Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,236 A Gift for Liu Qianqian

As one of the top business schools in the world, Wharton School is naturally very rich, and the students and teachers in the school are not short of money.

So there are many choices of dormitories.

Even if Liu Qianqian lives in a single house, it is not the most luxurious. The descendants of the nobles even have townhouses and live in villas to go to school.

After entering the house, Liu Qianqian took off her white leather boots and changed into sandals in cotton socks.

The light in the room was not bad. Ye Yang walked in the room for a while and shook his head: "Although the space looks okay, it is still a bit shabby. I'd better buy you a villa next to the school."


Liu Qianqian shook her head: "Anyway, I'm about to graduate, so there's no need to spend so much money."

Ye Yang smiled: "Then when you graduate and want to live in the United States, you can come and live here at any time."

Liu Qianqian had helped him a lot before he encountered the system, and he always had a special feeling for her in his heart.

The most precious thing about people is friends who are willing to help you when you are poor.

In this case, you can be sure that she likes you purely as a person, not the halo attached to fame and the wonderful life you can give her after you become rich.

As for the ones you meet later, after all, there is no mind reading, so it is difficult for you to determine their true thoughts.


Soon, Yu Momo sent a message.

Ye Yang looked at the several sets she sent, picked a large villa close to here and gave it directly to Liu Qianqian.

"Would you like to see the house I chose for you?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

Liu Qianqian snorted lightly, threw away her slippers, and lay directly on the big bed in the dormitory: "No! Qianqian's feet are sore waiting for you~ I don't want to walk again today~"

She half-lying there, looking at Ye Yang softly.

"Is that so..."

Ye Yang chuckled, walked to the bed, and pinched Liu Qianqian's white socks to relieve her fatigue: "Then do you want me to accompany you tonight?"

"You ask even though you know it!"

Liu Qianqian blushed and said coquettishly.

"Then I'd rather obey you than be respectful~"

Ye Yang hadn't seen Liu Qianqian for a long time, and he was so enthusiastic that he didn't know how to express himself.

He could only talk all night.

In this way, the two who hadn't seen each other for a long time talked all night, and the way of communication was richer and more advanced than last time.

After all, Ye Yang's experience in communicating with girls was not comparable to the last time when Liu Qianqian returned to China.

Occasionally when he was tired, he would change the direction and entry point to communicate. Liu Qianqian admired Ye Yang, who was now knowledgeable, and was convinced by him.

However, considering that Ye Yang would be in the United States these days, and he would take Liu Qianqian out to play, this time the communication lasted until three or four in the morning, and then he went to bed.

Ye Yang didn't care, but Liu Qianqian was still a normal girl after all. If she stayed up all night, it would probably cause dehydration and hormone imbalance in her body, and she would not be in a good condition tomorrow.

The next day, the sun rose to the middle of the sky.

Ye Yang watched Liu Qianqian wake up slowly, looking at him with hazy eyes, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Awake?"


Liu Qianqian nodded.

"Do you want to have breakfast?"

Liu Qianqian stretched, her perfect lines showing under the perfect sunshine: "My hometown is still good, the breakfast here is not to my taste."

"Why? Milk and bread are not to my taste?"

Ye Yang asked doubtfully.

"Well... I still miss the fried dough sticks and soy milk in my hometown."

Liu Qianqian sighed.

"Then you should have said it earlier."

Ye Yang laughed evilly: "I brought it all."


Liu Qianqian looked at Ye Yang's perfect figure and her face flushed: "Ye Yang! How did you become so bad!"


Ye Yang spread his hands: "Then do you want to eat?"

"Huh~ um..."


After breakfast, Ye Yang took Liu Qianqian to the villa next to the Wharton School of Business.

This villa is not expensive, only more than 30 million US dollars.

But this is already the most expensive mansion in the area, and Yu Momo also searched for a while before finding it.

"And this sports car, I'll give it to you as well."

Ye Yang felt happy to spend money on Liu Qianqian.

After a person succeeds, it feels great to repay those old friends who helped him before he succeeded.


Liu Qianqian looked at it for a while.

As a student of Wharton Business School, she is exposed to high-end society. After two years of training, she naturally has a completely different understanding of luxury cars.

Compared with when she was just a graduate student and couldn't recognize King Karmann, she has completely changed her horizons.

"McLaren F1 LM!? Just this car is 15 million US dollars~"

Liu Qianqian blinked.

This car is considered a top sports car series. It was bid up to 15 million at the auction a few years ago. This kind of car is not available on the market at all.

It can only be bought through various special channels. It is estimated that Ye Yang must have spent more than 15 million US dollars to get this car.

Rather than a super sports car, it is better to say that it is an investment item given to oneself. This kind of collectible sports car with its own IP value will appreciate over time.

"How is it? Do you like it?"

Ye Yang smiled and said, "I remember you like orange more."


Liu Qianqian nodded. Although she had met many children from famous families in Wharton, those who could drive a car worth one or eight hundred thousand dollars were already considered wealthy.

Even though he was almost kicked out of the financial building by Ye Yang, Bill Mason, the grandson of the Shadow Emperor and known as Wharton's king, only drove a Bugatti Veyron with a price of two to three million US dollars.

But thinking about Ye Yang's status now, she felt relieved.

She looked at Ye Yang: "I don't want to accept it..."

"Huh? Why?!"

Ye Yang scratched his head and asked with some confusion.

"I'm afraid that if I do, you will ignore me in the future..."

Liu Qianqian pouted.

"Huh? How could that happen!"

Ye Yang was confused. The girl's brain circuit was indeed twists and turns, which was difficult to understand.

"Then you promise not to forget me in the future."

Liu Qianqian said seriously.

Ye Yang sighed and touched Liu Qianqian's head: "Silly girl. I forgot about myself, but I will never forget you."

Liu Qianqian stuck out her tongue: "Then let's believe your nonsense for now!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes.

"By the way, just hang out with me these days. I've sent you all the graduation thesis materials you need. If you look for it yourself, it will probably take at least a week, right? Accompany me for a week, and treat it as a search. It’s time for information.”

Ye Yang smiled.

"Okay, okay!"

Even if Ye Yang didn't say anything, Liu Qianqian would try her best to keep Ye Yang in the United States for a few more days. Now that Ye Yang takes the initiative to stay here for a few days, of course she wants it: "One week is not enough! If I can find it myself , at least it will take a month! Hehe~"

Liu Qianqian happily held Ye Yang's arm and said repeatedly...

(First update)

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