Super Zoo

Chapter 798 Counterattack

Su Ming stood on the castle terrace and looked down. There was an explosion, and the fire took off. It was like a big mine exploded in the mountain stream, but it was immediately extinguished by the rolling water, and the wreckage of the helicopter followed. Float downstream with the current.

As for the group of militants on the plane, if they could still survive in this situation, it would be unless the gods came down to earth.

The crested ibis stood by the terrace with its head held high, arrogantly combing its feathers without even looking at its 'results'.

After eating a lot of Tai Sui meat, this guy finally had the appearance of the divine bird in the Park Zhengyi family legend. His feathers were like fine iron, especially the long beak, which was extremely sharp. At first, Hai Dongqing was eating suffered this big loss.

Crested Ibis is now simply a terrorist with a bomb strapped to his body. Anyone who dares to mess with me will be killed by me!

The only thing that makes Su Ming feel a little regretful is that some valuable clues may be found on this helicopter. Now it has fallen into the canyon and been washed away by the flood. It is very troublesome to salvage it. At least he and Su Meng cannot. Doing such a big 'project' in a short time.

But that's not important.

Even though he had won a great victory, Su Ming's nose was almost crooked with anger. What on earth did this mean? First, there were a swarm of vampire bats, and now they simply sent armed helicopters and armed men with live ammunition to deal with me? !

What hatred, what hatred!

The crested ibis swooped down into the mountain stream below, and came back after a while, with two semi-brake rifles hanging on its long beak.

"Lead the way!" Su Ming put his gun on his back and said fiercely to the Crested Ibis.

"Miss Nicole, we have lost contact with helicopter No. 2!"

In the underground research room, the deputy security director suddenly raised his head and said to Nicole with a shocked look on his face.

Nicole didn't know much about mechanics, but she also knew that losing contact was definitely not a good idea. She frowned and asked, "How is it possible? The communication equipment and positioning equipment on the helicopter are very advanced, how could it lose contact?"

Moreover, military helicopters are equipped with black boxes. Even if the aircraft explodes, it will be difficult to completely damage it.

"Ms. Nicole, the helicopter's black box involves the security of the U.S. military. Before we bought it through channels, the black box had been dismantled. At present, the main contact methods are the radio and the positioning system. The radio can no longer contact Carlos, and the positioning system It also failed." The deputy security director said in a serious tone, "Based on my experience, there is only one possibility...the plane exploded..."

"What!" Nicole finally lost her previous calmness, strode up to the deputy security director, grabbed his collar, and asked sternly: "Where are the people on the plane! Where's Locke!"

The deputy director's body, which weighed more than 100 kilograms, was actually lifted up by Nicole with one hand. It seemed that even if Nicole's strength was not as strong as Locke, she was not much weaker.

"Nicole... Miss Nicole, please calm down." The deputy director looked pale and stammered: "We don't know yet whether the people on the plane are safe, but..."

"Nothing, tell me!" The veins on Nicole's forehead burst out, like twisted earthworms, and her slender white neck was actually covered with light blue meridians. She looked very scary and completely unconscious. Like normal humans.

Although a person at the level of deputy director can only be regarded as a peripheral figure of the organization, he is, after all, the closest to the core among the periphery. He is often responsible for handling some of the organization's shady affairs and knows some of the organization's secrets. Seeing Nicole's expression at this time The situation was appalling. How could he dare to hide anything? He quickly said, "Miss Nicole, everyone on the plane has a communicator. I'll contact them!"

Nicole threw the deputy director aside and said coldly: "Contact Locke first!"

The deputy director hurriedly operated the computer to get in touch with Locke's communication equipment, but what came from the other end was a heart-stopping "beep...beep...beep..." accompanied by noise. After half a minute, there was no sound. answer.

The deputy director looked back at Nicole in fear, and Nicole gritted her teeth and said, "Contact other people."




The supervisor contacted the communicators of all the team members on the helicopter, but without exception, there was no response.

In other words, everyone on the helicopter has lost contact!

The helicopter probably exploded, and everyone on the plane lost contact. No matter how stupid you are, you can probably guess something. A helicopter flying in the sky explodes, and the consequences are self-evident.

Nicole's face was gloomy and uncertain, and the veins on her neck were like rapidly growing earthworms, or the roots of a big tree, rapidly spreading towards her face.

The deputy security director was thinking more about it at this time. He hesitated and weighed it for several seconds, and finally said boldly: "Miss Nicole, I think we should face reality. Regardless of the people in the helicopter and Locke, No matter whether we are dead or alive, we can no longer stay in the castle and must move as soon as possible. "

There are many private helicopters in Europe, and a helicopter flight will not attract much attention. But if a helicopter explodes or crashes, the government will inevitably intervene, and it will soon be possible to trace the clues to the castle.

If the original owner of the castle, Dr. Yuri, was still alive, he might still be able to handle it. Dr. Yuri is a famous scientist, archaeologist, and also holds the title of nobility - an out-and-out count. This castle belongs to him. In Romania, Dr. Yuri has a certain energy.

But this biggest amulet was killed by Nicole!

It would be even more unimaginable if the helicopter crashed in a densely populated area! It is very possible that the government has now found the owner of the helicopter from the wreckage, and maybe he is heading towards the castle.

No matter what, as long as the wreckage is found, the castle will be involved, and the 'disappearance' of Dr. Yuri is even more suspicious.

So the only thing that can be done now is transfer.

Seeing that Nicole was silent, the deputy director became bolder and continued: "In order to prevent the organization from being exposed, each of our strongholds has a self-destruction mechanism. Miss Nicole, money and castles are not important to the organization, talents, especially people like you Valuable talents are the core of the organization. You must evacuate safely. I will escort you out now."

Probably because she was flattered, Nicole's expression softened a lot, and she nodded towards the deputy security director, "Well, that's true, the organization doesn't care about money, but talent is very important. But..." She paused, He gave the deputy director a weird smile: "However, you are not a talent."

"You perverted bitch, what on earth are you going to do!"

In the underground research room, Lyudmila, who had already woken up long ago, was behind the cage and yelled at Nicole.

Lyudmila was going crazy. When she woke up, she found that she and her team members were like a group of wild beasts, imprisoned in this gloomy underground research room. She even witnessed two of her team members being injected with unknown substances. The famous potion roared with signs of painful death.

This gorgeous looking Eastern European chick is clearly conducting some kind of dangerous experiment.

Although they have not suffered any substantive abuse, except for the lack of freedom, no one usually tortures them. Even their daily diet is much better than when they were in the company. At least the company does not pay attention to any nutritional combinations, and there is usually no any People came to talk to her, violated her, and even had a physical examination. Of course, the physical examination was done through an iron cage.

But the more this happened, the more Lyudmila felt chilled! It was obvious that in the eyes of those people, he and these team members were not 'same kind' at all, but 'experimental equipment'.

Of course, no one will embarrass their own experimental equipment. On the contrary, they must perform very good "maintenance" so that when these "equipments" are used, the equipment can function!

She witnessed Nicole killing Dr. Yuri. During the period up to now, she also discovered from the conversation with the other party that this is a very large underground organization. There are countless 'experimental equipments' like them. Escape is impossible.

After all, Lyudmila was a special forces soldier with the title of She-Bear. Under great fear, she did not give up the idea of ​​​​escape or even resisting. She always paid attention to the opponent's every move, hoping to find favorable opportunities.

But the prerequisite for everything is to leave the cage in which they are imprisoned. These pure alloy cages are as thick as a wrist and cannot be opened by human power. She even thought about killing the guards, but unfortunately the guards here didn't seem to like this.

Listening to their conversation today, it seems that they have been exposed. Lyudmila feels that this is the last chance! Maybe... maybe the other party will open the cage and take away their 'experimental equipment'.

According to her observations during this period, in addition to herself, there should be two team members, three to four unknown living people, and a large number of various animals in the laboratory.

Just open the cage and you have a chance! At least you can fight hard!

After seeing what happened to her previous teammates, Lyudmila would rather be beaten into pieces by bullets than become a test subject and be used for human experiments.

However, when the deputy security director suggested leaving, that damn woman actually shot him in the head!

At this moment, Lyudmila was going completely crazy! The fact that the other party killed the deputy security director means that she is not going to take anyone away, because she alone cannot escort all the 'experimental subjects'!


A low growl sounded from the cage next door.

In the dim light, through the gap in the alloy cage, the third team member, the only one who survived after being injected with the medicine, was in the next cage.

Separated by a metal cage as thick as an arm, this team member seemed to have lost the light of human wisdom. There was only a cloudy look in his eyes. The originally strong arms had completely withered, hanging from the body like two ridiculous fish fins. both sides.

The reason why it was described as fins was that Lyudmila heard with her own ears that the medicine injected by this person contained the word shark, which seemed to be some kind of gene extracted from a shark.

At this time, the face of this team member no longer looked human. Whether it was due to genetic mutation or ulceration, the upper and lower lips had completely rotted away. There were also huge cracks on the cheeks on both sides. The newly grown teeth are uneven and different in size. The only thing they have in common is that they are extremely sharp.

The new teeth grow out of the gums and forcefully knock out all the original teeth. The mouth looks bloody and bloody, which is extremely horrifying!

"Baker, I will avenge you!" Lyudmila looked at the poor team members, anger igniting in her chest.

However, revenge is not as simple as talking about it. Now she cannot protect herself at all, so she can only talk about it...

"Damn, damn, damn!" Lyudmila cursed feebly in her heart. It seemed that she was really going to die. She didn't know why.

Before she died, Lyudmila actually had a strange idea: If she had known that she would have taken advantage of the overlord when she was at the zoo, or knocked him out directly, or simply given some medicine to get Su Ming to bed. Already...

Everyone will have various regrets in their life. Lyudmila's biggest regret in these years has actually been this incident.

Not far away, after killing the deputy security director, Nicole quickly copied several files from the computer into a hard drive, and used her authority to open the deputy security director's email. In the name of the deputy security director, Send an email.

"Dear Ruth, while working under Dr. Yuri, I discovered that the doctor was secretly engaged in cruel research on ****...

After a long struggle, I decided to report Dr.…

The doctor probably discovered my thoughts. If I can't come back, I will probably be killed by the doctor...

But I will resist to the end..."

As long as anyone traces this email, their first reaction will be to believe that the death of Dr. Yuri and the deputy director of security, as well as everything that will happen after the castle, is due to the conflict within this criminal group.

Of course, this email cannot be used as conclusive evidence and has huge loopholes, but within a short period of time, it can interfere with the direction of the local government's investigation.

Romania is not a particularly powerful country. As long as it can buy a certain amount of time, the organization will naturally find ways to influence the Romanian government and suppress this matter.

"Damn it, Locke, I will avenge you! I will not let anyone in Aibik Castle go!"

Nicole recalled the scenes she saw on the monitor in her mind, her face was gloomy, and the patterns on her neck faintly emerged.

After sending the email, Nicole pressed a few buttons on the central control platform, quickly returned to the castle's helipad, boarded the last helicopter, and slowly took off.

Not long after the plane took off, heavy gates were suddenly lowered at all entrances and exits of the castle below, completely sealing off the entire castle.

All the computers crackled with electricity and were completely destroyed.

A large amount of poisonous gas poured out of the ventilation ducts in the castle.

"******, it's poison gas!"

Su Ming and Su Meng were ducking into the castle from the entrance of the bat: the drainage channel. Suddenly, it became dark behind them, the entrance was closed, and then a light red smoke filled the pipe.

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