Super Zoo

Chapter 356 Why are you so awesome?

In the end, the three of them shared two portions of rice. The amount was pitifully small, and the total amount was probably less than 3 taels.

A master is a master. When cooking, Sheng Weidong did not add any special seasonings, but when he ate it, the rice actually had the fragrance of ginseng, the deliciousness of crab roe, and the taste of fish. Each grain of rice was full and round, and after eating it, the fragrance lingered in his mouth.

"Oh my god, this is over!" Su Ming was depressed. After eating such rice, would he be able to eat the pig food cooked in the cafeteria when he went back?

I'm afraid he was not the only one who had this idea. Only Ren Chen, who was far away, looked proud. He smelled the smell and didn't eat a bite at all. He gave all the rice to Nana, the innocent little girl who brought it.

Sheng Weidong walked down the stage and sat down with his head held high amid the applause of the audience. A row of chefs also clapped symbolically, but not as enthusiastically as the diners. It was a typical case of peers looking down on each other.

Su Ming thought there would be audience ratings for this part, but unfortunately there was no such thing. The waiter brought water for rinsing the mouth, and after rinsing the mouth, we tasted the next dishes.

Next, several chefs performed their special skills.

The master chef of Yangzhou Restaurant made two craft dishes, one carved tofu and one carved ice flower.

These two dishes may not taste good, but they show the carving skills. Tofu and ice, one soft and one hard, are two completely different properties, which show the best skills.

Ice is hard but brittle. If you don’t use enough force, you can’t carve it into shape. If you use too much force, the ice will crack. The master chef used a knife like the wind to cut a square ice block that was one meter square. There was a series of clicks, and ice chips flew all over the place. Like a magic trick, the big ice block suddenly turned into a three-dimensional ice crystal wall;

Many people gathered in the banquet hall to take pictures with their cameras. The moment the camera flash came on, the ice crystal wall suddenly shone brightly, making people’s eyes hurt!

It turns out that there is an octagonal "beacon tower" in the middle of the Great Wall. The design of this beacon tower is very clever, and it can actually reflect light from all directions!

The name of this ice sculpture is called Arrogant China.

The tofu is very soft and will fall apart with a slight touch. The master chef held the tofu in one hand and submerged it in the water, using the buoyancy of the water to ensure that the tofu would not fall apart. He held the carving knife in the other hand and worked in the water, almost blindly carving.

The water splashed, and after more than ten minutes, he held the tofu out with one hand and showed it to everyone.

In his palm, there was a half-exposed palace dress beauty lying horizontally. The camera screen was pushed forward, and the facial features of the tofu beauty were clear, the eyebrows were lifelike, and even the folds on the palace dress were clearly visible. The most exaggerated thing was that under the gauze on the chest, there seemed to be...

Su Ming immediately felt that he had met a soulmate!

Soon, seven graceful beauties in palace costumes with different postures were carved and placed on a tray covered with shaved ice. The cool air of the shaved ice was like green smoke, slowly overflowing around the tray. The seven celestial maidens held fruits in their hands, feeling like they were in heaven.

Peach Banquet.

The third person to appear finally made another edible dish. The ingredients were also familiar to Su Ming: steamed puffer fish.

But the most special thing was that this master chef did not completely remove the poisonous parts of the puffer fish. He simply bled it, removed the ovaries, placed a few grass-like ingredients on the plate, and steamed it.

The audience immediately sighed. What a joke? Who doesn't know that puffer fish is poisonous? Everyone present had eaten and seen pufferfish before. Pufferfish has three major dangers: its internal organs, gonads, and blood are all highly toxic and can kill people. If you are not careful, even if you don't kill people, you will end up with numb tongue, swollen stomach, and blindness. Is this chef playing with the lives of the people present?

"Yan Youyi, a Song Dynasty writer, said in "Yiyuan Cihuang" that pufferfish is a unique delicacy of aquatic creatures. It is said that it can kill people, but no one has died when it is cooked with cabbage, mugwort, and reed buds. Pufferfish toxins are the best tenderizers. Eating pufferfish to remove toxins is really a waste. You only need to use cabbage, mugwort, and reed buds to neutralize the toxins..." the host introduced.

When the pufferfish came out of the pot, the chef ignored the puzzled looks of the people present and put one on a plate and finished it in a few bites.

After the chef finished eating, he waved to the audience in high spirits, and everyone was relieved. Then the waiter distributed the remaining puffer fish to each table like a butterfly flying through flowers.

Su Ming's table was also given a puffer fish.

He used to think that using "melt in the mouth" to describe meat was definitely bragging.

No matter how tender the meat is, it is not Haagen-Dazs, how can it melt?

But after eating this bite, he completely believed that the jelly-like puffer fish meat did not need to be bitten with teeth at all. With a light touch of the tongue, it melted into greasy minced meat, fresh and fragrant.

No wonder puffer fish meat is known as "Xi Shi Milk".

"Fan Li and King Fuchai of Wu are really blessed people!" Su Ming thought with envy.



Time passed quickly. After several chefs presented one by one, it seemed to be nine o'clock in the evening. However, the people present did not feel tired at all. Instead, they were full of energy and looked forward to what the next dish would be.

"Next, please invite the chef of Hong Family Cuisine, Master Hong Feifei, to show us his cooking skills!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience burst into warm applause.

The applause was not uncommon. Since the first chef, Master Sheng Weidong, performed his "cooking" stunt, every time a chef came on stage or left the stage, the audience would respond with thunderous applause, because the food was so delicious!

But Su Ming noticed that this time, even the chefs in the first row, who had always looked down on their peers, were clapping vigorously and looking at Chef Hong Feifei on the stage.

Peers look down on each other, and this is no exception in the chef world. In the past, no matter how powerful the master chef was, the other master chefs in the first row did not show much support, and the applause was sparse, which made it clear that they were just coping with the situation.

But this time, it was just the opposite. The applause from the other chefs was warm and sincere.

Could it be because Chef Hong not only had a sissy name, but was also a woman?

Hong Feifei on the stage was the only female chef present. She looked young, about 20 years old. Compared with these old masters who were often in their 40s and 50s, she was definitely a junior.

If it was said that because she was a woman, and a young and beautiful woman, these arrogant masters would lower their face and flatter her, Su Ming would be the first one to disbelieve it.

What a joke, she's not Yang Mi...

Men can spend a lot of money on women, and they can hold her in their hands and hold her in high esteem, but when it comes to their profession, no capable man will take the initiative to surrender to a woman's skirt, and it has nothing to do with her appearance.

There is only one explanation, this chef Hong Feifei might be the best cook tonight.

"Hey, it's a girl, she's not bad looking!" Nangong Huang whistled, then said: "But she's still a little short of my sister."

"A girl should be pretty in mourning clothes." Su Ming smiled and said: "A white dress is of course beautiful, this is called uniform temptation."

"Brother-in-law, you think I'm a child and don't know anything. I've only heard of the temptation of female police officers and flight attendants in uniforms, but there's no such thing as a female chef?"

"Beautiful chef, you understand!" Su Ming smiled, pointed his chin at the stage, and said, "Look at what she's going to cook?"

It's true. After the baptism of a series of "magic skills" by the previous chefs, even if the next chef cooks dragon liver and phoenix gall, the people present probably won't find it strange, but this young and beautiful chef once again whetted everyone's appetite.

The people present were not children, and they could all see that this beautiful chef had a transcendent status among all the chefs. Everyone thought the same as Su Ming: Why is she so awesome?

After Hong Feifei came on stage, two assistants pushed in a small cart from outside. On the cart was a large woven bag that could fit one person. As they walked in, water was still dripping from the woven bag, leaving a water stain on the marble floor. When they reached the chopping board, two male assistants worked together and lifted the woven bag onto the chopping board with a shout.

Judging from the movements and expressions of the two male assistants, the "stuff" in the woven bag was definitely not light.

After it was placed on the stage, the surface of the woven bag squirmed a few times, and it seemed that there was a living thing inside!

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