Super Zoo

Chapter 369 Illegal sand mining ship

The Wuchang fish has a flat body and smooth curves. It swims extremely fast in the water and reaches Su Ming's bait in a blink of an eye.

From the perspective of the Overlord Soft Turtle, one can clearly see that after getting away from the threat of the Overlord Soft Turtle, the speed of the Wuchang fish gradually slowed down. The smell of the chicken intestines that Su Ming used as bait emitted in the water, Probably catching their attention, they flicked their tails and moved closer to the chicken's intestines.

Compared with those fish in domestic fish ponds that have fixed feeding every day and pay attention to nutritional matching, the life of wild fish living in the river is not easy. It is normal to be hungry and full. Chicken intestines are definitely a huge lure for Wuchang fish. . Confused.

However, wild fish are much 'smarter' than fish in domestic fish ponds. They did not immediately pounce on the bait and eat it. Instead, they circled around the chicken intestines and bit by bit with their small mouths. Very cautious.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming chuckled and slowly shook the wheel to take up the line.

Under the water, the Wuchang fish found that the 'food' suddenly moved. It was startled. It flicked its tail and turned around and ran away. However, it was a little unwilling to do so. After swimming less than half a meter, it stopped and looked back to stare at the fish. Small sections of chicken intestines.

Under the drag of the fishing line, the chicken intestines were dragged away at a constant speed. A few Wuchang fish were a little hesitant. They wanted to eat it, but they were afraid of being fooled by a trap, but they were reluctant to give up the delicious food. Like a donkey tempted by a carrot, he followed closely.

Greedy mouth kills the fish! Su Ming's fishing line on the boat was pulled faster and faster. The chicken intestines under the water surface quickly 'escaped' and were about to disappear. A large Wuchang fish with a length of more than ten centimeters finally couldn't bear it any longer. With a flick of its tail, the flat fish The body was cutting through the blue waves like a scalpel, rushing towards the chicken intestines extremely fiercely, and biting it!

On the boat, the bell on Su Ming's fishing rod suddenly jingled wildly. The fishing line suddenly collapsed and the front half of the fishing rod bent into a large arc.

"Haha, Mr. Su is catching fish here too." Lao Gu stretched out half his head from the cockpit and looked over here with a smile.

Zhao Yun laughed loudly on the side: "You can be taught, boy! Not bad, not bad..."

Not bad. Su Ming rolled his eyes. Does he have anything to do with you?

The sea pole in Su Ming's hand was able to lift a fish weighing several dozen kilograms without any problem. This small fish, less than two kilograms, was effortless at all. He just dragged it violently and pulled the Wuchang fish onto the boat in just a few strokes.

Lao Gu was happy when he saw it: "Mr. Su, you are very lucky, Wuchang fish, this is not common!"

"I have to take this fish back and raise it. It would be a pity to eat it." Su Ming was also happy. Wuchang fish is an economic fish and can be raised in reservoirs. It is not easy to get sick and grows faster than the four major fish species. Much more valuable.

"Uncle Zhao, look at it. You have been fishing for a long time. Although the quantity is large, the quality is not good!" Nangong Huang said with a smile on the side.

"Where are you now? Wait until uncle catches a few saury fish to open your eyes." Zhao Yun laughed and put on a pair of small hooks specifically for dealing with saury fish.

Lao Gu is a very experienced fisherman. Generally speaking, Wuchang fish are in groups. Under the water where Su Ming caught the Wuchang fish, there must be a group of Wuchang fish, so he commanded the steering wheel and steered the fishing boat towards the direction just now. Drive in the direction of the fishing spot.

If he could catch a net of Wuchang fish, it would not be in vain this time. Su Ming was going to buy it on the spot at the market price and put them all in the reservoir to raise. Even if there were only about a hundred fish, it would be enough to form a small group. According to the environment of the reservoir, Wuchang fish can thrive very well and form a large population in just one or two years, bringing good economic benefits and enriching the biological chain in the reservoir.

Not far after the boat sailed out, a huge sand mining ship suddenly appeared menacingly upstream. The huge hull went down the river, breaking through the water with black smoke, and stopped on the water where Wuchang fish had gathered just now, and then A transport track several meters wide was submerged into the river, and the sand mining ship made a strong roar, crushing the sand and gravel under the river surface and transporting it to the sand mining ship.

As a result, the Wuchang fish under the water surface were immediately frightened and fled in all directions. Some of the fish that could not escape were smashed to pieces together with the sand and gravel. Just now, the overlord turtle rushed into the fish school. The fish school was only briefly frightened. After swimming away for a short distance, the fish group regrouped. But the roar of sand mining boats is constant and will completely scare the fish away.

"Fuck you!" Su Ming almost yelled. How could a sand mining ship appear in such a good situation?

Sand mining will cause serious damage to the Yangtze River. If I remember correctly, sand mining is prohibited on this section of the river.

What's more, it's the fishing season, and the sand mining boat makes such a noise, making a huge roar that can be heard far in the water, and fish schools within a few kilometers will be more or less frightened.

Whether it affects the fishing catch or not, the most important thing is that it will damage the nearby fish breeding environment. Many fish, such as pufferfish, which are both freshwater and saltwater amphibians, swim back to the Yangtze River during this season to lay eggs! The huge roar of sand mining boats is simply a sonic weapon for spawning fish, which will greatly affect fish spawning. If affected multiple times, many fish will even change their living habits and no longer come to the Yangtze River to spawn. Eggs, this is a fatal blow to the Yangtze River fishery.

Zhao Yun was also very angry. He had already caught a fish just now, but when the sand mining boat came, the fish that was hooked struggled a few times for some reason and actually got off the hook.

When Lao Gu saw the sand mining ship, he sighed a little depressedly, and then ordered the second son to turn the helm and stay away from the location of the big sand mining ship.

Not only Lao Gu, Su Ming could clearly see on the boat that when the sand dredging ship appeared, the numerous fishing boats nearby on the river did not dare to provoke it, just like a wolf broke into a flock of sheep. The fishing boats that were originally nearby turned their rudders and moved away from the sand dredging ship.

"What's going on?" Su Ming asked Lao Gu in confusion: "Didn't you say that sand dredging is not allowed? This ship is here to make trouble!"

"Hey, it's like this every year, don't mention it!" Lao Gu waved his hand: "Mr. Su, we fishermen can't afford to provoke them. The river is so big, we can afford to hide if we can't afford to provoke them, we just drive away."

After listening to Lao Gu's words, Su Ming realized that not only was sand dredging illegal in this section of the river, but even the sand dredging ship itself was illegal. But the boat owner is a contractor from the opposite bank county. He started his career in engineering after 2000 and made a lot of money. He has a group of people under him and has some power in the local area. This sand mining boat is his industry. He mines sand in the Yangtze River every year and directly provides the sand he mines to his engineering projects, which makes a lot of profit.

The fishermen tried to negotiate with the other party at first, but it was useless. Such illegal sand mining boats make a lot of profit. They don’t care about ecological damage or whether the fishermen can catch fish.

The fishermen who went to negotiate, if they were lucky, were turned away. If they were unlucky, they were even beaten by "unknown" hooligans on the way back. After a long time, the fishermen dared not to negotiate.

Su Ming also knew that there were many illegal sand mining boats in the Yangtze River. Don’t look at the small river sand. It is worthless if you just leave it there. People think it is dirty if you give it to others. However, a little bit of sand accumulates into a lot, and a mountain of sand is formed. With a few tons of sand mining, the quantitative change has become a qualitative change. Once the motor is turned on, the money rolls in. No one does a business that loses money, but some people do a business that kills their heads. Although the state has repeatedly banned illegal sand mining, it has been repeatedly banned due to the huge profits, which has caused serious damage to the local river ecology and left many safety hazards. Due to the backward technology and the lack of rules and regulations, illegal sand mining will leave a huge pit under the river surface that is difficult to repair after mining, which can easily cause whirlpools and undercurrents.

Due to the strong crackdown by the state, general violations are done secretly at night. It is too bold to come here in broad daylight during the fishing ban period, right?

"Hey, this piece of river surface is special." Lao Gu shook his head. It turned out that the area where the sand mining ship was located was at the junction of the upstream, downstream and three counties on the opposite bank. Due to many historical reasons, a vacuum zone was formed, which allowed the other party to take advantage of the loophole.

As the sand-dredging boats arrived, fishing nearby was no longer possible. Lao Gu stopped the boat on the river about one kilometer away from the sand-dredging boats and cast the net again.

Strangely enough, it was probably what Lao Gu had said before, that fish were not very active in the morning. As it was almost noon, after changing the location, the catch actually increased greatly!

Su Ming used his mental power in the water to drive the group of Wuchang fish that had just been scared away. Lao Gu cast the net, and the net-pulling machine suddenly sank, and he caught nearly two hundred kilograms of fish. The silver-white fish scales flashed in the sun.

Zhao Yun caught fish one after another. Nangong Huang and Su Ming were also lucky. Although Su Ming used his mental power to recover the Wuchang fish, when fishing, he was just waiting for the fun of catching fish. Later, he did not use his mental power much. After more than an hour, relying on luck, he and Nangong Huang also caught seven or eight fish.

Although there was no knife fish that Zhao Yun had been talking about, a pufferfish was caught!

Pufferfish and pufferfish are close relatives, with similar appearances and habits, but they are covered with hard thorns. When they are "angry", their bodies swell up and they immediately become a hedgehog in the water. The thorns on their bodies are not only hard, but also contain trace amounts of toxins, which hurt like hell when they are pricked.

"Old Gu, hurry up! This way!" Su Ming pointed to a water area more than ten meters away and called on Old Gu to cast the net.

The Wuchang fish just now was caught by Old Gu after Su Ming pointed out the location. Old Gu kept giving Su Ming a thumbs up. Even an old fisherman like him could not judge the fishing spot so accurately, so he had a lot of confidence in Su Ming and cast the net immediately.

Sure enough, the net fell down after this net was cast. After the net was pulled up, the net was full of round pufferfish covered with thorns. It looked like a lot of tiny fish hanging in the net.

"Gugugugugu... Gugugu..." Hundreds of pufferfish were caught, and they cried out in anger.

At this moment, a delighted voice came from the radio that Lao Gu was carrying, "Lao Gu, Lao Gu, I caught a net of razorfish, twelve of them, weighing more than five kilograms. Do you want to take them?"

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