Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1237: Second meeting with Mason Doyle

"Besides, I gave you billions last night, so this is nothing today."

Ye Yang smiled evilly and dug Liu Qianqian's nose.

"Ye Yang, you are so bad now! I will bite you to death next time!"

Liu Qianqian hummed.

After looking around the house, Ye Yang also sent Liu Qianqian the plan Yu Momo gave him.

"I plan to walk around the United States in this order. What do you think?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Okay! It's all up to you, Ye Yang."

Liu Qianqian took a casual look and said.

"You're not afraid that I'll find a corner city and sell you to you!"

Ye Yang joked.

"Hmph, then the luxury cars, villas, and the 'billions' you gave me were all in vain."

Liu Qianqian narrowed her eyes and fought back without showing any signs of weakness.


Ye Yang gave her a thumbs up.

While the two were discussing, Yu Momo received a call: "Boss, someone is looking for you."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

As his personal secretary, and with his current status, most people are basically not qualified to ask Yu Momo to come to him in person.

Even some first-class financial families, groups, and CEOs with a market capitalization of trillions can only find Yu Momo at most, or even one of the secretaries for communication.

"It's the old man of the Mellon family, Doyle Mellon."

Yu said silently.

"Oh~ it's him."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He still remembered this old man. He spoke very interestingly. Although he was very old, he looked quite cool. He was a cool old man. The most important thing was that he was the former top ten shadow emperors in the United States. A few of them are very good at what they say in the United States.

When he first released the virtual reality game warehouse and put it up for auction, the other party had a conversation with him.

If they hadn't firmly believed that the ultimate end of the world was not the same, they might have become friends forever.

It's a pity that everyone has their own ideals.

Especially when you reach a position like the pillar of the human race, this is even more true. You will never change your thoughts and concepts easily.

"What does he want from me?"

Ye Yang asked.

"I said I wanted to meet you, and there are many wealthy businessmen and upper-class people from the United States traveling with me."

Yu Momo summarized the information: "Your appearance at Wharton Business School has become a hot topic. I guess they also know that you are coming to the United States and are a little nervous."


Ye Yang nodded.

Generally speaking, figures from big countries rarely appear in other countries for no apparent reason.

Unless it is a foreign visit with a strategic level purpose.

He is now regarded as the most influential person in the center. If he suddenly visits the United States without making any noise, the local wealthy businessmen and upper class society will definitely be nervous.

All kinds of brainstorming about his purpose and behavioral logic.

But Ye Yang has no purpose or behavioral logic at all, so they can only make up some strange things and they can't figure it out! I can’t see through it! It’s simply too enigmatic!

I had no choice but to ask Ye Yang out in person to meet and talk.

"Then tonight."

Ye Yang nodded.

It is not entirely correct to say that there is no purpose. If he can find some clues to the source of destruction, he would be more happy.


"Let's go, I'll take you to the banquet to have fun tonight."

Ye Yang smiled.

Liu Qianqian estimates that she will study for a doctorate in the United States in the future. After all, those who are engaged in financial investment, the higher the background, the better.

A doctorate in finance from a prestigious school is the starting point.

He also knows that Liu Qianqian has her own ideas, and he will not interfere with her life trajectory. However, if he has the resources, he will still help pave the way for her first.

The people here tonight are all the real upper class people from the United States, and I guess some Wall Street tycoons will also come.

When Liu Qianqian walks next to her, those guys will naturally understand her.

In the future, Liu Qianqian's road will be much easier.


Before he could choose a restaurant, the Shadow Emperor sent several well-known American chefs over.

The United States itself has a diverse culture, and its food culture is also a combination of cultures from various countries. After all, there are French food, Italian food, Japanese food, Chinese food... but you must have never heard of delicious food.

Desserts, bread, vegetable salads, ham, and steak are basically the daily meals here.

However, in the hands of these famous chefs, these seemingly ordinary dishes have become very tempting.

First of all, the raw materials are extremely precious. They use the highest quality Iberian ham black gold label, which costs 100,000 Chinese coins each.

A5 Kobe steak costs several thousand yuan per pound.

The accompanying wine was the most luxurious red wine from the collection. The raw materials alone were worth hundreds of thousands of Chinese coins, and including the wine, it was far more than a million.

Ye Yang doesn't like to eat ham. Even if it costs 100,000 yuan a piece, he can't taste any flavor.

However, the steak is still tender, delicious, and moderately cooked. Paired with a sip of vintage red wine, it is simply a worldly pleasure.

"If you eat too much at lunch, you won't be able to eat anything at dinner."

Liu Qianqian said worriedly, but she still kept her hands honest and kept eating.

"Haha, the dinner is mainly about chatting. Although it is called a banquet, if you really want to eat, it is not a good choice."

Ye Yang curled his lips. He had never been full at so-called banquets.

"Oh! Then I'd better eat enough!"

Liu Qianqian smiled.

As night falls, Philadelphia lights up like daylight.

Amidst the bright neon lights, luxury cars pass by.

There are rich second-generations racing on the street, performing a real version of urban hegemony, and there are short-skirted girls making a scene on the street after getting drunk, showing off their love.

There are also girls from animal protection organizations who lock themselves in cages on the street to perform performance art.

There are also street performers holding guitars, pursuing their own musical life.

There are also hurried financial salesmen running through the busy streets...

A vibrant and free atmosphere is blowing in the face.

"Well, it really feels completely different from the night in China."

Ye Yang shook his head.

Soon, they arrived at the door of the Philadelphia Xiangsheli Banquet Hall.

Tonight, there are luxury cars and aristocrats.

Ye Yang is used to this scene, and he walked straight into it with Liu Qianqian.

This banquet exists because of him, and naturally everyone present recognizes him.

As soon as he entered the venue, countless big guys came to greet him with a smile, and brought their sons to meet the big guys, so as not to meet them on the streets of the United States in the future and be slapped in the face again. They can't afford it.

In this country that advocates freedom, all kinds of weird people exist. It is not surprising that there are a few rich second-generation dandies who don't know Ye Yang.

After all, even in China, it is not necessarily possible to say that all rich second-generations know him.


Walking by many celebrities and wealthy people.

Ye Yang met the handsome old man again.

Mellon Doyle toasted him to celebrate their second meeting...

(Second update)

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