Super Study God

Chapter 2251: The event starts!


Suddenly above the head, Su Hang suddenly looked up, and suddenly his scalp tingled.

Floating in the air, there is a giant face, which almost occupies most of the sky, looks like a woman's face, but without a head and no body, just such a face is floating, the most weird Yes, this face was covered with dense eyes.

For some people with intensive phobia, this face is undoubtedly a nightmare. Even Su Hang, at first glance, feels hairy and goose bumps all standing up.

What's so strange? Su Hang paused, let's call it giant face monster for a while!

This filthy beast is not low-grade, and has five qualities in the realm of the road!

Sure enough, this dirty world has existed for many years, and there must be many powerful monsters bred.

Dajin Realm Fifth Grade Beast, that is a Fifth Grade Bead, what else can you say, you can only do it first!


Su Hang was about to get started, and the giant face monster suddenly yelled, and in the densely packed eyes, a yellowish beam of light, like a laser, converged in one place, condensed into a stream, and shot directly down Su Hang.


Su Hang waved the big fairy stick and met him directly. The head of the stick struck the yellow light, and the electric light flint, and the yellow light immediately turned back and shot at the dirty sea next to it.

In an instant, the dirty sea was almost cut in half, and the filthy water was horrible.

This man also has some skills! Feeling the heat from Daxian stick, Su Hang praised it. If the grade is worse, I am afraid that it will be melted by its yellow light.

However, that's all. The five avenues in Dadao Realm are now regarded as nothing in the hands of Su Hang. They immediately rose into the sky and swept away with a stick. Such disgusting beasts should not exist in themselves!



The words are divided into two ends.

However, it said that Su Hang had entered the dirty world for a full month. At this time, the entire heaven was full of livelihood than before.

There are only half a year left before the Wanjie Conference. Such a grand event naturally needs to be held in advance and warmed up in advance. This Wanjie Conference is of great significance. The heavens and the world have been plotting for a long time. There are not a few that are crazy.

There are many, even many years ago, who have already come to heaven to prepare. After all, the environment of different circles is different. When they first arrive, they are not satisfied with the soil and water.

Therefore, rather early rather than late, not to mention, the sea contest of the Wanjie Conference has already begun.

In the heavens and the world, how many masters and how many want to attend the conference, you can't think of it.

In addition to the elders of the Zongmen, the five major world realm masters, and some high-ranking ninth-ranking seniors, each of them has the qualification to send one person directly to the finals. Get up and reach the finals all the way!

It can be said that this is a bit unfair, but this is the case in the world. Only the strong have the right to speak. The rules are formulated by the strong and naturally serve the strong.

What's more, these **** contestants are definitely a strong presence, and participating in sea elections is just a waste of time.

There is no requirement for monks below the avenue to participate in the sea elections. The whole conference is still very harmonious. Originally, there was only one qualification for each race. Because of the special nature of this World Congress, it has now been increased to three.

The Celestial Realm, the top 100,000 cities in the world, are also equivalent to all circles, each with three entries.

There are more than 100,000 worlds under the jurisdiction of Tianwaitian. As a result, there will be more than 600,000 participants in the Wanjie Conference. In addition, there are some franchise participants in the field repair field, maybe there will be millions. People participate.

It can be said that this conference is truly unprecedented.

With so many people participating, it must be extremely time-consuming. Therefore, the Sea Election is already open at this time. Only a few finals will start after half a year, and these finals will be opened in Chuangjie Mountain. That is an unprecedented grand. .

Because there are too many people in the sea elections, the sky is the center and the directions of the circles are returned to the sky for 33 days and divided into 33 competition areas for sea elections.

The sea election will select 100,000 people, and then go to one place for the preliminary competition. Within half a year, the strongest 3,000 people will be selected to participate in the finals of Chuangjie Mountain after half a year!

There are nearly 200 young masters directly sent to the final this time, and Su Hang is also one of them. The universe master, Yin Yuer, the old lady, has already given Su Hang without the consent of Su Hang. name.

Infinite City!

As the top ten giant city in the world of heaven, the infinite city has naturally become one of the thirty-three competition areas.

Yin Tianfeng, a thief, was afraid of spending money, so he didn't build a game field, and moved the Yanwu Tower directly to the infinite hill outside the city.

This is much easier. The venue in the performance tower, not to mention hundreds of thousands of people, even more than ten times is more than enough.

The towers above the 90th floor are all open, divided into ten large venues, and each floor has ten sub-venues, a total of 100 small venues, and conduct sea election competitions at the same time!

There are nearly 40,000 people, 100 venues, and a group of two who participate in the free Tianhai election. They will get 200 games after a round, and an average of 20 games a day. It will take 10 days to select the winner. Of the 20,000 people, 3,000 people will be selected in the free day, and they will be gathered in the same place for the other thirty-two days.

In this way, there is not much time left for each sub-division, and the arrangement of Infinite City is very fast. It can be completed in at most one or two months. After all, the venue is large enough.

It can be said that now the heavens and masters are gathering, which can be regarded as the first event in the field of heaven and earth.

Under the Wuwu Tower, it was just dawn, and it was already full of people. Some were waiting in line for admission, and some were watching lively, densely packed, very lively.

"Yo, Brother Zhu, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing lately?"

" Brother Du? How old are you?"

"Just freshman, how about you?"

"Ah, don't mention it, with my dad's help, sophomore..."

"Oh, Brother Zhu is sophomore?"

"Oh, scum, is the sophomore so great?"


Under the tower, the contestants chatted for three, three, five, five, and they were all young talents from all walks of life, aged no more than 40 years old, many are already in the realm of the road, the top presence of all walks of life, naturally one by one is superficial, but in fact They are all arrogant and arrogant, and no one looks down on anyone. Except for climbing the family, they are climbing the world.

This freshman and sophomore year are made like a university fraternity, but others say that the sophomore year refers to the first grade and second grade in the Dadao realm.

If Su Hang is here, hearing these conversations, I'm afraid I'm going to talk about it!

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