Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1265: checkerboard

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For three consecutive days, Ning Xiaochuan stayed in this hall to detoxify the drug Siqi.

Yao Siqi's state has become stronger day by day.

At the beginning, Yao Siqi had no awareness at all. But the next day, she was awake. By the third day, she was able to communicate and cooperate with Ning Xiaochuan.

Three days later, a voice came out of the hall.

"Hua Tianjin, come in."

Hua Tianjin, who was waiting outside the hall, walked into the hall suddenly, standing in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yao Siqi have re-dressed at this moment, but Yao Siqi still seems to be weak, and the whole person lies on Ning Xiaochuan softly.

However, at the moment of seeing Hua Tianjin, Yao Siqi's eyes shot an angry look.

Staring at Hua Tianjin with a look of hatred, Yao Siqi said, "Brother Ning, has he really become a slave to your heart now?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded: "Yes, so I call him in and let you let it go. Your hatred of him has almost become a demon. If you don't unlock this knot, you can't survive it."

Yao Siqi turned to look at Ning Xiaochuan, with a complex look in his eyes: "Thank you Brother Ning, but now seeing him become your slave of the mind, most of the hatred in my heart has dispersed, he killed so many of us If you kill him directly, it is hard to dispel my hatred. It is better to let him be your slave to Brother Ning, and you will never be free. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Yao Siqi, and asked curiously, "Yes, Siqi, I have never asked you before, how did you appear here?"

Yao Siqi shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on, but the whole day of the elixir burst out. Most of the people on the elixir were swept away by a storm of time and space. A few sisters, After wandering for many days in the chaotic flow of time and space, it was suddenly sucked into this place. "

It seems that everyone's experience is almost the same.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and no longer asked questions in this regard. After whispering a few words to Yao Siqi, Ning Xiaochuan took out a celestial sorrow in his hand, and immediately looked dignifiedly: "Siqi, now that you are mine Woman, I'll take responsibility for your safety. I can't leave here for the time being, but I will give you the star map of the outside world. You take this heavenly figure, wear it out, and go back to the world of Da Yan first. "

Yao Siqi looked up and looked at Ning Xiaochuan, she did not expect Ning Xiaochuan to say such a thing.

In the past when she was an elixir star, she saw more of those so-called infatuated lovers. As long as she got the body of a woman, she would not take her seriously and abandoned her.

With two drops of tears, Yao Siqi's look resolutely said: "Brother Ning, rest assured, I have been here for so long, I have explored in many places, my safety is not a problem at all."

Looking down at Yao Siqi, who is like a peach flower, Ning Xiaochuan gently pulled her down into her arms.

Time passed a long time, and the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin rushed out of this rundown planet.

Standing over the run-down planet, Ning Xiaochuan glanced back, and then accelerated to leave with Hua Tianjin.

At the moment, on the surface of the planet, holding the medicine qiqi of Tian Suanyu in his hand, his bright eyes looked up at the back of Ning Xiaochuan, but his expression gradually became firmer.

"Brother Ning, although you want me to leave here immediately and go to a safe place, but here may be a great opportunity for me. If I give up even this, I may not be worthy of Brother Ning in the future. "

With a few words in his mouth, Yao Siqi turned directly and walked towards another part of the planet.

On another part of the planet, there is a dark hole, which is bottomless and does not know where it spreads.

This hole was actually discovered by Yao Siqi.

However, because the dangerous anomaly was felt in the hole, Yao Siqi did not enter it. But now, instead of hesitating, she walked in step by step.

Departing from the rundown planet, the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin began to shuttle in the surrounding canyon again.

While hurrying, Ning Xiaochuan's was thinking about other issues.

This time he disguised himself as Nie Shisan and came to look for Master Fei, just to get close to Master Fei, look for his flaws, and hold his handle, so that Master Fei will not deal with the world of Da Yan in the future.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan feels great pressure.

Just being a Hua Tianjin, it took him so much thought to make it even more difficult to deal with that young master.

Turning his head to Hua Tianjin, Ning Xiaochuan said: "It has been so many days since Master Fei summoned us. We are now passing by, will we not let that Master Fei doubt?"

"This won't." Hua Tianjin shook his head and said, "It's dangerous here. In case of being trapped somewhere, it will be normal for a few years. Master Fei also knows this and will definitely not blame us for this. But I am worried about another issue now, and I ask the host to prepare in advance. "

"What's the problem?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Hua Tianjin said: "The master also knows that, like Nie Shisan, I actually have the energy that Master Fei gave us. This energy crisis can be our life-saving card, but usually, this energy is It is to supervise our existence. Nie Shisan and his master in disguise now have no such energy. Master Fei will certainly ask the reason and even plant us this energy again. How will the master deal with it? "

This is indeed a problem.

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment, then a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I searched out some interesting things from your memory. Although the master Fei is called the son of destiny, he is worried that another one will compete with him Is it true that the Son of Destiny was born? "

Hua Tianjin nodded: "It should be, this is no longer a secret, does the owner want to do anything about it?"

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Couldn't it? Since Master Fei is so jealous of another son of Destiny, then I will make him a son of Destiny. Remember, the reason why the two of us did not arrive late to Master Fei is not Because of being trapped, but because of being in danger and meeting another son of destiny, it was so embarrassed that even the energy left by Master Fei to play out for us. "

While hurrying, Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin have already discussed ways to deceive Master Fei.

Now that Hua Tianjin has desperately served Ning Xiaochuan, it is not difficult for the two to work together to deceive Master Fei.

Finding someone in such a supreme artifact is indeed not an easy task.

Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin joined forces and constantly shuttled in canyon-like folds, only to gradually approach the place where Master Fei was.


Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin stopped at the edge of a boxy square, like a chessboard.

Hua Tianjin secretly told Ning Xiaochuan: "Master, if Master Fei has not moved to another place recently, then he should be ahead."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and was about to speak, but suddenly there was a sneer.

"Nie Shisan, Hua Tianjin, why did you come here at this time? Because of your affairs, Master Fei has already been angry once, and rush with me to see Master Fei."

A young man in red flew over from the side.

Master Fei's men seem to be all dressed in red. This young man in red is so, Hua Tianjin is so, Nie Xiaochuan, disguised by Ning Xiaochuan, is the same.

Hua Tianjin stood out and sneered, "Tian Ning, where is Master Fei? Take us to see him soon."

Are you finally going to meet that young master?

Ning Xiaochuan didn't speak, just silently followed Hua Tianjin and Tian Ning.

After all, he is a fake, so at this time, it is best to keep a low profile.

The figures of the three flew into the sky above the board-like ground in front of them. The scenery in front of Ning Xiaochuan suddenly changed, and a mighty army appeared under his feet.

This is a real army with strict discipline and strong combat power. There are 30 square mats. Walking around this land, each square is 10,000. In other words, the army in front of it, There are actually 300,000 people.

After a careful look, Ning Xiaochuan's expression became even more surprised.

Because the 300,000 people below are all monks, each of them soldiers has reached the level of heaven and earth, and the generals led by these army are higher, and there is no shortage of sub-gods.

Hua Tianjin was surprised, and asked Ning Xiaochuan: "Tian Ning, what's going on? How can such an army suddenly pop up here?"

"You came here by mistake and were directly transmitted. According to the master, this chessboard is the core of the world. The master wants to refine this core and completely control the ruins, but With the core of his own wisdom, he set up this big chessboard battle against the young master. "

"In the beginning, the soldiers on the chessboard were actually just the most ordinary soldiers, but after we were killed by all of them, these soldiers began to ascend to cultivation. Now it is a heaven and a human world. At that time, even at that time, even if it is us, I am afraid it will be difficult to completely destroy them. But Master Fei said that only by destroying them thoroughly, Master Fei can completely refine the core of this ruin, so now we are There is a shortage of manpower, so you two are here. "

Tian Ning didn't hesitate, and said the situation here at this moment.

At the same time, the figures of the three have flew into the depths of the chessboard, and saw the red figures in front of them fighting with the army on the chessboard.

There are dozens of red figures, each of which is similar to Nie Shisan and Hua Tianjin.

Among these red figures, all of them were low, but the breath was extremely powerful, and they slowly turned around.

Flying Master!

Ning Xiaochuan stared at each other desperately, trying to see the appearance of the young master Fei.

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