Lila selected five display cases from the display cabinets and looked at Dong Dorunello with a sly smile: "Hey, Dorunello, leave the next assassination plan to me."

Someone volunteered, and Dong Dorunello was naturally happy. He just looked at the five compressed capsules in the other person's arms that were almost out of hand, and he couldn't help but be a little confused: "The number of criminals in Rondaz Prison is limited, you can't Too messy.”

"How can we succeed against such a difficult target without messing around? Dornello, you should have figured out through Marde Blast's assassination that Hiyama Kage has a group of tough guys gathered around him. "Lila gave her own explanation.

Dong Dorunello was not a stubborn idiot, otherwise he would have died a hundred and eighty times thanks to the cooperation of the police and investigators in the 30th century. Since the explanation given by Lila is reasonable, then I have no reason to refute: "Then do whatever you want, I will look forward to good news from you."

Lila hummed a playful and relaxing tune and came to the defrosting device, releasing the five criminals one after another.

Like many evil monsters that are released from the seal, the criminals who were released from the compression and cryopreservation wanted to cause a scene almost as soon as they were freed.

But because of the underworld boss Dong Dorunello, they didn't go too far.

After shouting a few times to vent the accumulated depression in his heart, one of the criminals knew that there was no such thing as a pie in the sky. He looked at Don Dorunello and asked: "Tell me, what do you want us to do?" thing?"

Dong Dorunello did not hide anything and spoke directly: "The era we are in now is 1999, which is still two years away from the birth of the hateful Governor of Earth."

"I understand, you plan to make that cruel governor of Earth disappear."

"Just imagine, if we could kill the cruel governor of the Earth, then the bloody suppression of the mafia in 2900 would not have happened, and we people could continue to do whatever we wanted on the disordered Earth."

The criminal was obviously attracted by the chaotic scene outlined by Dong Dorunello in a few simple words, and without hesitation: "Okay, what should we do specifically?"

"Kill the Earth Governor's father, Hiyama Kage!"

"Isn't it a bit unsafe to just kill my father?"

"We also want to keep everything leak-proof, but currently all we know is the information about the father of the Governor of the Earth. This is the important information that Lila risked her life to get from the Governor's Mansion." Dong Dorunello showed a regretful expression.

"What a cunning guy, but it's better to have information than no information, so next we are going to assassinate this guy Hiyama Kage?"

"Yes, you follow Lila's instructions for specific actions." Dong Dorunello raised his hand and introduced Lila to the five criminals.

The five people immediately turned their attention to Lila and asked, "So do you have any specific information about Hiyama Jing?"

"Of course, they are all here." Lila threw a crystal ring, "But don't attack yet. Hiyama King is not an ordinary businessman. He has a group of powerful subordinates gathered around him, so I want to investigate first. Be clear about his situation and refine his message.”

Everyone also understood that they could not eat hot tofu in a hurry. When they heard that Lila was going to investigate Samba Xiu, they did not think that she was procrastinating, but instead thought that she was reliable.

Dong Dorunello also affirmed Lila's caution with appreciative eyes.

So, under the eager eyes of everyone, Lila left Lundaz Prison.

Then, she took out a communicator, connected to the band of Sambaxiu's mobile phone, and made a "call" to Sambaxiu.

When the communication was connected, she said bluntly: "There will be a second assassination against you in the future. The specific time has not been determined. The specific information of the killer is as follows..."

When Lila finished reporting the assassin's information and was about to cut off communication with Sambaxiu, Sambaxiu's voice came out from the communicator.

"Lila, can you tell me why you tipped me off?"

Lila was stunned for a moment when she heard this question, but she quickly asked, "Who is Lila?"

"No need to pretend, your disguise has been cracked, and you are now talking to me in your native voice."

"Huh?" Lila pulled the communicator away and stared at the communicator from the 30th century. After being stunned for a while, she softly sighed, "He is indeed his father."

"His father? Are you talking about me?"

"Well, yes, I'm talking about you, the Governor's father, Hiyama Kage."

"Ah?" Sambaxiu's mood became very complicated when he heard Lila's affirmation. He had just changed his job to become a nanny, so why did he have the governor's son again.

Ⅲ The End of Londaz (Future Team): [New] Chapter 232: It is natural for a father to wipe his son’s butt.

If there is no ability to travel through time, then who can say clearly what will happen in the future?

Therefore, although Sambaxiu is not even interested in finding a partner at the moment, he still accepts the fact that he will have another son in the future.

It's just that the words "Governor of the Earth" carry a bit of staggering weight, and Samba Xiu couldn't calm down for a while.

Sambasio could only put aside the huge information behind this position for the time being and continue to ask other questions that he cared about, namely "Why did Dong Dorunello and his gang want to assassinate him" and "Why did Lila tip off him?" ".

But when Samba Xiu raised his doubts to Lila, Lila on the other end of the phone heard a frivolous laugh: "Isn't this an obvious thing? Naturally, it is to prevent the birth of the Governor of the Earth. As long as he kills If you kill your father, the Governor of Earth will be removed from history, and the 30th century will be in chaos, and chaos is the nutrient for the mafia to thrive. "

"What kind of "Terminator" plot is this?" Sambaxiu complained, and then realized something was wrong. He then raised his own questions like the unfrozen criminal before, "Speaking of this kind of thing, it is not about assassinating children. Is it safer to be a mother?”

"Hmm, but there is no other way. Who told the governor to only allow me to reveal my father's information to Dong Dorunello?" As if thinking of the angry expression that Samba Xiu would show after she said this, Li La's tone was extremely brisk.

But Sangbasiu failed to live up to her expectations. When he heard the news that fully demonstrated his future son's "filial piety", not only did he not show any anger, but he asked in surprise: "Allow it? Are you?" ...The undercover he placed next to Dong Dorunello? "

"I don't want this, but who made the Governor rich and generous? He gave too much," Lila asked curiously after pretending to be entangled, "Aren't you angry with the Governor for guiding Dong Doruna?" Is Luo challenging you?"

"It's the lesser of the two. Since he chose me as the target instead of his mother, it means that his mother doesn't have much ability to withstand risks. Besides, they are all people who can become the governor of the earth. Naturally, everything he did was carefully thought through. He couldn't have gone out to kill his father." After thinking for a moment, he added, "If that's the case, it means I'm not a competent father. . It's just that although I'm not a good person, I think I treat my friends and family well, so..."

"Stop, stop, I have no intention of discussing educational concepts with the Governor's father. It's too boring." Lila curled her lips, dissatisfied and mixed with a little envy.

Hearing the resistance in the other party's tone, Sambaxiu stopped continuing the topic and asked for other information: "So how did you convince Dong Dorunello to travel through time and come to the 20th century to assassinate me?"

"Huh? Do you still need convincing? Did he come up with this plan himself?" Lila asked in confusion.

Sangbasiu was confused: "What?"

"Any questions?"

Sambaxiu used the most understandable "grandfather paradox" to ask: "Can a grandson go back in time and kill his unmarried grandfather?"

Lila made a long sound of realization, and then said: "It's not difficult to understand what you mean, but we have also asked Dong Dorunello about similar questions, and he swore that everything can be changed. Yes, it’s internal information from the Time Protection Bureau.”

"Inside information," Samba Xiu frowned, "Dong Dorunello has a hidden stake in the Time Protection Bureau?"

"I don't know about this, but even if there is a hidden stake, the wise and powerful Governor must have known about it a long time ago, otherwise he would not let me reveal your information to Dong Dorunello and let him Come and assassinate you, so that I can use your hand to kill all the criminals in Rondaz Prison together with Don Dorunello."

"So this is the true purpose of the Governor of Earth?"

"Well, after all, the death penalty has been abolished in the 30th century. Even a mafia godfather like Dong Dorunello can be compressed and frozen for tens of thousands of years before being released, so the Governor has no choice but to trouble his father. ," Xu could hear some incredible anger from Samba Xiu's tone just now, and Lila's voice sounded much happier, "So, dear Mr. Hiyama, could you please report to me your recent itinerary? So I can arrange for five extremely vicious criminals to come and die."

Hearing this, despite all the helplessness in his heart, Sambaxiu cooperated and informed Lila of a suitable itinerary for him to be assassinated in half a month.

He wanted to give an itinerary for the last three days, but Lila refused.

According to Lila, three days would make her appear careless and easily expose her secrets to Dong Dorunello.

It was only when Lila hung up the phone that Sambaxiu realized one thing belatedly, that is, if he killed Lundaz's criminals, wouldn't he be able to absorb the evil energy from those criminals?

You must know that those criminals are not monsters composed of evil spirits like Orugu of the Evil Ghost Empire, but are earthly and cosmic beings who have undergone transformation. Therefore, the evil spirits on their bodies are generated by past sins. As long as they are Once defeated, the evil spirit loses its attachment to the main body and will quickly dissipate.

"Sure enough, we still have to find a way to join the Londaz family. Even if those criminals are going to die, they have to wait until I have absorbed the evil energy from them."

Thinking like this, Sambaxiu took out his mobile phone and clicked on the latest call history, but in the end he did not press the callback button.

Although through the modification of the computer disaster monster Sebagirudo, Samba Xiu can take the initiative to contact Lila in this way, but considering that the other party is working as an undercover agent for his future son, it is better not to cause trouble.

"Let's wait until the assassination in half a month to solve this problem," but thinking of the five vicious criminals he will face in half a month, Samba Xiu couldn't help but sigh, ""Star Beast Sentai Galaxy Man VS Emergency" Sentai GOGOV" has been withdrawn, but "Emergency Sentai GOGOV VS Mirai Sentai Time Linker" has been released ahead of schedule, right?"

The reason for such a sigh is for no other reason than that the list of criminals provided by Lila is Realu, Rubia, Baz, Dinalu, and Silinger. The holsters of these five criminals are in "Future". It has already appeared in the TV series "Sentai Sentai Time Linker", but it was used again in the theatrical version of "Emergency Sentai GOGOV VS Mirai Sentai Time Linker".

The explanation given in the theatrical version is that these weirdos who appear again are relatives and friends of the weirdos who were previously defeated on TV.

Realu is Dogru's twin brother who appears in episode 33; Rubia is Leifeng's sister who appears in episode 15; Baz is Ogg's uncle who appears in episode 10; Dinaroru is the one who appears in episode 12 The cousin of Gaelmark who appeared; Siglin is the neighbor of Demolition Mad who appeared in episode 20.

"Speaking of it, this is the third time that such a large-scale collective action of weirdos occurred in the early stage of the story because of me." Although the previous time the disaster demon was because of Geer, it can also be related to Samba Xiu to some extent. , and during the Star Beast Team period, he even organized the joint operations of the four legions. "If we continue at this pace, we won't wait until the Hundred Beast Team, and the three high-ranking dukes will be dispatched together at the beginning."

Ⅲ The End of Lundaz (Mirai Sentai): [New] Chapter 233 I want to talk to Azuma Dorunello

Half a month's time is a bit difficult for an idle person with nothing to do, but it is not worth mentioning for a busy whirlwind top like Sangbasiu. The time soon came to the assassination day that he and Lila had scheduled.

After handing the fed Hiyama Orchid into the hands of Tatsumi who came to work, Sambaxiu drove to the agreed upon location.

Perhaps out of resentment towards the Governor of Earth, the criminals in Lundaz Prison were quite punctual. As soon as Sambaxiu's car arrived there, it was stopped by a cannonball.

After Sambaxiu got out of the car, amidst the billowing smoke caused by the explosion of the shell, five weirdos walked out side by side like a well-trained guard of honor.

Looking at this posture, it was really difficult for Samba Xiu to suppress the desire to complain in his heart: "You are really aboveboard, you assassins."

Hearing Sambaxiu's teasing, Baz, the black weirdo who looked like a sea urchin and stood among the five people, said: "To deal with an ordinary person in the 20th century, there is no need to use underhanded methods. A frontal attack will surely kill you." Go to hell with your unborn child.”

"Ordinary people..." Samba Xiuzhen didn't know whether he should praise his future son for keeping his information confidential, or praise Lila for her excellent undercover work. "None of you are from Earth." Well, even if he is, he probably doesn’t know anything about the history of the earth.”

"Sir, it's not a wise choice to provoke the assassin in this situation." Rubia, the weirdo woman wrapped in blue-purple leaf-like clothes, laughed confidently, and she obviously had Samba. Xiu thought he was dead, and she seemed to show her kindness by answering Samba Xiu's question seriously, "You are right, sir, we are indeed not from Earth."

"No wonder," Samba Xiu said, walking towards a wider area. He didn't want his transportation tool to be affected by the battle later. "If you know a little bit about the history of the earth, you should know that the earth What a dangerous planet it is, and what terrible things are hidden among the humans living on this planet.”

"Stop talking nonsense!" Baz roared angrily, picked up a big stick as thick as a thigh and as long as a table leg, and rushed towards Samba Xiu.

After he swung the rod with great force, he heard a crisp sound. The huge iron rod was bent at almost 90° like an iron piece in a lathe.

Baz exclaimed in disbelief: "How is this possible!"

"Don't be dazed at this time, old man Baz!" Along with the voice, a colorful grenade was thrown in front of Samba Xiu, and it was the red and white weirdo Siglin who took action.

After hearing the reminder from his companion, Baz glanced at the grenade that was about to explode and quickly retreated to his companion: "This guy is not an ordinary earthling. Your grenade may not be effective."

After an explosion, Rubia raised her hand and pointed at the figure walking out of the smoke and said, "It's either maybe, or it won't work."

"Who is this guy?"

Although Samba Xiu walked out of the smoke and dust, he still maintained the mimicry of an earthling, but the clothes he wore were no longer the previous suit and leather shoes, but a slim-fitting training suit. At the same time, he There are still large and small armor pieces floating around him.

"Just in time to give you guys a try on Linshou Fist and Linqi Armor!"

With a low cry, those armor plates floating in the air were like moths rushing to the flames, and like a school of fish snatching food, they swarmed up.

Soon a layer of Linqi armor was attached to Samba Xiu's body.

Although the shape is very different from the previous Jiqi armor, for some reason it gives people a fierce feeling.

Aside from the sharp edges and corners that increase the visual impact, it is probably because Lin Qi is more aggressive than Excited Qi.

"I told you how could the father of the Earth Governor be an ordinary person, and you still don't believe it." Siglin muttered.

Hearing this, Baz quickly said: "There is no point in hindsight, let's all join in!"

But just when the remaining four criminals were about to respond to Baz's call and attack Sambaxiu, Sambaxiu was no longer at his original position.

I looked around, but couldn't find any trace of it.

"Could it be that he ran away?" one of them boldly guessed.

But this conjecture was quickly rejected.

No one else, just because there was a clear and loud slap in his ear, and then he was whipped away like a ping pong ball.


Just after Baz finished shouting the name of the person who was slapped away, four more crisp slaps sounded in his ears.

Then he and the other three people drew a beautiful parabola in mid-air, and heard Sambaxiu's complaint: "Can't you react? Although these guys appeared in the theater version, their strength is only the same as that of ordinary people." The unit monsters are almost the same. It seems that if you want to verify the progress of the Beast Fist, you still have to go to Martial Arts and Elise."

Although he couldn't understand what Sambaxiu was talking about, Baz was sure that he was humiliated and despised.


However, before he could stand up and prove his strength by fighting, Samba Xiu punched them with a powerful punch.

Baz only saw a giant beast roaring towards them.

He was so scared that he closed his eyes, but he felt no pain in his body.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that the giant beast had actually passed him and headed straight for the other four people who had been whipped farther away than him.

Then, he heard the screams of the four people.

After four consecutive explosions, Baz knew that his companions were probably dead.

He quickly looked at Samba Xiu, intending to use his last bit of strength to kneel down and beg for mercy.

But before he could speak, Samba Xiu removed his Linqi armor, walked slowly to him, half-crouched down towards him who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile: "Please help me pass a message to Dong Dorunello. , I just said that I wanted to talk to him, and he would decide the time and place. Once he decided, he would send someone to the top floor of the Hiyama Building to inform me. "

When Baz heard this, he thanked him repeatedly and ran away from the scene without even the slightest thought of mourning for his dead companion.

After watching Baz leave, Yuri's voice came from behind Sambaxiu: "Don Dorunello is a mafia who does everything. Negotiating with him is not a wise choice."

Sambaxiu turned around and looked at the belated Time Connector: "Thank you for reminding me, but I heard that the main purpose of Dong Dorunello's assassination of me was to prevent the birth of the Earth Governor, but the fundamental purpose is actually To make money. If it’s just to make money, I think there’s still a lot of room for negotiation.”

Sambaxiu added: "Besides, although I am not afraid of the assassins sent by Dong Dorunello, they are still a bit annoying if they happen too often, so I want to try my method to solve this problem at once."

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