Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1279: Cross over

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Dayan World.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong stood beside the gate of man and **** together.

"This man ’s gate of God has communicated with the deep black hole. Ning Xiaochuan, your luck is really good. With such a channel, the creatures of the Da Yan world want to cultivate in the future, but it will be much simpler. Such a treasure land can never be wasted. Even if we want to refine the world, we can't destroy the gate of man and god. You take a step back and let me strengthen the gate of man and **** first, so as not to be disturbed by space in the future. , Causing the gate of man and **** to collapse. "

Yue Mingsong sighed at the door of man and god, and then took out a huge, almost as tall as Yue Mingsong, with a faint golden bone stick.

This bone stick is obviously not a common thing, and I don't know where Yue Mingsong got it.

Throw this bone stick into the door of the human and **** in front of you, and the bone stick immediately begins to disintegrate into golden bones and fuse into the door of human and god.

Just a few moments later, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the strength of the gate of man and **** had been increased several times.

Great bones!

Ning Xiaochuan sighed in his heart and couldn't help but said, "Yue Mingsong, what kind of leg bones is so powerful."

Yue Mingsong said with pain in his face, "This is the bone of a starry giant who is good at the law of space. It is a priceless treasure. This time I am a big loser. After I have refined Dayan World, you have to pay me back. "

"Okay, as long as you can refine the world of Da Yan, no matter what you want, I can give it to you." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, took out the porcelain bottle filled with chaos, and returned it to Yue Mingsong.

At this moment, the porcelain bottle is already filled with chaos, and the chaos of chaos is clustered together, which is exactly the amount required by Yue Mingsong.

Yue Mingsong took the porcelain bottle with a smile on his face and said, "Okay, this is what you said. You can't regret it. You can wait and see how I can refine the world of Da Yan."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and flew up, but did not fly away. He also wanted to see how Yue Mingsong would refine a small world.

Yue Mingsong, holding the porcelain bottle in his hand, fell to the King City of Jiange.

Standing on the tallest building in Jiange King City, Yue Mingsong put a porcelain bottle in his hands on the ground, and then rolled up his sleeves around the porcelain bottle.

For half a day in a row, Yue Mingsong did not have any other movements at all, jumping around and screaming around the porcelain bottle at times, just like the wizards in lower civilizations pretending to be ghosts.

Ning Xiaochuan watched for a long time, and finally saw some impatience. He flew to Yue Mingsong and said, "Yue Mingsong, is this your way to refine the world?"

Yue Mingsong said impatiently: "Of course, otherwise you think I am busy, walk around, go further, don't hinder me from doing things."

After speaking, Yue Mingsong continued to jump around this porcelain bottle.

If you add a straw skirt to Yue Mingsong's waist, Yue Mingsong is dancing a standard hula dance at this moment.

This scene made Ning Xiaochuan look speechless.

After watching it for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't bear it anymore and simply stepped out of the Dayan world and came outside the Dayan world.

If Yue Mingsong wants to toss, let him toss, Ning Xiaochuan is really not interested in continuing to wait.

Taking this opportunity, Ning Xiaochuan wanted to start trying to impact the realm of gods.

After all, if after the success of Yue Mingsong's Dayan World, he would have to take Dayan World directly into Xianqiao. Ning Xiaochuan has specifically asked the cold man from Xianqiao. From his mouth, Ning Xiaochuan got It is known that the interior of Xianqiao is not calm. If there is no strength, entering the Xianyan World with Dayan World is simply an initiative to kill him.

In a void, Ning Xiaochuan sat down with her legs crossed.

Nether Xiaochuan's heart gradually calmed down in the emptiness of the surroundings.

What a big world, Master Fei ... these are all forgotten by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan had only one thought in his mind, and that was to become a god.

After sitting in the void for seven days and seven nights, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly got up, his eyes opened, and Ning Xiaochuan's body turned into a raging fire.

God inflammation quench body!

Ning Xiaochuan is finally going to become a god.

In fact, he can become a **** long ago, just to be stronger, so he suppressed his cultivation.

Today, the divine flame quenching body is the first step for a monk to become a god. After these divine fires temper the body, the monk's body will be completely different from before and enter another extremely unique position.

Such a scorching body is an extremely important step for most monks.

But for Ning Xiaochuan, this kind of divine flame quenching body is simply not enough to tickle him, and his physical body has become so strong that even these divine fires can't be hurt.


After these gods burned on Ning Xiaochuan for a long time, they suddenly became extremely vigorous and the color of the flames also changed. These ordinary **** fires suddenly evolved into the legendary nine-day **** fire.

When Ning Xiaochuan first crossed the calamity, there was a nine-day magic fire. At this moment, the nine-day magic fire reappeared. Instead of being flustered, Ning Xiaochuan was a little excited.

The last time he crossed the divine calamity, he had no resistance at all in the face of Jiuyuan heavy water and Jiutian divine fire. Now Ning Xiaochuan wants to see if these divine calamities can hurt him.


With the advent of Nine Heavenly Fire, a layer of colorful soil emerged at the foot of Ning Xiaochuan. This is Jiu Jixi soil. From the Jiu Jixi soil, a few powerful appeals appeared, which seemed to make Ning Xiaochuan Absorb thoroughly.

Above the dying soil, a vigorous grass emerged immediately. This grass seemed weak, but exuded a strong vitality. Under the influence of this vitality, a stream of water was born. In the middle of the stream, it seems that a whole body of golden aquatic monster is roaring.

Nine days of magical fire, nine extinctions, nine yuan heavy water, nine heavy wood world, nine Luo golden beasts.

Several kinds of robberies that may appear in the divine robberies appear at this moment together, and the five elements are complementary, and the power is extremely powerful.

Ning Xiaochuan was entangled by these robbers, and his footsteps were destroyed by nine feet, and his body was surrounded by nine heavenly fires and nine yuan heavy water. His head was covered with nine heavy wood circles and nine Luojin beasts. Still straight back, standing among these robbery numbers, the body made a constant rumbling sound.

A master in the nearby small world felt the breath of Ning Xiaochuan's crossing and rushed out of the small world to check the situation.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was covered by five kinds of robberies, they almost stunned when they stared.

Such a fierce number of robberies can directly destroy a small world even if it bombards a nearby small world. Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan has not crossed the world in Dayan World. Otherwise, the Dayan World must suffer serious losses at this moment.

"Break me!"

Suddenly, there was a roar in Ning Xiaochuankou.


Ning Xiaochuan's number of entanglements suddenly burst into a shock and was blown away by Ning Xiaochuan.

A few drops of nine yuan heavy water spilled on several nearby masters who watched the bustling, immediately pressed their bodies into meat pie, completely died, and the other masters who were scared fled and hid far away to look over here.

These robbers were beaten out by Ning Xiaochuan and returned immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the empty space, clenched his fists, and punched out one after another. The boxing method was simple. It was just the most basic boxing method. Even a child could play such a boxing method.

But relying on the arrogant body, each punch of Ning Xiaochuan was able to break the robbery around.


So happy!

Ning Xiaochuan was fisting, and he blew a long and cheerful sound.

He now felt that the strength in his body was increasing. In the depths of his blood, more than a dozen ways of Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation before the world were all emerging at this moment, even slowly condensing together, flowing in Ning Xiaochuan's body. Like a long river.

This is the basic power of the gods, the law is long.

After condensing the long river of rules, the virtual goddess in Ning Xiaochuan's body was shaking slightly at this moment, and there were 2,000 virtual goddesses of the full facets. At this moment, it was like an autumn flower. Each facet kept falling down, but Immediately, new aspects were born. These continuously scattered and born aspects just maintained a balance, keeping the virtual godhead in Ning Xiaochuan's body at the level of 2,000 aspects.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan's personality changes, but it has a taste of Nirvana rebirth.

While Ning Xiaochuan was punching, his attention had already focused on the virtual godhead.

Whether it can become a **** depends on the virtual godhead.

Only when the virtual godhead is condensed into a true godhead can he become a **** completely.

When Ning Xiaochuan crossed the city, the world of Da Yan also began to change.

Numerous runes appeared on the wall film of Da Yan World. These runes only appeared in the beginning, but they quickly filled the entire wall film. Then, under the influence of these runes, the wall of Da Yan World The film slowly begins to shrink.

It's like a ball is shrinking. The scale of the world is constantly getting smaller.

Yue Mingsong rushed out of the Dayan world, glanced at Ning Xiaochuan who was crossing the gods, and muttered in his mouth, "Ning Xiaochuan is too frustrating, and crossing the gods also made such a big movement. But just right By the time he's over the robbery, I should almost completely refining the world of Da Yan, and give him a surprise. "

With a grin, Yue Mingsong's gaze focused on the world in front of him.

The scale of the Da Yan World is constantly shrinking. The original huge Da Yan World has now shrunk to the extent that it can be seen, and this is obviously not the limit of the shrinking of the Da Yan World.

Yue Mingsong stood near the wall membrane of Dayan World, and pressed his hand on the wall membrane, looking attentively.

The world of Da Yan continued to shrink in Yue Mingsong's hands. From a huge and incomparable small world, it gradually shrank into a sphere of thousands of miles in size, and then continued to shrink.

Hundreds of miles, dozens of miles, several feet ...

The world of Da Yan at this moment is almost like a plaything in the hands of Yue Mingsong.

Seeing that Da Yan's world was getting smaller and smaller, Yue Mingsong's face showed a proud look.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan had a thunder flash on his body, and he had survived the calamity. Those terrible calamities finally began to fade at this moment.

"Come back for me." Ning Xiaochuan wasn't ready to get through God's calamity as simple as that.

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