Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 888: Fierce battle

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Out of Damengze, Ning Xiaochuan immediately integrated with Xiao Hong, fanning a pair of tens of meters of flame dragon wings and flying into the boundless wilderness.

It didn't take long before they reached tens of thousands of miles.

Suddenly, a cold cold wind swept over, blowing a tree and a boulder into the sky, flying into the thick clouds. .

The wind rises and the clouds cover the moon.

Xiao Hong's voice passed into Ning Xiaochuan's ears, "Nice Xiaochuan, our whereabouts have been exposed, it must be that the power of the demon race has caught up! What should we do now?"

Ning Xiaochuan had long expected that the monster power hiding in the dark would shoot, so don't panic, and said, "Xiao Hong, you should hide to the side first, I will use the power of the second god's blood coat to chop it."


Before Xiaohong and Ning Xiaochuan had time to dissolve, a huge claw broke through the thick black clouds and slapped them from the sky.

That paw, hundreds of meters in length, was covered with green scales.

Compared with that claw, Ning Xiaochuan's body was as big as a grain of dust.


A magnificent tall green tree grew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, blocking that giant claw for a moment.


The giant claws smashed the ancient blue wood and hit Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong.

One person and one dragon, while falling from the sky, smashed a large pit in the ground.

Because Aoki's defense blocked most of the power of the giant claws, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong did not suffer multiple injuries.

"This is the power of the seventh-oldest old demon king in the real world. In one hit, it broke my Aoki Tenki!"

Aoki Tenki has the ability to repair itself. In the future, it will still be Ning Xiaochuan's body armor.

Ning Xiaochuan got up from the big pit, stared at the dark clouds, and felt a terrible horror of evil spirits coming from the clouds. It is definitely a powerful creature, and it is not comparable to other demon kings.

The skull of the Snake-fly Demon King protruded from the dark clouds. Only the skull was as large as a mountain, and his eyes were like two blood-red moons hanging in the night sky.

"King of Destruction, how dare you run away from Damenze privately, do you want to betray the demon tribe?" The voice of the snake-fly demon king spread like thousands of miles across the earth.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the ground without fear, saying: "The Emperor of Heavenly Dream never seemed to say that I can't leave Damengze? Why should I betray the demon?"

"Huh! Your people are cunning and secretive, and escaped from Damenze, and dare to say that you are not betraying the demons? The king is decreed by the imperial emperor's order, and you will be righteous and die!"

The wings on the back of the snake-fly demon king kept fanning, sending out a demon-like wind.

Countless sharp wind blades flew through the air, making a whistling sound.

The power of the demon wind is not trivial. As long as it is chopped by a wind blade, even a mountain several thousand meters high will be split in half.

Suddenly, a cloud of wicked blood appeared on the ground, covering thousands of miles of land.

"That is?"

The Snakefly Demon King felt the wicked air on the ground, and his heart was slightly surprised.

It is absolutely impossible for the Destroyer to have such powerful evil power.

Is there another strong person nearby?


While the Snake-fly Demon King was still in doubt, Ning Xiaochuan, dressed in blood, carried a blood-red magic sword and flew up from the ground.

Sword down!

The Snakefly Demon King felt a dangerous breath, and struck out both claws at the same time, forming two wind walls several kilometers high.


The magic sword broke one of the wind walls, but was blocked by the other.

The Snakefly Demon King saw the ripples on the wind wall, and his heart jumped slightly. He was relieved when he saw the wind wall blocking the magic sword.

"It turned out to be the King of Destruction, did he hide his strength before?"

The snake-fly demon king looked at the blood-red figure opposite the wind wall and felt that the strength of the other party was gradually increasing.

After wearing the last blood coat of God, Ning Xiaochuan was blessed by the power of the second god. Even if he was the seventh oldest demon king in real life, he was not afraid.

"Broken!" A word came out of his mouth.

Forty-nine handles of sublime-class battle swords flew out of the body and arranged in a circle to form a sword array.

With a bang, the last wind wall was broken.

The forty-nine battle sword was cut at the same time towards the snake-fly demon king, sealing all the retreats of the snake-fly demon king, and the sword was in all directions, no matter whether it was flying in any direction, it would be attacked by the war sword.

"Sword of God!"

The Snakefly Demon King looked at the battle swords in all directions around the body, and the huge demon body immediately began to shrink and become human.

It has a pair of translucent wings on its back, a snake head in human body, standing in the void, without panic, saying: "King of Destruction, do you think you can compete with the King by virtue of the power of foreign objects? In absolute repair In the face of the gap, any resistance you have is useless. "

For the snake fly demon king, what kind of wind and waves have not seen?

If you can cultivate to the seventh realm of real people, no one is weak and placed in human civilization.

Therefore, even though Ning Xiaochuan showed extraordinary combat power, he was still not seen by the Snake-fly Demon King.

It can be seen at a glance that Ning Xiaochuan can rely on foreign objects to have such a powerful combat force.

"Is that blood cloak on your body a sub-sovereign's tabard? Really it is a treasure, but unfortunately the evil power above is too strong for the king to contact. Otherwise, after killing you, the king will get a A great treasure. "The snake fly king said.

"You are too conceited!"

Ning Xiaochuan unfolded the speed of the dragon, turning it into a dazzling firelight, holding the sword handle with both hands, and stabbing at the heart of the snake fly demon king.

At the same time, another forty-nine battle swords were cut out.

The Snake-fly Demon King laughed loudly, and made a "chuckling" sound in his body, and even grew sixteen arms.

A total of eighteen arms grow on the body!

Each arm seemed to be cast from gold stone, colliding with a forty-nine war sword, and making a "bump" sound.

Forty-nine war swords were beaten out by it.

When the magic sword stabbed at his heart, its eighteen hands hit Ning Xiaochuan at the same time, making thousands of palm prints.

Ning Xiaochuan was not to be outdone, he summoned forty-nine war swords and guarded his body. At the same time, he kept swinging the sword.

Fifty-handed battle swords and eighteen demon king iron hands kept fighting fiercely above the sky.




Hundreds of moves were fought in a row, and there was no victory.

The snake fly demon king's heart was very shocked. After the king of extermination wore the last blood coat of God, he was so powerful. If it had not been formidable defense, I am afraid he would have been defeated.

Ning Xiaochuan also noticed that the Snakefly Demon King's defense was very strong, and using ordinary Supreme devices, he could not break his defense at all.

Must use the Supreme King.

"It's over!"

Ning Xiaochuan sacrifice half of the star halberd, infused a steady stream of true yuan into the star halberd, and immediately awakened the ten percent of the original power of the star halberd.

How powerful the power of the Supreme King is, not to mention, Ning Xiaochuan also awakened all of the power of the source.

This is the first time Ning Xiaochuan has demonstrated the full power of the Supreme King!

Originally, taking Ning Xiaochuan's third reality as the real cultivation, only 40% of the original strength of the star halberd can be awakened. However, coupled with the power of the blood of the second god, Ning Xiaochuan can explode the full power of half a star halberd.

The full power of half the Supreme King!

"He even has the Supreme King! Escape! Escape immediately!"

Although the Snakefly Demon King is the seventh oldest demon king in the real world, he has no supreme kingship.

Originally, it was about the same as Ning Xiaochuan's combat power. Now Ning Xiaochuan even sacrifice a Supreme King, if it does not escape, it will undoubtedly die.

The snake-fly demon king turned into a body, with a flap of wings, and flew more than 800 miles away in an instant.

The wings fluttered again, and they flew more than 800 miles away.

After the original power of the Supreme King Tool was fully excited, it just flew out in a breath, and tore up the earth of hundreds of miles.


Star Luo Ji flew out like a shooting star, cut through the sky, and bombarded the snake fly monster king.


The Snake-fly Demon King has fled more than two thousand miles, but is still hit by the star halberd. The huge demon body is beaten with flesh and blood, and half of his body is broken.

It uttered a scream that rang through the heavens and the earth, "Blood God!"

It exhibited a demon ban, which burned the remaining demon blood in the body. The speed became several times faster, turned into a huge fireball, and fled back to Damenze.

Ning Xiaochuan retracted Xing Luo Ji and looked at the fragmented earth, saying: "It was still escaped by him! But since it has performed a forbidden technique, and it also suffered a blow from Xing Luo Ji, even if it escapes, it has already been a monster. Injury, it is almost impossible to have a chance to break through to a higher level in the future. "

Xiaohong wore a red dress and a slim figure, flying over like a flame, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, when did you become so powerful, even the old demon king in the seventh real world?" Not your opponent? "

"If you can cultivate with your heart, your current practice will not be weaker than me." Ning Xiaochuan took off the blood of the second **** and put it back together.


The full blow of Xing Luoji was used up, which consumed 90% of the real elements in Ning Xiaochuan's body, and a sense of weakness quickly spread throughout Ning Xiaochuan's entire body.

What's more terrible is that the evil force originally hidden deep in the body, while Ning Xiaochuan was in a weak state, attacked Ning Xiaochuan's mind and brain.

Ning Xiaochuan's face changed slightly, he immediately bit his tongue and tried to control his mind.

"Earth Demon Emperor, will come soon in person! Xiaohong, immediately fit with me, and flew to Mangguyuan 800,000 miles away at the fastest speed."

After Ning Xiaochuan said this, he began to suppress the evil force in his body. Everything else was left to Xiaohong.

Xiao Hong also realized that the situation was serious. If the Emperor Yaohuang really caught up, she would be dead.

Immediately integrated with Ning Xiaochuan, the dragon was smashed to the extreme and rushed towards Mangguyuan.

Although she did not know why Ning Xiaochuan was going to Mangguyuan, she believed Ning Xiaochuan without any reservation, and there was no doubt in her heart.

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