Super God Evolution

Chapter 377: Zhang Haner

"My God, why is there such a beautiful woman in the world."

The fat man felt his heart was about to break, he liked thousands of feathers at a glance, he had even thought of it, and wanted to abandon that gold worshipping girlfriend to pursue Qianyu.

The man with Qian Yu is handsomer and taller than him, but this is not a problem for him because he has money.

But who thought that the **** had a king-level eight-level black turtle soup for a meal?

King-level eight-level mysterious turtle, that is the top chef's soup with king-level eight-level beasts, combined with dozens of kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures.

A pot of king-level eight-level black turtle soup, worth eight hundred million.

Eight hundred million, damn, his grandfather did not dare to be so extravagant for dinner.

He was just showing off his luxury car worth 800 million yuan, and the result was 800 million yuan in a pot of soup.

His heart collapsed, and he didn't even have the courage to speak up.

He stood up without expression,

His companion reluctantly followed.

Liu Jiang smirked at the boiled water. He found that having money was really cool and enjoyable.

In the future, as long as you have time, go to the wilderness area to make money, make money, make money...

After waiting for his apprenticeship, he cleaned the money secretly obtained, and then recruited a group of people to make money with the money. He would be a local tyrant and a rich man.

"You little thing." Liu Jiang put it in his palm and squeezed hard.

"By the way, I don't know if the puppy can absorb the energy in the black fruit." Liu Jiang remembered the black fruit before. Absorbing the fragrance can increase the genetic strength.

Liu Jiang took out the fruit and said, "You can only smell it, but don't eat it, otherwise you will fry you into meat sauce."

The puppy froze, then nodded, and the little dog's head stretched out in front of the fruit, and then breathed hard.

"Wang,..." The puppy took a deep breath, and then lay comfortably on the table, drunk and confused.

"You are like this." Liu Jiang smiled involuntarily.

"Wang Hu..."

"You must not eat it, you must remember it." Liu Jiang tirelessly advised.

"Wang Wang..." The puppy nodded, indicating that he knew, master, rest assured.

Outsiders, there is too much speculation about the identity of the False God.

Many of them think of Liu Jiang.

Because Liu Jiang's combat power is against the sky, and the Wizards of Heaven, the most important thing is that they all have the lightning storm ability.

"Liu Jiang, it really looks like him." Empress Suzaku looked at Liu Jiang's picture. Liu Jiang's eyes were very similar to the virtual **** he saw at the time, and his hands were exactly the same. The most important thing was that the virtual **** once spoke. , The voice is very young.

"However, during the war, the False God killed the enemy everywhere, but Liu Jiang has been staying at the Federal Evolution University, which shows that they are not alone." Empress Suzaku is entangled, saving grace, she intends to repay.

Moreover, she was rescued twice. The most important thing is that she was so obsessed with the overbearing figure of the virtual god.

"Two months, one trillion?" Qian Yu slowly widened his eyes.

One trillion, what is that concept, how to make one trillion in two months.

"Are you brave enough." Liu Jiang asked.

"Gambling, who is afraid of who, but if you can't make so much money, you shouldn't mess around with your ideas before you get married, hear it." Qian Yu said.

"Okay, let's high-five." Liu Jiang raised his palm in a hurry.


The game is established.

"Naturally is a real purchase." Long Zixuan said.

"Sister Zi Xuan, handsome brother Hao, I said that we should discuss it, we each one, or we will bid for each other, then the blood wolf mercenary guild will be cheaper." Liu Jian said.

"Okay." Liu Jiang smiled and agreed very readily.

"Possibly, damn, I will let you run." Liu Jian roared.

Soon, the information about thief Hao Shuai was spreading on the Internet, and the name of the handsome thief was spread overnight in the Human Alliance.

Many people are looking for Hao Shuai, some people hope to get a super high reward of 80 billion, others are planning to avenge.

"You bastard, it's too wasteful, eating vinegar actually wastes eight hundred million yuan." Qian Yu looked at Liu Jiang, eight hundred million yuan of soup, she didn't dare to think about it.

"There is nothing wasted on this, but the king-level and eight-level black turtle will cost hundreds of millions of yuan. With so many delicious herbs, eight billion yuan is wasted there." Liu Jiang said with a smile.

"That's also a waste, eight billion." Qian Yu was still very distressed.

"A black turtle soup is very delicious. The most important thing is that a meal can increase the genetic strength of a little bit, and it also has beauty and beauty, which greatly delays aging." Liu Jiang said.

"It's still expensive." Qian Yu swallowed secretly and said weakly.

"It will cost money to make money, but I am going to be the richest person in the world, what does this money count." Liu Jiang's bragging call was awesome.

"Just blow it." Qian Yu scolded.

"Then we make a bet, if within two months, if I can make a trillion, you will follow me, can't you?" Liu Jiang asked with a dazzling look. He tried to take Qianyu away several times. Without consent, he was already uncomfortable, and now he dug a pit for Qian Yu directly.

"Wife, a lot of clothes have been worn recently. Do you want to change to a good-looking dress or a good-looking uniform?" Liu Jiang asked with a smile.

"What, nurse, flight attendant." Qian Yu Qiao blushed, but asked Liu Jiang some expectations, this **** is too bad, try everything.

Liu Jiang lowered Qian Yu gently, found a pink diamond ring the size of a little finger, and knelt on one knee. "Wear a wedding dress and marry me."

"Woo..." Qian Yu cried while covering her mouth, and her eyes came down.

"My wife, you are not happy." Liu Jiang asked nervously, thinking he was too abrupt.

"It's so beautiful. I never imagined that the level of living below can be so beautiful. This is not at all. People are completely fairyland."

Looking up, looking at the buildings built on large stones five kilometers above the ground, those buildings do not look very luxurious, but they are very spiritual, like a fairyland.

"From the above, it is more beautiful." Wang Junjun said with a smile, "Yanjing City, almost the richest and most powerful people, almost all live in the ethereal fairyland."

"Huh, it's really amazing. Sure enough, the fun of the rich is unexpected by the poor."

Liu Jiang smiled slightly. He looked up and could see everything around him. Everything looked pretty beautiful.

With his wings spread, he flew away toward the distance, and by the end he was shocked to find that he flew for a long time, and he actually circled the house.

"It's so weird." Liu Jiang looked stunned, and then moved his mind, perceiving the outside world, and then built a space wormhole. In an instant, he appeared directly several kilometers away.

He could see his house, his flapping wings flew past, but he could not get close anyway.

"Roar..." Suddenly, among the dense weeds on the right side of the team, there was a loud roar, the ears of the trembling person buzzed, and a giant piebald tiger carrying a roaring wind and arrow was crazy Pushed, pounced on the front of the white and fat Liu Xiaomeng.

Liu Xiaomeng's genetic strength is the worst in the class, and her courage has always been the smallest. She was directly scared, staring blankly at the tiger, and even forgot to avoid it.

"Look for death." Yang Wu shouted, and his figure instantly turned into a wild bear. A flash came to Liu Xiaomeng, watching a casual slap, and then flicked the colorful tiger out of seven or eight meters, and then Slammed heavily on a big tree, the colorful tiger twitched slightly, and there was no movement.

"I rely on. Teacher Yang Wu's speed is so fast and his power is terrifying." The classmates screamed. At this moment, Yang Wu's heroic attitude was engraved on every student's heart.

"Haha, good." Qi Qingning laughed heartily, and then said, "A few of you will go to Fairy Peak for a few days, and then I will take you to see the old patriarch."

The unprecedented crisis in the global situation has plunged humanity into an unprecedented crisis.

Liu Jiang went all out and digested the beast soul. One day and one night, he devoured and refined all the beast souls. His iron pterosaur dragon's level cap was raised to the level of the true **** level.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is the age of blood impulse and the head is prone to fever.

They have longed for fighting and fighting, and have made a name for themselves. The young people born after the great changes in the world are filled with strong violent factors in their bones, and some have an unprecedented momentum.

In order to obtain a good ranking, to obtain good resources, to become stronger, and to live better, they are fearless.

...In Liu Jiang's arms, his hands hung on his neck, his legs wrapped around Liu Jiang's waist, like a koala.

"Wife." Liu Jiang held the little Qianyu in both hands and went to the house.

The second bite of soup comes into the body, and the pores of the whole body are opened at once. The feeling of refreshing is like drinking cold beer in the summer, or getting into the warm blanket in three or nine days. The feeling is really refreshing. It is hard to describe in words.

"Delicious." Qian Yu felt like she was about to be weeping.

It's too fragrant and delicious.

"No wonder a pot of soup is worth 800 million yuan, and these billions are worth it." Liu Jiang sighed and decided to drink Xuangui soup every day.

"No, I'm happy." Qian Yu smiled, then stretched out his left hand.

Liu Jiang smirked and quickly put the ring on Qianyu's little hand. The ring was secretly measured by Qianyu's fingers and then specially made for someone. The size was just right.

After taking it, Qian Yu flew into Liu Jiang's arms.

Liu Jiang is one meter nine and three, and one thousand six meters and one five or five. Although he is not short, he is extremely petite in front of Liu Jiang.

There are a lot of fierce beasts on Baihaidao Island, which is quite dangerous.

The students are fighting each other, and the degree of danger is soaring.

"Little guys, are you afraid?" Shouted loudly, sounded like Hong Zhong, stunned and deaf.

"I'm not afraid." Those who can enter the Federal Evolution University are the world's top young geniuses. They are very confident one by one. Two months have passed since the entrance exam. They have made rapid progress in the past two months. It’s not good to have a fight, no one thinks he will be much worse than others.

And everyone has an instinct fluke. For example, many people buy lottery tickets, knowing that the probability of winning the lottery is very small, but they always feel that they will win the prize. For example, many elementary school students feel that they can be admitted to the Federal University of Evolution as long as they work hard.

Crisis and opportunity coexist, and the luck of self-confidence and instinct in the heart makes every student feel that he will be powerfully killed. He is famous in the exchange conference, and has been favored by the senior leaders of the Human Alliance since then.

Liu Zhongping looked around and looked at more than a thousand young men and girls who were full of vigor and fighting spirit. They were very pleased in their hearts. These young arrogances are the most wicked genius of the entire human alliance and the hope of the entire humanity.

Liu Zhongping said in a deep voice, "The eleventh to fifty prizes are six hours per month in the first semester."

"The reward for the fourth to tenth place is the twelve hours of cultivation time per day in the first semester."

"The third prize is a blood holy fruit, one day of the first semester every month of the tower cultivation time.

In the first class of the combat department, a stunningly beautiful girl whispered to a handsome young man in Japanese with a smile, "Second Brother, you must cheer, you must get the first place."

"Okay." The handsome young man nodded, a light and cloudy look, as if to get the first place is as simple as finding a bag.

After starting to devour Qianyuanguo, Zhao Zhen was right. The power contained in Qianyuanguo was indeed violent and frightening.

She had imagined that under the moonlight, under the grapevine, she closed her eyes and gave her first kiss to her sweetheart.

"Liu Jiang, this stinking rogue, I don't care about him anymore." Qian Yu hit his fist with a lot of grievances in his heart, feeling as if he was stained. Too.

She closed her fist, squatted on the ground, and buried her head in her crotch, tearing.

Seeing Qian Yu's appearance, Liu Jiang felt like he had done something terribly wrong, as if he was a scumbag who walked with his pants on.

He walked in front of Qian Yu, patted Qian Yu's shoulder, and comforted softly: "Qian Yu, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive at the time, but you can rest assured that I will be responsible for you. Now, you are my Liu Jiangzheng Ba The girlfriend is gone."

Fortunately, Liu Jiang was not comforted. After comforting Qian Yu, she felt more angry. She pushed Liu Jiang away and said with a crying cry, "You get out, who is responsible for your stinking rogue, and who will be your girlfriend. "

Pushing lightly, is this reluctant to hurt me again? Liu Jiang's eyes light up.

The courage grew a lot at once.

"Has been completed half a year ago, the living utensils and cultivating utensils are properly arranged, and the top-level Juling Town is arranged inside. The aura of heaven and earth is extremely rich, and there is a large defense of the imperial level, even if the imperial strong The attack also takes hours to break through, and the master can move in now." Hu Xiaoniang said respectfully.

The secret tongues heard by Liu Jiang are worthy of the Qi family, one of the most powerful families in the powerful universe, and the palace built has a large array of protections that the emperor-level powerful can't break.

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