Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 889: Mangu

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"I didn't expect King of Devil to be so powerful that even Snakefly was not his opponent. He used to look down on him too much this time. This time, I can't look down on him anymore."

The landlord demon emperor decided to take his own shot, rushed out of the demon temple, turned into a mass of demon, and flew out of Damenze at lightning speed.

Previously, although the battle between Ning Xiaochuan and the King of Snake Flies was tens of thousands of miles away from Damenze, they were still noticed by some supermen in Damenze.

However, this kind of internal slaughter, the super strong simply didn't bother to bother.

When the local Yao Yao Emperor left Damenze, he once again shocked some super powerfuls.

The existence of the demon emperor level has been dispatched, this is not a trivial matter!

It looks like something big will happen tonight!

Fox family.

"After falsely accusing the demon, the real body of the emperor demon emperor was dispatched. It seems that he intends to personally kill the king and kill the dragon cub. Do we need to do it?"

An old fox spirit stood on a stargazing platform that was ninety-nine feet high, and looked at the swift cloud in the distance, with some worry.

In the center of the original stargazing platform, there is a gorgeous woman with nine foxtails, as if absorbing the essence of the stars, and countless star mist lingering around her body, giving people a psychedelic and weird feel.

The Nine-Tailed Demon faintly said, "What a clever man is the King of Destruction? Will he not know that he will be killed by the Emperor Demon King after leaving Damengze?"

"The Queen of the Demons means that the Destroyer King deliberately led the Emperor of the Land to the Dream King?"

The old fox spooked his head and shook his head again, and said, "Take the current practice of Destroyer King, in any case it is not possible to be the opponent of the Emperor Demon Emperor. Is he trying to kill the Emperor Demon Emperor? , Absolutely impossible, the gap is too big! "

The Nine-Tailed Demon said, "Wait a minute, there will always be an answer."


"Oops, it really caught up!"

Although she hasn't seen any traces of the Emperor Demon Emperor, Xiao Hong has felt a terrifying breath approaching.

If you really see the Emperor Demon Emperor, then you almost have no chance to escape.

fast! fast! fast!

Xiao Hong fanned out a pair of huge flame dragon wings to cast the dragon to the extreme.

After Xiaohong and Ning Xiaochuan combined, coupled with the speed of Shenlong, the speed of outbreak has been comparable to that of a real ninth monk.

But the Emperor Demon King is not an ordinary monk in the real ninth realm. It is much stronger than other monks in the real real ninth realm, and the speed is naturally much faster.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was also in trouble, and the evil force in his body burst out madly, impacting his mind and brain.

The evil power wants to erode Ning Xiaochuan's will and control Ning Xiaochuan's thinking.

"It's a good time to pick!"

Ning Xiaochuan just cast the strongest blow from Xing Luoji, and the real yuan in his body was almost exhausted.

In addition, all of his four minds were separated and cultivated in the purple stars in Xiao Linger's body. Only three minds were left, and the power of mind was naturally not as strong as in the heyday.

It can be said that now is the time when Ning Xiaochuan is the weakest, not only when the body is weakest, but also when the mind is weakest.

At this time, no one can help him, but to rely on himself to suppress that evil force.

If his will is really eroded by evil forces, then he is really enchanted!

Even the powerful and incomparable emperor of Zijin at that time, after entering the market, was blood-stained in a robe, so how powerful is the master of the evil power?

Ning Xiaochuan is not an easy task to resist that evil force.

"Gods ... supreme body, return to the market, are calling you ... return to the market ... belong to you ..."

A magical voice came into Ning Xiaochuan's ear.

"The return market is calling you ... the return market ... is yours ... the return market is calling you ..."

That voice seemed to come out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, and it came from the returning ruins thousands of miles away, affecting Ning Xiaochuan's mind and mind.

At the time when Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness and evil force were fiercely confronted, Xiao Hong also fell into a desperate situation, and the Emperor Demon Emperor caught up.

The Emperor's Demon Emperor is still thousands of miles away, but the demon's demon anger has surged to the top of Xiao Hong and Ning Xiaochuan.

"Quack! King of Destruction, my emperor see where you can escape this time?"

Based on the emperor's repair, it is natural to launch a devastating attack on Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong across thousands of miles. However, the purpose of the Emperor Demon King is not only to kill Ning Xiaochuan, but also to catch the dragon cubs alive.

If Ning Xiaochuan is killed at the same time as the dragon cub, then it would not make any sense to kill Ning Xiaochuan.


The Emperor Demon Emperor stretched out a huge handprint, pressed thousands of miles across the heads of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong.

Xiao Hong saw the top of her head become dark, as if the sky was down.

That huge handprint has not yet fallen, but it has squeezed the space with a huge breath, holding Xiaohong under the handprint.

Xiao Hong is starting to work hard!

"Too great on the Dragon King!"

Xiaohong mobilized the divine power for the first time, and it was the divine power of the Taishen Dragon King.

The Supreme King of Dragons is the most powerful lord of the dragons, the Lord of Dragons.

Only the dragon cubs can borrow the power of the Supreme Dragon King.


A ray of divine power between heaven and earth gathered toward Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong.

Each strand of divine power is like a gas dragon.

Countless divine powers gathered together to form a phantom of the dragon scales of the great Dragon King.

"Why just call a Dragonscale Phantom? Hey! It's still too weak!" Xiaohong sighed, re-raised her strength, and punched out that Dragonscale Phantom.


The shadows of dragon scales tore apart the fingerprints of the Emperor Demon Emperor.

After Xiaohong and Ning Xiaochuan became free, they continued to fly towards Mangguyuan.

"Actually ... broken! This is the magic power of the Dragon King who is too great? That dragon cub is too weak, and the called magic power can only condense into a dragon scale. But it can break my fingerprints! "

Instead of being angry, the Emperor Demon King was very happy.

"The King of the Supreme Dragon is legendary that it sits on a par with the gods of the heavens and is one of the greatest masters of the entire universe. If I can swallow the dragon element of the dragon cubs and take the blood of the dragon cubs, maybe I can borrow Too much power of the Dragon King. "

"Cultivate the magical decisive power of the Shenlong family and plunder the luck of the dragon cubs. In the future, even the Taiqing Dragon Emperor, the head of the nine demon emperors, will submit to me."

The magpie emperor is ambitious, chasing Xiaohong and Ning Xiaochuan all the way to Mangguyuan.

Mangguyuan is north. One of the two forbidden areas in Xinjiang is as famous as Guihui.

The reason why it is as famous as Guihui is that since the time of Fengshen, the supreme people of countless human races and demons have buried themselves here.

The endless years passed, and the underground of the Mangguyuan, I don't know how many people who were once famous in the world were buried. There is North. The demon emperor and queen of Xinjiang also have the Lord of the Middle-earth world, the religious monk of the Western Buddhist world, the witch king of Nanman, and the demon of Dongyi, even some alien supremacy in the waters will come. Mangguyuan, buried himself here.

The existence of the supreme level, willing to bury themselves here, is because a legend spread in Manggu:

It is said that Mangguyuan is the source of life in the continent, and anyone who can find the secret of Mangguyuan can obtain eternal life.

Most of the existence of those extreme levels, when Shou Yuan is about to run out, most of them will come to Mangguyuan to look for opportunities. In the end, they naturally died in the Mangguyuan, burying their bones in the vast expanse of wasteland.

If it was just a legend, it would not let the supreme-level characters rush to the Mangguyuan, looking for eternal life without need.

However, in history, indeed, there is more than one Supreme Master who is about to die. He found opportunity in Manggu. Although he did not obtain eternal life, he finally became a sub-god.

These legends and history cast a mysterious veil on Mangguyuan, attracting countless monks here.

Mangguyuan is not a good place. Except for the existence of the supreme level, other monks entered Mangguyuan, all disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea, and never came out of Mangguyuan.

"Do they want to escape into Mangguyuan so as to avoid my pursuit?" The Emperor of the Divination has heard the legend of Mangguyuan more than once. This place can be as famous as Guihui, and it is absolutely dangerous.

Although its strength is not much weaker than the Supreme, the true cultivation has not reached the state of Supreme.

If it breaks into Mangguyuan, it can't guarantee that it can still come out.

Ning Xiaochuan already told Xiaohong the legend about Mangguyuan, so when she flew to the edge of Mangguyuan, Xiaohong immediately changed her direction and flew in the other direction.

Seeing that Xiaohong and Ning Xiaochuan changed their flight direction, the Emperor Demon Emperor was relieved and continued to catch up.

The Emperor demon sneered sneered: "It seems that they dare not break into Mangguyuan! Hey!"

A man with white hair came out of Mangguyuan, staring at the Emperor Demon King above the sky, and said, "Earth Demon Emperor, shall we meet again?"

The figure of the demon emperor immediately settled, staring at the white-haired woman standing on the ground, her eyes were cold: "Shi Ji! It's you!"

Behind the stone demon wore a pair of crystal clear jade feet, stepping on white clouds, as if climbing the ladder, walked over the clouds and looked down at the demon emperor. Where did the grand pride of a demon emperor go, and he would hunt down two juniors? "

"My emperor, I understand! I understand all! It turned out that you instructed the destroyer to deliberately lead the emperor to Mangguyuan."

When the Destroyer King and the Dragon Dragon cubs left Damengze, the Emperor Demon King had some doubts, but didn't think much. After all, based on the cultivation of the King of Destroyer and the Shenlong cubs, no matter how they jumped, they couldn't escape the palm of their hands.

But the Emperor Demon Emperor never thought that the Destroyer King would hook up with Shi Ji Demon.

Isn't he just hooking up with Nine-Tailed Demon Queen and Lisa Fox? Why did you design it immediately with the Queen of Shi Ji? The Emperor Demon Emperor is really unacceptable. The existence of the Demon Queen level, when is it so good?

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