Super God Evolution

Chapter 376: Zhang Hanyi

"Wow, this palace is too beautiful, and the legendary fairyland is nothing more than that."

"The fairy palace is really beautiful, but its biggest function is its defense function. There are 108 branches of the Qi family. There are only 120 of them in the construction site of this kind of protection war. It’s not even as good as this palace.” The old housekeeper smiled and spoke slightly flatteringly, with a sense of stammer, who could be a housekeeper in his house, all of them are among the elites. Jiang's potential is definitely stronger than he thought, and the old housekeeper's attitude is quite enthusiastic.

Liu Jiang is not an ordinary person. His grandfather is a god-level evolver. He may not have enough money on hand, but he can raise a lot of money in a short time as long as he starts to raise money. He does not intend to give Liu Jian the opportunity to raise money.

What horror is the value of the Holy Fruit of Blood Spirit? Now that he is not short of money, how can he make sense after encountering it?

Most of the blood and holy fruit in these worlds use the first one to strengthen the body, and eating the second one has almost no effect.

However, it cannot strengthen the body's genes, but the energy contained in it is still of great benefit to the body.

If you eat one celestial fruit every day, the special abilities contained in the celestial world will continuously refine the human body and enhance the qualification of the warrior.

Although the effect is very poor, there is only a slight effect.

However, the long-term cumulative effect is still very impressive.

Not bad money, just that wayward.

"It's so refreshing." Liu Jian was stunned. He had just been really scared by the financial resources shown by Liu Jiang, and he was giving women 8-9 billion things.

How horrible is his financial resources? How important.

"Relax, I can only buy one now." Liu Jiang said.

"Haha, that's good." Liu Jian smiled heartily, as if the fruit had returned to him.

The young beauty took out a holy fruit of blood from the storage bracelet and directly quoted 5 billion yuan, each time adding no more than 50 million.

"Sixty-five, I'm out of six and a half billion." Wang Zixuan shouted the price directly under Liu Jiang's hint, and at once he pushed the price to the limit.

"I depend, I feel so painful."

"Sixty-five billion dollars at once, just how rich she is."

"Old lady, I envy jealousy."

There was a lot of discussion on the field, because most of them could not afford so much money.

"My share is given to Xiao Xuan Xuan." Liu Jiang Yi smiled.

Listening to Liu Jiang's words, Long Zixuan felt strange in her heart.

"Haha, okay." Liu Jian nodded with a smile. He felt that Hao Shuai was quite good. He was a good person and could be friends.

"6.5 billion, does anyone increase the price?" the beauty asked loudly.

"6.5 billion once, 6.5 billion twice, 6.5 billion three times." The beauty looked around, but no one increased the price. She picked up the small wooden hammer in her hand and knocked it down.

The operation was very smooth. After completing the handover procedure a minute later, Wang Zixuan got the Holy Spirit Fruit.

"This is not bad." Liu Jiang's mouth turned up slightly, and he was quite in a good mood.

Then came the second blood sacred fruit.

"6.5 billion." Liu Jian raised his head and shouted the price directly. It was another 65, an astronomical number that made most warriors desperate.

In addition to a whisper of whispers on the field, no one raised the price at all, and even some king-level evolvers did not squeak, Liu Jian's mouth slightly upturned, revealing the beautiful dream that is bound to get.

"Seven billion." Liu Jiang smiled and called out the price.

This price made the field silent again, and then whispered.

"Hey, it's interesting, these two men are up."

"Who is he, a quick search, I guess it is not good."

"You lied to me." Long Zixuan said, after spending half a day together, she was completely not afraid of Liu Jiang.

"Let's go." Liu Jiang smiled and turned to leave. Long Zixuan suddenly wanted to catch up, but he didn't have the courage in his heart. He stepped on the dead and mutated the ant, saying angrily, "What's so bad."

Liu Jiang jammed into the public security area, he walked into a public toilet, and the next moment, his whole person disappeared in vain.

"Damn, he won't die in the toilet anymore." Half an hour later, one tail muttered carefully.

"It wouldn't be eating." Another little tail thought evilly.

With a few tails, they have been staring at Liu Jiang, and Liu Jiang has never left in their sight.

After an hour and a half of time, they finally got impatient, and an evolutionary slammed with two sips of wine, then walked drunk and pushed open the toilet door.

"No matter, whether it is a false **** or not, Liu Jiang is my husband." Qian Yu squeezed his face and did not think about it.

At this time, Liu Jiang's phone came.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Qian Yu asked in a crisp voice.

"I don't want you, have you eaten, go to dinner together." Liu Jiang said.

"Not yet, where are you, I'll come to you." Qian Yu said with a little joy.

"I'm at school, come here." Liu Jiang said, holding the drunk and confused puppy. The puppy took several sips of fruit and he was digesting it now.

"Oh, your strength has reached a bottleneck, and there are no other fruits on the planet that can greatly increase your genetic strength." Zhao Zhen said, "You will first hunt ordinary fierce beasts, purchase beast souls, and take your The level cap is raised, and you can consider a trip to Kaga Star afterwards."

"Kaga Star?" Liu Jiang came to the spirit all at once. Liu Jiang has always been curious about the mysterious Kaga Star. It is said that there are many different fruits and treasures on Kaga Star.

"Yes, you students of the Federal University of Evolutionary Culture, after graduating from many universities, will go to Kaga Star to explore treasures, looking for their own opportunities, and many martial artists in the society are the same." Zhao Zhen said, "Just like the one you got The little black ball is the strange treasure in Kaga."

"Well, then I am ready to prepare, I will try it out after a while." Liu Jiang said.

"Very well, there are so many dangers on Kaga, but for you, it's nothing." Zhao Zhen said.

"Well." Liu Jiang nodded, looking forward to it.

After leaving Zhao Zhen's office, Liu Jiang returned to the school in a blurred state.

Instantly put away the deformed person, and then his body emerged in vain.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

When Xiao Maoqiu saw Liu Jiang, the first time he cried loudly.

Liu Jiang was very busy before, so he closed the puppy in the dormitory and gave it to the transformer. The puppy felt quite keenly aware that the transformer was not Liu Jiang.

He could think of Liu Jiang.

Xiao Maoqiu jumped directly on Liu Jiang's shoulder, then stretched out his little tongue and licked Liu's face.

"Okay." Qian Yu nodded, then directly activated the space teleportation artifact, and appeared in the campus a few seconds later.

Qian Yu found Liu Jiang, it was a violent look.

"What's wrong." Liu Jia grabbed Qian Yu's small round face and twisted twice.

Qian Yu reached out and poked Liu Jiang's face, "Your face is so tough, how strong is your gene."

"Eleven thousand?" Liu Jiang possessed and said beside Qian Yu's ear. At this time, his identity as a virtual **** was no longer necessary to conceal Qian Yu.

"Huh?" Qian Yu's eyes widened suddenly. "Are you?"

"Hey, that's right." Liu Jiang grabbed Qian Yu's little hand and went to the third restaurant.

"Do you know what I asked?" Qian Yu asked.

"Your husband, my true identity, let you feel the feeling at night, you will know." Liu Jiang whispered.

"Rogue." Qian Yu's pretty face turned red, and she didn't know if she wanted to be crooked.

"Haha, don't say it, go to dinner." Liu Jiang said.

"Hmm." Qian Yu was embarrassed. She knew that Liu Jiang might be a false god, but when the news confirmed, she still felt too incredible.

"Haha, cute." Qian Yu's face looked so cute, Liu Jiang smiled and pinched Qian Yu's face.

"Dad, that's..." A young girl with a round face next to her mouth made a crisp voice, and the voice was quite bitter. She wanted to move to the Goddess Peak very early, and after so long, she waited for her father to come back. She moved in, but she didn't want to. Qi Qingning gave it to an outsider, and she couldn't help but feel angry.

But before he finished speaking, Qi Qingning glared fiercely, and then she dared not speak any more, sitting aside with a small mouth, grieved, with a grievance.

Others no longer speak when they see this scene, they are obviously quite afraid of Qi Qingning, and they know that Qi Qingning is doing things steadily and will not mess up. Qi Qingning dares to do this, which shows that Liu Jiang’s potential is more powerful than expected. Some people looked at Liu Jiang's eyes faintly as they turned their minds. They secretly cautioned that they must have a good relationship with Liu Jiang, and even if they do not do well, they must never offend.

"Dad, this is too expensive. Linger and I can just buy a villa at will, and the two of us can't take up much space." Liu Jiang didn't know the value of the palace, but once he looked at his family's face, Knowing that the palace in Qi Qingning's mouth is absolutely valuable, otherwise everyone in the Qi family will not be so.

When he first came to Qi Lingxing, he took other people's palaces. He felt embarrassed himself, and he had the ability to blur. The most important thing in the future is money and other things.

Just walk around the Nangong's treasure trove and you will get a lot of treasures.

Now his values ​​have changed, stealing the property of the enemy’s house, in his view

The two ordered a meal, served a plate of delicious food, and smelled the scented little hairballs, crawling out of Liu Jiang's clothes pocket.

Then his eyes were sparkling, and his small claws were making gestures, telling Liu Jiang that he was also greedy and wanted to eat, and who said Lingling's eyes looked at Liu Jiang after all, looking forward to it.

"Let's eat." Liu Jiang nodded, tore apart a dinner plate, and pinched a lot of meat for the puppy.

"Hey, little hairball." Qian Yu reached out and touched the head of the little hairball. "Did you say...?"

"I didn't expect this little guy to be alive, and met him in Lundong some time ago." Liu Jiang said.

Xiao Maoqiu made two sounds, a serious gesture, but unfortunately Qian Yu couldn't understand it.

But in a serious way, it's really cute.

Qian Yu was instantly sprouted.

In the evening, Liu Jiang took Qian Yu away and took the opportunity to show off his ability.

Qian Yu was shocked to see that Liu Jiang was really a false god.

Liu Jiang walked with the Qianyu wilderness area, and then dragged until the middle of the night before returning to the city.

"Well, you see it's so late, otherwise we'll live outside." Liu Jiang said Qiancheng's hand with a serious hand.

"No, we are not married yet." Qian Yu Qiao blushed, looking forward, but a little scared.

The top three blood sacred fruits and soul element sacred fruits are even more precious, especially the soul element sacred fruits. That is a peerless treasure that can greatly expand the space of the soul sea. Even some god-level strongmen are right The flattering words drop.

If it weren’t for the Federal Evolution University, if it’s not strong enough, or if Liu Zhongping was strong enough, the Spiritual Yuan Shengguo would have been robbed.

The tall Liu Zhong nodded slowly, and he was satisfied with the performance of these students. He shouted, "If you want to get a different treasure and want to be a strong man, take the momentum of breastfeeding and give me a hard time. dry."

Inside, where is the shadow of Hao Shuai?

"Say what, let people run away." Liu Jian roared.

"He suddenly disappeared into the toilet. I think he is probably the thief you said."

"Otherwise how could he have so much money."

Zhao Zhen warned that Liu Jiang would be wrong.

"Um, thank you teacher." Liu Jiang thanked him seriously, and he was grateful. Zhao Zhen really didn't have to say anything to him.

After getting the Liu Jiang left quietly and came outside the Yanjing survival base.

He took out a beast soul, swallowed it, and controlled the beast soul flying into the vortex space of Dantian soul sea.

Iron pterosaur opened his mouth, swallowed it, and his breath was full of a trace.

Next, after swallowing one by one, swallowing 10,000 in one breath, the upper limit of Liu Jiang has been raised to the god-level limit, and it seems that the iron pterosaur can not take advantage of it.

Liu Jiang stopped, and the beast soul swallowed too much, and he also suffered from indigestion, which required a certain amount of time to digest.

Liu Jiang took out the sand ointment and began to eat it. Sand ointment wanted cream, but the energy contained in it was extremely horrible. The energy was super gentle, which quickly increased Liu Jiang’s genetic strength.

Three hours later, Liu Jiang's cultivation base has been raised to the **** level nine.

Liu Jiang activates the space to transmit the wormhole. The next moment is to appear outside the soul tower and enter the soul tower. Liu Jiang begins to refine the energy of the space of the sea of ​​Dantian soul.

This time, Liu Jiang clenched his teeth for six full hours.

However, the power of the soul in the vortex space of the soul sea of ​​Dantian has been refined and purified, the power of the soul has increased a lot, the three beast souls are also much stronger, and the iron pterosaur clear beast soul is no longer supporting. Once again, Liu Jiang came to Yanjing and swallowed with the beast soul.

"Well, good." Liu Jiang nodded.

After dinner, several people from Liu Jiang led to the Fairy Peak under the leadership of the old butler of the Qi Family, and built an extremely gorgeous palace on the Fairy Peak.

The whole body of the palace is constructed of sapphire blue jade, which is particularly gorgeous under the starlight, just like the fairy palace in the mythology.

"It's so beautiful." Qi Ling'er looked at the beautiful palace with big gemstone-like eyes swollen and a little bit of stars twinkling. The girls were indeed beauty-loving creatures.

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