Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,252 What a coincidence

"I am Charmis, the mayor of this town, and I welcome Mr. Ye."

Mayor Charmis, dressed in a classic American aristocratic style, with a black top hat but a cowboy outfit.

"Ah hello……"

Ye Yang nodded and shook hands with him.

The mayor of a small town still has to accept news from the outside world, so it's not surprising to meet him.


"It's my honor for Mr. Ye to come to our town. We are going to hold a family barbecue soon. Can Mr. Ye come and enjoy it together?"

Charmis continued.


Ye Yang nodded.

Having a family barbecue with your neighbors and then hanging out as guests is a unique American community social habit.

"Then I'll be waiting for you, Mr. Ye."

After Ye Yang and others entered their single-family villa, Charmis breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mayor, what should I do?"

Behind him, the young man who was said to be his son had a frown on his face.

"The only thing we can do is hold him back, try to stop him from wandering around, and make arrangements for him clearly so that the factory will not carry out construction in the next few days. After coaxing this kid away, we can continue."

Charles touched his moustache: "It's really tricky. I knew he was traveling in the United States for a long time, but he actually came to my sleepy town."


He glanced gloomily at Ye Yang's large single-family villa opposite.

"Prepare delicious food and don't let him see the clues. Otherwise, whether the higher ups track it down or he discovers the truth here, we will all die."

Charmis waved his hand and said calmly.


The 'mayor's family' behind him all nodded in agreement.


"Ye Yang, do you think it's weird here?"

Liu Qianqian muttered.

"Is it strange?"

Ye Yang touched his chin: "Maybe a little bit."


Soon, the group arrived at the mayor's house and had a barbecue with top-notch ingredients.

This surprised Ye Yang.

In such a small town, you can actually get so many top-quality ingredients. It stands to reason that the mayor's salary can't afford this piece of barbecue in a month.

This meal was enough for his salary for several years.

A few bottles of red wine opened and several years of salary are not enough...

But judging from his behavior, he seems to be very used to this standard of eating and drinking.

It seems that some of the administrators on the other side of the ocean are dishonest.


"There isn't anything attractive about my small town, right? There aren't many tourists every year. Everyone likes to visit big cities... Mr. Ye doesn't have a lot of fun."

Charmis asked tentatively.

He wanted to find out Ye Yang's true purpose of coming here and whether he had really discovered something! ?


After some conversation, he also let down some of his wariness. It seemed that Ye Yang really just came here because he suddenly became interested.

But at the same time, he rolled his eyes inwardly, feeling that he was out of luck.

"We have a pony competition here tomorrow, and there will also be a Western Story experience event later. If Mr. Ye is interested, you can participate."

Charmis kept saying.

He had to make full arrangements for Ye Yang in the next few days. If he really let Ye Yang run around at will, it would be bad if he discovered those secrets.


Ye Yang nodded.

I had never heard that there were so many exciting programs here before coming here! ?

Could it be that this guy specially prepared it for himself! ?

Charmis was so enthusiastic that he kept them until after ten o'clock. At Ye Yang's insistence, he had to let him go.

"Watch them and report their whereabouts to me at any time."

Charmis ordered.


The sons next to him all kept talking.


After returning to the villa.

"The mayor is quite enthusiastic..."

Liu Qianqian muttered.

"Is it?"

Ye Yang smiled coldly. With his keen perception, he could naturally feel that everything seemed to be wrong since he entered this community.

"We're being watched."

The Xiao sisters said with certainty.

They were top professionals and could confirm this with their sixth sense, but they only reported it after objective verification.


Ye Yang was not surprised.

"There's a problem here. I'm going to go out and take a look later."

He frowned, and the disgust produced by his body became more and more real.


"You and Qingxuan stay in the villa, and I will take Xiaozhu out."

Ye Yang said.

Although the summoning time of the Sun Mecha is short, it still takes some time.

Xiao Qingxuan and herself are both very powerful in single combat.

Xiao Xiaozhu prefers large-scale damage, so this distribution is the most reasonable.


Liu Qianqian nodded: "You have to be careful..."

She is very smart, there must be a reason for what Ye Yang wants to do, and she will not ask too much.


Ye Yang took Xiao Xiaozhu out of the villa, as if he was going for a night walk.

No one can stop him.

However, Xiao Xiaozhu didn't have any ideas. He just said: "How about arresting the people who are spying on us directly and using my methods to force them to tell the truth."

Ye Yang shook his head and said, "I have a better way."


"What!? You mean, they left the villa!?"

Chamis slammed the table: "What are they going to do!?"

"It looks like they are taking a walk..."

The subordinate reported.


Chamis was sweating: "Explore again, report again!"


After a while.

The subordinate said directly: "They are heading towards the No. 1 underground laboratory."

"Is it a coincidence?"

"No, they seem to be heading there directly..."

The subordinate said directly with certainty.

"Damn it! What should happen still happened."

Chamis sighed, and had a very bad feeling in his heart. He stood up directly: "The first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer. The underground laboratory must not be exposed."

"But this kid is very strong."

The subordinate muttered.

Ye Yang's personal strength has long been spread, and it is difficult to deal with even without the Lieyang Mecha.

And the power of the hurricane has recently begun to enter the United States.

Beware of various assassinations.

If they take action, the probability of killing Ye Yang is very small.

"Either one of us will die, so why not make one last fight?"

Chamis stood up: "Tell the people below to hold the poison in their mouths. If they fail to kill Ye Yang, kill themselves immediately."


The men said one after another.


Between the trees and the shade.

"This community is really a bit ridiculously large. There are only a few households. How could it be built so big?"

Xiao Xiaozhu muttered.

Ye Yang walked in the direction that made him uncomfortable.


Ye Yang saw the mayor Chamis walking towards him at a certain intersection in the community.

"Sure enough."

Ye Yang sneered: "Mr. Mayor didn't go to bed so late, and he actually ran into Ye here by chance. What a 'coincidence'..."

(First update)

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