at the entrance to the second world of the God of Seals to prevent Adasilo from escaping."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the Nine-tailed Demon slightly, revealing a thoughtful look, and then nodded towards Xiao Linger.

Although the nine-tailed demon Xiuwei has not reached the ninth level of Wangujing, for the nine-tailed fox family, the martial arts Xiuwei is only a part of their strength.

You should know that Xiuwei is as powerful as a nine-headed purple owl, and almost died in the hands of the nine-tailed demon, which shows the means of the nine-tailed demon.


The Nine-Tailed Demon flew into the sky, entered the battlefield of Tangan Monk and Adasilo, and walked towards Adasilo step by step.

In the eyes of everyone, she did not perform any charm, nor did she bow her head, but just walked towards Adassilo. However, Adasiluo's shooting speed was getting slower and slower, and his eyes looked at the Nine-Tailed Demon from time to time.

When the Nine-Tailed Demon came within ten feet of him, Adassilo stopped completely, all eyes were kinky. Desire light, with a contented smile on his face.

If you look closely, you will find that his eyes are actually quite empty.

After the Nine-tailed Demon walked to Adasiluo, pointing at his brows, Adasiluo immediately trembled and thumped, and fell to the ground, completely losing his combat power.

"How did she do it?" Qingfeizi felt quite incredible.

That is the ninth most important existence of Wangujing. How could it be so easily knocked down?

Princess Xi Xi said: "Teach the nine-tailed fox trio to a very high degree, and you can achieve any one action is a charm, any eye is a charm."

"Just now, it seems that the mother-in-law just walked towards Adassilo, but in that process, the mother-in-law used at least three types of charm, so that Adamasilo completely lost his mind. Only our nine-tailed Fox family To do that. "

The Golden Horned Demon stared at Princess Xi Xi with some fear, and said: "This is simply killing invisible, it is invincible! No wonder the nine-headed purple owl must seize you at all costs. The threat is too great. "

The nine-tailed demon came over and said, "In fact, the nine-tailed fox tribe is not so bad. If the other person ’s cultivation is too high, or the other person is a good Buddha, Or if the other person is a woman, then the charm of our nine-tailed fox tribe will hardly pose a threat to them. "

"Amitabha!" The monk Tangan immediately clasped his hands and recited the Buddha's name, as if he was deliberately reminding everyone that he was the right Buddha.

Although the Nine-tailed demon queen was an understatement, but the original nine-tailed demon fox led to the end of the last feudal war, and I don't know how many amazing people were planted in her hands and became her ministers.

Yue Mingsong said: "In the same realm, no man can resist the charm of the nine-tailed fox tribe. In history, there has never been such a person. Even a Buddhist monk cannot do it. "

"It is said that during the last battle of the gods, a sage monk who practiced in the realm of the Buddha was confused by the nine-tailed fox, and finally committed suicide and died.

The monk Tangan had also heard about it. The biggest scandal of Buddhism was spoken by Yue Mingsong at this moment. The monk Tangan realized the terribleness of the Nine-tailed Demon, and not only stepped back slightly and did not dare to trust her Too close.

The nine-tailed demon shook his head and said, "In fact, your words are not accurate. When the old ancestor Jiuwei Shenhu was alive, he encountered a man who was not seduced by her. Moreover, the old ancestors also In love with that man. "

"There is such a person, how do I not know? That person can withstand the charm of the nine-tailed fox, it is definitely not an ordinary person, and it must be able to leave a name in history. Who is that person?" Yue Mingsong said.

Nine-tailed demon said: "Biggan!"

Yue Mingsong quickly searched the memories in his head, and suddenly, as if remembering something, he said, "I have seen records about him in history books, and it is said that he was dug for his heart."

"That's right! His seven jealous demon heart was just taken away by his ancestors." Nine-tailed demon said.

"A woman is so cruel!" The Golden Horn demon sighed.

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor said: "Even the hearts of those you love have been taken away. Sure enough, I still can't provoke the nymphs of the nine-tailed fox tribe."

When everyone sighed that the nine-tailed demon fox heart was fierce and hot, Ning Xiaochuan noticed that the nine-tailed demon mentioned the "seven dread gods". It turned out that some people had this kind of mind during the last battle of the gods.

After Adasiluosu woke up, his mind was lost and he became a slave to the Nine-Tailed Demon.

After questioning after the Nine-Tailed Demon, Adassilo explained everything.

The souls of the Jiutian Realm really entered the land of Fengshen, and even some of the sons and grandsons of the gods entered the land of Fengshen to find opportunities.

"We are also rushing to the Second World of Sealing God. If it is too late, I am afraid that all the treasures have been taken away by those creatures in the divine realm." The monk Tangan said eagerly.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and there was something in his heart to look forward to meeting with the heavenly pride and goddess of the gods, and wanted to see whether they were stronger or stronger.

"Let's go!"

Ning Xiaochuan took the lead in entering the gate to the second world of sealed gods, and then others also walked in.

Entering the second world of sealed gods, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that the spirit of the gods in the entire space was five times stronger than that of the first gods of the world.

When you run the Earth Scripture, the spirit of the divine essence penetrates into the body at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and is continuously transformed into true elements.

There was a crackling sound in the body, and the spirit of God's spirit was constantly transforming his physical body. A refreshing sensation spread throughout the body, like bathing in the sun in the winter.

Tangan Monk said: "The concentration of the Divine Spirit in the Second Sealed God World has actually increased so much. If we can cultivate for decades in the Second Sealed God World, our physique will definitely change dramatically. .At that time, even when encountering the souls of the divine realm, we will not be weaker than them in the same realm. "

The Nine-Tailed Demon nodded and said, "The spirit of God in the Seal of God's Relics can indeed transform our physique. If we practice for a long time in the Seal of Gods' Relics, in the same realm, we may even Divine beings are stronger. "

Yue Mingsong's eyes moved and said: "It is said that there is a 'Yunshen Pool' in the Third World of Sealing Gods. As long as you can stay in the pool for a day, the water in the pool can automatically quench our bodies and clear our bodies. Impurities make our bodies as powerful as the beings of the Divine Realm. "

"There is still such a treasure land, we are going to the third re-seal God World now." Tangan monk said.

Just now, the monk Tangan fought quite hard with Adasilo. He was obviously more advanced than Adasilo, but he was always in a disadvantage. Therefore, the monk Tangan most wanted to transform his own body.

Qingfeizi curiously said, "Master, Buddhism is not particular about it. The flesh is only the skin, but the spirit is supreme?"

Dangan monk said: "The flesh is indeed a skin, but it is nothing without it. Go, go, we are now looking for the third entrance to the sealed world of God."

Coming to the Second World of Sealing God, everyone can clearly feel that the spatial structure has become more stable.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor tried it out. Without punching the Supreme Armor of the Deity, his punching power just made a large pit three meters deep on the ground.

You have to know that the Golden Horned Demon Emperor is the sixth most important person in real life, even if he does not wear the Supreme Deity Armor. In North / Xinjiang, a finger can be used to push down the mountains and cut off the river.

The crowd didn't go long, and a cold, cloudy wind came over.

There was a weird howling sound in the cold wind.

Ning Xiaochuan raised his head and looked towards the sky, only to see a black palm that was hundreds of meters wide, pressed down from above, with a strong evil spirit.

"Everyone be careful, immediately put on the Supreme Oracle."

Ning Xiaochuan put the blood of the second **** on his body for the first time, exhibited the flame of fire of the extinct demon, and also made a large handprint of flames that was hundreds of meters wide, crushing the black palm above the sky.


Ning Xiaochuan soared and saw that he rushed into the wind.

Xiao Linger was worried about Ning Xiaochuan and said, "What happened?"

"Don't worry, just met a supreme soul. I didn't expect to encounter a big guy as soon as I entered the second world of sealed gods!" Yue Mingsong laughed.


Three chapters are more complete!

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