Super Finding App

Chapter 2168: Kind people (6)

Fortune Restaurant

"How is it, how is it? Are you two comfortable living here? Is this room satisfactory for you?"

Zhao Dazhen showed a bright smile, holding some buns in his hands and pushed open the door of the dormitory.

Zhang Xue, eleven or two, and Zhang Li, seven or eight, have each laid their own beds.

Don't look at Zhang Li who is only seven or eight years old, but it ’s true that a child from the poor is heading home early. He can do some simple tasks like making a bed at home.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao, thank you, Mr. Zhao, it ’s really good here. Thank you very much, Mr. Zhao, if I did n’t meet you, I do n’t know what to do, I do n’t know when Come to town "

The eleven-year-old Zhang Xue showed a bright smile, and quickly got up to respectfully let Zhao Dazhen enter the dormitory and sit down, all with a look of trust on his face.

"Don't say that, as the saying goes, rely on your parents at home and friends on the outside. Now that you are in trouble, I will naturally help you when I see it, but there are some things that you need to think about again. After all, you are still young It is not easy to work here. You are only eleven or twelve years old, and your sister is only seven or eight years old. If you are staying in this city, what if you encounter danger? Your parents are not Would you worry about you? Would you like to make a phone call and tell them, at least you can report peace, if we want to go back, we can send you back here. "

Zhao Daxi said babblely

"Don't, don't, Dasao Zhao, we don't want to go back, we really don't want to go back, we stole the uncle's melon by accident, if we let the parents know that they will kill us, this will definitely not go back, I just want to make some money, I want to work, and then I make money and pay it to Uncle Yu next door. Then my parents wo n’t hit us, and my father wo n’t hit us. ”

12-year-old girl Zhang Xue shook her head like a rattle

With a flustered look on his face

"Wait for what you say, you said you just stole a melon, a melon next door, so you ran away from home. Although you talked to me while you were on the road, I still heard some Too clear, can you explain it clearly? "

Dahao Zhao stopped for a moment, his face was incredible

She has encountered many situations, such as running away from home, but she really hasn't encountered running away after stealing a melon.

"Dao Zhao, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's nothing to do with my sister, it's nothing to do with my sister"

Seventy-eight-year-old Zhang Li raised her head and said milkily, muttering her own mouth

"It was because I wanted to eat melon in the first place, so I went to the next door and stole my uncle's melon. The elder sister didn't let me steal it, but I really couldn't help it, and was discovered by my uncle Yu. My uncle will tell my parents that he will hit us again. The elder sister is for me. He ran out. The elder sister said that as long as we do the work and pay the money to the uncle, we wo n’t. Hit us "

The seven-year-old girl said milkily

Although the sound is very soft like cotton, it explains the matter clearly.

"So it is, it is the same thing"

Zhao Dazhen paused for a moment, then reached out and patted his head, said with a long heart

"Well, I know what you said. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation, but this is just a melon. It is not worth mentioning at all. I will give you some money and I will send you back. Wouldn't it be wise if you pay this money back to your uncle next door? The outside world is very dangerous. I could not send you back when you were on the road in the wilderness, but now I ’m in the city, I hope You can go home faster, after all, you are too young. You are only 11 or 12 years old when you go to school. After graduation, you can go out to work and make money, not to mention that your sister is only 7 or 8 years old. It is really very dangerous. "

Zhao Daying said earnestly, stretched out his hand while talking, and took dozens of dollars out of his arms and passed them on.

"Oh, obedient, obedient, this money is for you. After a while, I will let my uncle here arrange for someone to drive and take you home directly?"

"Don't worry, as long as you obediently obey and lose money to your uncle, there should be no problems."

Zhao Dasong said intently.

"Dahao Zhao, Dahao Zhao, why are you so good to us? Why are you so good to us?"

The twelve-year-old girl Zhang Xue and the seven- or eight-year-old girl Zhang Li both had tears in their eyes. Looking at the dozens of dollars in their hands, the tears were falling down.

Really full of gratitude

"Children, children, I see if you are too young, don't do stupid things, one of you is eleven or twelve, and one of you is seven or eight. What if you meet a bad person? Listen to me, take this money home, I believe your parents must be very anxious, they will also be looking for you, so be sure to be obedient, I will let people drive you home

"When I get home, I pay your uncle, and then apologize to my parents. It should be fine. After you grow up, you can go out to work."

Zhao Dazhen showed a bright smile and a serious heart

"Okay, okay, we will listen to you then, we will listen to you then"

The eleven-year-old girl Zhang Xue and Zhang Li are nodding like chicks,

At this moment, they have already trusted Zhao Dazhen very much.

"Interesting, interesting, it seems that this is really a good person, after all, there are still many good people in this society."

Everything that happened in the dormitory quietly fell into a flat eye through the eyes of the soul, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

Although it is said that there is darkness in the world that cannot be shone by light, it is undeniable that the darker the place, the more precious the light is.

There are really many good people in this society

It ’s just that in most cases, good people do n’t need to praise and keep a name when they do things, nor do they need to be advertised.

Instead, those who have done bad things need to be advertised, because only in this way can they find the help of good people and bring the bad people to justice

I have to say that this also makes it always possible to find bad people on the network as if there are always more good people than good people

But in many cases, good people always do things silently.

Zhao Dazhen seems to be a good person.

Raising his head slowly, looking at the man with triangular eyes in front of him, his brows frowned tightly.

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