Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,251: Deserted High-end Community


Ye Yang had heard of this statement.

"This purebred horse is a hybrid of three countries, namely Arabian horses, Spanish horses, and Galloway horses.

The bloodline regulations of purebred horses are very strict. Generally, purebred horses have a pedigree to ensure that purebred horses have good bloodlines.

As a horse, one of the reasons why it is famous in the world is that it runs very fast. In a thousand-meter race, it can reach the finish line in only about 50 seconds!!!

Its explosive power is also extremely strong. It is known as the king of speed and the king of appearance in the arena, and it is called the double crown.

There was a male purebred horse that was sold for 9999w US dollars! Until today, it is also called the king of horses. The amount of this transaction is also the known ceiling in the horse racing market so far."

The owner of the horse farm, Bob, said confidently.


Ye Yang nodded.

Generally, the top horses are priced at about one million US dollars.

This kind of outstanding purebred horse can be auctioned for hundreds of millions of dollars, which is unique.

"In that case, let's take this one. I'll buy it."

He nodded.

Bob spread his hands honestly: "Mr. Ye, I said before that this horse is very difficult to tame, you have to think about it carefully. The stable can let Mr. Ye try to tame it for free. If you can get the approval of this "Feihong", it's not too late to buy it."

Ye Yang smiled: "I don't think there is any need to verify it, because there will be no horse that I can't tame."

"I can see that Mr. Ye should be a master, otherwise he wouldn't spend so much money to buy such a good horse, but this Feihong, even the top horse trainer came and kicked his ribs, Mr. Ye, please think twice."

Bob felt a chill when he thought of those horse trainers who tried to tame Feihong.

The worst one was directly beaten.

Ye Yang pushed the door and walked in.

Looking at the platinum-colored horse standing on a haystack of various top-grade hays, resting.

That's right, platinum-colored.

Ye Yang had never seen a horse with this color before.

At first glance, it looked like white hair.

But when the sun shone down, it shone with a layer of golden charm, indescribably elegant and luxurious.

"Good horse!"

Ye Yang nodded and walked up directly.

This move made Bob's eyes tremble.

However, the expected terrible scene did not happen.

Ye Yang went up directly at the moment when Feihong exploded and gave the other party a big slap...


The huge force caught the divine horse off guard and could not resist, and it was directly hammered to the ground.

His head was buzzing...

Bob opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe this scene at all.

Feihong's body size and strength are very large.

One hoof can even break a steel plate.

And the speed is extremely fast, basically equivalent to a cannonball hitting head-on. If you don't wear protective gear, one hoof can kick a person through! ! !

Feihong took a long time to stand up again, and no longer dared to bar his teeth and shake his hooves at Ye Yang.

Large animals have high IQs.

They know who can afford to offend and who can't.

The one in front of him is not a person, but a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus.

It should be obedient... The taste of being slapped is too bitter.

Until Ye Yang rode Feihong out of the inside, Bob's jaw shell still couldn't return to its original position.

This, is it so simple and rough! ?

Good guy.

The guy that the world's top equestrians couldn't deal with was actually solved by Ye Yang with a slap!

"Let's go to the town to ride horses!"

Ye Yang casually transferred 50 million US dollars, rode Feihong, and took the girls out of the horse farm.

"Mr. Ye is the so-called hero in Chinese culture, right?"

Bob is a businessman after all, and he will follow the trend of the times to look at Chinese culture. He never understood the meaning of the word hero in Chinese culture before.

But now, he can feel it clearly...

Several people rode slowly on the road in the town.

This town still retains the style of dozens or hundreds of years ago, very retro. Many people dressed in cowboys rode on the road, which is not at all inconsistent.

In order to experience this feeling immersively, Ye Yang and others also changed into cowboy clothes.

The setting sun next to them is strong, and the sunset stretches the silhouettes of several people very long, which is very cinematic.

Xiao Xiaozhu took a selfie directly, um, beautiful juice...


There must be no big villas to buy in this town.

After choosing for a long time, I contacted the best property here, a townhouse with retro style villas.

It cost less than 400,000 US dollars to buy the best property.

This town is basically inhabited by indigenous people, and all outsiders are tourists like Ye Yang who come to experience cowboy culture.

There are no tourists who are so generous as to buy a house wherever they go.

Therefore, there are few high-end residential areas here, and not many people buy houses, so the prices are very low.

On the contrary, the hotel area is doing well.

"There are really few people in this community. It's almost night and few houses have lights on."

Xiao Qingxuan complained.

"Well... there is still some sunshine here, but I feel a little gloomy."

Liu Qianqian said fearfully.

She is the only normal person in this group.

Ye Yang looked at Liu Qianqian's little face and laughed: "Don't worry, we have two killers on the left and right. No matter what ghost comes, they will be scared to death."

"Boss, are you praising us or insulting us?"

The Xiao sisters rolled their eyes and complained at the same time.

Ye Yang smiled and just wanted to tease them, but he felt something was wrong.

"What's wrong, boss?"

Xiao Qingxuan noticed some subtle changes in Ye Yang's face.

"'s okay."

Ye Yang frowned.

Since entering here, it seems that his body has some disgust with this place.

It's just that this disgust seems to be unreasonable, and he can't tell what it is.

But this disgust has a familiar feeling.

It seems to have been experienced before.

The wind blew through the lifeless high-end community.

The most luxurious and only single-family villa here is in the deepest part of the community, and the community is lush with vegetation.

There are no people in the community park at all, and only a few children's playing sounds can be vaguely heard in the distance, but they are blocked by the shade of the trees and can't see the situation clearly.

"Woof woof~"

Suddenly a pet dog jumped out to ask for food, which scared Liu Qianqian.

Ye Yang laughed out loud.

This faint sense of gloom was not dissipated until they reached the door.

Next to his single-family villa, there was a light on.

When they walked here, the people in that house all opened the door to greet them enthusiastically, with warm smiles on their faces...

(Second update)

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