Super Zoo

Chapter 368 Wuchang Fish

After Lao Gu's fishing boat arrived in the middle of the Yangtze River, he finally set up the first net. Su Ming dropped his fishing rod with excitement and ran to the back of the boat to see the catch.

There was no scene where the fishing net was about to burst as expected. There were about twenty or thirty large and small river fish stuck in Nuo Da's fishing net. Lao Gu and his boy picked out the fish from the net and threw them into the fish hold one by one.

They are mainly crucian carp and silver carp, and there are also a few yellow catfish that are only as big as a palm.

The belly of the yellow ya fish is yellow, and the two short bony fins are as sharp as saw teeth. If you are not careful, you will cut your hand. As soon as Lao Gu touches it, the yellow ya fish will make a "gurgling" sound. Sounds like a cockerel.

"It's okay. It's morning now and the fish aren't moving much. By noon and afternoon, the harvest will be more. If Mr. Su is anxious, go fishing first. When the big fish is caught in the net, I'll ask you to come and see it. "Lao Gu smiled and held up a big silver carp about thirty to forty centimeters long and threw it to Xiao Erzi, "Go and pack it up and make soup for lunch!"

Back at the bow of the boat, Zhao Yun had already thrown a rod into the water, holding the fishing rod in one hand, and slowly shaking the wheel on the fishing rod with the other hand to drag the float back in the water. Seeing that Su Ming was back, he turned around and said with a smile: "Maybe by noon, the few of us will catch more fish than he did."

"Brother-in-law, how do you use this thing?" Su Meng didn't fish, so Nangong Huang took a sea pole and asked Su Ming at a loss.

Su Ming's fishing skills were average, just at the level of being able to fish, not to mention having any skills. Sea poles are suitable for fishing in open water areas. After giving Nangong Huang some simple instructions, Nangong Huang threw a pole, then leaned the pole against the side of the boat, lit a cigarette, crossed his legs, and blew the river breeze while waiting. The little bell on the sea pole rings.

Nangong Huang's fishing method involves waiting for the fish to catch the fish. Once a fish bites the hook and pulls the fishing line, the small bell on the rod head will jingle. Pure lazy fishing.

Su Ming found some chicken intestines and hung them on the fishhook. He held the fishing rod with both hands and shouted in the direction of the wind. He suddenly twisted his waist and the lead pendant flew out with the fishing line and streaked through the air. An arc fell into the river more than thirty meters away.

His fishing method was the same as Zhao Yun's. The fishing boat was moving slowly. The two of them stood on the side of the boat and slowly rotated the runner on the fishing rod to reel in the line. When the fish near the bait saw the bait, they would Pounce and bite the bait.

As soon as Su Ming's fishhook hit the water, looking over at Zhao Yun, the one-meter-long pole suddenly bent!

"Here we come!" Zhao Yun laughed, holding the handle of the fishing rod tightly with one hand and pressing the wheel that retracted and released the fishing line with the other hand. He kept alternating between retracting and releasing the line according to the direction of the fish's swimming.

The wild fish in the river are very strong, unlike the artificial fish raised in fish ponds that eat feed and have no stamina. They ran back and forth for more than ten minutes. The fish finally had no strength. Zhao Yun quickly Turn the wheel to reel in the line and drag the fish to the shore.

The water splashed wildly, and a large carp weighing almost three kilograms was twisted and carried onto the boat.

"Lao Gu! Add a fish for lunch!" Zhao Yun laughed loudly, with a proud look on his face. He deliberately looked at Su Ming's fishing rod with a look of pride, and then showed a regretful expression.

Su Ming rolled his eyes, "What's there to be proud of? Where's the saury fish we promised?!"

"Haha, just wait and see!" Zhao Yun laughed.

In less than half an hour, Zhao Yun caught fish one after another, including a large crucian carp, two silver carp, and a catfish weighing four to five kilograms.

Even Nangong Huang was lucky enough to catch a fat-headed fish.

The life of this fish was extremely miserable and it didn't bite the hook at all. Nangong Huang didn't catch any fish for a long time, so he got impatient and reeled in the line. As a result, the sharp fishhook just caught the chin of the passing fat-headed fish. That's it. He was pulled up forcefully.

Only Su Ming got nothing.

"I just told you to practice more, the young man is still not convinced!" Zhao Yun pointed at Jiangshan from the side, the wind blew his hair, and his coat was blown back, looking like a gangster. Laughing loudly: "Would you like me to teach you some tricks?"

"Mao Trick!" Su Ming was unconvinced. Why am I so unlucky?

No, we have a trick!

With a movement of mental power, he activated the ability of soul possession and attached himself to the overlord turtle in the water.

The overlord soft-shelled turtle was chewing a big white fish with a cocked mouth. A big hole was bitten into the belly of the cocked turtle. The turtle's two paws were like big coypu. He held the cocked mouth and ate it in big mouthfuls. As soon as he came into contact with the spiritual power, his whole body was full of energy. It was a shock.

Su Ming's nose was almost crooked with anger. In this world, even an old turtle caught such a big fish?

But after seeing the situation clearly, Su Ming finally understood why he couldn't catch any fish!

After this overlord turtle was saved, he turned out to be quite loyal. He stayed under the water and 'protected' Su Ming's bait not far away.

It turned out that it didn't know that Su Ming was fishing at all, and thought that Su Ming had put something in the water to play with. Wherever the bait was dragged, the overlord turtle followed and protected it.

Apart from crocodiles, what other fish would dare to get close to such a big guy? Even some fish, such as this half-meter-long giant turtle, were killed by the king turtle.

"Brother, the way to open it is completely wrong!" Su Ming's little heart felt like it would be trampled ten thousand times by grass and mud horses. He quickly communicated with the Overlord Turtle and changed the method of play.

The overlord turtle swished its three legs lightly in the water and swam a long way away. It quickly circled around the bait, helping Su Ming drive all the nearby fish towards the bait.

"You haven't taken the bait yet?" Zhao Yun asked knowingly from the side. The old boy's fishing rod was bent again, and another fish took the bait.

"It'll be there soon!" Su Ming chuckled.

"Just blow it!"

There are really not many fish under the river surface. Maybe there are still a lot of fish in the Yangtze River. They are very distributed in such a wide river surface, so the density is very small. The king turtle swam nearby for a long time and did not find a few decent fish. , there were some small ginseng strips and small whitebait, but those things were not as big as Su Ming's bait, so it was impossible to take the bait. To be honest, Zhao Yun's ability to catch big fish one after another under such circumstances is absolutely amazing.

While searching, I suddenly noticed a group of guys with flat bodies swimming in the turbid water not far away. Their heads were ridiculously small and their mouths were slightly upturned.

At first glance, it looked like a bream, but upon closer inspection, Su Ming was delighted.

Good luck, a school of Wuchang fish!

Wuchang fish is relatively famous among fishes in the Yangtze River. Its scientific name is Tuantou bream and it is commonly known as Wuchang fish.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Hao, King of Wu, wanted to move the capital from Nanjing to Wuchang. The folk song said, "I would rather drink Jianye water than eat Wuchang fish." The founding chairman once wrote a poem, "Jiancai drinks Changsha water and eats Wuchang fish." The taste of Wuchang fish The deliciousness is evident and it is one of the more famous economic fish in China. However, the Chairman's poem is obviously wrong. Wuchang in Wuchang Fish refers to the ancient Wuchang, not the current Wuchang.

Regardless of that, Su Ming commanded the Overlord Turtle and rushed into the Wuchang fish group in the distance.

Being charged by this murderous god, the original complete formation of Wuchang fish immediately dispersed. Dozens of flat Wuchang fish were scurrying around in the water, running for their lives everywhere. Several of them were swimming right in the direction of Su Ming's bait.

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