Super Finding App

Chapter 2167: Kind people (5)

"Yes, yes, we did come here to find our daughter. We came here to find our daughter. Have you seen a 11- or 2-year-old girl wearing red clothes and a 7- or 8-year-old girl wearing Did you see the pink clothes? Did you see them? "

The middle-aged rural woman hurriedly heard that her look became extremely nervous and flustered.

After listening to Cheng Yiping, he couldn't help but patted his head.

The rural people are indeed relatively simple. Although there are also claims that the poor are bad, the vast majority of the villagers are quite simple than the urban people.

The man who appeared suddenly didn't know what was going on. The middle-aged rural woman even told her about her situation

If the other person is really a liar, it must be a scam

Seeing the situation in front of him, Cheng Yiping couldn't help thinking of a news message he had seen before, which was also quite interesting.

All that is said is that people who look at you on the side of the road can only tell your situation one by one by looking at your hand. It feels like a magical trick like a fairy.

But in many cases, you do n’t know what you are saying. You have been completely neglected by the people on the roadside, and the words of the people on the roadside are almost hiding something. Mystery

All the explanations are his right, but for the people at that time, they will be flickering in the clouds, feeling that the other party is really a god, but to put it plainly, this is just a word.

But who is this suddenly appearing?

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed and he frowned slightly. He really felt very curious.

He could clearly see the two little girls in his soul dwelling. He was arranging his mattress and quilt in the dormitory at this moment, and he had never seen such a man in front of him.

This makes Cheng Yiping feel strange.

"It's really very strange. I haven't seen such a man within my soul avatar, but he can suddenly come out. What the **** is this, is it true? Do you have any other ideas? "

Although Cheng Yiping felt very strange, he did not speak, but waited quietly.

He believes that no matter what kind of things and methods a man in front of him has, he will always tell things in the end and the truth will be revealed at that time.

And Cheng Yiping was also curious what the purpose of this man would be

"Yes, yes, have you seen my daughter, our two daughters, one is a twelve or three year old girl, and one is only seven or eight years old. They ran away from home. Have you seen it? Have you ever see?"

Middle-aged rural man Lao Zhang also quickly asked, and for them no hope can be given up.

Although Cheng Yiping has told them that their two daughters are in the restaurant in front, they still have some uncertainty in the final analysis.

Hope to get the exact answer

"I saw it, I saw it, of course I saw it. I think it was probably more than an hour ago. I did see a middle-aged woman walking with a girl who was 11 or 12 and 7 or 8 years old. In the front restaurant, I was still thinking about what kind of relatives she thought came over, but after thinking about the impossible things, after all, she had no relatives, and I knew she was not a good person. "

"Sure enough, I'm right, he really is not a good person."

The man with triangular eyes reached out and patted his thigh, his tone became extremely excited, and he couldn't wait to say

Seems very proud of what he said

"What do you mean? What does it mean to be a bad guy, and what happened? Did our daughter meet a bad guy?"

Middle-aged rural man Lao Zhang asked quickly, his face became abnormally pale

"That's for sure. I tell you, it's not clear if you live here. The restaurant in front is the one called Fortune Restaurant. I will see the Fortune Restaurant with people who are three or five apart. Some children enter the restaurant, and then the child disappears after a few days. I think this is very strange. If you think about who will have some stray children every day for no reason or stray Han came to the restaurant, and it disappeared after a few days. Although the orphans and tramps had been said to have been sent away, but who knows whether it is true or false, but I heard rumors, that is just rumors. I don't know if it is true or false. "

The man with triangular eyes said nervously, with inexplicable brilliance flashing in his eyes

"But I heard that the people in the previous restaurant are said to be traffickers. They will deceive some missing people or put children in the restaurant. They can sell it after there is no wind, of course. It's just one of my conjectures. I don't know if it's true or not. I just watched you come here and ask you if you're here to find someone, and I was right. "

The man with the triangular eyes hurriedly said, patting his thigh while talking, his eyes widened



The restaurant in front turned out to be a trafficker

Will they kidnap the child?

How can this be

Absolutely not

Absolutely cannot

"Master, let's hurry over, let's hurry over, if you really let your child be abducted, then you just don't know what to do."

Middle-aged rural woman with a flustered face, quickly said

Even in the countryside, she knew very well that if the child was abducted, it would really be that the Emperor Gao was far away, and it was not easy to find it when the time came. ‘”

At the same time, the villagers who came to the countryside beside him also talked and talked.

"Yes, yes, what the **** is this, it will be a trafficker. What are you waiting for? Let's hurry up and rescue Zhang Xue and Zhang Li."

"Yes, yes, hurry up, hurry up, we have watched TV, but the traffickers will turn people into the old forest in the mountains. Even then, if they are found, the child may be spoiled. Click and save the child quickly "

"Don't worry, don't worry, we should call the police. The TV said that if an important situation is encountered, it should be reported immediately and let the police handle it."

"Okay, okay, of course the police will have to call the police, but when the police come, what should I do if we are late, then we go ahead and call the police while we pass, we want to save the child, we must save the child come back"

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