Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1266: Pregnant spirit

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Seeing the appearance of Master Fei, Ning Xiaochuan's mind popped up.

The most ugly person Ning Xiaochuan has seen before is undoubtedly the ugly mother-in-law, but the young master flying in front of him is definitely not much better than the ugly mother-in-law.

If it is said that the ugly mother-in-law is the ugliest person among women, then this flying master is the ugliest person among men.

Ning Xiaochuan now understands why Master Fei is so perverted that no matter whether he is male or female, he is all-taken-all. If he grows up like this, unless he can be like an ugly mother-in-law with a very good mentality, it is really easy to pervert.

"Nie Shisan, Hua Tianjin."

Seeing Ning Shichuan and Hua Tianjin disguised as Ning Xiaochuan, Master Fei's figure suddenly looked like a big red bird, passing over the chessboard, and flew in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin.

The remaining young men in red are united at this moment and fight with the 300,000 Heavenly Army across from them. At this moment, they are fighting for the Flying Master. Only by defeating the Flying Army can the Master Master be completely Refining artifact core.

The blood-red figure fell in front of her eyes, and Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

This flying master gave Ning Xiaochuan an extremely dangerous feeling.

This feeling, Ning Xiaochuan has not appeared for a long time. Just at this point, Ning Xiaochuan judged that the young master Fei at this moment is definitely far better than himself.

Master Fei's blood-red figure landed in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin, glancing coldly at the two of them: "What's going on with you two? Where's the pregnant spirit on your body?"

The pregnant spirit is the strange energy that Master Fei planted on Nie Shisan and Hua Tianjin.

Now that Nie Shisan is hung up, Hua Tianjin has used up the energy of this ball, so naturally there is no pregnant spirit on his body.

On the way, Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin had already discussed how to deal with these issues, so at this moment Hua Tianjin was not panic, pretending to be sorrowful: "Master, we encountered a surprise attack by a person, this person turned out They also claim to be the sons of destiny. They are terribly abnormal. They are almost no worse than you. We also fought our lives and barely escaped to report to you. "

"What, Son of Destiny." Master Fei's face, which was almost no longer human, immediately became extremely distorted and even more ugly.

At the same time, a cold murderous spirit emerged from Master Fei, and the three of Lin Han and Hua Tianjin who stood opposite him suddenly felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

"Did you meet this man?" Master Fei waved his arm, and an illusive figure condensed out of nothing.

how is this possible?

Seeing this phantom, Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin were immediately taken aback.

Because of this illusory figure, it is exactly what Ning Xiaochuan really looks like.

Shocked for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan immediately pretended to be surprised, "How did the young master know that this person we met?"

In the original plan of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin, there was no plan to throw Ning Xiaochuan himself.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan was afraid that Hua Tianjin would reveal any flaws, so he exported in advance, blocking Master Fei's words.

"Is it really him?" Master Fei's eyes were fierce and his teeth bittered. It seemed that as long as Ning Xiaochuan actually appeared in front of him at this moment, he would immediately kill Ning Xiaochuan.

After a while, Master Fei continued to rudely: "I once met an expert who told me that although I am the Son of Heaven, I will surely die in the hands of this person. This person ’s name It ’s called Ning Xiaochuan, and it ’s from the world of Da Yan. In the future, as long as you see this Ning Xiaochuan, you will immediately kill without pardon and hear nothing. ”

The Ning Xiaochuan three nodded naturally.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's heart was already scolded.

Who the **** is this shit? Even if she framed herself like this, and didn't know what the other party said, the master Master Fei hated himself so much, it was like he had killed his family before.

Unreasonably more Master Fei such a life and death enemy, I am afraid that everyone will feel unhappy.

"The so-called master will not be still in Beichuan Small World. When I pass by next time, I will check it carefully to see if the **** is counting me behind." Ning Xiaochuan murmured secretly.

At this moment he also felt that there was definitely someone behind him who was calculating himself.

Otherwise, under the circumstances of today's great changes, how can a sudden emergence of a young master, and he still has to deal with himself.

When Ning Xiaochuan secretly calculated, Hua Tianjin had already said, "Master, that guy even dared to call himself the destiny's son. We immediately took the master back and killed this guy completely."

Of course, Hua Tianjin can't really take Master Fei to go to Ning Xiaochuan. The reason why he said this is only to take advantage of the situation, so that Master Fei will not doubt himself.

Master Fei looked cold and groaned for a moment and said, "No need, where we are now, the dangers and the environment are complicated. Even if I go back, I don't think I can find the person's whereabouts. So why not stay here and wait for you to help me Refining the core here, and then killing that guy is much simpler. The most important thing right now is to help me refine this artifact under my feet. "

"OK." Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin nodded together.

Master Fei turned around and re-entered the current board war, and continued to kill.

After waiting for Master Fei to leave, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly said: "Master, the pregnant spirit on us is broken, whether the master wants to help us plant the pregnant spirit again."

"No need, now any strength on my body is very important and can't be wasted. When I go back, I will plant a pregnant spirit for you." Master Fei said a word, turned and flew away, and flew into the red boys in front of me again. In the middle, the opposing army of heaven and humans killed.

Watching Master Fei leave, Ning Xiaochuan's face showed a little joy.

Just now he suddenly requested to plant a pregnant spirit, but he was not masochistic, but was trying to test Master Fei, to see if the other party had seen through his camouflage.

Before seeing the Master Fei, Ning Xiaochuan was always worried that his camouflage would be seen through by the other party, but now it seems that they are coming at the right time. The master Fei ’s attention has been attracted by the chessboard battle Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin used the gimmick of the destiny's son to divert Master Fei's attention. In this case, if Master Fei could still see through the camouflage of Ning Xiaochuan, that would be a little too bad.

Master Fei left, and the young man Tian Ning, who led Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin to come here, said immediately: "Nie Shisan, Hua Tianjin, you have already seen the master, and now I will go with me to kill together Killing the square of the people in front, if Master Fei sees that we are lazy, we will have a good time. "

"Oh, Tian Ning, you dare to command us anytime. Of course, when we work for Master Fei, we certainly won't be lazy, but the two of us have just managed to get it back. After nine deaths, can we even take a rest? No time, "Hua Tianjin stared.

These young men in red, although respectful and respectful to Master Fei, were not convinced of each other.

At this moment, the reaction of Hua Tianjin is also normal. If there is no such reaction, it will be easy for Tian Ning to find the problem.

Ning Xiaochuan grinned, and also cursed with a big grin: "Tian Ning, go whatever you like, anyway, I don't want to be with you."

After being ridiculed by Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin one after another, Tian Ning's face looked angry and said, "The two of you are really embarrassed. Since you don't appreciate it, I will kill those guys by myself."

Flying up, Tian Ning rushed towards a celestial team ahead.

A celestial squad consists of 10,000 celestial masters and a few higher generals. These soldiers are led by the generals to form a special formation. They fight together, retreat together, and cooperate with other teams. The dystocia is extremely difficult. Even with the power of these young men in red, they can only be tied with these teams for a while.

Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin stood together and looked around for a while. Hua Tianjin secretly spoke to Ning Xiaochuan: "Master, this Tian Ning is right, if we have not been able to help Master Fei kill the enemy, it is easy It attracted the attention of Master Fei, and by then, I'm afraid we will all be leaking. "

"I know this too."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded. This time he came here while Master Fei was fighting with people.

The advantage is that Master Fei's attention is attracted and it is difficult to find his disguise.

But the downside is that he has to take a shot at this moment. If he doesn't take another shot, the Master Fei must doubt him. But the problem is that if he hits at this moment, it is easy to reveal his true identity.

"No way but to disturb the situation first, and then wait for the opportunity." Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment and immediately made a judgment.

Glancing around, Ning Xiaochuan flew up and said, "Hua Tianjin, follow me. The two of us should be a little farther from the Master Fei and see what happens."

The figure of the two flew over the chessboard battlefield, then rushed to a remote corner on the chessboard, and slaughtered with a celestial squad.

Of course, at this moment, Hua Tianjin is a helper, and he is trying his best to block Ning Xiaochuan's movements as much as possible, so that the abnormality on Ning Xiaochuan will not be discovered.

After killing here for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan gradually became relieved.

That Master Fei's attention was indeed all attracted by this chessboard battle, so he did not care about Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin's actions at all.

The two hid in this remote corner and tentatively performed a lot of small moves. Master Fei didn't find anything.

This situation made Ning Xiaochuan's heart overjoyed immediately: "It seems that as long as I don't shoot in front of the Master Fei, he will not find my details for the time being."

While Ning Xiaochuan muttered in his heart, there was a sound of gloat.

"Nie thirteen, Hua Tianjin, you are hiding here, grind, and haven't killed a ten thousand team for a long time. What do you want to do? It seems I need to take you to see Master Fei."

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