Super Zoo

Chapter 301 Male Internet Anchor

This time it was Su Ming's turn to be unexpected.

Xiao Mei hadn't left yet, and it had only been a few days since the last episode was filmed. I never expected that Jiaoshou would come back again!

What was even more unexpected was that the thin young man with a stubble beard also came back with Jiaoshou.

"Huh? Han Han?" Su Ming looked at the young man and found him very familiar. At first he didn't know who he was. Stars are creatures that can be recognized at a glance on TV, but in real life, you may not dare to confirm them immediately.

"Shh!" Han Han blinked, "Keep it secret."

Su Ming said a little embarrassedly: "This... Actually, you don't have to worry too much about confidentiality."

The place where the three of them met was a big meeting at the zoo. There were quite a few people in the meeting room, some of whom were employees of the zoo, and some were workers under Shen Yan.

So many people, all of them were busy, as if they didn't see Han Han at all, and they were doing what they had to do.

Except Su Ming, no one recognized him. Han Han's main fans are all born in the 1980s, and most of them are literary youths. It would be strange if the bear feeders at the zoo and the workers under Shen Yan knew him.

Han Han was embarrassed, as if he was ignored. He pursed his lips and looked pitiful.

The conference room was in a mess. Su Ming took them directly to his office and asked with some surprise: "Why did you come here suddenly?"

"It's a long story!" Jiaoshou raised his eyebrows and told Su Ming about the previous dispute with the investors about making a movie.

To Su Ming's surprise, Jiaoshou was actually ready to resign!

"No way, you are doing online dramas now, which is actually very promising, and what about you with so many fans?" Su Ming was shocked. This is too willful!

Now I never thought that online dramas are popular and have millions of viewers. Even if he can't realize his "movie dream", it is promising after all. He just said he would not do it?

Sorry for the audience's support, he can't make money, and that's not to mention. The key is, doesn't he have a contract with the investor? If he quits so rudely, won't people sue him to the point of bankruptcy?

Although the directors and stars in the film and entertainment circles are glorious, the investors behind them are the real big bosses who have strong capital and extensive connections. If Jiaoshou really quits, I'm afraid losing money is the least of his worries. He will definitely be ruined and driven away completely.

Later, after listening to Han Han's explanation, Su Ming knew that Jiaoshou's "quitting" meant after finishing this season, not quitting now.

He didn't want to see the decline of the show with his own eyes. He hoped to end the web series at its most glorious time, and then find new investors who are willing to invest in his movie!

"The cooperation was going well, how did it come to this?" Su Ming felt it was a pity. Jiaoshou moved from his hometown to the capital, and after so many years, he finally had a chance to make a name for himself. Although he was still a long way from his dream of becoming a truly great director, he was also a celebrity in the industry, gaining both fame and fortune. He never expected that the entire crew had put in so much effort, and no one knew about it. It became the leading online drama in China, and it was really a pity to give it up.

Han Han glanced at Jiaoshou from the side, then relaxed his shoulders to Su Ming and said, "It's all about money."

"It's an ideal!" Jiaoshou insisted stubbornly.

Whether it was an ideal or a reason for money, it was none of Su Ming's business. Since Jiaoshou had already decided, it was his own choice. Su Ming felt that there was no need for him to persuade him, and he might not know the whole truth of the matter, so it was better to stay out of other people's business.

"Then why did you come here?" Su Ming asked Han Han. Jiaoshou came with a mission, or he came to relax. Why did this national father-in-law follow him? He and I have never met before, and we have no friendship. Could it be that he is planning to write a book about animals, so he came to the zoo to collect materials?

"I followed him to relax. Is there a quiet room? Arrange one for me and stay for a few days?" The national father-in-law was quite familiar and not polite at all.

Relax? Su Ming rolled his eyes and thought, if you want to relax, go to a beauty salon at the door. This is a zoo, what is there to relax? Do you want a bear to step on your back and a python to loosen your bones?

Come on, the zoo is not short of those empty rooms.

Accommodation is not a big problem. Tingfeng Pavilion is basically empty at present. The counterfeit and shoddy cultural and souvenir business on the first floor has been cancelled long ago. That thing does not make money at all, and it wastes water and electricity fees and manpower management. The four floors above are large enough. In addition to Xiaomei living on the second floor, the third, fourth and fifth floors can be occupied. Usually, once the door below is locked, no one can enter without a key, so as to prevent the three big and small stars from being "harassed" by fans.

"This place is great!" Han Han lives on the fifth floor, the highest floor.

Tingfeng Pavilion is in the shape of a tower, with the bottom up and the top floor, which is less than 150 square meters, with bluestone bricks on the floor and antique window panes and wooden doors around. After opening it, there is a corridor outside. Standing on the corridor, you can see a wide field of vision, and almost the entire zoo is in sight.

The only bad thing is that the wind is too strong. After all the doors on all four sides were opened, the draft could blow away the hat, and Su Ming's hair on his head was flying back, messy as a dog.

Jiaoshou lives downstairs. He has to write the remaining scripts for the next few episodes every day, so he has something to do. But this father-in-law came here just to "relax" as he said. He can't just sit here and blow the wind all day long, right?

"How about I find something for you to do?" Su Ming asked against the wind.

"What is it?"

"Would you like to be a webcaster?"


Han's father-in-law's Weibo, Jiaoshou's Weibo, and the zoo's Taoyuan Yiqu Weibo all posted a new message almost at the same time.

The most direct one from the zoo: the zoo's online live broadcast platform has been officially built, and the premiere will start at 12 noon tomorrow. Everyone is welcome to log in and watch!

There is a small reminder at the end: There will be a mysterious guest.

The news that the zoo is going to build an online platform has actually been posted on Weibo a long time ago. Hundreds of thousands of fans are quite interested. After all, it is free live broadcast, and it doesn't cost money. It's not bad to watch animals when you are bored, and it can kill time.

So soon after this Weibo was posted, it received a lot of attention. Several other zoos that have contacted Yangchuan Zoo also forwarded this Weibo.

The most discussed topic is the last little hint: there is a mysterious guest.

Many people are guessing who the mysterious guest is.

Some guess it is Jiaoshou, some guess it is Baike or Xiaomei, some guess it is the director himself, and some guess it is King Tiaotiao or the monkeys of the Axe Gang. Anyway, everyone's thoughts are basically leaning towards the last time.

Because Jiaoshou also posted a very simple message on Weibo: See you tomorrow!

See you tomorrow? This sentence sounds weird at first. It's not like classmates are leaving school or colleagues are leaving get off work, just saying hello and saying see you tomorrow.

You can't see a star just because you want to. Jiaoshou's fans are all over the country, and he doesn't have the ability to clone himself. See you tomorrow, how and where?

A large part of Jiaoshou's fans and Taoyuan Yiqu's fans overlap. The fans of both sides are connected in this way. When you think about the two pieces of information together, you can guess about 70%: Jiaoshou will probably appear on the zoo's online live broadcast platform tomorrow.

Fans who have been following "Da Si Bu Xiang" for a long time know that before "Jiao Shou" started this web drama, he was actually an "Internet celebrity" who released his own "Jiao Shou Teaches You XXX" series of videos on the Internet. At that time, the concepts of online anchors and self-media were not popular yet, but in essence, he started out as an online anchor, but it was not a live broadcast, but a recorded broadcast.

When "Jiao Shou" was doing recorded self-media, there was no investor, and there was no hype from online promoters. He relied entirely on content as king, had a good reputation, and spread the word among friends. He gradually gathered the initial fan base and made the name of "Jiao Shou" famous on the Internet.

Like now, a slightly interesting program can become popular overnight and gather millions of fans under the operation of promoters and capital, which was unimaginable at the time.

It can be seen that in this regard, "Jiao Shou" has certain strength. Some of "Da Si Bu Xiang"'s fans followed him from that time. I heard that "Jiao Shou" is going to return to his old business, and I am quite looking forward to it.

"Look forward to the return of "Jiao Shou's true colors!" Someone left a message below.

Su Ming found out Jiaoshou's original 'Jiaoshou Teaches You XXX' series of videos and watched them again.

Due to the different times, production technology and team differences, and audience groups, it cannot be simply compared with the unthinkable.

But it can be clearly felt that the videos made by Jiaoshou before did not have such a strong commercial flavor as later, nor did they deliberately please the audience. Each plot is very spiritual and unpretentious. At least in Su Ming's opinion, Jiaoshou in the previous series seems to be closer to Jiaoshou himself in life.

Han Yuefu also posted a short Weibo with only four words: Long time no see.

In this era of numerous Internet celebrities, no one would associate Han Yuefu's very obscure Weibo with Taoyuan Yiqu's Weibo.

However, when he mentioned this, many fans really remembered that Han Yuefu seemed to have not appeared in the public eye for a long time, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

Someone followed up with a sentence, 'When will we meet again? ’

The man just said it casually, but he didn’t expect Han’s father-in-law to actually reply: “Tomorrow at noon, Yangchuan Zoo, online live broadcast platform.”

Generally, online celebrities will maintain a sense of mystery, and their words are ambiguous, leaving people to guess. Han’s father-in-law is a literary youth, so this is even more so. Usually, there is some information on Weibo, which is always vague. This time he said it so directly, which instead created a sense of gap.

“Yangchuan Zoo? What’s that?”

“Are you going to be an online male anchor? Dance for me, muah…”

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