Super Security in the City

Chapter 3856: Escape

As soon as he reached the vast sea and sky, Luo Jun fled without saying a word. Anyway, it's not a duel to win... as long as he can escape smoothly, it is victory.

Yuan Yuxian didn't expect that Luo Jun didn't teach martial arts so much, so he chased him immediately. She is the cultivation base of a half-step saint, how could Luo Jun escape in front of her. The figure flashed continuously, urging the sacred power in the body... followed by the Tianyuan Holy Realm!

Her Tianyuan Saint Realm was laid down when she broke through from the Ninth Layer of Peak.

With her own Tianyuan mixing hole, fusing sacred power, and then fusing her understanding of space, time and even the profound meaning of the universe, such a Tianyuan Holy Realm has been created!

The Tianyuan Holy Realm spread rapidly like a plague, Luo Jun's speed was very fast, but the surroundings were quickly enveloped by the Tianyuan Holy Realm.

On that day, the Primordial Saint Realm was full of colorful colors, and between the heavens and the earth, the colors were all colorful in an instant. Cheng Luojun flew fast and was fascinated by the colorful laws of space in front of him.

He wanted to break through quickly, but found that this colorful space law was also naturally integrated with the space law in the vast sea.

In this way, it is even more difficult to break through.

That Yuan Yuxian stepped forward and stopped in front of Luo Jun.

The Tianyuan Holy Realm quickly shrank, covering only a distance of a hundred miles.

"In front of this girl, did you leave as long as you want?" Yuan Yuxian snorted coldly and said.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Is it right that you can be my wife if I run away?"

Yuan Yuxian has never been so frivolous in his words. He couldn't help but feel like killing, and said coldly: "You are looking for death!" Before speaking, he had already shot, and with a wave of his palm, all the holy power in the Tianyuan Holy Realm was condensed. , Forming a terrifying palm print and smashed towards Luo Jun.

Although Luo Jun was confident, he did not dare to be careless in front of Yuan Yuxian.

Quickly run all the terrifying powers in the body, the mana is tumbling, and the world is majestic!

Welcome with a palm!


The two palms hit each other, and the sky suddenly collapsed and the earth split, and in the Heavenly Origin Holy Realm, a huge wave rolled.

Luo Jun's whole person only felt that the Venus was rushing in front of him, and his body couldn't help retreating hundreds of miles away. His hundred li is in the law of space, even if he flies thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, that is also inseparable from the Tianyuan Holy Realm.

After this slap, Luo Jun felt terrified. His mana is deep enough, but he just met a half-step saint, and he couldn't fight for pure strength.

He was surprised...

Yuan Yuxian was also secretly speechless at this time. She knew how strong her palm was just now. That's not something that a master below a half-step saint can bear. She is inherently talented, and she has practiced the Tianyuan divine art specially taught by her master. Her mana is different from ordinary people's depth... originally she thought that this palm could directly defeat the opponent, but she knew there, the opponent seemed to have not even suffered any injuries.

Moreover, Yuan Yuxian also felt the mana surge in his body, and his blood seemed to boil.

"This evil thief, how can his skill be so profound!" Yuan Yuxian refused to accept it, shouted, and said: "Connect it again!" Then he slapped another palm.

Luo Jun dared to pick it up again, quickly condensed the Sky Divine Sword, and smashed away with violence.

Yuan Yuxian also did not dare to hold big, and quickly turned his palm into the Heavenly Yuan Divine Sword.

The sword power strangled the past, booming...

Luo Jun's Sky Divine Sword was directly smashed and turned into mixed hole particles.

That day, the Yuanshen Sword was divided into two in the air, two into four, and then turned into hundreds, thousands, ten thousand...

In an instant, the Ten Thousand Dao Tianyuan Divine Sword condensed, and came from Luo Jun's all directions.

Densely dense and terrifying!

Luo Jun felt the connection between the Heavenly Origin Sacred Realm and this Heavenly Origin Divine Sword, and even felt the power of the cave in the Heavenly Origin Divine Sword, as well as the terrifying sacred power that belongs to the saint. Of these divine swords, the power of one of them is extremely terrifying.

Besides, all swords are sent together...

Luo Jun knew right away that his own unreasonable chaotic hole was also helpless.

He is now in a somewhat awkward situation, and he dare not use many secret weapons on his body. It's like two rich men fighting together. He doesn't have as much money as the other, and there is a lot of hidden money that he can't see and dare not use it.

"The mosquito king must be used, otherwise it will definitely not be good today. If they ask about the origin of the mosquito king, I would say that they happened to meet Ye Qingming by chance in a sea of ​​blood. Later, they also met Ye Qingming... Try to be more honest and cover up. The more, the more dangerous."

Luo Jun made up his mind and immediately operated the law of space when the ten thousand swords came to him.

On his periphery, the law of space is quickly formed!

He seemed to have shrunk. Many Heavenly Origin Divine Swords slashed towards the center of the law of space.

Luo Jun resisted the sword light with the mixed cave of the sky, and at the same time drove the Mosquito King into the mixed cave of the sky.

The mosquito king quickly turned into countless mosquitoes, gnawing the sword light.

If Luo Jun merged with the Mosquito King, his power would be greater, but at the moment he would never be willing to expose the secret of his eight or nine profound arts. As soon as the Eight-Nine Profound Art was exposed, it would arouse many doubts.

With the cooperation of the demon mosquito and the mixed hole in the sky, a lot of sword light was quickly eaten by the demon mosquito, absorbed, and turned into pure energy. As a result, the Cangqiang Mixing Hole became stronger.

Yuan Yuxian was taken aback.

She already felt bad.

Quickly recover the remaining sword light...The moment she recovered, Luo Jun merged the absorbed energy with the sky mixed cave, and then hid the mosquito king in his palm, and slashed towards Yuan Yuxian with a palm.

The quick response this time was amazing.

Yuan Yuxian was startled slightly, then hummed coldly, and quickly slapped out a palm.


Luo Jun's whole body immediately flew out...The power of this palm, he used skillfully, the palm power was not to go up to kill the enemy, but it was a combination of Tai Chi's four or two strokes. This kind of fusion is an extremely profound meaning. Even Yuan Yuxian couldn't see Tai Chi in it.

However, Luo Jun's whole person borrowed her supernatural power and quickly flew toward the outside of Yuansheng that day.

The colorful space formed countless obstacles. Luo Jun opened the way with the mosquito king, bitten by lightning...the mosquitoes swarmed, swallowing the colorful space abruptly, and bit a tiny hole. Luo Jun took advantage of this tiny hole to fly out the lightning.

In an instant, escape to life!

Demon mosquito is a species that can bite everything, can bite time, space, and can bite any hard magic weapon.

If Luo Jun hadn't used the mosquitoes, he would have been unable to find the loopholes in his departure in such a short period of time.

As soon as he left the Tianyuan Holy Realm, Luo Jun fled in a flash... Yuan Yuxian did not notice for a while, and the Tianyuan Holy Realm could no longer cover it. She was in the Tianyuan Saint Realm, and she couldn't see the outside world. When she received the Tianyuan Saint Realm and looked at the periphery, Luo Jun's traces had been lost in the air.

"Damn it!" Yuan Yuxian was furious at once.

After that, she returned to the front of Yuansheng and Black Corpse.

The Poison Corpse True Monarch and Guan Qing also stood aside respectfully.

Yuan Yuxian stepped forward, feeling extremely ashamed, and said, "Master, the disciple is useless, let the evil thief escape."

Yuan Sheng frowned slightly, and said: "What's wrong, he is just the cultivation base of the eighth peak of the creation realm. It is said that you can defeat it with one palm with your ability. How can you let him escape?"

More than a hundred years ago, Xuanyuantai was the cultivation base of the Eightfold Peak of Creation Realm!

Luo Jun also knew this a long time ago, so when he came back this time, his cultivation level would not reveal any flaws.

The time span of more than a hundred years is very short, and it is normal to fail to make a breakthrough.

Yuan Yuxian was ashamed and ashamed, and said, "Master, his magic power is extremely deep, and he has a strange mosquito in his hand. The mosquito can swallow all the power of the disciple... If the disciple is right, then the mosquito should be. The mosquito king in the nether blood sea. I don't know how he mastered it."

"Really?" Yuan Shengdao.

Yuan Yuxian said: "Yes!"

Yuan Sheng sighed and said, "This is not surprising, no wonder he can escape from your hands."

After that, he faced the Poison Corpse True Monarch and Guan Qing, and said: "Two little friends, the old man is really ashamed, and let the thief escape from our hands. Don't worry, the old man will chase him at all corners of the world. "

True Monarch Poison Corpse and Guan Qing dared to have other extravagant dreams, and they knelt down and thanked them immediately, saying, "I am grateful for the help of seniors. In the future, seniors will be dispatched. I will wait for the sword mountain and the fire, and I will not hesitate! "

Yuan Shengdao: "The two of you, get up and get up quickly. I belong to the same class. We should have helped each other. This is just a matter of our hands. If you are more polite, the old man should be embarrassed. That's right. , I have some pills here, you take it first. After that, you will heal your wounds in the cave below. The old man will arrange an enchantment for you, so that you don’t take advantage of others to take advantage of it. When you heal, you will Make a plan. If you see your master in the future, please send my greetings to him on behalf of the old man!"

Zhenjun Poison Corpse and Guan Qing were grateful when they heard the words, and thanked them again.

After that, Yuan Sheng and the others brought True Monarch Poison Corpse and Guan Qing back to the cave. Yuan Sheng clothed the barrier and left the medicine, before taking Yuan Yuxian and the black corpse away.

After the three masters and apprentices flew into the sky over the sea...

Yuan Yuxian said solemnly: "Master, the aura that the disciple has left on him, you can find him at any time. His demon mosquito is a thing of the nether blood sea, how can he take it away without Ye Qingming's permission? The disciple sees him a lot of weirdness, but this person is indeed very cunning, if it is really used by us, it would be a powerful help."

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly and said, "Xian'er, do you think this person is suspicious?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Suspicious? Where is it suspicious?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Such a despicable and cunning person can actually catch the mosquito king in the sea of ​​blood and retreat all over. Can Ye Qingming tolerate it?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "So what do you suspect?"

Yuan Sheng said: "I can't talk about suspicion, but I don't really understand what medicine Ye Qingming's gourd is selling. When I catch this guy back, I will inquire about it and reverse it, and I will understand everything."

Yuan Yuxian said, "That disciple will chase it now?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Don't panic!"

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