Super Zoo

Chapter 752: Cruel and ruthless

The reputation is not as good as others, the venue is not as good as others, the effect is not as good as others, and the content shown is exactly the same. If the ticket price is similar to others, you can tell which theater the audience will choose.

If you don't raise the ticket price and play the cheap card, then this is a bottomless pit that will never be filled.

Others have made money and constantly updated their equipment and replaced it with better equipment. Changhe Cinema has fallen behind step by step. Even with the initial investment from Taoyuan Group, it will still fall into the same predicament as it is now.

"So, the key point is the four words you said: be different."

Su Ming said: "Compared with money and luxury, we are not their opponents, and our reputation will not be big in a short time. The only change now is to start with the content of the screening. Changhe's current equipment is enough to support the effects of most movies, and there is no need for large investments for the time being."

And Su Ming has a reason that he didn't say.

Hou Longtao said the reality. Bad movies can make money, and they make a lot of money, but does this mean that good movies can't make money?

Could it be because the cinema only provides audiences with one choice: bad movies, so audiences can only pay for bad movies. They can't find a place to watch good movies?

And there is another situation. The consumer group in the domestic market is very complex, with a wide range of age levels, appreciation levels, and preferences. Some like to eat sweet food, and some like to drink spicy drinks. The "bad movies" in Su Ming's eyes have their audience groups. Similarly, those good movies should also have a certain scale of audience.

Changhe Cinema is not a cinema chain, but just a cinema. It does not need a huge audience of millions or tens of millions. As long as a part, even a small part of the audience is willing to accept it, it is enough for the cinema to turn losses into profits.

Shen Yanhe's data statistics team and Cai Liming's market research team have been working together. According to the intuitive box office data, although the overall trend of domestic box office has been increasing in the past few years, the increase between last year and this year has been significantly reduced, especially this year. During the three golden periods of Spring Festival, summer vacation, and National Day, the number of so-called "commercial films" released exceeded 20% of last year, and the total number of screenings was close to 1.3 times that of last year, but the total box office was the same as last year.

Cai Liming's market research gave a conclusion that this is somewhat similar to the golden age of Hong Kong movies in the 1990s, when the movie bubble suddenly burst. Hong Kong movies entered their golden age in the early 1990s. As long as there were famous directors and actors, they could attract big investments and sell at high prices without even reading the script, so that the film industry made a lot of money and bad movies came out one after another.

In the mid-to-late 1990s, the level of Hong Kong movies dropped to the lowest point, the patience and confidence of local audiences were squandered, and coupled with some political factors, the movie bubble burst, the movie market was hit hard, and the cold winter period of local movies has not yet passed.

At present, the mainland is also facing a similar situation. Since the first so-called Hollywood-level big production, "The Promise", bad movies have repeatedly refreshed the audience's bottom line. In the early stage, there was a fig leaf to cover it up, trying to interpret the content of the movie from different angles: It's not that I'm bad, but that you don't understand it. In the later stage, even the fig leaf is gone, and it is openly "as long as it can make money, it is a good movie."

At the same time, a part of the audience group has also grown up from the experience of bad movies. It is no longer the case that ten years ago, when they heard that there was a big director, hundreds of millions of investments, and 3D special effects, they would spend money to go to the cinema. More and more audiences have begun to watch movies selectively and no longer pay for bad movies that are purely hyped.

The high box office of several domestic films, including "Zootopia" and "The Return of the Monkey King", is proof of this.

Therefore, Cai Liming analyzed that the domestic film market may have reached the peak of the bubble, and the next step is likely to be a bubble burst.

Su Ming's idea is relatively conservative.

The bubble does exist, and it is huge, but precisely because of the large population base of the mainland, there are various groups of moviegoers, and any type of film, even the so-called "bad film", has its own market.

The so-called bad film is also different from person to person. You may think Qiong Yao is bad, but I may think arsenic is bad.

Therefore, it is hard to say whether the bubble will burst, but Su Ming believes that good-looking movies will definitely have a place to survive.

Maybe the direction of the film market is also changing unconsciously.

After leaving Changhe Cinema, Su Ming added "a fire" to Wu Decheng: he released the news of acquiring the cinema with great fanfare, and visited two other cinemas in Yangchuan City with relatively poor performance.

As expected by Su Ming, Wu Decheng, the owner of Changhe Cinema, chose the former without hesitation between his own interests and the "face" of his former colleagues and superiors.

The means of a seasoned capitalist were fully demonstrated at this time. Usually, "Old Wu", who always smiled at all employees and never said a harsh word, and even seemed a little weak and vulnerable, was soft but strong, using both soft and hard methods, and was flawless. In less than a week, he had signed a contract with Su Ming and completed the delivery of the cinema.

Of course, the premise is that all the old employees were dismissed.

As for how Wu Decheng dismissed these people, Su Ming didn't know, and there was no need to know. These people had no direct relationship with Taoyuan Group. Even if there was a dispute, it was between Wu Decheng.

In view of Wu Decheng's vigorous and efficient means, Hou Longtao suggested that Su Ming re-employ Wu Decheng to participate in management.

After all, he is an old man here and knows everything.

Hou Longtao has both strengths and weaknesses. His weakness, to put it bluntly, is that he has seen less of the world and sometimes considers things in a relatively shallow way.

Since he decided to "make it magnificent even if he has to spend money", Su Ming was determined to train this roommate. He did not mind and analyzed the situation with him.

Wu Decheng is capable and has the means, but he uses his abilities and means in the wrong places. Before the acquisition, he was too embarrassed to let those old hands mess around in the cinema, which is called "indecisiveness"; once it involves his own interests, he has no mercy at all and fired all these old customers in a very short time, which is called "ruthless".

For businessmen, ruthlessness is not a bad thing, but it must be used in the right way. If Wu Decheng had made up his mind to rectify the atmosphere of the cinema a few years ago, Changhe Cinema might not have become what it is today.

Changhe Cinema used to be his own industry, and it was still like this, let alone now that it has become an outsider's industry.

If such a person is employed, in peacetime, he will probably be a good guy who offends no one and gets by day by day; once the company encounters a crisis, Wu Decheng becomes ruthless for his own interests, and is likely to be a wolf that cannot be tamed.

Moreover, Wu Decheng is the old leader of these employees. He fired those old employees himself and left him in the cinema. The conflict between him and the old employees has become a conflict between the cinema and the old employees.

Without Wu Decheng, even if there are dissatisfaction among the old employees, the new Changhe Cinema can legitimately ignore them. But if Wu Decheng continues to work, it will be difficult to deal with. People look for Wu Decheng to deal with the previous labor dispute, and Su Ming has no way to deal with it.

"At that time, those old employees will come to the cinema to make trouble all day long. On the surface, they are targeting Wu Decheng, but what is affected is the normal operation of the cinema." Su Ming said.

"Oh my god, if you hadn't told me, I really wouldn't have thought of these layers. The water is too deep." Hou Longtao took a breath of cold air. He had good intentions, but after hearing what Su Ming said, he almost made a big mistake.

"No matter how deep the water is, there is always a bottom." Su Ming laughed and patted Hou Longtao on the shoulder: "You don't have to be too nervous. You have never been involved in this kind of affairs before, so it's normal that you can't think of it for the time being. You will get used to it naturally when you encounter more things in the future."

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