Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 939: Mixed feelings

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After sending away the Seven Xuan Taoists, Ning Xiaochuan rushed towards the edge of Damengze. He could feel that all the demon emperors and queens were gathered there.

In addition to the demon empresses and queens, there is a more terrifying atmosphere.

The breath is extremely powerful, far exceeding the supreme power, making people feel extremely palpitated.

When Ning Xiaochuan rushed past, he found that almost all the creatures in the sacred kingdom of the demons gathered here and were talking about it.

He heard a few keywords: "The Queen of the Stone Queen", "The Devil", "The Fourth Generation of the Extinction" ...

Hearing the opinions of the crowd, Ning Xiaochuan's face changed slightly. "Did I have exposed the identity of the fourth-generation heir to the world?"

Ning Xiaochuan looked around, and soon saw the crickets and the princes who were mingling in the spirits of the demons, and immediately walked over.

"King of Qing, seniors, what happened? Why are all people talking about the way to destroy the world?" Ning Xiaochuan's body radiated out, separating this space and preventing his words from being heard by the nearby monsters. Here.

When he saw Ning Xiaochuan walking by, the king of blue magpies, cymbals, octagonal demon emperor, golden horn demon king, and silver horn demon king all showed strange looks. Because they all know that Ning Xiaochuan is the heir to the fourth generation of the world.

Ning Xiaochuan was stared at them for a while, and said, "What kind of look do you have?"

Qing Qing Wang held his chin, his expression was very funny, and he looked at Ning Xiaochuan from head to toe, and smiled, "Nice! Ning Xiaochuan, you actually stunned Shi Ji after the gods didn't know it. They all won. My king was a bit skeptical. Are you a heir to the world? Or a heir to the Yin and Yang religion? "

Ning Xiaochuan was even more puzzled, and said, "King Qing, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, you should be very clear!" Qing Qing Wang spread his hands and said with a happy expression.

Both the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King stared at Ning Xiaochuan as if looking at an idol. The eyes sparkled and they admired Ning Xiaochuan.

The Golden Horned Demon King was very excited, bowed to Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "You are too great, King of Destruction! Can you accept this King as a disciple?"

"I want to worship also!" The Silver Horn Demon King also immediately worshiped Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were condensed, and he thoughtfully said, "I'm sorry, there is only one heir to each generation of the World Extinction. I have no intention of accepting a disciple."

"No! No! We don't learn the way of destroying the world, we only learn the ways of conquering the demon!" The Golden Horned Demon King drooled while saying.

"I have to learn too!" The Silver Horn Demon King stared at Ning Xiaochuan with admiration.

Ning Xiaochuan said puzzled: "After the conquest of the demon? What are you kidding? The existence of the demon level, which is not the supreme? Which one is not talented? Ordinary people can conquer. Hard work is the right way Do n’t be so high-minded, do n’t just think about taking shortcuts. If you can have the practice of creating a realm, you will naturally be able to conquer the existence of the demon level. "

"Master, the lesson is that we shouldn't be so good, we shouldn't just think about taking shortcuts. After all, not everyone has the powerful means and practice of Master." The Golden Horned Demon King immediately slaps his horse and said very respectfully.

The Silver Horn Demon King said pitifully: "Other people cannot take shortcuts, but Master must have a shortcut in your hands. Please pass it to us!"

Ning Xiaochuan's brows frowned even deeper. What are they talking about?

The octagonal demon emperor really couldn't stand it anymore. He kicked out the silver horned demon king and the golden horned demon king with two feet, and said indignantly: "Two things that are out of the ordinary, I have been thinking about things for nothing all day long. Now! The King of Destruction, in fact, the Emperor is also very curious, a woman so proud of the Queen of Stone Ji, what method do you use to conquer her? "

Ning Xiaochuan suddenly came to realize, hasn't she and other Shi Ji monsters already been aware of other demons?

Shouldn't be!

"This thing is only known to me and the queen of Shi Ji. I didn't say it. The queen of Shi Ji is even more impossible to tell! How could outsiders know?"

Ning Xiaochuan calmed down and calmed down, and said, "I am the octagonal demon emperor, I don't know what you are talking about? What happened to the demon Shi Ji?"

"Don't you know? Isn't your child in the back of Shi Ji's demon?"


What surprised Ning Xiaochuan this time? He lifted up the star anise demon, and said, "Who said you had a child in your belly?"

"Queen Shi Ji!" The octagonal demon emperor said.

Ning Xiaochuan was a little lost, his eyes were dull, his hands loosened, and the octagonal demon emperor fell to the ground naturally.

The octagonal demon emperor saw Ning Xiaochuan in shock, and said, "Is the child really yours?"

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's heart was very complicated. There was an inexplicable feeling. He couldn't return to God for a long time. It was like a thunderbolt on his head in a sunny day, and the whole person was stunned.

If the stone monster is really pregnant, then the child must be his.

After a long while, Ning Xiaochuan still had some reactions, and stared at the King of Qing, saying, "Is the Queen of Stone Ji really pregnant?"

The King of Qingyu nodded and said, "Nonsense! Now the entire demon holy nation knows this! Your kid is really amazing. Even a demon queen has been taken down by you. If it is passed back to the human race, it must be a lot. People will admire the five bodies. "

"Where is she now?" Ning Xiaochuan still couldn't believe it. She wanted to see the monster Shi Ji and confirmed it in person.

Qing Qing Wang said: "She was injured by nine-headed purple owl, and she has now fled!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "She is already pregnant. Do you still watch her being injured by the nine heads?"

"Well! We didn't know she was pregnant at the time, and we didn't even know that the father of the child in her womb was you. If I knew it well, with our friendship, would I not help?" Qing Wang Wangdao.

Ning Xiaochuan's gaze was staring at the distant nine-headed purple lotus root, and a heartless fire broke out in his heart. He would sooner or later return this hatred.

Ning Xiaochuan is not a person who doesn't recognize anyone when he lifts up his pants. If the stone monster is not pregnant, as long as she doesn't mention it, Ning Xiaochuan can also think that nothing happened.

However, since Shi Ji Yao is pregnant, this matter is definitely related to him. Who dares to bully them, Ning Xiaochuan must be in the end.

At this moment, six demon emperors and seven demon empresses have been conquered by the nine-headed purple owl. Only the Taiqing dragon emperor, the fan emperor demon emperor, and the nine-tailed demon have not expressed their positions.

Jiuto Ziyan stared at Taiqing Dragon Emperor and smiled: "That's right! True dragon physique has been cultivated to the ninth level of Wangu Realm. Among these demon emperors and queens, your cultivation is the most powerful. "

His eyes were all on the Vatican Demon Emperor, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "The blood of the gods has been cultivated, and the scriptures of the human Buddhism have also been cultivated. Among the many demon emperors and queens, your talent is the highest. If you are willing Submit to this seat and have the opportunity to become a **** under the teachings of this seat. "

In the end, Jiu Zizi's eyes were fixed on the body of Jiuwei Demon.

When he stared at him, a blurry illusion was born in his eyes, and he only saw a charming woman walking towards him. Qiushui was a **** jade and a bone, every slight movement was very *.

Even the nine-headed purple owl with a firm mind and not close to a woman, at this moment, is a little confused, and the whole person is lost in the charm of that demon girl.


Suddenly, a sharp pain came from the neck, waking the nine-headed purple owl.

Nine-headed Amaranth felt his head fly up and saw a purple headless body standing below.

"My head was cut off?" The thought emerged in the head of Jiu Zizi.

After seeing the nine-tailed demon, he cut off the head of the nine-headed purple cricket, and the spirits of the monsters exhaled a long breath. "This arrogant guy is finally dead!"

"The Nine-tailed Demon Queen is indeed the strongest of the Nine Demon Queens. The powerful charm can't even stop the nine-headed Aster."


After cutting off the head of the nine-headed purple owl, the nine-tailed demon was not excited at all, and immediately shot again to completely destroy the nine-headed purple owl's demon body.

However, when the Nine-Tailed Demon slashed with one palm, the headless corpse hit a palm first and knocked her out.

The head of the nine-headed purple magpie re-emerged. After staring coldly at the nine-tailed demon, he said sharply: "Okay! How come you meet the offspring of the nine-tailed **** fox so quickly, how do you say that you are going to die?"

The last time of Fengshen ended because of the nine-tailed fox.

I don't know how many geniuses and masters from the Shenhe civilization were deceived by the nine-tailed fox and became slaves of the nine-tailed fox, forcing the Shenhe civilization to end the feudal war in advance.

Now, descendants of the nine-tailed **** fox have appeared!

Before coming to Dayan World, Jiuto Ziyan heard of the legend about Jiuwei Shenhu, but at that time he did not take that legend too seriously.

Just now, he almost died in the hands of the descendants of Jiuwei Shenhu, only to suddenly wake up and dare not take it lightly.

"Well! Nine-headed Aster has nine heads. Only by cutting off nine heads at the same time can he be killed. This time without killing him, it will be difficult to kill him next time!"

The Nine-Tailed Demon didn't hesitate, and immediately turned into a streamer, rushed to the ground, and wanted to flee.


Nine-headed purple lotus will naturally not give her the chance to escape, stepping on the ground with one foot, a powerful force rushed into the ground, and the Nine-Tailed Demon flew from the ground.

The body of the Nine-Tailed Demon is almost broken, and the whole body is covered with **** wounds, which has suffered severe injuries.

She fell to the ground and couldn't stand up.

Her cultivation is too far away from Jiuto Ziyan. The real fight is not Jiuto Ziyan's opponent at all.

"Your cultivation is a genius, you almost killed this one. The Nine-tailed Fox family is really terrible."

The nine-headed purple owl walked towards the nine-tailed demon and sneered, "You shouldn't be perfect anymore? Didn't your old ancestors tell you that only with a perfect body can you become a nine-tailed fox. The enchanting / desire body? If you have cultivated the enchanting / desire body, it is estimated that this seat is now dead in your hands. Unfortunately, you no longer have that chance! "

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