Super Study God

Chapter 2250: 1 product bead!

The pain made this beast crazy. The beast seemed to have red eyes and pounced on Su Hang.

"act recklessly!"

A cold light flashed in Su Hang's eyes, and he directly punched it out. The beast came up face-to-face and was just stabbed by Su Hang. The big fairy stick passed through the middle of his maggot body. The beast was like a skewers. In the same way, it directly strung on the iron rod of Suhang.


The beast was badly hit, but did not die immediately, but was even more fierce, rushing towards Su Hang, letting the iron rod pass through its body, and disgusting green slurry!

This thing is dirty and disgusting. Where does Su Hang want him to stick, present the Sky Devouring Book, the black hole devouring power is attached to the big fairy stick, and a terrible suction passes through the big fairy stick, and begins to devour the giant monster crazy Life energy!

Not only life energy, but also extremely filthy gas!

The huge energy said that the big fairy stick poured into Su Hang's body, and then was swallowed by the black hole in Su Hang.

The beast was extremely painful, trembling, exaggeratedly twisted, and his body was shrinking like a deflated ball. Su Hang looked at its appearance and thought that the energy he was sucking came from such a giant beast. I feel very sick in my heart, but I have to.

After all, even if it is disgusting, it is also energy, and it is directly killed. It is a waste. And the filth and life energy are absorbed by the black hole in his body, just like taking a trash can to sweep the trash, it seems that it is not dirty. go with.

The roar of the monster was getting smaller and weaker, and it was getting weaker and weaker. Soon, the life energy was sucked clean by Su Hang, and the whole beast almost became dried meat.

At this time, Su Hang suddenly saw a turquoise bead flying out of the flesh after the monster exploded.

The flesh returned to its original size, and Su Hang grabbed the bead in his hand.

"This is? Beast Pill?"

With a bit of heat, a little transparent, the whole body is green, and it is half the size of Suhang's fist. It is very rounded. Suhang can clearly feel how strong the energy is.

"Sanpin filthy beads?"

At first Su Hang saw that the bead came out of the beast's body, and thought it was a beast pill, but it was swept out by the system of learning gods. As soon as the information of the bead came out, Su Hang was surprised.

"A filthy bead, a filthy beast in the realm of the realm, is condensed by the absorption of filthy gas, and it can increase the skill by 100 million years!

Su Hang was so shocked, that the filthy bead is the inner dan of this filthy beast?

Doesn't Guten Lao Xian say that the filthy pearls were bred from this filthy world, how come they become filthy beasts now?

It seems that the information is not true. Gu Teng Lao Xian and Yin Tianfeng are only afraid that they have never been to this filthy world. Everything about the filthy world stays on hearsay, and they should not be expected to be a little true!

In fact, Su Hang did not know that in the filthy world, filthy beads are divided into two types: congenital filthy beads and acquired filthy beads. Congenital filthy beads are bred by the filthy circle themselves. Conceived and shaped, the service can increase the skill of 100 million years. After the birth of congenital filth beads, the growth rate will become slower and slower. Only 400 million years can be entered into the second grade, 1.6 billion years into the third grade, and 6.4 billion years into the Fourth grade...

This is still in an extremely ideal situation. It will take trillions of years before it is possible to breed a ninth-grade filthy bead, and the nine-grade filthy bead only increases the skill of nine hundred million years.

The acquired filthy beads are derived from the cultivation of these filthy beasts. The higher the filthy beast cultivation, the higher the rank of the filthy bead.

Although they are congenital and congenital, they are essentially the same, they are all condensed by the essence of filth, and there is no difference, they are all talking about the same thing, so the system is not chaotic for Suhang. Explanation.

This is a filthy bead, a filthy bead condensed by the filthy beasts of Yipin Avenue!

Of course, at this moment, Su Hang did not know about this, but was only fooled by Gu Teng Lao Xian and Yin Tianfeng.

"Isn't it wrong?" Su Hang carefully looked at the bead in his hand. What surprised him was that the bead was extraordinary and stinky, but it still had a touch of fresh fragrance!

It is also caused by filthy gas. The filthy water smells so bad that people want to die, but the filthy beads actually have fragrance, which is really surprising.

Could it be that the smell is so extreme that it is incense?

It seems that there is such a reason that Su Hang's brows spread out slightly. As a result, this filthy bead does not seem to be difficult to find, just find the monster and kill it, and by the way, he can raise his own black hole.

The black hole in Su Hang has been basically tamed by him, and no longer threatens his life. Therefore, Su Hang can now feed it by swallowing an energy, which is a big killer!

In the eyes of others, this world of extreme filth, which is extremely disgusting in the eyes of others, seems to Su Hang to be a blessed land.

Putting the filthy pearls away, Su Hang's face showed a little arc, and now he used a magic technique, height, and the big immortal stick suddenly lengthened, directly extended into the land of the dirty sea. .


Suddenly, the sewage was turbulent, and the entire dirty sea was turbulent.

He is too lazy to find any filthy beads, the best way is to let those filthy beads find themselves, he is a daring artist, he is not afraid of any powerful existence at all, the only thing he is afraid of is to attract monsters Not strong enough.

Su Hang's disturbing, just like that Sun Wukong's havoc in the Heavenly Palace, the momentum is terrifying, and no matter how big the Daxian stick can stand it!

This time, the filthy beasts lurking beneath the dirty sea were still calm, and they broke out of the sea one after another.

There are big and small strangely shaped, the number is not small, Su Hang does not say a word, catch up is a pass to kill!

"Ah, sin, sin!"

Su Hang meditation, but only after killing for a while, only discovered that the dirty beasts in this dirty sea, although very disgusting, have no spirit, but not every one is very powerful!

After killing one pass, Su Hang discovered that all those who died under his stick were just some chickens. Apart from the maggot-shaped filthy beast that was killed by himself, none of them reached the avenue.

Also, no matter where it is, Dadao Realm is definitely a rarity, it can't be all, otherwise it will be worth it?

Without reaching the Dadao realm, there will be no complete filthy beads, so for a while, except for the filthy beads at the beginning, there is nothing to gain.

"Pit it!"

Su Hang's face twitched slightly, allowing those filthy beasts to escape. This thing doesn't seem to be as simple as he thought, and he had to pick up the filthy beasts on the road.

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