Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 940: The danger of the fox

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After the Nine-tailed Demon's body exuded a ray of demon qi, the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, those wounds disappeared completely, leaving no scar on the white skin.

After the Nine-tailed Demon performed the enchantment technique again, he wanted to confuse the nine-headed Aster and gain a little vitality for himself.

"姹 姹 迷幻 幻!"

The Nine-Tailed Demon is extremely sexy, gorgeous, and has huge **** and hips. The entire body is wrapped in white mist, and the nine-headed purple lotus is enveloped in the white mist, pulling into the fantasy.

Nine-headed Amaranth has already been pawned once, and it is naturally impossible to **** a second time.

He immediately sealed his vision and hearing, determined the position of the nine-tailed demon with his heart, and sneered: "Fox, your cultivation is too far behind!"


A wave of purple air spit out from the mouth of Jiuto Zijing, making a tsunami-like sound, and casting the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen to "Break the Vision".


Nine-headed Amaranth's arm trembled, calling out a chain as thin as a cow's hair, flying out like lightning, wrapped around the body of the nine-tailed demon, binding her hands and legs after the nine-tailed demon, making her Can't move.

The name of that chain is called "knife chain", which means that it is sharper than the blade and is specially forged to trap and forbidden to repair as a powerful creature.

"Since you are the descendant of the nine-tailed fox, this seat will not kill you so easily. The value will be greater if you are tuned / taught into a loyal slave and used to deal with other masters." He laughed loudly.

Nine-tailed demon's eyes lighted with anger, and he struck gently, and with a bang, the knife chain immediately fell into the flesh.

Immediately, fine bloodstains appeared on her body.

"Don't struggle! The more you struggle with the knife chain, the tighter it will eventually shrink to the size of a date core, cutting your demon body into thousands. Don't cherish your life so much, your life for me, and Great value. "Nine-headed Amaranth smiled coldly.

After seeing the Nine-Tailed Demon, Ning Xiaochuan was imprisoned by the Nine-headed Purple Owl, and his fists tightened slightly. If he had the power to counter the powerful person in the good fortune, he would surely immediately rescue the Nine-Tailed Demon.

At first, the Emperor Demon Emperor wanted to destroy the Yulan Empire. It was after Princess Xi Xi and the Nine-Tailed Demon came to protect the Yulan Empire.

It can be said that Ning Xiaochuan owes a great deal to the fox family.

"It would be great if I broke through to the seventh level of the real world, and by mobilizing the power of the spirit behind the Heavenly Demon, five powers of the ninth rebirth of the eternal realm can erupt, at least having a battle with the nine-headed Aster. , I have n’t broken through to the seventh level of real life, what should I do? ”


At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan realized that there was such a big gap between him and the real strong man.

His gaze looked towards the King of Qingyu, and finally shook his head.

Although Qing Xiu's Xiu Wei is unfathomable and can easily defeat the octagonal demon emperor, she is definitely not a dominant opponent.

Although Xiu Xiuwei is more powerful, Ning Xiaochuan and he are not familiar with it. It is almost impossible to ask him to deal with an enemy such as Jiu Zizi.

If Ning Xiaochuan was captured by the nine-headed purple pheasant, perhaps the king of Qing dynasty would ask the prince to take a shot and rescue Ning Xiaochuan.

But now that the nine-tailed demon is caught, she has no friendship with the King of Qing, and it is impossible for the King of Qing to offend a powerful master to save her.

what should I do now?

"Queen! Let's save you!"

The four foxes cultivated as powerful old demon kings, killed from the demon creatures, and attacked at the same time towards the nine-headed purple owl.

All four old demon kings have cultivated seven tails. The highest one has reached the ninth level of real life, and the lowest one has the seventh level of real life.

They all looked as if they were dead. Even if they paid the price of their lives, they would rescue the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen.

"A swarm of ants!"

Jiuto Ziyan stared at the four old demon kings and attacked with a disdainful smile.

You know, he is a master, and he has seized the creatures. The ninth-level monk in the real world was in front of him, just like an ant. No matter how he attacked, it was impossible to hurt his hair.


Suddenly, the foxtail demon king, who is the ninth-largest real person, blew himself up, his body burst apart, and a devastating power broke out.

"Really afraid of death!"

Nine-headed purple owl's eyes froze slightly, and immediately stretched out a palm, condensing a circle of enchantment, blocking the self-exploding power of the ninth demon king in the real world.

At this moment, the other three fox demon kings immediately fled after taking the nine-tailed demon.

"Want to run away?"

Nine-headed purple crickets smashed out with one palm, smashing the bodies of the three fox demon kings and turning them into three blood mists.

The Nine-Tailed Demon was also attacked by the palm force, but her cultivation was much stronger than the three demon kings. She was not shot dead, but still suffered heavy injuries. She spit out blood and suddenly fell to the ground.

With a knife chain tied to her, she couldn't move a finger, let alone run away.

Princess Xi Xi led a large group of fox creatures and rushed over, "Mother, I will save you."

The creatures of the foxes all rushed towards the nine-headed purple owl, and Princess Xi Xi rushed to the side of the nine-tailed demon and supported the nine-tailed demon.

"What are you doing? You are not Jiu Zizi's opponent at all, are you still running away?" Nine-tailed devil chuckled coldly.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Queen knows better than anyone else. Princess Xi Xi's future achievement is definitely above her own. It may even catch up with the ancestor Nine-tailed Fox and become a strong generation.

If she was discovered by Jiu Zi Zijing, it would be over.

"Escape? Where to escape?"

Nine-headed purple crickets stepped on the ground, and hundreds of fox clan masters rushed towards him, all bursting into blood mist, and even a complete bone was not left.

Hundreds of fox tribe are all above the realm of heaven and earth, so all died, none of them live.

The creatures in the sacred nation of the demon tribe were all deterred by the powerful cultivation of the nine heads of purple magpie, including those demon emperors and demon queens.

"This is the power of a master from the divine realm? I am afraid that the Lord Tianmeng Yaohuang is still not his opponent."

The eyes of the Taiqing Dragon Emperor and the Fanxi Demon Emperor were a little shocked.

They are all standing on the peak of Wangujing. However, after seeing the power of Jiuzi Ziyu, they felt the gap between them and the monk of the good fortune.

If you really fight with Jiuto Ziyu, you will surely die. There is no chance to escape.

The nine-headed purple cricket wiped the blood on his fingers, looked around, and said, "Who else would disagree, despite the shot!"

After Princess Xi Xi supported the Nine-tailed Demon, she bit her lips tightly and stared at the Nine-tailed Purple Crow. She knew very well that she and her mother must not have escaped today.

Nine-headed Aster's eyes fixed on Princess Xi Xi's body, her eyelids shrunk slightly, and a gleam of cold light escaped from the pain: "Another pure-blooded nine-tailed fox, seemingly of unusual physique, has been turned into a **** God body? "

"Nine-headed purple pheasant, after letting my mother go, I will go with you." Princess Xi Xi, with seven foxtails, was white and flawless, stood proudly, and was not timid because the other party was a master.

Nine-headed Amaranth smiled: "You are qualified to talk to this forum? Today, two big foxes and little foxes cannot run away!"

Nine-headed Amaranth's heart was very pleased, and secretly said, "The luck of this seat is really good. A broken nine-tailed fox was not of much value. I never thought it would lead to a complete little fox. Take yours Talent and physical fitness, no matter how well adjusted. Teach it, the future value is not trivial. "

Princess Xi Xi showed a somewhat bleak look, and when she decided to come out to save the Nine-Tailed Demon, she had expected this result.

I thought that there was a chance, but I did not expect that in the face of absolute strength, there would be no chance at all.

She did not even hope that anyone would come to save them. The entire sacred nation of the demon tribe did not dare to offend the nine purple asters.

Moreover, even if you dare to save them, there is absolutely no one who will be the opponent of Jiuzi Ziyu.

Ning Xiaochuan stood between the many demons and creatures, and squeezed his fists tightly, showing a resolute look in his eyes.

Princess Xi Xi helped him more than once. At this moment, Princess Xi Xi is in trouble. How can he sit back and watch?


Even if you risk, you have to fight once!

Ning Xiaochuan walked out from among the demons, and said, "Nine-headed Aster, as a master-level creature from the Shenhe civilization, you are so imposing and not afraid to humiliate the Shenhe civilization?" "

Ning Xiaochuan's voice was not too loud, but it was too quiet now, so it seemed that his voice was very sharp, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of all the beings present.


A stone provoked a thousand layers of waves, and all the creatures in the demon holy kingdom stared at him.

"That's ... that's the King of Destruction. He dare to speak to a master like this, doesn't he live annoyingly?" Said an old old demon king very surprised.

"It is said that the relationship between the King of Devil and the Fox Princess is very good. It is estimated that I want to rescue the Fox Princess and the Nine-Tailed Demon."

"Haha! The Destroyer King is just a real-life cultivation, but also wants to save the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen and the Fox Princess? Just because of his cultivation, the nine-headed Purple Hairpin can let him die a hundred times.

Long Taiyi stared at Ning Xiaochuan from afar. He knew Ning Xiaochuan better than those other demons, and knew that if Ning Xiaochuan was not sure, he would never rush to death.

"Ning Xiaochuan, what the **** are you doing?" Long Tai said secretly.

Princess Xi Xi also stared at Ning Xiaochuan, a little surprised in her beautiful eyes. She never dreamed that the person who stood up to help her at this moment would be Ning Xiaochuan.

Although she helped Ning Xiaochuan many times, and even offered to show favor to Ning Xiaochuan, she had the purpose of charming Ning Xiaochuan and wanted to conquer Ning Xiaochuan.

It's just that Ning Xiaochuan's mind is stronger than she expected, and she won't be seduced by her at all.

She thought that her plan had failed, but she did not expect that he would stand up when she needed most help. Moreover, the enemy to be confronted is a powerful creature from the nine heavens.

Once you stand up, you will die.

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