Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1280: Groundbreaking

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Ordinary monks are able to survive God's calamity by burning incense.

But when Ning Xiaochuan arrived, things changed.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't hurt Ning Xiaochuan in the slightest, and Ning Xiaochuan didn't plan to let them go so easily.

Don't let go of God!

This sounds funny, but Ning Xiaochuan really planned it that way.

"Come back for me." Ning Xiaochuan stood upright, waved his arm, and the five elements around him suddenly seemed to be caught in a net bag, and was slowly pulled back by Ning Xiaochuan.

But not waiting for these gods to return to Ning Xiaochuan, Jiuyuan heavy water and other things began to plunge into the void and disappeared directly.

These gods represent heaven, so they can't be caught at all, neither can Ning Xiaochuan.

Looking at the remaining nine yuan heavy water and other things, Ning Xiaochuan had an anxious mouth, and suddenly sucked in, then swallowed all the remaining gods.

In the distance, Yue Mingsong, who has refined the world of Da Yan into a sphere that is the size of her husband, suddenly exclaimed when she saw this scene: "Ning Xiaochuan, you are crazy.

All the gods have been eaten, and Ning Xiaochuan is also the first person from ancient times to the present.

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not do it recklessly, but after careful consideration. Now that his physical body is so strong that even the Five Elements Gods ca n’t hurt him, if there is anything else in the world that can store the Five Elements Gods, I am afraid It was only his physical body that had just passed through the calamity.

Ning Xiaochuan now uses himself as a container to accommodate these five elements.

Although these five elements of thunder and robbery can't hurt Ning Xiaochuan, as long as Ning Xiaochuan can keep a trace of it, he can use this line of **** robbery to cultivate supernatural mystery and create a powerful mystery that is as powerful as **** robbery.

By that time, Ning Xiaochuan punched a punch, which was a looting.

Who can resist under the scourge of God?

But what surprised Ning Xiaochuan was that when God hijacked the body, other changes took place in his body.

These gods plunged into his body, violently shocked, and rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan's body.

These gods seemed to have their own wisdom, and felt that at this moment in Ning Xiaochuan's body, only the Wanfa Godhead, who was on the edge of evolution, was the most vulnerable, so he came at it.

The Wanfa Godhead is still evolving today, and has not yet evolved into a complete Godhead. The chaotic matter inside the Wanfa Godhead is constantly condensing. Only after these chaotic matter has been condensed, will this Wanfa Godhead evolve from a virtual state to a true godhead state.

"These five elemental gods can't even hurt my physical body. They even want to provoke the ten thousand gods with chaotic matter. In this case, the ten thousand gods have absorbed these gods."

Feeling the whereabouts of the five elements, Ning Xiaochuan sneered.

Before these five elements of the gods approach the tenfold gods, a powerful suction force will directly emerge from the inside of the ten elements of the gods, engulfing these five elements of thunder directly.

Inside the wanfa godhead, the condensed matter that was condensing suddenly added nine yuan of heavy water and other things, and it suddenly dripped into the oil like a drop of water. stand up.

Feeling this scene, Ning Xiaochuan was very worried.

But after just feeling for a moment, his eyes rolled round.

"This is ... this is ... how is this possible?"

Feeling the change in his godhead, Ning Xiaochuan is now a little bit dazed.

However, no matter how Ning Xiaochuan's mentality changes, at this moment inside his personality, the change is still continuing.

Countless chaotic matter was derived, and the five elements of thunderstorms were wrapped in them. They wanted to destroy these invaders, but these five elements of thunderstorms resisted the assimilation of chaotic matter, and propped up a small piece in the middle of chaotic matter. Space.

The two fought against each other for a while, and eventually the chaotic matter sank and fell under these five elements of Thunderbolt. The chaos breath emanating from the chaotic matter continued to rise, rushing to the sky above the Five Elements Thunderbolt.

Chaos matter and chaos breath, wrapped up and down, wrapped the five elements of thunder in the middle.

Feeling the internal changes of his godhead, Ning Xiaochuan's mouth suddenly said to himself: "The chaos is beginning, the heavens and the earth are divided into two atmospheres. The clear person rises and turns into a green dim; the turbid person sinks and becomes the earth ... "

This is the sound he heard when he went to watch the beginning of the heaven and earth.

At this moment feeling the changes in his own personality, Ning Xiaochuan's mind suddenly burst out again.

This is the beginning of the world!

Is it possible to open up a world within my godhead?

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and continued to observe the changes in the body's personality.

According to the scenes of heaven and earth at the beginning that he watched at the beginning, after the birth of this day and the earth, the next step is the birth of the original universe.

In this original universe, countless powerful creatures will be born, and these creatures will become the most primitive life in the original universe.

Then, as the sky trembles, this initial universe will completely collapse, and large pieces of floor space will be shot out all around to form a completed starry universe.


This is the whole process of the birth of the world, and Ning Xiaochuan's internal changes in the godhead are following this step by step.

At the beginning of heaven and earth, the five elements of thunder and thunder that were absorbed into Ning Xiaochuan's body became the origin of heaven and earth. Under the brewing of the five elements, life began to dimly start.

However, if life is to be born, it will probably be countless years from now.

Ning Xiaochuan had just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly changed his look again: "No, white bone beads, where are the white bone beads?"

That white bone bead stayed in Ning Xiaochuan's deity, and even the birth of chaotic matter failed to assimilate the white bone bead.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan's godhead had undergone such a tremendous change, and the white bone beads disappeared.

It is impossible to disappear so easily.

Ning Xiaochuan Ningshen began to search for white bones in the interior of the virtual godhead. After a long time, Ning Xiaochuan found the existence of this white bone in a corner of the interior of the godhead.

In the face of such a vision as the beginning of heaven and earth, this white bone bead seems to have lost its former glory, and was even forced to a corner of the space of the godhead, solitary floating here.

The heavens and earth formed by the chaotic matter and the Five Elements Gods, and the solitary white bone beads, now the Ning Xiaochuan's body is in such a strange state.

Am I considered a god?

In the void, Ning Xiaochuan sat down cross-legged.

Now that he has survived the scourge of God, he really needs to think about it and settle himself, so that he can truly step into the realm of gods.




At the same time, the distant void, the shape of the supreme artifact of the brain, constantly oscillates, and with each shock, the supreme artifact becomes larger.

Today, this supreme artifact is huge, many times larger than a small world, but it is still expanding.

Huh! Huh! ...

Such expansion seems endless.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out from the inside of the Supreme Artifact. The man was dressed in red and had a very ugly look. It was exactly the young Master Fei.

After flying out of the Supreme Artifact, Master Fei turned and stared at the Supreme Artifact and laughed.

"Haha, I finally refined this artifact, come here for me."

Grabbing towards the Supreme Artifact, this huge brain suddenly contracted, and finally reduced the size of the slap and flew into Master Fei's hands.

Master Fei holds the supreme artifact in his hand, and there seems to be a layer of light on his body. In this dark void everywhere, he has become the only master in the world.

"Little guy, how about? As long as you listen to me, don't talk about refining a supreme artifact, even if you become the world's first strong one in the future, it is not impossible." On the supreme artifact in Master Fei's hand, suddenly emerged A thumb-sized figure.

This figure is extremely illusory, with a white beard and aging face, it is the fierce Xuan Yang trapped in the river of civilization.

Lie Xuanyang was able to leave the river of civilization at this moment, but his strength was not restored. What appeared at this moment could only be regarded as his consciousness.

Master Fei didn't have any expression on his ugly face, and stared down at Lie Xuanyang, "All those men you said to me before were all taken away, and that person was still my destiny enemy Ning Xiaochuan. Lie me. "

Lie Xuanyang shook his head and said, "What did I lie to you, otherwise you thought that all of your subordinates had gone. Just for this, I have to say that you have a good talent, but your mind is too stupid. It was so easy to be deceived by that kid. "

Lie Xuanyang's mouth flickered, as if his elders were teaching younger ones, but he didn't notice it at all.

"Old man, in order to get away in the river of civilization, I have to listen to you so much, and now I dare to arrogant in front of me, it is just death myself."

Finally, Master Fei couldn't bear it. He roared, and stretched out his hands to crush Lie Xuanyang's body of consciousness directly.

"I rescued you. You are so ungrateful that you don't obey my orders, you won't end well in the end." Lie Xuanyang's voice of anger slowly disappeared.

Master Fei didn't care about Lie Xuanyang's words. He held the supreme artifact in his hand and slightly identified the direction. Master Fei quickly left.

It took only half a day for Master Fei to return to Beichuan Small World.

Entering the small world of Beichuan, the mess in front of him immediately made Master Fei angry.

Standing on the top of the woman's mountain, Master Fei snarled: "Damn, Ning Xiaochuan, you dare to attack my Beichuan small world, I will never let you go."

Supreme artifact, let me detect the whereabouts of Ning Xiaochuan.

Master Fei, whose face was extremely ugly, threw away the supreme artifact in his hand.

This brain-shaped Supreme Artifact was suspended in the air for a moment, and many strange fonts were ejected in succession. These fonts flew around the Supreme Artifact for a moment, and then poured into Master Fei's body, providing him with many great worlds data of.

"Da Yan World, Ning Xiaochuan, you wait for me."

Master Fei looked up in the direction of the world of Da Yan, grabbed the Supreme Artifact with one hand, and rushed towards the direction of the Da Yan world.

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