Super Security in the City

Chapter 3857: Back to heaven

Yuan Yuxian was immediately puzzled.

Yuan Sheng said indifferently: "This is the experience of being a teacher. You have to remember that the more eager you are to do something, the slower you are. Because once your heart is urgent, judgments are prone to errors. Observe more. Do it, don't worry."

Yuan Yuxian carefully savored the words of Yuan Sheng, and then realized that it made sense, so he respectfully clasped his fists and said, "The disciple has been taught!"

After Luo Jun escaped for a day and night, he just stopped to rest for a while. Running wildly this way, I really dare not get out of the atmosphere. I also knew in my heart that the other party would not let him go like this, but he had to do a full set of acting.

After stopping, Luo Jun began to think about the next step.

He was still in the middle of the sea at this time, so he found another nameless island to rest.

He secretly said in his heart: "This time, if I can hide under Yuansheng's gate, it would be the safest. It's just that my identity may be leaked...Achen knows, Yunxiao knows...Achen can't reveal it for the time being. Yunxiao...want to come. It should be okay for the Lord Tongtian to take shelter. Then the key issue lies with me. First of all, I have to explain the origin of this mosquito to Yuansheng reasonably. Then, they may check on me, and this black hole spar can’t be taken. In the body, the magic weapon must be reasonable. Also, it is not allowed that Yuan Sheng has the ability to search for souls similar to the eternal star field. I can reverse what happened before in my memory. Therefore, I will do one. The prepared memory comes out."

"The Heavenly Dao Pen is in the body, let alone be found."

Although there are many problems, Luo Jun feels that these can be overcome.

He felt that joining Yuansheng Sect was a big opportunity.

After that, he began to sit cross-legged.

The nine snow mountains in the body have been completely integrated with the cells...

When outsiders probed, they couldn't detect a trace of strangeness.

After taking care of everything in the body, it was determined that there was no problem. He used his experience in the Eternal Star Field to begin to forge memories for himself. He completely merged the memories of Xuanyuantai, and then forged...In this way, even if the other party performed the soul search technique, he could only find out about Xuanyuantai's life. It's like one computer and two systems. He only showed the Xuanyuantai system, so no matter how the other party checked it, they couldn't find another system.

After all this was done, he hid the black hole spar somewhere.

After doing this, Luo Jun hid a hundred longevity fruits in a treasure bag.

Follow, keep going!

Toward the state...

After flying for two days, we arrived in the prefecture. Everything is going well... Luo Jun is a little skeptical, did Yuan Sheng really let them go? If he really let it go, deep down in his heart he would breathe a sigh of relief. Although it is better to hide in Yuansheng's men, it will also be more dangerous. I don't want to go unless I have to.

On this day, Luo Jun flew away from the prefecture again, and once again entered a vast sea. It is Tianzhou that is going to go now. After passing the heavenly continent, you can leave this heavenly realm.

"I originally planned to go to Kunlun Realm to find the Master of Tongtian, but I'm afraid I can't find it now. This Yuansheng probably still stares at Lao Tzu all the time." Luo Jun secretly said.

"The memory of Xuanyuantai has been completely integrated by me. I will pretend to be Xuanyuantai now, and people who are most familiar will not doubt it. It's better to stay at Tianzhou first and live at Xuanyuantai's home, with Xuanyuantai's The old friends will be in for a while. This will make Yuan Sheng no more suspicious. If I pass the house and do not enter, this will be the biggest flaw!"

Luo Jun changed his mind and decided to live in Tianzhou temporarily.

He flew in the open sea for two days and finally reached Tianzhou. This heavenly continent is naturally not the heavenly continent on earth.

In the heavenly continent, the light is bright and the sky is cloudless.

Luo Jun was in the air, looking down at the dense mountains and forests, it was a splendid mountain and river.

Flying in the vast sea for a long time, there will be a feeling of traps and smog everywhere in this fairy world. And when I came here at this moment, I felt like I had entered a paradise on earth.

In the heavens, the gods live on Zhongling Mountain.

There are countless gorgeous palaces and artificial lakes on Zhongling Mountain... Because the lake is extremely high and has light reflection, it looks like it is hanging in the sky in the eyes of ordinary people under the mountain. So Tianhe said...

Tianhe is not often seen, only when the heaven is occasionally removed from the enchantment.

The entire world of immortals is a world where gods walk everywhere, so mortals have already seen the appearance of the gods and the miracles that have been shown are no wonder!

Luo Jun came to the outskirts of Zhong Lingshan.

I saw clouds and mist inside, and the laws of space were terrifying.

Luo Jun was a little embarrassed, because he didn't know how to enter the heaven. When Xuanyuantai left the immortal world, the immortal world was not like this. The enchantment of the heavens is not like this...

After taking a deep breath, he still broke into the depths of the clouds.

Tossing in it all day and night, but did not find an exit. But when he was a little discouraged, someone came to respond.

The man opened a door of the void, then appeared from the door and came to Luo Jun.

"Brother Xuanyuan, it's really you!" The person who came was a middle-aged man, who looked like he was in his forties, and his cultivation was the sixth layer of the creation realm.

Luo Jun immediately recognized this person. He was called Xian Yulong.

In the past, Xuanyuantai's cultivation base was much higher than him, so he was very fond of Xuanyuantai.

Xuanyuantai has never been very attractive to Xian Yulong.

Luo Jun knows a little about Xuanyuantai, this guy is an indifferent, arrogant, and selfish master. As far as Luo Jun himself was concerned, he absolutely didn't bother to care about people like Xuanyuantai.

Luo Jun was very happy to see Xian Yulong, but he was about to be polite, but immediately restrained. Then he said indifferently: "It's you!"

Xian Yulong was still very polite, and he smiled and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, you have been here for more than a hundred years. Our big guys miss you so much!"

Luo Jundao: "Really?"

Xian Yulong said, "That's not it!" Then he said, "Brother Xuanyuan, the situation in the entire Immortal Realm has changed drastically! Come and come, I will lead you in first."

Luo Jundao: "Good!"

Xian Yulong led the way, and it really went smoothly a lot.

Luo Jun couldn't help asking: "This space formation is quite mysterious, even I can't break through, who set this up?"

Xian Yulong said: "Of course it was set by the great emperor. The rest of us have this ability there."

Luo Jun was taken aback, but he was overjoyed on his face, and said, "Is the great emperor leaving?"

Xian Yulong sighed and said, "Hey, I can't talk about going out of customs. We haven't seen the great emperor, even the immortal world has changed drastically. I believe this drastic change, Brother Xuanyuan, you also know a little bit."

Luo Jundao: "I know."

Xian Yulong said: "The Great Emperor also mastered a kind of power of heaven. He only laid this kind of enchantment for us when the immortal world changed drastically and the vast sea and the continents formed. It can be regarded as giving us some face of the heavenly world... we I have never seen the emperor!"

Luo Jundao: "That's it!"

Xian Yulong said: "After you enter, you can get a jade medal from the Yunxiao Palace, and you will be able to come and go freely in this enchantment."

Luo Jundao: "Good!"

Soon, they left the enchantment.

The internal scenery of Zhongling Mountain is picturesque, and the beautiful scenery makes people linger.

If he were not familiar with the situation in the heavens, Luo Jun would feel that this place is very tall. He knew in his heart that Emperor Fuxi had been in retreat for many didn't matter at all, the heavens at the beginning were a mess of sand. Today’s heaven is even more...

Luo Jun first returned to the palace where Xuanyuantai lived, and that palace was called Xuanyuan Palace.

There are still many servants in the temple.

When Luo Jun returned to Xuanyuan Palace, the butler and servants all came out and bowed. Xuanyuan Palace is very clean...

Luo Jun is still indifferent to those servants and butlers...because indifference is Xuanyuantai's style. He led Xian Yulong into the temple, and after he was seated, he ordered the housekeeper to prepare some food and wine. The housekeeper felt embarrassed...

Luo Jun frowned and said, "What?"

The steward knelt down and said: "My lord, we...have no money or medicine for a hundred years. For a while, I really can't prepare a good meal."

This is the **** of heaven, and the heavenly monarchs don't get the resources and medicine anymore.

Xian Yulong said hurriedly: "You go to my temple and get some supplies back, just say it was what I meant."

The housekeeper was relieved.

After the housekeeper and servants retreated, Xian Yulong was also a little embarrassed, and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, I don't have a lot of money, so I haven't taken care of your servants these years. Don't be surprised!"

Luo Jun smiled faintly and said: "I don't bother to care about their life and death, you don't need to explain this to me."

Xian Yulong was a little embarrassed suddenly.

Luo Jun said: "How is the situation in Zhongling Mountain now? Who is in charge? I remember that Dragon Eagle was in charge before I left. Is he still there?"

Xian Yulong said: "Dragon Eagle has already taken refuge in interpretation and education."

Luo Jun said: "Oh?"

Xian Yulong said: "Hey, now there are only two or three big cats and kittens in our Zhongling Mountain. Most of the others have been changed to the door. There is no way without changing the door. A strong backer, life is sad!"

Luo Jun said: "Nuwa Empress does not care about us?"

Xian Yulong said: "Nv Wa Empress is on Wahuang Mountain. She has never been down the mountain, and she doesn't care about us. We are the children without fathers and mothers! Honestly, I want to change the door. But I have never found a good one. The next home. Fortunately, this enchantment is still strong, and living here is also considered clean. That is, everything needs to be self-sufficient."

Luo Jundao: "So those people are left now?"

Xian Yulong said: "Princess Longji is at ease, as well as the old man with black beard, old man with white beard, true monarch of the Big Dipper, emptiness... and some heavenly soldiers and generals. The elders are all gone!"

Luo Jun found out that except Princess Longji, the rest were old people. The cultivation base of these old people is still very good.

Thinking about coming, these old people still have a lot of affection for the heavens, so they don't want to leave.

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