"What method?" Asami Ryuya asked subconsciously.

Sambaxiu smiled and said, "It won't take long before you know."

Ⅲ The End of Lundaz (Future Team): [New] Chapter 234 Codename: Tongbao

In Rondaz Prison, Don Dorunello leaned on a huge soft chair with an exaggerated shape, stroking his fat belly while listening to the incoherent report of Baz, who had escaped from death.

"With just one blow, he...defeated us all. It's terrible. It's nonsense to assassinate such a guy!"

"It's more difficult than expected, the father of the Earth Governor." Dong Dorunello touched his generous chin and murmured to himself.

Keen glanced at Baz, who was kneeling on his knees, and his cold mechanical eyes flashed with disdain. He raised his hand and pointed at the display case where the criminal capsules were stored, and asked: "Dorunello, since ordinary criminals can't deal with this Hiyama Scenery , It seems we can only dispatch those guys."

Lila's eyes widened and she said in surprise: "You want to release the prisoners in the Hell Gate?"

The Gate of Hell is a special area of ​​Rondaz Prison, where brutal criminals who are prone to killing and destroying are imprisoned. You must know that Dong Dorunello, a godfather-like figure who has been involved in the underworld for decades, was sentenced to a compressed freezing period. They are all limited to 1,000 years, but the criminals in Hell Gate are all sentenced to life imprisonment. You can imagine what dangerous people there are.

"To be honest, even if the prisoners in Hell Gate are released, I still feel that it is not safe. After all, they just have crazy ideas, but they are not necessarily strong. If possible, it is best to unblock all the criminals in Lundaz Prison. Then we might still have a chance to kill the abominable Hiyama King." Keen became more and more excited as he thought about it, and the three hooks on his left hand opened and closed very violently.

"This is too aggressive," Dong Dorunello rejected Keen's proposal, looked at Baz, and continued to ask, "Since Hiyama Kage has the ability to kill the other four people with one blow, why did he leave you alone? One life?"

Hearing this, Baz trembled like chaff. It was not that he was afraid of Dong Dorunello's accountability, but that this question brought back his terrible memories. He replied tremblingly: "He said he wanted me to ask You told me something, so you didn’t kill me.”

"What are you talking about?" Dong Dorunello asked quickly.

"He said he wants to talk to you. You can decide the time and place. Once you decide, find someone to go to Hiyama Building to inform him."

"Talk about it? This..." Dong Dorunero hesitated, "Speaking of which, he already knows that he is the father of the Governor of Earth, right?"

Baz struggled to find an answer to Dong Dorunello's question in his painful memories: "Listening to what he said before the battle, he should have already known it, and it was probably told to him by the Time Connector who was getting in the way. "

Since it was impossible for Londaz and the Time Connector to communicate with each other, the blame was naturally placed on the Time Connector.

Dong Dorunello also agreed with this conjecture. He nodded and touched his chin, trying to guess Sambaxiu's intention: "Do you want to spend money to buy peace?"

Seeing that Dong Dorunello had been thinking for a while, Lila asked: "Do you want to reject the peace talks and continue the assassination?"

"No," Dong Dorunello shook his head, "Let's talk to him first. The time will be tomorrow afternoon. As for the location, let's choose a nearby valley. This way, even if the peace talks fail, we can still be the first. Time to intercept and assassinate. Baz, go to Hiyama Building and convey the news to him. By the way, let him come alone."

"This..." Baz looked bitter. If possible, he didn't want to face the terrible Samba Xiu.

But at the moment, there are only four people who can move in the entire Londaz prison. Apart from him, there are three remaining people, one boss and two cadres. Obviously, he is the only one suitable to be the messenger.

Fortunately, despite being afraid, he still did a pretty good job as a messenger.

Because on the afternoon of the next day, Sambaxiu went to the appointment alone.

Looking at Samba Xiu who came alone, Dong Dorunero felt a little admiration: "What a courageous person. He is truly worthy of being the father of the future Governor of the Earth."

A helpless smile appeared on Samba Xiu's lips: "I don't know how many times I have heard this in recent times. But to others, they are 'sons of so and so', but to me, they are 'the father of the Governor of the Earth.' ', It's quite novel. Let's get to know each other formally. My name is Hiyama Kage, a person who longs for a stable life. "

After saying that, Sambaxiu stretched out his right hand.

Dong Dorunello held a cigar in his mouth, smiled and reached out to hold Samba Xiu's right hand: "Don Dorunello, a greedy person."

"Okay, the pleasantries are over, it's time for us to get down to business." With that said, Sambaxiu placed a black cash box on the negotiation table in front of the two of them.

Glancing at the box, Dong Dorunello asked unceremoniously: "Business? Do you mean spending money to buy peace?"

Sambaxiu shook his head: "It's not about peace, it's just about being quiet."

Although he heard Sambaxiu's disdain for the overall strength of Lundaz Prison, Dong Dorunello did not rise to the slightest anger, but showed a smile: "Mr. Hiyama Kage's strength does have the capital to not be afraid of assassination, but The idea of ​​using 20th century money to buy off the 30th century mafia is a bit naive.”

Sambaxiu chuckled and retorted: "Naive? I don't think so. Money in the 20th century or money in the 30th century is ultimately currency and a quantitative unit of wealth. The pursuit of money is just the pursuit of wealth. Money can bring about power enhancement and desire satisfaction. If this is the case, what is the difference between money in the 20th century and money in the 30th century? "

Seeing that Dong Dorunello did not raise any objection, Sambaxiu continued: "I heard that you worked tirelessly to travel to the 20th century to organize the birth of the Earth Governor, just to return the 30th century to chaos, so that you black hands can The party and criminals have made a fortune. But let me tell you, instead of trying to change a history that may not be changed, you should seize the opportunity and use your wisdom and talents in this era without the governor of the earth. In terms of infrastructure, the 20th century was far less complete than the 30th century, but if you wanted to enjoy the pleasures of wealth, the 20th century was enough for you to live a happy life. "

Hearing this, Dong Dorunello felt that a layer of mist shrouding his heart was lifted.

Then, he looked at Samba Xiu and asked curiously: "What is the purpose of telling me this?"

Samba Xiu smiled and said: "Purpose? What other purpose could there be? Of course it is to cooperate with you people from the future and make a lot of money."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard three different voices uttering the same exclamation at the same time: "What?"

Belonging to Keen, Lila and Baz respectively.

Sambaxiu ignored the surprise of the three of them, pushed the suitcase he brought towards Dong Dorunello, and said: "These are my investment funds. If you accept this money, I will be one of you." One of them, code name, Tongbao.”

Ⅲ The End of Lundaz (Future Team): [New] Chapter 235 How can a son teach me how to do things?

Dong Dorunello stared at the banknotes for a long time, the greed in his eyes overflowing like a river in flood season. Although he didn't know the purchasing power of these banknotes, he believed that it was a large amount.

Raising his hand to close the open suitcase, Dong Dorunello placed the suitcase next to him.

Seeing this, Sambaxiu asked: "It seems that I passed the interview."

Dong Dorunello was in a good mood after receiving the money, and naturally he was happy to joke with Sambaxiu. He patted the suitcase beside him and said, "After all, your resume is very good."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Just tell the truth."

Samba Xiu and Dong Dorunello looked at each other, and then burst into hearty laughter at the same time.

After the two laughed, Dong Dorunello's expression became serious. He looked at Sambaxiu and asked seriously: "Tell me, how do you want to cooperate."

"As future people, you have a vision far beyond that of ordinary people for a thousand years. Some of the knowledge you are accustomed to is a considerable wealth for this era. My idea is that you can provide some product ideas. I made it happen with the resources I had.”

In the original "Future Sentai Time Linker", Azuma Dornello used a beverage manufacturing factory in the 20th century to produce products from the 30th century, and achieved good sales.

So Sambaxiu's idea is feasible.

Don Dornello's life creed is "make money by any means necessary", and Sambaxiu's proposal can be said to have laid all the foundations and only waits for his own creativity. This is almost equivalent to the act of giving money and will naturally not arouse Don Dorunello's objections.

He puffed up his stomach with satisfaction, Dong Dorunello nodded and said: "I hope we can have a happy cooperation, Hinoki...Mr. Tongbao."

“A pleasure to work with.”

"Torunello!" Lila and Keen expressed their dissatisfaction almost at the same time after hearing Dong Dorunello's decision.

Lila is naturally responsible for the mission issued by the Governor of Earth.

As for Keane, it was the desire for destruction hidden in his heart that made him unable to accept that the opportunity to cause chaos was eliminated by simple cooperation.

But neither Lila nor Keen are qualified to speak against Dong Dorunello.

Not to mention that Baz had been cheering with joy after hearing Dong Dorunello say that he wanted to cooperate with Sambasio, just because he was glad that he would not become Sambasio's enemy in the future.

Therefore, Dong Dorunello just raised his hand slightly to appease the two people's emotions, and then continued to communicate with Samba Xiu about cooperation matters: "My thoughts are still a little confused now, and I can't find any ideas that can make money for a while. , Mr. Tongbao may have to wait for a while.”

Sambasio expressed his understanding: "There is no need to rush. New products always go through stages of research and development before they are released. Mr. Dorunello also took this opportunity to investigate the market demand in the 20th century."

Dong Dorunello chuckled in agreement, turned to look at Lila: "Lila, give Mr. Tongbao a send."

Although she resisted the cooperation between Sambasio and Torunello, Lila happened to have many questions to ask Sambasio, so she did not refuse the task. Even if Toru Nello didn't say anything, She was about to take the initiative to speak: "Please come here, Mr. Tongbao!"

Hearing Lila's accented address, Sambaxiu was ready to be questioned later.

Sure enough, not long after leaving the observation range of the surveillance system of Lundaz Prison, Lila asked Samba Xiu with some anger: "Should I call you Mr. Hiyama now? Or should I call you Mr. Hiyama now?" Where is Mr. Tongbao?”

"Is there any difference between these two titles?" Samba Xiu asked in confusion.

"The former means that you are the father of the Earth Governor, and the latter means that you are an accomplice of Dong Dorunero."

Samba Xiu smiled and said, "There is no conflict between the two."

"Conflict!" Perhaps she was annoyed by Samba Xiu's tough words, Lila's tone suddenly rose, and at the same time, she was a little resentful, "Yes, the Governor-General is a bit lazy to throw the trouble to you, the father, but haven't we already agreed? I will arrange the assassination, and you will solve the criminals and clear the worries for the Governor-General."

"Wait, when did I agree?"

Lila frowned: "Didn't you agree?"

Samba Xiu reminded: "I just guessed the purpose of the Earth Governor at that time, and provided my itinerary by the way, but I didn't agree to deal with these messes."

Lila carefully recalled the conversation between herself and Samba Xiu half a month ago, and found that the other party did not make any guarantees. She was speechless for a while and didn't know how to refute.

Sambaxiu continued to explain his behavior, "Besides, not every criminal in Longdaz Prison deserves death. Some of them have only committed theft and continue to be compressed and frozen."

"But..." Lila wanted to say something.

But Sambaxiu was the first to speak, ending the conversation with one sentence: "Besides, there is no reason for a son to teach his father how to do things in this world. Please teach me more in the future, Miss Lila."

After that, Sambaxiu waved and said goodbye to Lila.

Looking at Sambaxiu's leaving back, Lila gritted her teeth helplessly: "They are obviously father and son, why does one like to cooperate with others and the other likes to suppress others cruelly. It seems that I have to find a way to deal with the criminals in Longdaz Prison. I can't take shortcuts."

Sighing, Lila fell into deep thought.

After a long time, she seemed to have thought of something, and a smile hung on the corner of her mouth. Obviously, she thought of a way to deal with those criminals, and she jumped back.

On the other side, Samba returned to his home. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Xun Ji entertaining the five Time Rangers led by Yuri.

"Mr. Jing has been out for almost two hours. He will be back soon. Please wait for a while." Xun Ji softly served hot tea to the five Time Rangers.

His relaxed and relaxed attitude and unique and special address made the five Time Rangers curious.

Among them, Domon, who usually likes to flirt with other women, was the most concerned. He smiled at Xunji with what he thought was a very friendly smile and asked, "Excuse me, what is the relationship between this lady and Mr. Hiyama?" Although Xunji had some thoughts about Samba Shu in his heart, he was very frank on this issue: "Friendship and employment relationship, I am Mr. Jing's friend and also his nanny." Hearing this answer, Domon showed a bit of disappointment, and he dragged out the tail tone: "Eh... I thought..." Domon was about to say his guess, but was pulled by Ziyin's sleeve. Domon subconsciously wanted to complain, but turned his head and saw Samba Shu pushing the door in. Sambashu could understand Domon's embarrassment at the moment, so after saying "I'm back" to Xunji as usual, he took the initiative to speak to ease the stiff atmosphere for Domon: "Miss Yuri came here this time to ask if the peace talks between me and Don Dorunaro went smoothly?"

Yuri nodded: "Yes."

Sambashu came to sit on the sofa opposite the few people: "The peace talks went smoothly. Don Dorunaro and I have reached a consensus and decided to cooperate."

"Cooperation, how to cooperate?" Asami Ryu asked in confusion.

Sambashu repeated what he had said to Don Dorunaro before.

As Sambashu repeated, Yuri's face became more and more ugly, and her fists slowly clenched.

If Sambashu did not choose to cooperate with Don Dorunaro and was still the target of the other party's assassination, then she could reasonably and legally launch a revenge action against Don Dorunaro under the pretext of protecting Sambashu.

But now that Samba Shu has become Don Dorunello's partner, the Time Ranger's mission to protect Samba Shu no longer exists, and naturally Yuri has lost the power to kill Don Dorunello.

Because the Time Ranger does not have the power to execute.

Samba Shu took in Yuri's expression. After reviewing the plot of "Future Sentai Time Ranger", he could probably guess the reason behind this expression. Although he understood the other party's feelings, Samba Shu still wanted to cooperate with Don Dorunello. After all, he was greedy for the evil spirit of the criminals of Longdaz.

"Ms. Yuri, although Dong Dorunaro will probably not attack me, just in case, the Time Linkers should still observe for a while. During this time, I can provide you with food and lodging and take care of your daily expenses..." Hearing this, Domon was a little tempted, but before he could say yes, Yuri refused: "Thank you Mr. Hiyama for your kindness, but as people from the future, we cannot have too much contact with people from the past. It is very likely to change the course of history." Hearing this, Samba Shu expressed doubts: "Even if you people from the future keep your distance from me, I still reached a cooperation with the future people of Longdaz, so you guys shouldn't be a big deal."

Yuri did not doubt the possibility of Sambaxiu's conjecture, but she still insisted on her previous point of view: "I don't know whether the cooperation between Lundaz and Mr. Hiyama will have an impact on the future, but until the new order from the Time Protection Bureau comes, The Time Linkers will still follow the previous orders to ensure your safety and keep your distance.”

"Okay," Samba Xiu stopped insisting and turned to look at Asami Ryuya, "Ryuya, I will help you explain the situation on the martial arts side, but before that, Miss Yuri and the others will leave it to you. Take care of it and let them get familiar with the 20th century. If you don’t have enough funds, apply to me.”

Hearing this, Asami Ryuya could not understand that Samba Xiu wanted him to continue to be an undercover agent in the Time Linkers. He nodded: "Yes, President Hiyama."


Considering that most of the responses still translated the time from green to purple, this translation was also synchronized here.

Ⅲ The End of Lundaz (Future Team): [New] Chapter 236 Is the blackmail blamed on Samba Xiu?

Quiet, the earth has never been so quiet.

For two whole months, not a single weird incident broke out on the earth, as if the source of the birth of the evil party had been wiped off the earth.

Not to mention that the people on Earth, who are used to weird people causing trouble almost every Monday, are a little uncomfortable with it. Even forces like the Space Police Earth Agency, which has been developing on Earth for several years, are a little confused.

"Is Earth no longer of interest to conspirators? Or is an unprecedented threat gathering?"

Such questions lingered in Dochikuluga's heart. After thinking about it again and again, he chose to call Sambaxiu and expressed his confusion to the former cadre of the front-line villain organization.

"Mr. Hiyama, has the earth been a little too quiet recently?"

Sambaxiu also didn't expect that Dochikuluga would call him one day for this kind of question. He frowned and asked, "Isn't peace and stability a good thing?"

"Based on my experience in the past few years when I came to Earth to build the Space Police Earth Agency, it stands to reason that after the disaster, new conspirators should soon usher in to try to get involved in the earth, but it has only been three years since the death of the great witch Grandinu. It’s been four months and there’s been no movement at all. Do you think the new evil party is planning some big plan that could destroy the world?”

Hearing Dochikuruga's speculation, Sambaxiu couldn't help but smile. Unexpectedly, even the Space Police summarized the cyclical laws of villain organizations on the earth in the Super Sentai worldview.

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