Super Zoo

Chapter 799 You will suffer the consequences if you do evil

To be honest, Su Ming was not sure what the large pink gas that suddenly emerged was. It was a simple truth. He was managing a zoo and running a company, not a gas chamber to torture prisoners of war. He had never seen what real poison gas looked like. It was normal for him to not know what he was good at.

However, he and Su Meng sneaked in through the drainage pipe on the edge of the cliff. They were already a little guilty. Just now, the pipe mouth behind them was suddenly closed, and a large group of gas emerged again. They instinctively thought that they were discovered by the owner of the castle.

And these gases looked very dreamy... The more beautiful things are, the more poisonous they are. This principle applies not only to flowers, trees and beauties, but also to gases.

For example, farts are colorless. Although they smell bad, they are definitely not poisonous to people. Haze is gray and seems to smell like nothing, but if you breathe it every day, you will definitely get various diseases. The same is true for factory waste and car exhaust. Colored gas means that it contains chemical elements!

So Su Ming is sure that this thing is probably weird!

In a flash, the pink mist had filled the entire passage. Su Ming immediately used two energy storage balls. The abilities of the two water bears were quite exaggerated and could greatly improve people's various survival abilities.

Perhaps due to the special nature of the water bears' abilities, many of them are not special features that strengthen themselves, but on the contrary, they reduce the needs of the body, so the effect of the energy storage ball is not affected by time.

Su Ming did an experiment. After turning on the water bear energy storage ball, he could lurk in the water for an hour like a turtle and then come out to take a breath, or he would not feel hungry for three or four days without eating or drinking... Maybe it was more than three or four days, but he only conducted the experiment for four days and then stopped. Although he was not hungry, he would be greedy...

Su Ming named this ability super life. Just like the name, after turning on this ability, humans have become super life to a certain extent. The various elements needed by the body are reduced to a minimum, and they almost do not need to rely on the natural or artificial environment outside to survive. It is completely a super life form that can "hide in a small building and be unified, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter."

The poison gas can be ignored under the effect of two layers of super life energy storage balls.

"Cough cough cough..." Su Meng coughed violently, his huge body almost bent like a shrimp, his face turned red and white, very ugly.

Su Ming was shocked, how could he forget this! Su Ming has a super life energy storage ball, but Su Meng can't do anything. This guy is strong, but he is still a human after all. Even if he can run a horse on his arm and stand on his fist, his resistance to poison gas is definitely not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Poison gas directly harms people's internal organs and respiratory tract. No matter how powerful a person is, these parts are no different.

"How is it!"

Su Meng answered Su Ming's words with actual actions. With a wow, he coughed up a lot of blood, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Su Ming's scalp suddenly exploded. He and Su Meng had always cooperated well. Even if there was a dinosaur or a large group of militants in the castle, Su Ming would not find it difficult. But who could have thought that the owner of this castle was too unreasonable. Without any warning, he actually released poison gas directly!

Poison gas, this thing is pure *** behavior, even IS dare not do it! The Nazis during World War II were despised to this day largely because they used poison gas in concentration camps.

Moreover, poison gas is a diffuse gas. Isn't the owner of the castle afraid of affecting other lives in the castle?

Now there is no time to think about these. Su Meng's cough is getting worse and worse, and large clumps of blood are spitting out. If his body is not strong enough, it is estimated that he has died...

Su Ming mustered up his strength to send out his mental power, wanting to notify the crested ibis guarding outside to break the iron door behind the drainage pipe, so that Su Meng can retreat first and breathe.


A red shadow fell from the sky and hit the iron door of the castle drain fiercely, but then, a loud 'duang' sound was heard...

The alloy iron door of the drain was probably half a foot thick, and it was estimated that even a cannonball might not be able to penetrate it! The little crested ibis hit it hard, and its 'mouth' was knocked crooked, and golden stars appeared in front of its eyes.

Su Ming was also in bad luck! The crested ibis was just a few dozen meters away, and there was an iron door between the two sides, so Su Ming subconsciously used the ability to attach souls, and as a result, the crested ibis' feelings were completely copied and passed to him, and he immediately sat on the ground with a dizzy head.

The little crested ibis was dizzy, shaking its claws in the air, and swayingly 'crashed', falling down the cliff, hitting several small trees growing horizontally along the way, and finally fell to the bottom of the cliff with a plop, smashing a big hole in the ground.

"Boss, I'll be unconscious for a while, you guys take your time..." thought the crested ibis, then he fainted with his head tilted.

In the drainage ditch, Su Meng had vomited all over the floor, first blood, then food, the scene was bloody and disgusting.

"Hold your breath!" Su Ming covered Su Meng's mouth.

There are two ways for poisonous gas to invade, one is through breathing, and the other is more corrosive and can directly corrode the skin. At present, it seems that the poisonous gas in the pipeline is mostly the former, which is not very corrosive to the skin.

Su Meng immediately held his breath, opened his eyes, and tried hard to hold his breath.

But this is not a long-term solution. Su Ming suddenly thought of the scene where he covered his mouth with urine and wet cloth to escape when there was a fire on TV...

"Su Meng, urine is actually not dirty. Many people even buy children's urine for health care. Although I am not a child, my urine is definitely much better than poisonous gas! Just bear with it..." Su Ming said, while Take off your pants and take out the waterproof bag.

Su Meng looked at Su Ming innocently.

Not long after, Su Ming's shirt was soaked with urine, and he couldn't help but cover Su Meng's mouth.

"Cough cough cough..." Su Meng coughed violently.

"How do you feel this time?!" Su Ming sighed. Fortunately, I had to hold back a lot of urine on the way!

Unexpectedly, Su Meng shook his head vigorously, then said "Wow" and spit out a large mouthful of blood, dyeing the diaper red.

"Fuck me, everything on TV is a lie!" Su Ming was extremely depressed.

Unexpectedly, Su Meng vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, but his brain suddenly became better. Holding his breath, he pointed at the diaper, then at Su Ming and his own mouth, and made several gestures!

Su Ming understood what he meant, and his heart suddenly sank to his butt.

What a sin!

Everything has a cause and effect, and no one can escape it!

Having worked with Su Meng for so long, Su Ming understood what he meant instantly!

How can we avoid poisonous gas damage? Not breathing!

But can a person not breathe? Obviously not.

So what should Su Meng do if he needs to breathe and avoid being harmed by poisonous gas? Obviously someone or equipment is needed to provide him with oxygen.

The most common method is artificial respiration, but there is a guy named Su Ming here who is not afraid of poisonous gas and can breathe normally...

So, the answer is ready to come out!

Looking at Su Meng's bloody mouth, Su Ming almost wanted to cry. He vomited things, blood, and the urine on the diaper just now...

Su Meng stared at Su Ming with a 'come on' attitude.


How did the two people get to the inside of the castle through the underground pipe? Su Ming really didn't want to recall it anymore. This was definitely not a pleasant experience. Fortunately, he and Su Meng were the only two people who knew that if there was one more person on the spot, Su Ming suspected that he would consider killing someone to silence him!

Don’t think about it, it’s a must!

The entrance to the sewer actually happens to be the underground laboratory inside the castle. All power was cut off in the laboratory, and it was pitch dark, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

"No, there is movement!"

By the light of the flashlight on the rifle, a black shadow flashed past, and there were rustling sounds all around. It was obvious that something was moving, and there were also some strange sounds that came near and far.

When he expanded his mental power, he discovered that there were many animals in the basement, entrenched in the darkness. There were probably dozens of them, including crocodiles and leopards.

In the dark, these animals were wary of each other and were ready to attack each other at any time. The animal instincts came into play at this moment, and they were completely unaware that poisonous gas would soon pour in.


Just as Su Ming used his mental power to find out some clues, suddenly there was a strong force on his shoulders and he flew into the air. While the person was in mid-air, he was hit hard on his lower abdomen, and then suffered a heavy blow on his waist. If the super beings hadn't played a role, he would have been dead or disabled.

But immediately after, the guy who attacked Su Ming was also knocked away. Su Meng hit him hard like a barbarian warrior. The guy flew several meters away like a kite with its string broken, and fell heavily to the ground. .

"You bunch of damn... ahem... beasts..."

Lyudmila was completely desperate! When Nicole left the castle, the doors of all the cages opened at the same time. The animals and humans trapped inside were stunned and immediately escaped from the cages. She took a few survivors and looked for a way out, but soon discovered All the exits were closed and there was no way to escape. There were also poison gas spraying out from several pipes. If the basement and the castle were not so large, they would have been poisoned to death.

However, animals did not have this consciousness. After these beasts escaped from the trap, they not only fought with each other, but also launched attacks on humans.

It is impossible for ordinary people to be opponents of ferocious beasts, especially when the light sources in the castle have been cut off. Even special forces like Lyudmila are powerless. On the contrary, the animals' night eyes come into play at this time. Not long after, the remaining humans were killed by animals again.

Lyudmila and the last few people had no choice but to return to the cage and close the cage! They desperately discovered that the temporarily safe place in the castle was these iron cages.

And as the poisonous gas continues to invade, it won't be long before they are poisoned to death in these cages. The perverted woman opened all the cages before leaving. From the perspective of killing, it was unnecessary. It seemed that she wanted these prisoners to die in despair and pain.

When she heard the footsteps and lights, Lyudmila's first reaction was that the people in the castle were back! This really can't be blamed on her, because the rifle used by Su Ming was seized from the castle security guard, and the model of the tactical flashlight on it was the same. As a mercenary, Lyudmila was very familiar with these weapons, and she could recognize them just by looking at them. come out.

With the idea of ​​'fighting a bloody path, even if we die together', Lyudmila quietly launched the attack, and the result was the scene just now, when she was knocked away.

The noise of the fight immediately attracted nearby beasts. As soon as Lyudmila landed, a brown bear staggered to her side and lowered its head to sniff.

"I didn't expect to be killed by a beast in the end..." Lyudmila finally gave up resistance and completely accepted her fate.

Unexpectedly, the brown bear sniffed her hair, but did not bite her. Instead, it slapped a hyena that wanted to take advantage of it.

The light flickered, and a beam of light fell on Lyudmila's face, stinging Lyudmila's eyes so much that she couldn't see the person behind the light at all.

"Kill me, I'll wait for you beasts in hell!" Lyudmila gritted her teeth and said.

The light stayed on her face for a few seconds, and a surprising "eh" sound rang out in the darkness.

"Lyudmila, why are you here?" Su Ming was very surprised. He didn't expect to meet Lyudmila here.

Hearing this voice, Lyudmila was stunned.

It was him!

When fellow villagers meet, their eyes are filled with tears… After a short family reunion meeting, Su Ming controlled the remaining animals, and Lyudmila called the last three survivors to climb out of the cage.

“Don’t be afraid, everyone. These are friends of the Russian people, who are here to save us!” Lyudmila briefly introduced them to comfort the frightened survivors.

“But I am also a Chinese!” Su Ming added, waving his hand: “No time to talk more, get in the car! Oh no, hurry up!”

The only way out of the castle is a heavy iron gate, which is the main gate of the castle. The half-foot thick iron gate looks more like the gate of a small city than it does. It can usually be opened with the old mechanism of the castle. Nicole had destroyed the mechanism before she left, and it could not be opened by manpower at all.

If it cannot be opened by manpower, Su Meng may not be unable to open it. With a loud roar, in the surprised eyes of everyone, the iron gate was slowly lifted up to a gap.

But it was far from enough. The veins on Su Meng’s forehead burst out, but the gap did not expand, and on the contrary, there was a tendency to fall.

Several other people came to help, but they were still powerless.

Su Ming opened an elephant energy storage ball, which was the only power type energy storage ball.

Squeak... The iron door made a harsh noise and slowly lifted up, leaving more than half a meter of space from the ground.

"You go first!"

Lyudmila hesitated for a few seconds, gritted her teeth, and took the survivors and animals out from under the door.

"You guys come out quickly!" Lyudmila shouted anxiously outside.

Su Ming and Su Meng smiled bitterly at each other. Now the two of them lifted the iron door together. If anyone let go, the iron door would fall down.

They didn't dare to move at all, and they couldn't move!

At this moment, a shrill roar suddenly sounded in the castle. In the darkness, a mouth opened to the ear, full of rotten teeth, and a two-meter-tall "monster" slowly walked towards them.

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