Super Zoo

Chapter 334 Pandas are not easy to bully

Su Ming said seriously: "Brother, I really do it for you. If you fall into the hands of the police, you will go to jail at most and not die. But now that you are kidnapping two pandas, your life may be in danger at any time!"

"What the hell are you trying to scare?" You Laosan didn't believe it at all.

"These two are wild beasts. Think about it, even your domestic cat will scratch you if it gets anxious, let alone a panda! Pandas and pandas are the same as bears. Look at them now, they are honest and get a little angry. I can kill you with one slap!" Su Ming continued to scare him.

Everyone is afraid of death, and You Laosan is no exception. He subconsciously looked at the two pandas...

The one he kidnapped sat slumped on the ground like a big meat ball, covering its eyes with its paws shyly, as if playing a child's game of 'you can't see me, you can't see me'. The little pom-pom-like tail twitched; the other one, with its big head, kept rubbing at him, wanting to climb on him, but it always couldn't. It was so anxious that it didn't know how to position itself. …

Are these two items dangerous? Still the same as a bear? Are you kidding me? If this was dangerous, earthworms could bite people to death!

"You're bluffing!" You Laosan rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going to lie to you. Did you know that pandas have a nickname, called iron-eating beasts? You know, Pixiu, the one that eats metal, that's the panda!"

"What it eats is none of my business!" You Laosan fiercely hit the panda on the head with his gun and shouted at the police: "Where's the car? Where's my car! Don't delay, just three minutes." As soon as it arrives, I will shoot immediately and kill the panda first!”

Su Ming calmly took two steps forward and pointed at the gun in You Laosan's hand: "Your gun is made of steel. Pandas love to eat it. Don't say I didn't warn you. Pandas are going crazy." Come on, it’s even scared of you! It’ll bite your wrist off with one bite!”

This sentence still plays a certain role. Pandas are also found in You Laosan's hometown, and he is no stranger to the story that pandas like to eat iron. In the past, when there were many pandas in the mountains, farmers near the mountains would put their iron farm tools away when they returned home at night to avoid being eaten by the giant pandas that came down the mountain after a long day.

Although from the moment they took the pandas as hostages, until now, except for showing a simple interest in the gun at first, the two pandas showed no signs of trying to seize the gun or even eat the gun. But when You Laosan heard this After saying that, he subconsciously shrank his hand back and held the gun slightly further away from the panda.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Ming rushed out two bursts of spiritual power without hesitation, and instantly made contact with the panda Yingying Lele.

For a moment, You Laosan suddenly felt an indescribable danger. The two pandas, who had been so naive just now, suddenly changed their eyes when looking at him. Their big black eyes were filled with wild light.

The panda he took as a hostage stretched out its big fleshy paws and slowly grabbed You Laosan's pistol.

"Get away!" You Laosan was shocked and quickly moved his hand holding the pistol back, trying to avoid the panda's claws.

Just now, he moved the muzzle away from the panda, but the muzzle was still pointed at the panda's head. When he raised his hand, the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the sky. At this moment, he had lost the threat to the panda.

He Baowen's heart beat wildly, opportunity!

Su Ming used the 'iron-eating beast' to deceive the kidnappers at first. She understood Su Ming's intention. As long as the kidnappers could stop pointing guns at the pandas, it would be an opportunity for the police. Of course, the pandas could be rescued. The probability is low, but it's better than nothing.

But after Su Ming said a few words, the panda, who had been covering his face and pretending to be shy, actually grabbed the gun in the kidnapper's hand. This was definitely beyond He Baowen's expectation! It doesn't make sense to say it's a coincidence. Every time the kidnapper put a gun to the panda's head, the panda didn't resist. Instead, it thought it had done something wrong and covered its face tightly. There was no resistance.

Anyway, now the opportunity finally appears! He Baowen's hand holding the gun was full of sweat, and he whispered into the intercom very fast: "Everyone, get ready!"

You Laosan seemed to have noticed something was wrong. When he raised his hand, the policemen who were lying around suddenly started to stir, and it was obvious that they were going to take action!

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin!" You Laosan was furious and decided to kill a panda first to show off to the police!

Let’s kill this one that’s been causing trouble around here first!

Before he could shoot, the panda that was used as a shield suddenly pounced forward...

Just now the panda was hugging him, and most of its weight was borne by the ground, but now it was completely different with this pounce. The panda's short-distance sprint is still very powerful, and with the weight of more than a hundred kilograms, it was like a small meat cannonball, and it hit You Laosan with a bang.

Pandas are very cute when they are not showing off their power, and you can tease them no matter what. But with such a slight attack, You Laosan had no room to resist, and was knocked over with a bang.

"Fuck, I'll kill you!" You Laosan immediately raised his gun after he fell to the ground. Before he could shoot, the panda next to him also rushed over and slapped him with a big slap in the face. He grabbed You Laosan's hand and knocked him to the ground!

"Ouch!" You Laosan screamed, and his right wrist was dislocated and hung down strangely.

There was an eagle cry in the sky, and Hai Dongqing, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed down like a sharp sword, tapped his claws on the ground, and grabbed the gun on the ground before You Laosan.

"What are you waiting for? Get started!" He Baowen shouted, commanding the police to rush up. Seven or eight policemen rushed forward and pinned You Laosan to the ground. No matter how he struggled, it was useless. He was soon handcuffed and pressed down.

The two giant pandas followed behind, but this time they did not go to play with You Laosan. After discovering Su Ming, a fellow, they rubbed against Su Ming's legs from left and right.

"I reminded you a long time ago that pandas are not easy to bully, but you refused to listen. You are at a disadvantage!" Su Ming showed a helpless expression to You Laosan. Then he squatted down and hugged the two pandas in one hand.

The pandas were soft, and their fur felt a little wet. They were like two big meatballs in his arms. The two pandas finally met someone who was willing to play with them. They were overjoyed and kept nudging their big heads into Su Ming's arms.

"Thank you so much today!" He Baowen nodded gratefully to Su Ming, and finally put his heart back in his stomach. No matter what, the panda was saved.

Then he turned around, his pretty face was covered with a layer of frost, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Take it back!"

You Lao San was a desperate criminal. At this point, not only did he refuse to cooperate, but he stared with bloodshot eyes and yelled madly: "Dead police, I won't betray my brothers, I tell you! If I can't go back after three hours, the hostage will be buried with me!"

"Three hours!"

This time limit made everyone present feel a little nervous!

Calculating the distance from Fei'e Mountain to here, plus the time wasted in the arrest process just now, there are at most two hours left!

In other words, the time left for the police to get the kidnapper to speak is only one hour at most! If after an hour, the gangster in front of him does not intend to confess the exact location of his accomplice, the hostage will be in danger of life!

The expressions of all the police officers present became heavy! It was so hard to capture the other party alive and protect the giant panda. It was a pity if the hostage died in the end. Everyone was holding back their anger.

He Baowen narrowed his eyes slightly, gritted his teeth, and said to You Laosan word by word: "Think it over. If you cooperate, I promise that you can get out after serving five years in prison at most. If you don't cooperate..."

"Bullshit, little girl!" You Laosan was obviously extremely fierce. He didn't listen to He Baowen at all and interrupted her rudely. Instead, he grinned and showed a mouthful of yellow teeth. His eyes swept across He Baowen's chest and two long legs. He grinned and said: "Little girl, wait for me to come out and I will be the first one to kill you!"

He Baowen frowned slightly. The police were not afraid of encountering violent bandits, but they were afraid of encountering such desperate people. Such people were simply crazy and there was no reason to talk to them.

Logically speaking, the guarantee she gave was already very generous. If the hostage really died, even if You Lao San was not the main culprit, he would have to go to jail for more than ten years. If he was the main culprit, he would have to serve at least twenty or thirty years, or even life imprisonment! And if he should be a tainted witness and cooperate with the police, it would only be five years.

Anyone with a slightly normal mind would know how to choose...

"Can a normal person do kidnapping?" Su Ming said with his arms crossed.

The two pandas were still clinging to him. The treatment they had just given You Lao San was perfectly replicated on him. One of them hugged his thighs and waist and was about to climb onto Su Ming. From a distance, it looked like they were wearing two large fur pants with black and white fur.

"I know you, kid, wait for me to come out..."

"Fuck you, you still want to come out!"

Without waiting for You Lao San to curse again, Su Ming punched him. Mental strength can improve human fitness. Su Ming's punch was not easy to take. He hit You Lao San and made him stagger back a few steps. He fell to the ground with blood in his mouth.

Su Ming was about to kick him again, but when he lifted his foot, he found that there was a panda "tied" on his leg, which was too heavy to lift.

"Damn it, you dare to hit people, the police are hitting people! I will complain to the Complaints Department and the Independent Police Complaints Council! Expose your torture to the media!" I didn't expect You Lao San to be familiar with the organization of the Hong Kong police. It seems that he has done enough homework. As soon as he opened his mouth, he mentioned three units that made all Hong Kong police feel headache: the Complaints Department, the Independent Police Complaints Council and the media.

The Complaints Division is directly under the Police Department, and its rank is higher than that of the New Territories Crime Unit. As for the Independent Police Complaints Council, although it does not directly accept complaints, it is an independent police department, an investigation and supervision department composed of social figures, and is directly responsible to the Chief Executive. The two-level supervision agencies effectively ensure that the Hong Kong police force must strictly enforce the law and must enforce the law in accordance with the law.

From a certain perspective, the Hong Kong police's law enforcement is too old-fashioned, and it is also because of these two supervision agencies.

As for the media...all government departments in Hong Kong love and hate it. For such a big kidnapping case, no matter what the result is, as long as the kidnapper is willing to be interviewed, the police cannot stop him. At that time, he will rant in the media, which is also a big trouble.

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